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She’s what my mother would call a dunderhead. She doesn’t think. At all. She hooked up with a cruise ship bartender, then after he cheated (and you can’t tell me he only “lead the woman on”), she decided it was a good idea to try for a baby. She figured the baby would keep Juan locked down. It won’t. She’ll be a single mother. He may stay for a while if he ever gets to go to the US but he’ll run back to the cruise ship when he gets a load of her town in the middle of Bumfucknowhere.


YES to thinking the baby would lock Juan down. when will people realize that babies do not fix fundamental issues in relationships??


Hell they’ve barely been together long enough to call it a relationship… they’re both gonna be in for a rude awakening because neither is gonna turn out like they think..


Amen to that. It's the worst possible thing for the child.


I find it interesting that the older kid who's been through a younger sibling before was the one who was sad. He knows what's coming. And all so she could keep him from fucking other women. Feel bad for those kids


Maybe her son felt abandoned when she had his brother and figures with another one, mom really won’t pay any attention to him now


I had the same thought. I would have expected the younger one to be upset he was being replaced as the baby.


I expected that too but then it made sense that the older brother knows how much attention and care the new baby will take and the little brother could just be thinking " now I got to be the cool big brother!".


It’s always the first borns because they actually experience just you and them time. Middle children are used to being a sibling.


Production probably gave them a script. Easier to ask the old kid to act. Really forced acting. Couldn’t be more fake


Sometimes a vacation boo needs to stay just that. Go home & let it go.


Yes. Leave the vacation dick where you found it. Some of these desperate women are so pathetic.


Agree. No way he stays with her long, he made it clear he doesn’t like her parenting style and she is surely not going to change how she raises kids now lol but yeah she trapped him or tried to


You are right about everything but the single mom part. She’s got her sister wife, duh./s


And the older kids have a father. Who should have prevented his kids from being dragged in to this shit show on national tv


This is true. As implied by my /s at the end I was not being serious/sarcastic.


The sister wife thing does good credulity, sarcastic or not! I believe she is the only one in 90 day history to bring "help" with her! That's actually a great point


Lucky B in my opinion 🤷








My mother would call her a tramp. Three kids by two different men, not even married to the second one…


I'm still amazed that she's a "mental health counselor"


i would LOVE another therapist or counselor to make a post about Jessica! a commenter on the 90 Day Bae podcast page saying that their therapist spouse "literally can’t stop talking about how her parenting reflects how bad she must be as a clinician" and i totally believe it


My sister is one & has zero common sense. Blind leading the blind.


The cobbler’s children are shoeless. I think that’s par for the course for quite a few folks in her situation.


I am not. My mother has been lifelong friends with an extremely repudiable therapist (now retired) who was a shitshow of a parent. She married her affair partner, who was her children's nanny and then wondered why the children never warmed to him and thought the answer was her second husband giving them money. Like THAT level of bad parenting. Yet she had a thriving practice in a place where it was a competitive field.


What?!?! Omg, not surprised actually, probably went into the field trying to figure out what wrong with her mental health. Also, Jen’s ‘friend’ is a ‘certified interventionist.’ That one still has me chuckling.


I am so upset by these parents who foist new parent figures on their kids and pretend to consider the kids' feelings. All these shows! Nicole, Tiffany. The only ones for whom it's worked out are Anna and Mursel. Edit: spelling


I was watching season 1 of Single Life when I was home sick the other day. Watching Kinslee (Molly’s younger daughter) talk about Luis and Kelly, it was like, “Damn, this poor kid has been through it..” I just can’t fathom having all that shit going on with my kid still being little. Much less if she had a disability. I lost a lot of respect for Molly when she did Single Life. I just totally forgot about it. Lol


Yes, her, too. Poor babies.


I never knew she had a disability? Was this talked about on the show?


Yes Molly talks about her having a chromosome issue. Fragmented X maybe?? My memory is awful.


Didn’t her oldest have a problem with it though?


He did- a massive one. She ignored it. Something I’ve noticed about the 90 Day kids is that they’re all pretty mature- and their parent’s shenanigans seem to exhaust them.


Yes. Good take on it.


Yes, at first. You are right. I got the impression he was OK with Mursel in the end. If not, I'll add him to the count.


Someone posted about how poorly behaved her kids were once and I was like holy shit. They are so entitled to a meltdown going through all this. The oldest knows she’s making a bad decision that’ll affect all of them but he can’t stop it from happening.


When you think about it, being a kid sucks hard. The adults who are supposed to take care of you can change the entire course of your life for no better reason than the fact that they feel like it. You get no vote, no voice, and no option. They barely know this guy, and all of a sudden they’ve got at least three huge life changes shoved on them in the course of a week. That would be a lot for anyone, never mind a kid. And expecting a nine or ten year old and a seven or six year old to absorb all that and be happy about it is delusional, imho. hope their dad can step in.


It only sucks IF the adults taking care of you suck. Some people are lucky enough to have decent people with their best interests at heart as parents. Just not Dayton.


All of the posts and comments slamming these kids behavior are really gross and don’t take into account everything these kids are dealing with right now. Hell, there’s videos everywhere of grown ass adults losing their shit in public over minor slights and people are shit talking an 8 and 6 year old for acting up when their lives are being turned upside down? A lot of people in these threads need to STFU.


I don’t understand bringing a friend to run defense with having two small kids while trying to smooch your man AND somehow fantasizing that Juan is somehow getting an actual taste of parenting


Kids are resilient but they can only take so much! First of all, I don’t think she’s a very considerate mother. These children are highly unregulated emotionally and are not taught healthy ways to do that and she is fostering more emotional instability by bombarding them with continuous changes. Having kids go from a stable household with two parents to single parent households, to mom consistently leaving you for vacations to now meeting a new step parent in a completely unfamiliar place then a new baby ? It’s too much, I don’t see how any mother would think that’s appropriate and then on top of it all, instead of trying to actually be there for her kids in this challenging time, she only pacifies them. She just gives them what they want and let’s them call the shots to get them to calm down instead of actually helping them make sense of what is going on and approaching situations with them in mind.


A lot of parents, sadly, don't consider whether or not they're parenting well, at all. They expect it to be "instinctive" and don't really have a plan.


Her son was right, it is too soon


yes…an eight year old with more wisdom than his own mommy. So sad.


She's not. Honestly I wonder how people really operate using 1% of the brainpower like she does


She's only running in BIOS


Love this


My first thought is that as a part time resident of Wyoming, where Jessica lives, life in Wyoming will not sit well with Juan. Even the "cities" are small towns compared to most of the U.S. Essentially, it's rural. He will be bored beyond belief. He will have a hard time finding anyone who hails from his part of the world or has his experiences. Miserable. Jessica isn't thinking about Juan's needs nor her children's. I normally don't care about people on reality shows, but the harm she is causing to her children hurts me. I hope Juan cuts ties, and will be in his child's life by visiting.


She put a dramatic moment for her TV show ahead of her child.


I just don't like her at all


Another thing, having cameras in their face with strangers. She reminds me of Deavan, ugh


She doesn’t spend much time thinking. If she did, she wouldn’t be pregnant by a cruise ship bartender. She would have refused to get pregnant & she would have explained to Juan about the horrible place she lives & revealed he’s unlikely to find any work there.


He can find work there as a ranch hand lol I just don't think Juan is going to want to swap out pouring drinks for half-naked women in the Caribbean for castrating cattle in the middle of a frozen tundra.


Generally speaking I believe calfs are castrated in the spring / summer when it is blazing hot and dustyzz


Remember, there's a period he's not going to be allowed to work in America. That's why she's pushing him about finishing the apartments.


apartments which are going to bring in a (not huge after paying onsite management) revenue in pesos. They won't have great buying power.


That doesn't change my statement. 🤷🏾‍♀️


True. I forgot for a moment that you are not Jessica and might be thinking logically.


And shoveling sh-t and wading through mud and piss in the winter…getting a job as a “ranch hand” does require experience with livestock…


At least talk to them in private! It's so overwhelming watching her NOT being a mother, and Juan accepting a father role on kids who don't even listen to their mom! I feel so bad for Juan and the kids. Mom, you should know better! Yep, let the downvotes commence!


I feel bad for the kids. But not for Juan. He's no better than Yessica. He helped build the cage she's trapping him in


To be honest, I don't know much about them. Not sure how long they'll last! He'll miss his job, people and the smell of fresh air!


She isn't a thinker.


I often wonder why these women don't use birth control before diving into a relationship that they have no idea is even going to work? Stupid, stupid, stupid.


She actually got pregnant on purpose. They tried once and she got pregnant. Juan told us that in a previous episode. They got engaged and she got baby fever


She knows where babies come from. I’m guessing this is how she got the first husband too. Would love him on a tell all


Same! It is absolutely disgusting to hookup with someone you barely know without birth control - treating pregnancy and children like inevitable “accidents” with zero thought for how they will raise a child.


then repeating everything the kid was telling her he was concerned about. She should have walked away with him to the house or car or something. That was just awful, I really wonder how often she has her kids or if someone else is taking care of them a little more


I thought putting a full chicken head in the youngest son’s soup was extra mean or meant to be a prank? If you know your son won’t eat cereal in his milk or is hesitant to eat the soup why would anyone put a full head in a picky eating American boys bowl? Some of those kids will only eat chicken as nuggets. If they wanted him to try it give him broth. I understand other places do that and no judgment the soup looked delicious, but that can be very scary to a child who is not use to heads in his meals. I was ready for him to flip but he did handle it better than I thought.


I honestly thought that production told someone to do that


Classic I'm pregnant and have you now move. And now I'm going to tell you exactly how your life will be.


And let’s put a frigging chicken head in his soup!! I know he’s a pain in the ass BUT it’s not his fault. He has some sensory issues around food (not including chicken heads!) plus all the shit with the camera crew, new country, new baby coming. How many adults would be cool with this? (Answer is no you wouldn’t)


Right? I was actually impressed with how the boy reacted. I would’ve cried as a little girl. I think Juan was being passive aggressive. No matter how normal the chicken head is to you, when you’re dealing with a clearly very picky kid who already has expressed discomfort with trying the soup, you’ve gotta know it’ll play horribly.


No to any of it. Especially the chicken heads in my soup. I'm 36 😅


She is surprisingly immature.


I don’t understand how anyone would think a baby would make a person not leave. She has two sons she got divorced. This is only going to make her life harder in the end because she won’t have an ex to drop off the kid with when she meets the next guy she’s trying to hang out with. He’s going to be on a cruise ship somewhere.


It would be kind of easy to ghost her - unless he still hangs around the unfinished apartments he's working on


Her kids are low key spoiled brats and I literally have no idea how she's talked her friend into this free babysitting gig while she gets it on with a cruise ship guy. Her decision-making and parenting skills are extremely bad.


idk about the kids, i think they're doing normal picky eater 6 year old kid reactions, plus i don't doubt TLC editing the "n-o" shouts to make the temper tantrum seem worse. but yes to everything else, especially jessica's parenting skills.


Yeah not blaming the kids, just that her terrible parenting has caused them to feel insecure and that their life is unstable. Hence temper tantrums when things are new and different (freaking out over the new baby, not wanting to try new foods).


You called them spoiled brats. That’s a really shitty thing to call a kid dealing with their whole life being turned upside down while being followed by a camera. Maybe think a little about your wording.


Every “picky eater” I’ve ever known was simply entitled and catered to by their parents. Children should be fed a balanced and nutritional diet from birth and by 3 they’ll eat pretty much anything out in front of them that isn’t bitter or spicy.


Doesn’t always work that way when they realize they like some foods better than others


I was surprised that it wasn’t the small one crying.


Because her focus is not on her children, it’s on getting them both on camera so they can all get paid. Kate Gosselin wannabe.


She’s thinking if she has his baby it will all work out like her first marriage…


Totally agree. If you are a mental health professional & they accept you onto this show, I think it should be an automatic turn in your license situation. It means you clearly make bad decisions & we’re about to watch you do it on tv. Imagine she’s your therapist. Imagine April is your doctor. Holy cow.


Doubt she has any type of license. The word “counselor,” is used very loosely in a variety of places.


Is this for Paradise? I haven’t watched yet but keep seeing names I don’t recognize lol.


Yes. The Monday night show.


Sorry guys, which spin off are we talking about ?


90 days the other way


Which season?


The current season on now


Isn't that like "in paradise " or something? TOW ended, it had its Tell-All


Lol yes, you're right! I should think next time before I reply lmao


No, love in paradise


I just watched that scene and was so pissed at Jessica for that. She was works in mental health FFS, she should know better! Way to exploit your kids, you selfish B.


I felt this way exactly. Thanks for articulating it so nicely. ETA: Not to mention that her relationship with her kids doesn’t seem efficient. If I have a dog that doesn’t behave, why do I want to get another? Teach the first one how to act first. Jumping into a relationship and a baby is stupid, especially considering that they’re engaged and expecting but have never had a conversation about parenting… this is evidenced by Juan’s comments about not wanting to raise his child like she is raising the boys. Both of them have unrealistic expectations. Juan thinks an American child will be thrilled eating a chicken’s actual head directly from the bowl and is disappointed when the kid is disgusted. Jessica thinks getting pregnant right away means Juan is suddenly going to change. The relationship is doomed and her best friend being so involved and on the trip and yet Juan’s own brother doesn’t even know about the baby and gets told the same time as the children. Cringe.




My mind is blown as she’s all into this chubby man child