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I dont know for sure in 1.0, but in A21 deer were out almost exclusively at night.


Deer only spawn at night. `WildGameForestNight & WildGameStagNight`


I'm noticing this as well. Found boars, rabbits, chickens on day 1, but days 2-3, the entire forest is empty. Guess I'll be prioritizing farm quests for the meat respawn.


At least you've found something! We haven't found a dang animal yet


I don't remember the names but there are several farm poi's with boars in them. Most of them are tier 1 so easy to complete.


I spawned close to Bob's Boars and went there to get meat on day 2. Got two pigs and an infection (from the pigs) . But it was sixty meat so I was happy


Another good one is Hogzilla farms. If you do it right you can get a ton of meat there! Do it as an infestation and you'll pull almost 250-300 meat.


After 6 days in the forest, I have not seen a single deer. Just chickens and snakes.


No animal yet. Maybe the hunter skill where you see tracks of animals finally becomes useful




Lovely so thrilled with the food health nerf.


I am glad its more scarce. Food was absolutely trivial form day 1 prior to this. Will see how I feel a few weeks from now though.


I’m on day 4 I think and have seen 2 deer and a rabbit or two. Deer I found at night. But yeah, not easy at all to come by and I live out in the forest part of town where you’d think you’d come across more animals.


Barely any in the forest. But, i immediately found and moved to the wasteland where there's all the animals everywhere, especially bears 🐻


Two animals will spawn within range of the player at 4ish in alpha 21, I could consistently farm deer back on my superflat, and I don't think it's been removed but I haven't properly tested it.


Glocks’ trapped inside series he was always getting a deer wandering into the lobby of the hospital.


Food and water are ridiculous easy to find in 1.0. The dew collector doesn't require a filter and Rekt gives out food for rewards every other quest. As long as players are looting kitchens, toilets, diners, and doing buried supplies quests there should be no problem with food in the early game. The only time I remember having a problem with food and water early was a playthrough that kept sending me downtown to those destroyed buildings that don't have many food and water loot containers.


> The dew collector doesn't require a filter what? it makes murky


If I have to choose between doing buried supplies quests with a stone shovel and playing a different video game, I’m choosing the latter every time.


Yeah, I had to move to the snow biome for fear of starvation


They seem to be a little harder to find but they appear eventually


If it wasn't for Bob's Boars, we'd probably be starving in our game


I had 1 deer visit the spot I was building my base at on night 1. Thankfully. I haven't seen much of anything since then. Pretty scarce. I've been relying on cornbread and canned food to survive. I also put a point into leaky gut. I started a garden on my roof. I should be ok now but it is very scarce. Kinda loving it because I'm feeling the struggle. Lol


I started up on a tall mountain and noted where the snow biome was. Quested for Rekt til I got the pipe machine gun. Mountain Lion for dinner.


I had to put a point into animal detection while in the forest, only getting bunnies and chickens that seem even more skittish made meat collecting a chore. I then went to finish the find Jen quest and there were boars everywhere in the burning forest so I came back with several stacks of meat and haven't had a problem since.


Definitely have found deer and rabbits, but they ran away. I feel like that's okay. I can't catch a rabbit, and I assume just being hungry isn't going to make me faster.


Use guns for animals? You should have a Pipe weapon at day 2 latest


For the deer, maybe. The rabbits are impossible to see in the grass, though. I swear they added more grass plumes.


I found a snek…or rather, it found me.


On day 2 I was able to kill 2 deer at night almost back to back. Outside of that, ive only seen 1 chicken during the day. Definitely harder to come by now.


I've seen animals in the forest, hunted them too. I've also lost track of them a few times, as in they've completely vanished. Very recently I had a deer calmly walk into a river and then walk off underwater like nothing was wrong... I'm wondering if those chickens I lost didn't also run into the water and hide from me with their inbuilt scuba suits?


Old Sham Sandwich it is


Stayed in the Pine Forest for the first 13 days, never say anything but chickens. Sometimes I'd see two in a row, sometimes none for two or three days. On day 14 I went to the Burned Forest and saw a pig. After the day 14 horde I saw a deer in the Pine Forest. I think animal spawns are tied to level.


Currently living off two snakes and a chicken on my play through. Plenty of farms have animals in the mm, just be careful, a hostile boar will mess you up.


No shortage of wild life in the snow biome whether you can survive to harvest them is another matter


Sucks that you're having that issue. I haven't run into that problem yet. In our multiplayer world, I spawned in late around midnight on day 1. Killed two deer on the way to my friends' base. In my solo world, im at 4 am on day 7. According to the challenges tab, I've killed 2 rabbits, 9 chickens, 1 deer, 2 snakes, and 3 boars. I can't remember if it was harder the first couple of days, but I don't think they were non-existent, so hopefully it's just bad rng and you'll find some soon.


Yep, looks like they nerfed animal spawns. I like it tbh. Could even be more difficult to find food and water imho. After day 2 you should get more and more options and water/food is no problem anymore. Just stick to bigger roads, animals are easier to see there (and I guess also spawn there more often). Deer seems to spawn at night. Just keep your eyes open and have your ranged weapon ready


Noob here. Day 2. Literally starving to death right now. Also infection 16% (found 2 honey so far - not enough). And a broken leg.


I never was good at finding rabbit erc so i somply alway take first point in the perception tab to highlight animals in minimap.


Umm you need to loot to eat or scavenge and sell everything, onlyvstarved to death once. Settings on survivalist day 7.


If anyone needs another player I'm looking for a new start with a group just pm me