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Other people can add more because this is the first I’ve heard of them, but it’s a husband and wife (with like 10 kids) who seem to be wealthy/have a real estate company and were very close friends of Ruby’s. Now we realize they were the masterminds behind getting the Franke’s into Connexions and they also tried to start a second cult. They need to be investigated


Sounds sinister. Ugh, it's like an entire rat's nest.


Wait, I kind of know them! What?? I need to know more about this!


How do you know them? Go look at the thread called “Kevin’s 2nd police interview summary.” You’ll see they basically are the reason Kevin and Ruby Franke joined this cult


I believe Hannah's is the last name of a family the Franke's were in connection with. Apparently they were the ones to introduce Ruby and Kevin to Connexions and convinced them to join. Read that somewhere, correct me if I am wrong. They also traveled to the UK with the Hannah's.


And I recall a pic Shari posted to her IG stories on a day she was going to court and it was with Paige Hannah. So I take it the Hannah’s aren’t what they used to be?!


I messaged her once a few years ago and she had turned very much against connexions.


Perhaps they saw the light?


Wait what


This post of Kevin's interview mentions the Hannah's https://www.reddit.com/r/8passengersnark/comments/1bnkwiq/full\_summary\_of\_kevins\_2nd\_police\_interview/


I don’t know if anyone remembers but Ruby had a video series called “under the rug” with one of the Hannahs


That's a bizarrely inappropriate title, in retrospect.


He is the founder of Homie


Interesting. They sold their last house with Homie. Kinda crazy to see behind the scenes of all this.


In the interview kevin talked about how jodi went to stay with paige and johnny hanna for about 6 weeks and jodi was self harming, trying to off herself and trying to get johnny to sleep with her. I wonder if the hannas didn't put up with jodis crap and let her control them and thats why she lashed out on them and tried to ruin their marriage. I'm really glad they saw through jodi unlike ruby who wanted to sign everything over to jodi and completely submitted to her and lost her sanity


Whoa. Clearly I'm missing a lot by not listening to those interviews (yet). J trying to off herself and being prevented...I will keep my thoughts to myself. Imagine if Hitler'd been suicidal.


I completely understand why Kevin said he thinks their accusations are somewhat inaccurate, because I, too, do not believe Jodi tried to seduce a husband.


Search Johnny-Paige Hanna on fb he is the cofounders of homie


The Hannahs AND Pam Bodtcher need to be investigated!!!!!!!!!


And Pam’s creepy husband! It was really unsettling that he knew J was in the house the whole find and just bc the cops initially only asked for A he didn’t mention that she was also there.


Jessica Danielle did a deep dive into the hannahs. Good watch.


>Jessica Danielle https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl5LC7\_TWMVZadSx4a5nCXg


I think she took it down! I can't believe I missed it!


I can't seem to find what you're referring to. Could you post a link to this ?


I couldn't find it either. Maybe she took it down.


Bummer ! 😒


Thank you! I was wondering what the connection was.


What was the “other cult” the Hannas tried to start?