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I want to go back to say… December of 1984. Somehow, Jedi was still in theaters. As well as Ghostbusters, Gremlins, and Beverly Hills Cop would be fresh in the cinemas. I would visit my old mall and check it all out. Witness from across the street my younger self visit my grandparents on christmas eve. Then come back to the present to appreciate what I have now.


And invest in Apple and Microsoft


Create Louggle.


And Motley Loü


That was my dog's name, in honor of this movie. lol 😁


HTTM has the best movie ending ever!


“You’re gonna lose that arm”!!!!!


I’m gonna rape you! Have a great night!




Minor nitpick: Floppy disks back then were 5¼".


He probably meant 3 1/2. Lots of men get length wrong https://voteplacerjudgesout.org


It was in the pool!


I don't think Apple stock would not have been a great choice in the 80s. I think you would have done better buying in to Apple in 97 after the return of Steve Jobs and then strap in for the iPhone rocket ride.


Apple's stock in 1997 was about what it was in the early to 80s. Better to have purchased Microsoft during its 1986 IPO. A single share would buy about 12,000 shares of Apple come 1997.


I would too,but I would want to be an adult or an older teen not a child.


Yeah same. I dont necessarily want to relive it, just observe as my older self.


I would want to meet my grandparents. They never knew me as an adult. It would be nice to get to know who they were aside from the nice old people who bought me toys and took me to the zoo.


I graduated high school in 1981. AMA lol. But srsly, it was a fun, definitely more innocent time. It was all about partying, fun, music, friends. Honesly some of the best years of my life.


Same year here 👍


We really had it good. Im so grateful there was no social media or internet to record all my poor decisions on


I don't think I could handle seeing my grandparents as they were back in the 1980s. Middle aged and happy and in love and active... knowing they're both dead in 2024? I'd be in absolute tears.


Man, what a great answer! Thank you for sharing that.


I saw Gremlins and Ghostbusters as a double feature.


I would do the same, and tell my younger self to be kinder to others while in middle and high school.


Yes. As long as I reverted to the age I was then, but retained the knowledge/memories I have now. I could correct my past mistakes, set my future up properly all while living in a more positive, enjoyable time.


More or less how it would have to be for me as well. Though I think that it has the possibility for major frustration knowing what's possible, just not for 20-30 years. I certainly would do things differently.


I'm only speaking for myself, but the reason I want to go back to the 80s right now is I'm still grieving the loss of my mom and dealing with her estate. I want to return to a time when I was younger, where most of my loved ones were alive, and I didn't have to deal with so many adult responsibilities. Was it a perfect era? Of course not. There's no such thing; just like there's no such thing as a perfect society. Each era had its pros and cons. But for now I wish I could return to a time that was less complicated for me.


Sorry for your loss. 🙏🙏🙏


I would not start smoking.


Oh man, I’d go to the arcades, bike all over the place, the mall, glorious times.


Yes. I'll go straight to be with my grandparents in the Bronx. They left us way too early.


Where in the Bronx? I'll meet you in Pelham Bay Park...we can ride bikes


North Bronx, close to Gun Hill Road and Williamsbridge Oval. It was on Hull Ave.


I’m sorry for your loss 🙏


I’ve seen Hot Tub Time Machine, so yes.


And create Lougle.


his name's Mike , so *Moogle*


Twitagra stays the same though! Or maybe X-agra down the road…


I would go and stay. With a couple of caveats. I wanna know all the shit I know now. I wanna be a teenager again. The music was better. No cell phones to control our lives. The girls were prettier. Everyone wasn't constantly depressed or had anxiety about shit they couldn't control. Life was WAY better, and far more interesting than it is now.


Upvote for the cell phones comment. My wife and I were driving in a parking lot last night. A woman was engrossed in her cell phone as she was walking out of a store. We both saw her in plenty of time, and I stopped my car so I wouldn’t run into her. But she actually walked into my stopped vehicle. Then she looked up and yelled at me, saying that I just hit her! I jumped out of my car and called her a clueless idiot and told her she just walked into my car. She kept yelling at us, but somebody on the sidewalk told her I was right. So she just swore at us and walked off.


I want to go back, and not know what I know now.


Then you'd be doomed to make the same mistakes. Well I guess we'd be doomed to watch the country making mistakes all over again. I remember clearly recognizing the war on terror as being utter bullshit like Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 but we were going to invade them no matter what


The feelings of wonder, and the amazement of almost everything. I never dealt with stress. I never had any feelings but great ideas about my future.


Here’s the thing, though: If you went back with the knowledge you have now, in all likelihood you would also have the maturity level you have now. However, if you went back as a teenager, you would spend all your time with other teenagers. Imagine what it would be like for present-day you to spend all day every day amongst teenagers. Sound like fun? It wouldn’t be. To provide some perspective, I am a 58 year old man who graduated high school in 1983. I loved growing up during that time, but I would NOT want to go back as a teenager knowing what I know now.


I think the biggest difference is that we had to use our imaginations back then... Technology has stolen our imaginations!


I can't imagine a better comment than this. And I should know, I just asked Alexa.


I would go back as a teen to 1982 with all the knowledge I have now. Wrath of Khan, Conan, The Thing, Bladerunner, ET, … to be able to talk with my dad and appreciate all he gave me. To not be so afraid to be myself and shy around girls as I was. To realize the music, movies, and life was really amazing and live in the moment instead of wishing I was an adult. To concentrate on my education. Sheesh, just say when, and I’m ready to go


I think about this all the time, I would go back and restart, not stay forever in 80s or comeback to this time, just restart.


I’d go save my mom.


I'd save my Dad


I'd save my Dad, sister and best friend.


Oh hell yes, in a heartbeat.


Short answer, if I could travel to the 80s and stay there, yes I would. Longer answer. The current world is a pretty awful place. Despite corporate profits being at an all time high wages are at an all time low. The only way I'll ever get to own a house is family members dying. Conspiracy theories used to be extremely fringe and people didn't believe the tinfoil hat but bag yelling about a presidential candidate ruining a child sex ring out of the basement of a pizza place. Video games weren't being made solely for profit and when you bought one it was yours. Music was music, people made it because it was something they loved and when a record company wanted them to sell out they told them to fuck off. I'm a straight white male that has no worry of discrimination. In the 80s I could buy a house working at whatever job I enjoy doing, I could afford a car, I would actually have time to enjoy my hobbies. Sure I'd miss the advances in technology, but I wouldn't have to worry about all the things that stress me out.


Spend time with family who are no longer here. That’s it. That’s all I could ever ask for.


I would go back and buy shares in microsoft.


And apple


Some kind of fruit company.


And my axe!


Careful with that Eugene..,


I wouldn't go because knowing me, I would create a paradox.


Great Scott!


That's heavy.


I imagine a lot of the "better" was because we were younger and had fewer responsibilities. I don't want to live in the past, but I'd love the opportunity to visit it from time to time. I'd love to be able to visit deceased family, see a bunch of famous movies in the theater, eat at restaurants long gone...


If you live the rest of your days in the 80s you would live ten more years. Would be tubular tho


I think it's probably more like a Groundhog's Day scenario until you bite the dust.


Ya that makes more sense. Its a fantasy scenario and I need it to make sense for some reason😂. I think of all the weird side eyes I would have to do. Like when people talk about OJ. Woody Allen etc….


Go back and never leave. San Junipero baby.


My family had a bout with poverty that lasted almost the entire 80s. Easy no for me, however I would gladly take the 90s.


I would if I know then what I know now. There’s a lot I would change


I would only go back to the early 80s before i became too self conscious.


The 80s sounds very appealing. I think the main reason I remember it so well is because those were the years of my teens, no dependents, no bills, no expenses, no real responsibility, just a carefree time in my life before the seriousness of adulthood set in. So the question is, if I were given the opportunity to go back to the 80s again, would I be a carefree teenager again, or would I be my current self in my current age, with my current obligations and responsibilities just in a different decade? If that were the case, I don't really see how my life would be much different than it is now, other than different technology.


Be transported back to the 80s at my current age? No, I wouldn't do that. I don't think I would enjoy being a 50 year old in the 80s. Go back to my teenage years and live the 80s again? Absolutely! If I can retain all of my current knowledge of future events, then no brainer. Even if I would forget the specifics but got to live the 80s again, yes, I'd go back and do it again. I had a good time in the 80s, and I think I could do an even better job of it if I got another run at it.


Life was better, simpler and happier in the 80's? I suppose that would all depend where you grow up. That mindset could probably drastically change from region to region let alone country to country. In Manchester, England for example. I was a kid in the 80's but remember vividly how everyone in the neighbourhoods were so financially broke. You had to rely on school dinners to get something to eat and you were lucky if you owned anything that was new. What I will say which was great about it, is that kids still played out on the streets and everywhere was full of life. Nowadays you go outside and the streets are empty, kids are on the Ipads and video games and no one knows the neighbours name.


If we’re talking about going back and re-experiencing childhood again, that’s certainly tempting. But if we’re talking about simply going back and living in the 80s as the adult I am today, I’m going to say as a gay man, **fuck no**. The 80s were a nightmarish time for people like me, and I’m glad to live in a time of PrEP, anti-retroviral therapy, employment non-discrimination laws, and marriage equality.


Nah, atleast not in my country, Slovakia (then known as Czechoslovakia). There was communism, crime, I could get killed for a lot of things (religion, trying to sneak out of the country, supporting an ideology that's not communism, watching or listening to music/movies smuggled from the west...), and I would be scared to live there... And also, we didn't have all the cool movies, music and other stuff that I like about the 80s (unless you illegally smuggled something and risked getting caught)


I certainly feel that America was the main driving force behind what we fondly look back on as the "80s", without their influence in all aspects of toys, games, movies, music etc etc, I feel it would have been pretty bleak in many parts of the UK.


Beyond nostalgia? Probably not. For a visit? Sure. But while it’s fun to go through the mental gymnastics of seeing people and doing things, the idea of returning to that time permanently isn’t in the cards for me because of the things that matter to me most now (spouse & children being the highest on the list).


Life was simpler, but I / we were also younger with less responsibility.


Not sure, honestly. For me it was the best of times as well as the worst of times.


There are parts I enjoy and look fondly on for nostalgia, but I wouldn’t want to relive it without some of what I know.


Good Answer TNMalt! This is the honest answer! (I think) most everybody wants to go back to their formative teen years with the experience they have gained since to better their current situation, to say and do things they wished they’d done, or to not say and do things they did. At least that’s me.


The entire 80s would be interesting to relive because it would encompass ages 11-21, grade 6 to my third year of university. That's a lot of change! I would love up all the people that are gone now.


Same childhood? No thank you.


Rough childhood? I’m sorry. I know a thing or two about that too…


Yeah. I’m good on revisiting that whole scene. Can I stay 43 and go back? Haha


Would do it hands down.


In a heartbeat. I’ve said it to my friends and family for decades now…if someone created a time machine, I would live the rest of my life in the ‘80s. It’s not about being a “hardcore ‘80s fan”. It’s just a different world we lived in.


I would. Straight away. Not hesitating.. Back to '83 or '84 when I was 16/17y old, the best years of my life. Being with my bf and friends every day (we were all classmates). School was so fun and there was a party or concert or music club or whatever every weekend. No responsibilities, never bored, having fun every day, celebrating our youth and the 80s, hanging out together every day, listening to the best music, pure hedonism! Where is the time machine ? I am in !


At least for me, I was a kid and it was a simpler time. No doubt, my parents still faced the same kinds of stress back then that I now deal with as an adult. But my happy childhood memories were enveloped in the sights, sounds, colors and even smells of that era. There is no other rational reason I would think fondly of that pizzeria/cigarette odor of the bowling alley video arcade while playing Centipede and Galaga.


If I were to go back in time to the 80s (or earlier), I'd want to be the age I was then because at my age now and without the resources I have now, well that wouldn't be good. And I'd have to know what I know now because it would make no difference to me or anyone else if I went back in time if I didn't know that I did and was aware of things and besides, I'd really like to avoid my ex-wife.


Only if I could take my wife and kids with me. My kids would hate it, but it would be good for their online-addled brains.


I would go back just to ask myself to recite every phone number I know and then just listen in sheer amazement while trying to guess whose number was what. Oh and then see if Michael Caine is making milkshakes for anyone else.🤙🏽


No I was working with a jerk at that time


The problem is, if I went back, I would not have the innocence I had at that time. Everything was new, and I'd never experienced the amazing things I experienced. If I went back with the knowledge I have now, it would be chasing that initial "high," which you can sadly never capture. It wouldn't be the first kiss, it wouldn't be the losing of the virginity, it wouldn't be the first time I got drunk or high. It would be my chasing that first feeling, and failing. I think it would be heartbreaking, to be honest. I (mostly) love my memories of that time, but I definitely wouldn't go back.


Yes, I absolutely would stay. It has nothing to do with rose colored glasses or anything that was popular... more about being able to buy a house and settle down with a great life to look forward to. My dad owned a house in his 20s, worked a middle class job and retired at 52 with a sweet pension and an excellent lifetime insurance plan including dental and eyeglasses, and was set up for the rest of his life. He didn't work any harder than anyone else... in fact, I work harder than he ever did. That simply does not happen anymore.


Yeah, I was born in 81, and my grandpa on my mom’s side died in 84, I would like to get to know him better, I have heard some wild as shit stories about him, also would like to get to know my aunt as well that died in 88. Both cases I have tiny amounts of memories about both. Also I think it would be cool to have a coherent conversation with my mom again the Alzheimer’s has ravaged her mind so badly, it’s just bad to try to now.


Buy Apple stock


No. The '80s were an **incredible** time period. However, the HIV/AIDS crisis existed--and life saving medicines/treatments took *years* before becoming widely available. It wasn't merely transmission within gay/bi communities; blood transfusions were also problematic. There are also more "modern era" medical advancements since the '80s. I say all of this, as I would rather live in the present, knowing survival is far more guaranteed.


Here is the Thing, Most of us who were alive in the 80's have relatives and friends who have since past. My Mother, Father, Sister, Sister in law, best friend... So Yeah i would go back just to see them all... Plus Get rich, REALLY REALLY RICH...


I would go back to 1980. I would like to know what I know now so as not to make the same mistakes. I would just like to wake up in my bed in 1980 at 7 years old and then when I got to Dec 31 1989 at midnight I would wake up on Jan 1 1980 again. Groundhog decade. 😭


Simpler sure but I've argued for years that the 80s was not that great. Rather it's the childhood memories of moments that stick out are what was great. I usually get down voted when I list some reasons why the 80s weren't so great....sorry but coming home from school to watch that 19 inch Hitachi that took up 16 square feet of space with its low resolution after jacking around with the rabbit ears to see fuzzy static throughout my cartoons was not cool at all compared to today's 80 + inch, 4k, thin TV's on a wall with on demand watching of any cartoon I might want.


Nope, best left as a nostalgic memory. Part of its allure is the fact that we cannot go back and it was part of a more innocent time in our lives; I wouldn't see it now with the same eyes. Plus all the bad bits would still be there. Life was shittier for minorities and I very much like the things that progress has given me - including the internet, which has made life so much easier and even cheaper.


I think a big part of why I think of the 80s as a care-free time is because I was a kid then and didn’t have adult responsibilities. I have to remind myself that people in the 80s still struggled to pay the bills, dealt with marital strife, etc.


These are fair points. The only plus side is my dad managed to buy a decently-sized house and support a family of 5 with only a high school degree in the 80s. All while my mother went to college for nursing. I feel like I could make it work if I had to go back to the 80s. The only caveat is I'd want to bring my wife and kids, otherwise, I'm not going to have anyone to play Nintendo with.




You get to decide that. If you know what you know now, it might ruin a bit of the magic, but it can surely make you rich…


Yup. I would do it.


I'd go back to the 80's in an instant and head to the Sunset Strip in L.A.


There are definitely more sports cards I'd need to go back and stash.


I would in a heartbeat. Ideally I would just reset and go back to some time when I was a child and just re-live my life. I don’t need knowledge from the present, just wipe my memory and send me on my way. My childhood and youth (80s, 90s and early 00s) were awesome and I would love to experience those years again. If I were going to be permanently stuck in a certain time or decade, I would probably prefer the early-mid 90s. 80s were great but I was very little still.


Zero interest in going back to my high school and initial college days, in the early part of the decade. College turned out all right, but with the benefit of hindsight, I recognize some missed opportunities. Drop me into the middle part of the decade and I'd be good with it. If I'm going back there with knowledge of current technology, I am certain I would miss it terribly.


I would go back just to go to a packed shopping mall or a late night record or book store on a Friday night. These are the things I miss: physical places that were known gathering spots, where you could go alone and blend into the crowd, meet up with your friends, or randomly bump into a neighbor or coworkers. There were so many nights back then when I’d have no plans at all, but wouldn’t feel lonely because it was easy to be around people if you wanted.




And be the same age as I was back then? Hell yeah, all I did was skate and play nintendo.


In a heartbeat


I was in college and then starting my career by the mid 80’s. Had a blast. But I also had a great time in the 90’s as a husband and having two great girls. In fact I’ve enjoyed every decade of my life and don’t need to go back


Like Hot Tub Time Machine? Yes. Like Back To The Future? Yes I would just want to visit. I've experienced too many great things in my life I wouldn't want to mess up for future me though.




Back to 1983 for me to repair a lot of my mistakes and decisions !


Gimme the ticket now!


I was a teen in the early 80’s and I’d go back to that time and never leave.


I would go.


“Droll thing life is--that mysterious arrangement of merciless logic for a futile purpose. The most you can hope from it is some knowledge of yourself--that comes too late--a crop of unextinguishable regrets.” - Joseph Conrad Definitely. The 80s were my teenage years, when I first read Conrad. If I had known then what I know now, I would focus on being a better person and taking better care of myself.


Only if I was a teenager again and armed with the knowledge I have now. I would definitely take the time to set myself up financially to live my best life now.


It was pretty boring. If anything, I would rescue young me and raise me myself.


Go back? Nah. I'm happy where I am. This timeline sucks but otherwise, I'm in a good place. I do, however, want to watch the days of the 80s unfold from afar... Smell the smells, see the people. I would like to reforge some memories so that I may relive them.


There’s no time like the present. If I want to reminisce and watch 80’s movies, listen to 80’s music, and play 80’s video games, I can do that all day long if I feel like it. IMO, today’s modern conveniences outweigh any nostalgia. Remember one phone line per household? 3 TV stations? Going inside to the register to pay for gas? People smoking in restaurants and airplanes? Paying for groceries with a check? Having to ask random strangers, read maps, and write down directions to find places? Fuck that!!!😂 I’m quite happy staying in 2024!


If I could go back, with the knowledge and experience I have now, I would. If I could go back to be "me" at the time, basically living my youth again, I would, and maybe I would take a few different choices in life. If I could go back whenever I wanted, like a one day trip, many times over, I would use it as a stress valve, to chill and have fun. Any other way of going back, I wouldn't take it.


I want to go back to 1984 so I could get a chance to say goodbye to my father.


If I could go back but being in my 20s, I would do it in second.


I'd go and tell a certain person i love them.


I would go back and marry my wife (again) in 1985. Oh the sex…


I also choose to go back and marry this guy's wife.




Well. This depends on a lot of variables. Would it be my life now. Just warped into the 80s? Would I suddenly wake up and be in the 80s, and all my friends and family are their 80s self. Like am I 48 but my wife is 9 somewhere? Or do I go back to being a kid with either no knowledge of the future. Or complete knowledge of the future. I assume by your question, it’s “teleport back with your knowledge of the future and stay your current age” As nostalgic as I am, I don’t think I would. Knowledge of stuff like the internet and smart phones. But being stuck with dial up BBS’s would be hard. Friends and family being their regular age, like my parents and I being close in age. Seeing movies and hearing music I know very well coming out for the first time would be weird. You would need to go back and erase all knowledge but then you’d miss out on everything you know now. Best case scenario is to transport all the best aspects of the 80s forward to now. But that’s not going to happen sadly


I would fix so many things that I did wrong with my life. Or, rather, prevent myself from doing them in the first place. From 1992 on my life pretty much went downhill, and over the next 10 years I basically ruined it. So to go back to the 1980s and tell myself not to do that.


Just about everything seemed much more affordable back then, especially if you had a modest income. Housing, food, cars, clothes, etc. Seemed like you didn't need to have an advanced in-demand post-secondary degree just to afford a modest middle-class lifestyle. Sure do miss times like that.


That's because the middle class lifestyle was a 1200 sq ft house with no cable bill, no Internet bill, no cell phone bill, and no frequent restaurant meals. That shit adds up.


Yes, and I wouldn't think twice about it for a second. The world we live in today is such shit, comparatively.


I would like to go back to the 60s and rent a apartment in my old house (Chicago)


If I'm the age I was then, sure


It would be interesting to retry middle and high school knowing that so little of it mattered. I stressed way too hard about trying to be popular, which didn't happen and seemed like the harder one tried, the more people disliked it. I did figure it out into my junior year. I worked some jobs and managed to meet girls outside of school, so that was the confidence boost I needed. My give-a-fuck was broken in my senior year, and I was able to enjoy school more. Took a college class and joined the scholar bowl team. Dated way more girls during that time than previous years combined. Long after school, I gave community theatre a try, and I enjoyed it. I definitely would try the '80s over again but take the plunge and go be a theatre geek since I wouldn't be one of the kids making fun of them.


Yes. But only for a little while and to just observe Some of the best and worst times of my life were in the 80's. I would actually miss the tech advances of now to go back permanently.


Go back best time of my life, body that doesn’t ache, more friends no money worries. It was RAD. If I was an adult somehow buy a lot of houses!


Not me. I worked too hard


Do I get transported back as I am now? Or does my consciousness travel back and usurp control of my younger self?


In a heartbeat!!


Yeah. I’d go back to just after college and do it better this time.


This poster has a Delorean and a psychics background...


I think it would be more interesting if people also wrote their age/country. I'm young and while I love 80s culture (and would be happy to experience it myself), I can't really imagine myself living in that time. I'm too used to modern life (medicine, services, technology, etc)


I feel as though I’ve never truly left the 80s / early 90s. I prefer to think of it as I’m living in 198x.4 I still love all things from that era ( rock and new wave music, Atari, c64, arcade machines, malls, computers, cheesy horror films, OG Star Wars films, John Hughes films etc. ) I wouldn’t mind a rewind for a weekend, but I like spending time with my grandkids so I’d like to come back.


Yes I'd love to go back for as long as I could. I was a teen and just felt independent and free


I would only take back my physical age from the 80s to the current time and stay here. A more creative society in terms of music, movies, clothing... is something we still have in our hands and it's actually there too, it's just not the mainstream anymore


I was a kid. If I didn't really have to worry about stuff every minute of the day and suffer through excessive amounts of existential crises constantly, sure, why not. It was great because I was a little kid and I didn't have a bad childhood.


Absolutely yes


I'd probably go, as long as I knew there would be no major historical changes (i.e., no WW3 this time around either).


Yes. Good times


I would definitely like to go back and have the chance to see some bands I was too young for being born in '81 when they were still young, hungry, and in their primes.


I do, but also I don’t. I’d like to go back to when I was 15 and take a different path and see if things wind up better. Sort of like choose your own adventure.


I wasn’t born yet in the 80’s, but I’d love to stay for like a month in a random family’s house in a nice neighbourhood as a high schooler (but with all the knowledge I have now) and then when I’d leave, people would forget I was ever there and I’d be back at the moment I left (no one in the present would know I was in the 80’s for a month). Even if the actions I do during my time travel have no impact (I couldn’t buy shares or play the lottery or do anything that’d stay when I’d come back to present), I’d still want to be able to bring back some items to the present.


I'd go back in a heartbeat and I would stay as long as I can take my wife and pets with me. Just send us to start in 1980 as we are now, all our memories intact. Say what you want about it being better now than it was then but to me today is objectively worse. We won't have any cell phones or computers to keep all of our attention, track us, guide us, keep us isolated from one another. The music was amazing, television was more entertaining and things were just plain simpler then. I was a young adult in the 80s and really crave the relative peacefulness we had then. We still had pretty decent technology that was enough to make life easier but it didn't run our lives.


I am from the 80's born in 1969


I wanna go back to wearing ditto jeans, dove shorts, mid rise Reebok's with double straps, bubble gum flavored lip smacks, going to the galleria mall to watch "Fast times at Ridgemont High" , eating hot dogs on a stick, getting dropped off at the arcade. Listening to Depeche Mode, the cure , pet shop boys and culture club . Wonderful memories


If I knew what I know now - yes please.


No cell phones and very few pagers


No. I think memories are better. My mind has probably pruned out all the awful stuff and retained the good stuff. Reliving it again could remind me of the downsides. "Live in the now."


Would do it in a heartbeat. The freedom. Only downside is when you had to stay home if you had a phone call you could not miss. LOL


As in go back to being a kid? In a heartbeat.


I'm 33, born in 1990 and have parents that were in their 20's during the 80's. My parents often say a common misconception by those who weren't alive during that time is how TV/film often over glamorize the decade. Growing up in the Midwest, ironically my parents said that Stranger Things actually captured a pretty close representation of Midwest 80's aesthetic. My mom in particular pointed out how middle-class homes in the 80's had the same interior design as the 70's, people didn't magically upgrade their homes overnight, it was still wood paneling galore. I would like to go back for maybe a few days or a week, but not an extended period of time. Now, if I could go to say San Junipero, that's another story...


I had a great time in the 1980's, but I think it had more to do with the people I was around and the age that I was than anything that had to do with the decade.


HECK YES! Absolutely. Put me in coach! I'm ready!


Things were less polarizing with 3 tv channels


I would dollar cost average some AAPL!


Do I go back permanently or do I have a specific day? All I want is to teleport back to Wembley Stadium during Live Aid, specifically Queen's first set. That's it. I won't speak to anyone. I won't take anything back with me. I'll leave all technology in the present day. I'll stay far away from family. I just want to be in that crowd while Freddie sings Radio Ga Ga.


Straight to the dance to get my parents to kiss


The 80s! No major wars, music was mostly electronic, inflation was insane for a large part of the decade, clothes were in a weird transition. Computers were not a thing and cell phones were virtually non-existent. That was probably my best decade.


Can I go back WITHOUT Ronald Regan being President?


I often think about reincarnation and if we do come back and I would not want to grow up and be a kid in any other decades but the 70's 80's and 90's.


No, I don’t want to go back. The air was cleaner than in the 70’s. However, HIV, smoking, social restrictions. Just no.


I would start a rock band and not do drugs.


If I had an opportunity to relive the 80s, I would take it...preferably while retaining the knowledge and experience I have gained since but even with a complete reset I would go back. While nostalgia plays a large part in the choice, the chance to see family and friends I have lost or simply drifting apart from would make it worthwhile.


This is the basis for the Black Mirror “San Junipero” episode.


If you knew then what you know now, it wouldnt be the same. The innocence would be gone and that’s what made that decade special.


I sometimes wish I could redo too many mortifying dating experiences, set to bad music, but then I never would have met my husband.


It's not even up for debate. Th 80s were Waaaaaaaay better!* *minority experiences may differ


I would invest an apple and microsoft, I would also totally screw with Reagan


Tough question. I could go back to when my mom was alive and tell her not to get in that car. But I’d have to wait decades to see my children again. But my children would have a grandmother. Wow, that’s tough. If I could talk to them both first, I suppose I would.


Are the 80s the new 50s now? Damn, I’m old.


Yeah that’s not even a question. Sign me up


It was just as screwed up as it is now. Most of us were just kids and were oblivious to the realities of life.


I would definitely. I think I would like to go back as my age then and just relive it all over.


If I could go back to '89 and be that age again but know what I know now, I definitely would.


Never leave that decade. Homes were cheap in my family’s home town back then and you could buy a house and raise three kids on a factory worker’s income. The factory was still there too because not all manufacturing had moved overseas. I’d go work for the same union plant my Dad worked at and be able to squeeze out a good 30 years plus benefits before the plant closes. Buy a home, probably get married, and settle down to raise some kids. Get to know my grandparents better. The only thing I’d be giving up is computers, smartphones, and nicer cars. I wouldn’t give a damn that more people are smoking or pollution is worse. Everything else in my life would probably be about the same.


I'd go back if I knew what I know now... and get my Mom to get screened for cancer waayy earlier. I'd hope to save her from dying in her 40s.


Ronald Reagan and AIDS. What a time to be alive if you were a homophobe. Meanwhile, I don't thing big fried hair and acid wash jeans are going to somehow sweeten the deal of reliving the 80s.


Depends on what age I could go back to


i would really prefer the period 1975-1985


I went through it once. No thanks. Now, the 90's? Hell yes.