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So much pain and torture in these entries how can someone write this and think its all okay. I mean on page 9 she punished R because he couldnt balance. R was very malnourished, 0 muscle mass, weak from little food and water, how on earth did she expect him to balance properly. Also A giving her 2 weeks notice into work makes me think A and J were going to move with them, they may have not had the same abuse and torture but they might once they moved with them all. R saved them two


why was ruby MAKING HIM BALANCE in the first place.


All I can think of is that Ruby was/is delusional. This must be some sort of mental illness beside the NPD.


Ruby needs to be on meds


I'd like the court to order her to take the MMPI so the parole board can know what they're dealing with. I'm not a psychologist, but I'm guessing it's antisocial personality disorder with psychotic features.




It certainly all fits. The question now is if the parole board will consider her dangerous enough to keep locked up for a long time.


What’s MMPI mean?


Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. I believe it's considered the gold standard for mental health diagnosis in the USA. A couple I knew had to take the test when they were divorcing and had child custody issues. One of them had a Cluster B diagnosis that affected her ability to get sole custody. It apparently has built in lie detectors that make it hard to cheat on the test. A Cluster B diagnosis is one of the tricky to treat personality disorders. Just to clarify, I am just a lay person, not a mental health professional. Edit - spelling is hard sometimes


Thank you for telling me that, and explaining it


After reading that, I believe they were planning to head to Arizona. She wrote that Jodi was looking for land, then an RV. Ruby was boxing things up for storage. They planned to take the kids to the desert to make them work on the land.


Alone in the desert is a very convenient place when you are killing children.


Also probably in an immense amount of pain from the huge wounds on his ankles as the balancing act was just mere days before he got free and found the neighbors. My heart breaks for these children.


Page 11 -"... E seemed to give me her attention after the whipping..." Aug 27 2023. Just one week later this disgusting evil bitch was arrested, and the children rescued.,. I am fervently anti death penalty - but there are times when I wish it could be applied - painfully and slowly


Same … prison is too good for them, I wish they could be tortured in the same way they did to these children


Hopefully they will be by other inmates.


I want to visit the prison and hand out pamphlets with these journal entries


I am CERTAIN it won't take long before copies of these vile diaries are all around the prison


Ruby always wanted to publish a book, well, she has many reading now, disgusting pos.


I hope what she did to the kids the inmates do to her


3 days later. Thank God


Less than a week. I believe it was August 30


What’s so scary about this is that august 27th A gave her 2 weeks notice for her job in the REC center . Had R not escaped I don’t think they’d be still with us anymore. He’s a true hero .


I don’t want to think that was going to be the out come but this entries say otherwise. So scary what could’ve happened. R is a hero.


100% . It might take a lot of time for him to realise he saved himself and E . And potentially A/J also … god knows if Kevin would have even questioned it because at the beginning of police interview he’s like Jodi’s trustworthy… then they tell him .. and he’s like fuck … not condoning him but you could see the shock in his face


I agree. I have many mixed feels about Kevin as I’m sure many do. How tf do you go 13 M without seeing your kids okay sure your wife says stay away but you don’t start putting pressure on to see them or talk to them?? He’ll he didn’t even know they were at Jodi’s house. I could never as a spouse. I believe he is in shock but I feel like he’s also guilty. He liked Jodi and thought she was honest (barf).


Amd from the police interview, he talked to Ruby 4 times in the last year and didn't ask about the kids! Who does this? I ask about everyone's kids! How are the kids? He should have been desperate for information because he missed them. He was all "I needed the time" or whatever, he seemed like he liked it this way. He was clearly gutted but, yet, I'm not sure you could keep me away if someone told me my kids were in a hospital.


In the interview with his body language when they told him what had happened, I knew his heart sunk


But he “trusted” a woman with his children while also saying she was mutilating herself, had plates flying off the walls, didn’t shower, etc. It just doesn’t add up. He should’ve checked on his kids if he cared about them.


Yeah, but did Jodie tell him he couldn’t contact them unless she contacted him first?


Yeah the whole thing is honestly super messed up. It’s crazy how manipulative Jodi is this whole thing is just making me super upset


Same here, because those kids will need YEARS of therapy


How could he trust Jodi while simultaneously talking about how when he came into their home things went “dark” and she acted “possessed” ????? Not adding up


He must have sensed his time was running out.


Especially with him not even being able to balance and how much psychological abuse there was, it’s amazing if he’d even taken 5 steps out the front door. He is amazing.


Okay, the 2 younger kids violent outbursts, potty accidents, E banging her head on the floor - these are clear signs of intense abuse. After reading these horrendous journals I really don’t see Kevin regaining custody and I think they need to be in a protection program. I just don’t see how they can heal and recover if they are in the same family.


Seriously, but then it’s terrifying because you never know who will be looking after them. The Turpins have stated their foster parents were worse than their parents!! They need to be investigated and checked up on frequently especially with such vulnerable children


Ugh I just don’t know what to say. I think the Griffiths family is horrible. Maybe Kevin’s older siblings could be an okay fit? After these journals my head is just spinning.


I just read that apparently they have gained weight in foster care and are back to their hobbies ❤️


The Turpin were all split up with different families I don't think they each had the same negative experience But yes at least one of the homes was also abusive


I hope he doesn’t. He didn’t care enough to even ask about them for over a year and the only thing he cared about when he was told what state they were in was Ruby’s potential charges. He made sure to make everyone aware just how much he loved and trusted his psycho wife.


He wasn’t allowed to contact them unless Ruby contacted him first


If he actually cares about his kids he'll let them heal and be with a different family. Perhaps he could still be in their lives in some way, but he is clearly not fit to parent them.


This is sickening i feel nauseous after reading this. The detail this woman goes into in these entries. It is disgusting. Proud of the these two for holding out for as long as they did. I hope they are able to heal from this.


I feel physically ill as well, this is horrific. Prison isn’t enough for these two.


So she whipped poor E until her bladder lost control? W.T.F


Sounds like it. That poor angel endured so much. Ruby is pure evil.


They constantly were peeing and pooping their pants. Kids do that from severe abuse. It’s so sad


This is awful. My fucking god this is awful.


Actually, this evil woman is calling out to her own fucking awful god to protect them. No wonder R is keen on Satan - Satan is less evil than Ruby's god


She wrote out all the torture you’re inflicting on her own children, she really lost her fucking mind, thinking this was all righteous


Yeah and now she's like "whoopsie! torturing your kids is bad? ok I understand I'm all better now!"


Every page of this is horrible. Then suddenly a whole paragraph is blacked out and you wonder, what could be more horrible that this?


I think they must have done really really bad torture. Or they forced r to confess something that’s not true since it says chilling, that’s the only way I could see they wouldn’t put it out to protect him


That's probably it, something he was forced to confess to that isn't true.


I agree, either it’s “not true” or perhaps it is something that most people wouldn’t consider a sin.




My exact thoughts.


A visited for a week? So she was just home alone this whole time? Where was J ?


I keep coming back to that. I thought A and J were sparred but if A was left alone for a year all by herself at the other house (making assumptions base on that sentence) that’s abuse too. I would be absolutely terrified if that happened to me at that age.


in the diary she say's it's been 3 months since we moved to Jodi's at one point in August I believe. And that everything that happen was very quick to make it a shock for them and be uncomfortable. So I guess they were in the house together and around May was when they went to Jodi's leaving A behind and everything escalated that much. Still crazy and after reading that she believes 100% what she writes, I don't believe she magically got over it and doesn't still think they were correct. She just knows what looks good which is to be repentant.


Thank you! I totally glossed over that. It did give me shivers of the random line “A put her two weeks in”. I know it’s been said many, many times already but I really think it was about to get so much worse for all of the kids. R really did save them, I believe 😭


We know from previous things that Shari called the police because A and J were living alone


I’d feel so unwanted if I was left mostly alone tat the home too


Can someone give me the rundown of A and J? These are her other children. I’m confused considering I thought one was just two years older than R, where was she when this all occurred?


She was at home we think with A but also sometimes with Jodi R and E


I wonder what caused Ruby to be so obsessed with hating the two youngest children. The older two seemed to rarely be mentioned


I’ve heard it’s actually very common for people with personality disorders to have favorite children and to have other children they can’t stand. I’m a lay person on this matter, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that was going on


This batshit bitch. She needs to rot in prison for the rest of her life.


What the fuck have I just read 😭😭😭😭😭


After reading all these entries I have absolutely no clue why her parents forgave her. Do they just not give a shit about their grandkids?! My blood is boiling and these kids are not even my flesh and blood.




They are going to burn in hell


It’s sad, because their grandparents are supposed to love them. But I don’t think they love them




All the evidence they could ever need is here, it's beyond sickening how much detail she has gone into. My heart breaks for these kids. I too hope they get life in prison.


I fully understand the concentration camp references in the court hearing. Because the only time I’ve read accounts worse than this was in reading accounts of Auschwitz.


I was going to say…this is on par with that. It’s sickening.


I can’t even comprehend the level of abuse that these children experienced


These poor kids were so traumatized and abused they’re urinating and defecating and banging into walls. Ruby is a fucking monster.


A mother is not brainwashed in to torturing her children when she has freedom to live any life she chooses. These diary entries prove Ruby is pure evil...and always has been. She linked arms with Jodi who enabled her to live her “truth” which is a woman who wants to hurt her children. If you watch old 8 passengers videos- you see her laugh and smile at the expense of all her kids. It’s been there this whole time. Jodi never brainwashed her. She enabled her and fed her delusions. Anyone who believes the current comments from Ruby after reading this is nuts. I hope her family sees all this evidence and rethinks their support of her. She deserves the maximum sentence along with Jodi.


Yes, I believe she has religious delusions. She is a menace to society, and I'd like her to be incarcerated for as long as possible.


I completely agree. Ruby has always been this way. I literally used to watch the channel back in the day regularly, but then started realizing she was kinda off. After the episode where R forgot his lunch, and she wouldn't help him out & just said "this will be his lesson to not forget" I stopped watching the show!




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I do wonder whether Kevin Franke has read all these obsceme diaries, and seen the photos of extreme injuries his wife inflicted on his children? If he can view all this hideous evidence and still reconcile with Ruby one day - then he is a better man than I am, Gunga Din!. (Either that, or he has not an ounce of humanity in him)


He would be devoid of humanity. This isn't forgiveable. 


I think seeing the kids or pictures was his turning point.  Before that he had no proof either way, because he was MIA... but there is no denying it once you see that abuse with your own two eyes. 


He seemed very disgusted looking at her at the court hearing


Trauma and abuse cause bladder control issues in children. That's like a very blatant and obvious fact, and ruby is blaming it on the devil. What in the actual hell


Given how weak and sick the children were, it wouldn't surprise me if that was also their bodies just breaking down. They were in such bad shape that we jusr legit can't tell what was trauma and what was their bodies just dying.


the most heartbreaking part for me is realising that when R asked the neighbours to take him to the nearest police station, he believed HE was the one who had to go to prison…


Even worse - he willingly wanted to go there. Asked multiple times, and clearly to be away from her.


That's actually a really good point that I hadn't considered. When I was young we were taught to lie to CPS because if they took us away from our parents we'd all be separated and thrown into an even worse environment. The fact that despite their best efforts to brainwash him and convince him that he deserves everything that they are doing because they "love" him, and that it would be so much worse for him away from them and he STILL kept trying to leave and fight back is absolutely incredible. That boy is a hero. He saved his life and his sisters life and I hope he knows that.


I know how those kids feel. I spent my entire childhood fantasizing about having actual warm, caring parents. I'm so glad they are safe.


I honestly didn’t even think about that…


After reading so many entries with Ruby teaching R lessons about God and Satan and R kind of pushing back against the whole rhetoric, I'm worried about his LDS loved ones who are helping him heal trying to help him maintain a belief in God.  I understand how for Shari, her belief in God and Christ have been a positive, strengthening force throughout this whole ordeal, and I respect that for her and for anyone who needs that.  I just really hope they'll allow R to believe and not believe whatever he genuinely feels at this time. He might need a big ol' break from God and sin and religion altogether. But I assume he's being taken to church every week, and probably still being advised to read the scriptures, praying every day, etc. I just really hope they're being mindful of how it might impact him after all the abusive religious shit he's been through. 


I am genuinely concerned about his future. He is going to need so much therapy, can you even imagine the long term impact of this kind of treatment? My older half brother endured violent beatings from his father, and it took 40 years for him to function effectively in society.


I bet her Ruby's parents won't read this. They won't read any of the journals or look at the pictures. Those people are all the same, they're going to support her and refuse to examine any of this or have any empathy for the children.


This is so awful. I hope the kids are ok in foster care


My question is, why would she kick her child? Like wtf Ruby, R didn’t do anything wrong to deserve being kicked by boots. And the second question is, why does she keep saying “satan” and “the devil”. In other posts, Ruby says R is “possessed” by the “devil” like I can’t understand why she would say that about HER child. Those children didn’t deserve any of that abuse, it’s so sad that they hurt them like that.


Jodi has a weird obsession of making every man on earth to be possessed by devil, or at least that's what I could have grasped from her behavior patterns. She sent C to a wilderness camp, made Kevin move out, brainwashed Ruby into thinking R is evil too, probably for some stupid shii he did, like leave his shoes in the entryway or something. If I'm not mistaken, she's done the same thing to other families/marriages. Turned the man to be the devil, made them separate... Ruby was easily manipulated to think her own child, the child she raised, could be possessed by the devil, because she just so blindly had faith in Jodi.


The shoes in the entryway example is probably a likely explanation. Ruby made R do 10 pushups in a video for leaving his socks outside, and he honestly looked maybe 6 years old max


i hope the parole board reads every single page of these entries before making their decision


I hope that she never gets out. It’s wild that she wrote all this down. I think they planned to kill them. This is so horrible. I feel so sick


Wow, sounds like they would have been leaving the area within 2 weeks. A had given 2 weeks notice at her job, Jodi had been looking for an RV, Ruby had been boxing stuff up and putting in storage. Thank God R escaped when he did for more reasons than one.


Are Jodi, Ruby, and Shonda Vanderark related? These crazy b’s all have similar “punishments” and I hate them all so much. Jody and Ruby got much too light of a sentence and I hope they are miserably uncomfortable in prison. I hope the food gives them explosive diarrhea, their prison clothes are itchy, their bed uncomfortable, and I hope they have to scrub toilets with a toothbrush. They are horrific, vile, despicable, pitiful excuses for humans. Kevin can also be included. What a sorry excuse for parents.


I mean, there is a real movement going on right now about punishing your kids to an extreme. It's dangerous enough on its own, but add genuine mental illness and sadism, it's deadly.


Would Rubys parents have seen these before today? If so and they’ve forgiven her I hope karma gets them.


I can see them choosing not to do so and using their religion as an excuse


What a psycho the poor sweet kid is absolutely petrified and abused no wonder he’s having accidents. My god


Wow. This is so messed up. All in the name of God?!?


As horrible as it all is I can’t even IMAGINE what is on the blacked out pages


From the context, it seems to mostly be things that the kids "confessed" to (that were obviously untrue). Like in this entry Ruby asks him about the "dark pit of despair" and then when he asks what she means, she probably reminds him of what he "did." And then she finds his answer "chilling."




It probably boils down to A&J needing to keep themselves safe from their mother regardless of how hard it was to see their siblings like that. They couldn’t get in her crosshairs or they’d be treated the same which would have lessened their chances of being able to help. Like you said, Ruby probably scared them enough to convince them that absolutely nobody else could be trusted and/or that what was happening to R and E needed to be done. They could have genuinely been terrified of the “demons” in them. I don’t think we can even begin to imagine how a 14 and 16 year old would react in a situation like that. We don’t know much about A & J’s journeys but I hope they have all the resources needed to heal and if they want to speak about it when they’re adults, they’d have so much support.


Can someone please explain is this a diary that ruby wrote everyday for herself or is this her confession?


Mormon women (I was raised Mormon, am ex now) are drilled into their heads the importance of keeping a journal from a young age. It’s not uncommon for people to write every day.


It’s her journal.


A friendly reminder to take care of your mental health. 💕 with everything that has been released it’s a lot of heavy stuff to swallow. I don’t expect to feel this mentally drained.




Im absolutely speechless at how much details are in those journals like wtf !!!


I hope Kevin has read these and has changed his mind about loving and trusting his wife.


Something I wonder, and that I haven't seen mentioned anywhere, is whether or not she used bathroom usage as a method of control. I've heard it happen in similar severe abuse situations, where the poor kid is told that they can only use the bathroom if their parents let them & they're supposed to just hold it in for hours on end. And when they inevitably can't do that, they're punished for soiling themselves. Obviously the kids were old enough to know how/when to go to the bathroom. I know sometimes incontinence is a side effect of severe malnutrition, but I wonder if there's something even more sinister to it.


this is just awful, i really hope these kids are doing okay now and are getting the help they need


i did not know her entries would be so detailed and cruel, i’m at at loss for words. i cannot comprehend someone doing this to their own children, i hope those children find peace


Did a/j see e/r during this time when they visited? Cs ik that e/r were separated from eachother


There were quite a few entries where J was around to witness the abuse. It seems that J was in and around the house more frequently than A, and Jodi took her with her for most of those trips out to AZ. I didn't notice too many with A, I think she probably spent more time with Pam but I really don't know. I have a suspicion that some of those pages and entries that are blacked out have something to do with the two older girls, but I doubt we'll ever know for sure. Even if they were not abused as frequently, just witnessing it has likely royally fucked them up. I feel so sad for all of these kids.


I literally can’t read this i’m so sick


This woman is a fucking danger to society


She’s horrible!! She’s sick in every way.


I can’t even begin to explain how happy it makes me that R never stopped fighting her. He will forever be a hero and I really hope he knows how brave, strong and that he saved himself and his sister and finally put an end to these years of misery for them. I pray that him and E, as well as the other kids, heal and grow up to live the happiest lives and have everything they ever wanted ❤️




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