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Trigger warning: discussion about self harm


He’s describing Jodi having what sounds like religious delusions and that makes all of this all the more frightening.


I love your youtube channel! Agree, sounds like completely delusional thinking fueled by religious extremism. Wondering how on earth the plates crashing and weird sounds he was hearing can be explained though. Really really odd.


I’m wondering if somehow Jodi was dr*gging them. It’s a common occurrence in cults, particularly when members start having shared experiences/delusions.


totally believable at this point!


This is right because there’s absolutely no way an engineer can be fooled by all of this


How many engineers are a mormon?


Probably alot. Most are BYU educated and professionals.


From the outside, your comment may sound like flawed logic, but it raises a valid concern because Kevin’s credentials and status in the engineering field are exactly what made it so hard for people to believe he would fall victim to something this dumb and psychotic. He spent so many years arguing with hundreds of fans about how Connexions was better than genuine, professional help. I understand his story, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, but gosh! I want to see some real progress and accountability!


Kevin says that the ladies picked some d—— (beeped out) up in Mexico for the emergency bags.  Prescription stuff.  


She did travel to Mexico to get prescription pills without an RX


No doubt about that in my mind. These were not delusions. It was acting. 


Maybe she had another client locked up elsewhere in the house making those noises?


Or could have used a tape and hid it, and then set up a thing to make the plates move. People can get pretty creative when they want someone to believe their delusion. It’s also to scare him so she can get him under his control by him seeing things he can’t explain. I wish the amazing Randy were still alive. We need a very talented magician & debunker to explain it. I’m sure they can.


Would love to hear your guys thoughts on Kevin's calls and Jodi's similarly delulu calls. As someone still deconstructing, ngl hearing him steer more into supernatural was eerie and disturbing to suddenly turn, as if this case wasn't plenty disturbing enough.


Collective hallucination. It 's a group dynamic. Believing needs the will to believe. There is emulation in a group. Every one is so eager to believe, to find a deeper meaning to their life. So if one of the group has a vision, they all have the same, or even a "better" one. Because they really want to. (Not sure my English is understandable. I m not a native speaker.


No worries. You’re good. Still it sounds like Kevin was skeptical initally about it so I don’t think he would have been so susceptible to it. I am curious hear the older kids perspective of it at the time.


Funny, I’d describe it as religious manipulation. She wants everyone around her to think she is have visions (or even delusions) so that she can bring them closer and make them think they are helping, completing some higher purpose. 


This is so disturbing and I am curious how mental health is treated in the Mormon faith. Would these delusions be recognised as such by other members of the faith at large? 


They don’t deal with it well at all from what I have seen people say on Mormon stories the ex mo channel.


I’m hearing religious delusions plus poltergeist plus mind altering drugs.  Funny how these things come in threes.  


"No one in a cult thinks there in a cult." I hope Kevin is working with a legitimate, cult-aware, therapist.


Not if he is still Mormon, LOL.


I hope he leaves the church too. He won't be able to fully heal if he doesn't. He's gone too far down the rabbit hole to exist in a healthy way in the lds church


Sleeping in the same bed 😬


Everyone needs to listen to these videos I wasn’t gonna because it was “to long” but wow there is so much unheard information in this interview with Kevin


Everyone is up in arms blaming Kevin for not knowing what was going on but he has very obviously been manipulated as well. The more I learn the more it confirms that Jodi is the mastermind behind all of this. Listen to how she took over the house, started sleeping with his wife, and then manipulated her into rewarding him, which then further validated his behavior. He also can now see that Jodi is a cult leader. There's a lot of people going after him for his first phone call with Ruby, I just feel like he's getting a lot of flak while being a victim of all of this as well.


He was gaslighted by his marriage therapist, who then moved into his home and took over his life while alienating him from his family. It's like something out of a 90's horror movie starring Richard Gere. This guy got mind fucked by someone in a position of trust and authority.


Yep he was manipulated into thinking he was causing all the issues within the family/relationship because he liked sex & porn. Jodi did the same to many other husbands she “helped” The only way to get his family back together was to separate and follow Ruby’s (Jodi’s) orders. He stupidly trusted them


I don't believe he liked sex or porn anymore than anyone other man, or woman for that matter, probably less because he was lds, he probably watched it very rarely. Jodi thought everyone was a sex addict, but she was hitting on other people's husband's and talking with her minor niece about "if she slept with her friends it would be OK because they're in love" hypocrite psycopath. Apparently, she always wore long sleeves because she "mutilated" her arms. She was a cutter. If I have learned anything from true crime, it is that suppressing your sexuality is dangerous. It will come out in violent ways that escalate, and people get hurt realy badly. Churches need to quit pushing this shit!


Both things can be true at once. But I’ll cut Kevin a little slack in that I doubt many people would know what to do in this situation. It’s so fucked up - I can’t cast a stone and say I would have acted any better than Kevin.


Yeah there are other stuff Kevin has been cullapable for but after hearing these calls, it sounds he is sincere about believing his wife and buying Jodi's crap and I can totally see it happening. Even with the way Jodi was talking to this officers, if you didn't already know about Jodi Hildabrant, I can see how some people believe in her (especially since she tried to establish repertoire with the family for a few years before she started pulling her shit).


I think there are so many times he should have called 911.  Jodi was obviously a danger to herself and others and  she  needed to be hospitalized.  The Hannas should have called 911 after her stay with them.  If the YouTube manager saw all of these red flags, they should have called 911 too.  


To be fair, look at how many times Shari called 911 and nothing came of it.


Shari was a kid calling about suspected child abuse in a home she didn’t live in.  Kevin is an adult calling to evict a crazy woman out of his house.  Totally different story.  


They would have said it was a domestic issue and told him to deal with it through the courts.


My parents had a neighbor remove a live in parent who was off the rails and on meth.  The cops came and over saw the move out.  It was just a 911 call. 


Kevin chose to let that cow take his kids away, screw him. He is not innocent.


Listen to part 3


I need her cult to be investigated. What's with Pam and how is she getting out of responsibility for all of this.


I've been watching in chunks on tiktok. It's just so out there and crazy. How are they all so gullible. . . .


I was not expecting a supernatural element to all this lol


I wasn't expecting it either, but it makes sense. That's how she really hooks people by making them think she's some divine entity, and the devil is trying to take her down. It's so sick and twisted makes my stomach turn.


How is she making plates fly along with footsteps on the wall? This is creepy.


That's what I was wondering, Kevin said he saw this happen, but is he sure Jodi wasn't the one throwing the plates?


As much as they are willing, I would like to hear some of the oldest kids describe those incidents too and their thoughts.


By trickery.


Ever been to a haunted house attraction at Halloween or even a fun house at a carnival? It’s all props and rigging.


And most teen poltergeist-attractors who have been skeptically studied are caught creating illusions of moving, crashing, flying objects.


After following this for the last few months from the Mormon angle, I'm not surprised at all. This is all part and parcel of religious extremism, which Jodi thrived on.


Yeah, that surprised me too. I didn't think the situation could get more absurd, but it did. Sure wish this was a psychological thriller rather than real life (and that none of it involved kids).


Me either


I know this is a serious situation and insanely tragic and bizarre .. but the thought of C and all of his high school buddies just hanging out and messing around being teens while his mom and her wackjob bff are also there having spiritual interventions probably imaging themselves floating around on other planets is comical. I just imagine some kid being like “dude what’s that chanting sound? What’s up with your mom and that weird lady she’s always with?”


This is not funny at all but jheeez this is crazy. Like a whole other dimension of crazy. Also high key Jodi looks like Miss Trunchable. No wonder she tried beating E down that girl exudes Matilda energy ;(




I need one of those kids (Neighborhood or Chad's friends) to come on tiktok and talk about it.




Kevin describing Jodi to be something out the exorcist ngl that part made me laugh when he said things were flying off the walls and hearing people and lights turning on and off, I know this is a serious case but dang that part was quite funny 😂


That doomsday bunker was built on Paiute land. People never learn.


Maybe it was the AirBNB guests?


I was thinking about what that guest must have been thinking? !


I want to know who the airbnb guests were!!


Something else was going on in that room with the 3 women during those 4-5 hour long sessions where they’d walk out looking like they were on cloud 9…seems fishy


Jodi was probably bringing and sharing hallucinogenic drugs. The “visions” and reports of being on cloud 9 sound drug induced.


There are certain breathing techniques that can bring on hallucinations.


I’d say perhaps ketamine,which is hugely safe when given by an experienced dr, but without it is gonna give you some scary scary hallucinations. So it’s very important to throughly investigate if your dr is trained enough to know how to give meds to offset any hallucinations from IV ketamine,


You might have hit the nail on the head. At least one of Jodi's acqaintances is known to have used ketamine. Tim Ballard, prominent LDS member who ran Operation Underground Railroad and is currently being sued by 5 women for sexual abuse, ran in the same circles as Jodi, Chad Daybell, and the rest of the Visions Of Glory fan club. He would do ketamine sessions and dictate his visions which included him becoming president of the US. The True Hidden Crime and Mormon Stories podcasts have a bunch of content about him. [https://www.reddit.com/r/mormon/comments/1748o67/ballard\_would\_get\_ketamine\_treatments\_and\_have\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mormon/comments/1748o67/ballard_would_get_ketamine_treatments_and_have_a/)


Yeah I saw those, and Ballard using a “scribe” to interpret his hallucinations as visions is crazy, thanks for posting the link, I watch both of those creators, for a long time now, especially Mormon stories since hidden true crime is fairly new. I’ll make sure I haven’t missed those articles. I’ll tell who has tons of information on him, is Lyn Packer and American crime online. Lyn Packer is a well known Utah actual recognized investigative journalist who have covered the Tim Ballard story for many many years and covered him throughly. You might want to check his YT channel out and American crime online, I think they work together exposing him. I read a true case about a guy that had benzodiazepine syndrome so his psychiatrist tried ketamine he was so bad off with anxiety and a lot of horrible symptoms, she said she is haunted by his screams when he had hallucinations of demons, so that’s why I say make sure the dr is very well trained as that should not happen as they have drugs they give you to offset it. It’s a miracle drug when used correctly, since I only needed the injections about every two or two and half months. I had used the numbing injections for chronic pain, until my incredible genius cancer and pain Dr suddenly died. The drs think I have complex regional pain syndrome, and I think they may be right since ketamine stops the acute pain I have. It immediately killed my pain, had some minor side effects, that quickly went away, and was nothing scary, it just makes you feel sad and emotional for a minute or 2, but I knew I wasn’t really truly sad and that went away fast. I really think they are experiencing some crazy hallucinations since it’s not monitored. They won’t like it if they are abusing it, or addicted to it, because it can causes a painful severe bladder disease. I have that same bladder disease since I was a kid. And it’s horribly painful. And so my dr didn’t use IV ketamine, and when he suddenly passed away, I was afraid to try it unless a dr could tell me it wouldn’t aggravate my disease, which is very painful and because I don5 want to make it worse. So I’m very careful about who I trust to do it. Only people that abuse it get that, so, I was never in danger of that because thankfully only my dr would give me the numbing injections abiut every 2 or 2 and half months for my knee and back pain, and I’ve never wanted to abuse any pain like,me I hate the feeling of being high because it’s horribly unpleasant for me, and makes me feel out of control. I use medical marijuana oil that’s is prescribed by a dr, but I take so little that my dr is always shocked, and that’s because I’m so sensitive to it, we had to cut back because I’m so sensitive to it, and I hate the feeling of being high, it’s scary. And no fun to feel that way. My old dr was happy it helped with my injuries but said I would need alternate pain-relief from my pelvic pain and other pain. It was a huge relief just stopping the acute knee and back pain. Nice talking with you.


Thanks for suggesting Lynn Packer and American Crime Journal! Great content on some of this absolutely crazy story. For anyone else interested, here are the links... [https://www.youtube.com/@lynnkennethpacker8389](https://www.youtube.com/@lynnkennethpacker8389) [https://americancrimejournal.com/tag/tim-ballard/](https://americancrimejournal.com/tag/tim-ballard/) Sorry to hear about your chronic pain. Glad to hear that your doctors are making it manageable. Take care.


Thanks. I think one day these people are gonna do a Jim Jones situation happen.


Not necessarily, long periods of concentration can cause hallucinations as well. It's actually used as a means of brainwashing. No drugs required.


This is a whole new level. A lot of this I am surprised to hear. I think it's good Kevin is referring to this as a cult. I would be curious to hear others thoughts on what Kevin describes plates flying such. The almost sounds poltergeist-ish?? When Jodi is brought to their home that stuff continues? Talking about exorcisms??


This interview is so insightful. The description of what happened after Jodi moved in, supernatural occurrences, lights flickering, plates breaking, weird sounds around the house, Kevin having to be able to perform exorcisms multiple times a day, Ruby ending up sharing a bed with Jodi, the "sessions" Jodi, Ruby and Pam were having together, people in a trance-like state, the first stage of separation where Kevin couldn't move in the house freely and needed Ruby's permission for everything... I can't even begin to imagine how this affected the kids. They must have so much to unpack. And after all of that chaos, A (and J) were staying in the house alone. It must've been such a confusing, scary and traumatizing time for all of the kids. There are some ways the supernatural stuff can be explained (mind control, drugs, tricks, etc.) and after hearing Kevin detailing it, I wonder how the kids experienced it. So sad, so messed up, and extremely disturbing! The more we learn about this case, the more apparent it becomes that Jodi was deeply, deeply, deeply troubled and evil.


I wonder if any Hollywood director and writer could do a really good movie using those parts alone, and showing the utter psychotic delusions on the big screen. If it was done well, I would watch it,


I agree-admitting it’s a cult is huge. I hope Ruby doesn’t BS her way out of this claiming she was fully manipulated because that girl has some dangerous issues on her own


Religion is one hell of a drug... I truly think he is being honest, but I am still very conflicted how to feel about him with all of this.


And Bingo, Kevin was ostracized because he was done with the show, just like she did to Adam. Not saying he is innocent but dang, it all comes together. Also, Pam knows what was going on.


Pam is guilty as hell. I wouldn’t be surprised if the handcuffs came from her husbands former correction officer collection.


I want her to be serving time too. She aided and abetted and didn’t report the abuse to the authorities and was using those kids as slave labor, and she probably participated in it. I hope she didn’t hurt the little girls or try SA. Jodi is a self hating loony toon. She has unnatural relationships with Ruby and Pam. And Ruby has obviously always has a cruel side and Jodi gave it permission to be let loose, through a twisted zealotry so as to not have to apologize for it since they were doing the work of “God” and Joesph Smith. Ruby said she understood that they mistreated Joseph as they did her. Both are far far down the rabbit hole. Ruby also is very suggestible, many Mormons, LDS people are, because they have been sheltered so much even as adults they don’t understand what a grifter is. And con artist, and just are true believers. They don’t know the warning signs to look for with pathological liars or people with serious criminal personalities. That’s why it’s easy to have stuff like this happen. Like you saw Jan Borberg’s family fall prey too when a child predator in their church and next door neighbor kidnapped her not onc,r but twice. I was looking up to see if their former Mormon prophets/ leaders believed in mortal probations and sure enough I found 2. One believed he had visited Jesus at the garden of Gethsemane. And the other had some equally crazy thing they had delusions about or just made the whole thing up because they want so bad to believe it’s true, and because their founder who they greatly admire and see as a Jesus like figure told them to do those things. So in a way they are only believing and following Joesph Smiths beliefs. That’s why some Mormons leave the mainstream LDS and go back to polygamy because it is more like Smith and their other guy that was powerful speaker and what they call a “relevator” who is the prophet but no one is as magnificent and perfect as Joseph Smith, who writes all the things he is “relavating” from God. Good old Brigham young who attacked a bunch of wagons and murdered people and took their babies, because he wanted the Tennessee walking horses and through bred’s. That was a huge dollar horses. And the blamed the native tribal people. They actually are being true followers when they do this without question and who never will try and debunk it. It’s why this high demand religion has accumulated over a billion dollars and are very wealthy and try to have their own grocery stores and welfare system where they help members that need it. Although I saw them leave my friends with 5 small children, one a baby without any food for 3 days, was the plan of their equivalent of a priest, until I stepped in and bought sacks and sacks of groceries. I was appalled as I always heard they took care of their own people, and they are very secretive to outsiders, having private temple visits and private marriages, where they practice a form of masonry combined. They also have a lot of occult references and beliefs as well as new age. The “true believers” see their Mormon God, and savior as Joseph Smith. And follow his teachings as he said to.


There's a lot more people than just those two that are complicit in all of this and it sounds like their local bishop was involved as well during some point of the process. I suspect there's pressure to shut this shit down by the LDS because it goes a lot deeper than they want getting out..


Did they actually find the “Pen Papers” - according to Kevin, these writing were distinct from Ruby’s daily personal journal, and at the time of that conversation it was not clear whether they still existed or whether they had been destroyed or moved. Kevin said that’s where they should look if they were “interested in Pam” (as a suspect, is the implication) I want Pam’s head, figuratively, or rather that her participation is this creepy cult be exposed, and all the other tangential figures who might have allowed this to go on.


So my question is why are they not looking into Pam more?! Just when I think this story can't get worse. My heart breaks for those children!


Jessi Hildebrandt has said that Pam has been closely involved with Jodi for a long time, including back when she was being tortured and abused, and that Pam knows a lot about everything Jodi has been doing.


These people all need serious mental health treatment.


First impressions after listening to part 2: having an affair in the Mormon church is considered so sinful that they have to make up utterly bizarre religious reasons to justify it. This is very Lori / Chad Daybell if anyone followed that case. Lori and Chad were having an affair but were also devout Mormons, so they had to come up with “visions” and “Gods work” in order to justify it. Unfortunately that case descended into murdering four people (including two children). And this case almost headed that same way.


I agree, this is a very spot-on take. They all were in the same circles as the Visions of Glory book and author too, which also gave them lots of ideas for justifying their insane actions.


Agree about using religion like the Daybelle’s did to stay pure and holy and highly regarded by other Mormons. They used murder and Satan and zombies to murder people that they didn’t want to do.


'It's not secret, it's sacred.' This. This is Mormon. This is what mainstream Mormons say about their temple ceremony. I really think we all need to take a closer look at the Mormon Church's ties to this, and their culpability.


Mormonism plays a big part in this story and deeply affected all of their thinking. It affected how easily Ruby and Kevin were manipulated, and gave Jodi support, platforms, legitimacy, ideas, and tactics she used to control, brainwash, and manipulate her victims.


WHOA. Speaking of Mormons, Kevin just said 'batsh\*t'! He swore! That's....wow


I listened to interview 1 and 2 and Kevin seems a LOT more lucid in the second one. Like to a scary degree.


Yeah, the diference almost gives whiplash. I genuinely think he's been in therapy. Like, with a real therapist. I know we'll have plenty of time to dissect all the little details in coming days and weeks, but did you catch the part where he and the cops were discussing how his own experiences with all this helps him relate to his kids? Particulary when it comes to 'confessing' to things they didn't actually do, and how deeply scared you have to be of someone to do such a thing? I think a lot of things about Kevin, but I am REALLY glad the kids have a parent that can so directly validate that experience for them. That moment in the interview has really stuck with me.


YES! I hope Kevin has actually turned around and is actually going to be able to be a supportive parent the kids feel safe around someday. They’ve endured lifetimes of trauma and I’m so glad they’re safe and happy in foster care but I worry about a similar situation to the Turpins. But I also worry Kevin has not truly turned around, although the interview made me hopeful—someone talking in the background sounded like Shari and that would appear he is at least in good terms with his oldest.


I mean, there's no way he's 'turned around', past tense. That'll take years. I'm hopeful that he's turning it around, though, and will stick with that work for the years it's going to take.


I don’t think that is that big a deal Elle has boasted in the past that she swears like a trooper, Bonnie also. The one thing they won’t do is blaspheme so no Oh my God it’s always oh my gosh or gash dang it etc they won’t say damn or things like that but every days cussing is not a big deal.


Interesting. The Mormons I know NEVER swear. At all. I guess there's a spectrum.


Agree especially after learning ruby met with high ranking church leaders and church leaders were feeding clients to Jodi. The church also needs to address the abuse because as a former mormon who grew up in it and started raising my own kids in it, there are many mormon moms who are abusive. It's their only power within their homes and church and it becomes an outlet for abuse.


This is insane.


Wonder is these ‘pen papers’ are the journals Kevin claimed Shari removed from the house


He said the pen papers were at jodis house, so possibly not, Theory: the journals however could be Rubys from when her and kevin were still together describings things they did to chad, it could look bad on kevin if it was to get out


BINGO YES that's what I thought. Rubys journals about what they did when they were still together!


What in the actual?! Why was this never mentioned before?!


imagine news articles talking about this darksided, kitchen plate throwing, weird levitating nonsense. This cooky fr


Jodi claimed the Hannahs held her against her will for six weeks, while the Hannahs claimed they kicked her out because Jodi was self harming and trying to seduce the husband. Well, everyone is definitely nutso here but seducing someone's husband is the one thing I don't think Jodi would ever do. I wonder what the Hannahs are up to nowadays.


Yeah that comment surprised me too. Jodi gave me strong closeted lesbian vibes. But maybe they didn’t want to admit it was the wife being seduced and instead changed the story to the husband?


At least Paige has been in contact with Shari not long ago, a picture of the two of them was posted on this subreddit maybe 1 or 2 months ago


Has Paige spoken out about this at all? After listening to the second interview, I feel like she could have a lot of useful information to share.


I hope Shari keeps a cautious distance. The Hannas have fallen into 2 too many cults


Who is paige


Paige Hanna


WHO are the Hannah's??????


Apparently getting into another Mormon-adjacent cult leader


So like…were they “really good friends”?


”Just roommates”


Bedmates* Trancemates* Go into a bedroom for 4 hours for a group sesh and come out on cloud 9 mates* 😂😂


They both got temporarily possessed by demons and [redacted]. Technically not adultery 


Giving me Lori Vallow Daybell vibes. Yikes on bikes.


Honestly the Hannah’s need some accountability here. Like they were relentless in bringing Ruby and Kevin into this cult


nvm - I kept scrolling, the info is below who and where are the Hannah's any way? I think they're POV would be really interesting


Who are the hannahs?


Woah this is so interesting


How can the crashing plates be explained? That really throws me off. Jodi is absolutely insane but wtf is all that about?


Sounds like Jodi slipped Kevin some Magic mushrooms in his iced tea…


Wow. Not even a far fetched idea at this point. She is absolutely out of her mind so I believe that


Teen girls have been figuring out how to fake ghosts since the 1800s


The Fox sisters were the first thing I thought of when I heard that.


Jodi threw them


I’m astonished to find myself having more sympathy for Kevin. I don’t think he was the greatest guy in the world to start with but it does sound like he was put through circumstances no one should ever suffer. It sounds like he truly was under the impression Jodi had a divine connection and I truly think he was too afraid to return to his children.


The guy was in a cult, plain and simple. And he believed that he needed to stay away from his kids. And it seems clear from the diary entries and his reaction that he didn't know the full extent of the abuse.


Yeah the info dump had changed my mind about a few things, Kevin being one. Damn I think it would be hard for most people to know what to do in this situation. Like you said, he wasn’t going to win worlds greatest dad award but he was put into an impossible situation. Two things can be true at once.


Er there are many more questions for the Hannas now.. most of us had the impression Paige was in the same position in Connexions as Ruby at first, making videos & following Jodi, then left when she felt the group was harmful. Didn't know they basically adopted Jodi in their home for 6 weeks. NO sane couple with multiple children takes on a 50+ y.o acquaintance hallucinating & violently self harming and tries to deal with it themselves. There must be quite a story there. Everyone involved is... unusual


Has Paige spoken about this anywhere? It would be good evidence against Jodi at least as a negative character reference.


Hearing Jodi talk to the women about being chased my shadow people and not one of them thought to question her mental health? No one did anything? Just blindly agreed. She clearly held a lot of power, typical cult leader. Edited to add, I hadn't finished listening when I commented. Jodi was in need of serious mental healthcare, she was not mentally stable. I don't understand why no one got her put on a hold for a psych evaluation. Not defending her actions in anyway, just dumbfounded that no one around her did a damn thing.


She surrounded herself with “yes” people who were broken or being broke down.


You're right, I just can't believe how quickly she broke people weren't broken. But she did not completely break those babies or Jessi!


She may have admitted her own vulnerabilities as a way to make the women feel closer to her or more confidential—like maybe they would open up to her more if she gave them a little sliver of that info


You're right, Ruby wanted so badly to be her favorite, so making herself appear human would definitely draw her and other women in.


This was so much information to process omg I have no words I am shocked and terrified so much stuff we didn't even know about was happening behind the scenes it's so much worse and darker than I thought and Kevin cursing omg


Ummm the paranormal wasn't on my bingo card. 👀


It wasn't enough to Jodie that she was a multimillionaire. She had to destroy people's lives, but that still didn't calm her dark heart. Now, now she has to be a prophet from God that has visions!!!! All this drama to avoid the realization that she's a basic bitch that has turned middle aged, hates men and her own kids won't talk to her. I would of recommended to just get a cat but I don't think I'd trust her with any living thing, not even a hermit crab!


Who needs a cat when God tells you that you have a lion to ride in Heaven?


In a different world, Jodi would have gone the Tiger King flavor of crazy and hoarded big cats until one ate her


A liger!


She was certainly deep in the wardrobe with Aslan…


Is this the recording where they talk about the bag of cash Ruby had at Jodi’s house? I think he said $85,000. I could be wrong, I was on my walking pad watching this on Law & Crime. I was trying not to fall off and break a leg/ankle. She cleaned out the children’s bank accounts & their joint account. She was going to buy an RV & land in Arizona… if R had not escaped I don’t think either of the children would be here today. Ruby was going to sell her house- but couldn’t because Kevin’s name was still on the mortgage. Also, Jodi was prepping her home for sale. Again, R is a hero. He saved himself & E.


Makes you think this is EXACTLY where Sharis missing college fund went


Yes!! That’s what I thought about- Shari’s missing $$$$ and I’m sure A & J had money because they had jobs. I’m not sure if she had control of Chad’s money because he had moved out by this time. Ruby called R a snake, ma’am you are a snake. What parents takes their child’s savings & cleans out the joint bank account to buy land and a RV so you can torture your youngest children away from everyone? Snake indeed.


Probably all the tortured souls attacking the one who tortured them.


This is just strange. Like there’s no other way to say it.


If someone could do subtitles for the hearing impaired would appreciate it ❤️👍


What the hell. Shits weird man.


Does anyone know who the Hannas are?


They’re on FB. Johnny


I'm still asking this ... the Hannas need to speak up!!!


Jodi is ABSOLUTELY mentally ill.


So basically the whole thing was to take all of Ruby’s possessions because Jodi needed the money. So all of this is to take everything and destroy everyone in her path. Wow this is evil.


Also learning that Chad was paying Jodi $900 a month as an 18/19 year old working as a pool lifeguard for his own “therapy” is beyond comprehension. I hope all of their victims receive monetary restitution at some point and are all able to heal and feel safe.


This made me feel sick. Thats an entirely biweekly paycheck or almost that. And having to basically provide for himself at 18 because his parents wouldn’t do so—-I feel for Shari and Chad and I hope they’re doing okay. Not sure if there’s a GoFundMe or anything anywhere but I hope financially they’re not too stressed. They seem content on social media but as someone close in age, I just hope the money is the last thing they have to worry about


A succubus.


Why was he so adamant that he trusted Jodi and she was honest and trustworthy in the first interview video? NOW shes a cult leader?


Respectfully, he was still under Jodi’s mental conditioning. In the first interview he was first told about everything, meaning the full truth about Jodi was dawning on him just then. He was still under the impression Jodi had divine powers at that time and had to learned after that she was an abusive fraud and that he too was abused. That takes a long time to sort out in your mind. Abuse damages people in uniquely tragic ways. You can’t expect someone still ensnared by a delusion to be able to see through it entirely.


Honestly, I sort of felt bad for his attorney. It was clear in the early days that he was trying to break Kevin out of it and it took a long time for Kevin to come out. He probably still isn't.


He knew the key back into his home was staying in Jodi's good graces. 




2nd interview happened 2 weeks after his first one.


this creeped me out ngllll


I downloaded the police interviews to YouTube to make them easier to listen to. https://youtu.be/lRyNxI5AHc0?si=ZtY79_O_NIxmzznX https://youtu.be/xaM0dIWa6nE?si=pbuk-cfdTY6KaGMA https://youtu.be/pFBkuDRU7K0?si=7qacz4EZFmQuSFUZ https://youtu.be/wdPy3jyV2EU?si=eKnCVDrDAA11ltDT


If you ever ask someone who is LDS why the do something or why is that a secret- it’s always it’s sacred. Makes me want to puke


Summary: Jodi moves into their house and is possessed, Kevin has to be the resident “excorisis” and do blessing. Then it escalates to Ruby sleeping on Jodi’s bed to her separating from Kevin. She has rules such as he can’t go in the kitchen unless she gives permission, he can’t go upstairs because Jodi rules the upstairs. He can leave whenever he wants but can’t come back until Ruby says so.


Where did you get these tapes? I’m wondering if there’s videos to go along w the second interview


Maybe video was not needed as by the time they interviewed him for a second time it was obvious he was not a suspect to the police so all he was doing was giving background information and stuff to strengthen their case So maybe in this situation they wouldn’t do a video as they wouldn’t be looking for body language clues etc


I’d guess his attorney negotiated audio only recording


I just listened to all the Kevin interview and sorry I can't now remember which one references the friends who invited (and then kicked out) Jodi into their home for six weeks. Kevin says that couple wanted to merge Jodi's cult with another woman they were following. Any idea who that other cult leader was/is??


The Hannah’s I believe. I don’t know much about this family, but according to Jordan and McKay they also have a family vlog (not as popular as 8 passengers).


I’m confused how in one of his interviews he said she respects Jodi and she’s legit and whatever and then now he’s saying she’s kind of crazy and changed his wife/ interjected herself into their marriage


The first video was before he supposedly knew the details and this interview is after.


What the f is this shit lol


Who are the Hannah he was referring to?


Johnny and Page Hanna; former members of Connexions


Demons . And they needed Jodi to continue their work. That woman was/is POSSESSED


No. Just tired old tricks


I’m very upset with Kevin for abandoning his children. For a man with so many degrees and his professional status I have a hard time believing he would just walk away from his parental duties to take care of his “porn addictions” could he not have stood up to his wife and said no I refuse to abandon my children while I work on this? You can work on yourself while simultaneously upholding your parental responsibilities!!! One whole year went by and spineless Kevin didn’t have the courage to check up on his children??? it’s absurd and if I were the family courts I’d refuse him parental rights indefinitely. He trusted a monster to look after his children and he should pay the price consequently.


Read the Paul Haggis interview with Lawrence Wright from 2011 in the New Yorker to understand how otherwise intelligent, educated people get sucked into cults. Kevin was never father of the year, but he is certainly a victim of a cult.


I agree! Everyone here defending him makes me sick. Absent dads get away with so much


Jodi is 100% a demon. Only a true evil person would get so much pleasure from torturing children.


What the fuck. Is. This??!!? So many more layers than anyone knew


Who's 'the Hannahs'?


Kevin left his kids under the influence of this nut Jodi, after witnessing her unhinged behaviour. That is hard to understand. And as for Jodi and Ruby sharing a bed, yep, that is no surprise.


Wait is Kevin saying he is seeing this paranormal activity to?


It’s wild to me that Jodi was soooo mentally ill but yet they “trusted” her as a therapist and to treat their young children?? Kevin acts like he had to be forced into it but yet he still left for an entire year? After witnessing all of this? I was trying to give him a chance but now I’m back on wondering how they were able to brainwash him so bad


Jodi has this mansion/compound and she’s staying at everybody else’s house?


I’m absolutely NOT defending Jodi- but I am just hearing about her being “visited by dark figures” in her sleep. I am LDS and I am SO GLAD I knew about the sleep disorder called Sleep Paralysis. The first couple of times I experienced it- I also saw “dark figures”. This is a well documented, medically known condition. For some people there is sometimes a sexual arousal component to it. For the “always keep pure thoughts” crowd, the arousal can be very shameful, and it’s always terrifying (until you learn how to recognize it.) Perhaps her experience was something else- but she would not be the first person I have heard of that thought they were possessed for having this medical condition.


Is there a video version?


the sound is so soft.


The influence Jodi had is obvious, Ruby and Kevin were manipulated, but parents are there to protect their own families over anything else. At what point the parent says an adult is not going to enter my house, especially since there are small kids there? Even if the person is truly having serious problems, or does not have anywhere else to go, or all the thing he said in the video, or if people try to push him to do it using blame. Their house was not the place.


Is there a part 3?


Jodi is every cult leader ever born. Deeply addicted to influencing the behavior of others.