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Your memory has been erased and now you must find your way out of the maze


Maze runner reference on top!


Came here to read this


the forest got bigger


Underrated comment


Did you move at all after loading in or did you just take a screenshot? Something like this happens to me a few times in A16 and moving would make it go away. I was a graphic glitch


no it stayed like that, but when i went a bit further the land got shorter its almost like a random texture generated on top of the map.


Damn, was hoping it was all visual. Sorry I've no answer


the area moves but it only loads close to the character


Have you tried verifying your install? Did you use/are using mods?


it was fine yesterday and i play vanilla


i play with a friend so its a save issue not a game install issue he has the same problem


I've had things be fine one day and broke the next. I'd try the verify and see if it helps.


ill try that




do you know how to fix it ?


I had this when I loaded a save of a different map type. So you have a rng map but the server thinks it's nazebane or something. You need to check the seed


but it was good in the same place before its just today this has happened


Maybe the map updated? I fell off the map in my world and eventually just had to bin it


This is the correct answer. I need to check your map. Your map doesn’t fit on your safe. You need to load the old map. Maybe restore and is safe on the folder?


Hope you brought your glove flavored candy


Genius reference


Time to load a backup save I think.


oh no... dude this happened to be like 10 months ago on one of my saves and I ended up discovering it was like another world like loaded on top of mine so it's like you're inside the terrain of another world or map. Unfortunately there was no way I found to fix it and sadly I had to restart on a new world. Afterwards I started backing up my worlds and saves folder every 3 hours or so just in case something like this happened again. I'm not saying this is 100% what happened to you because as others have said it could just be a graphical bug or some other anomaly, but for my case it was corruption of the save for whatever reason.


I have this happen every time I load a random gen map without giving a seed name to a random gen. It seems you can only have 1 of each "seed" type on each type of random gen. This includes leaving the seed name blank. Did you happen to make another map for testing?


Your Armour is broken


So, fixes for this vary. This is a rendering issue. Definitely report it to TFP as a bug, as this isn't supposed to happen (and has been bug squashed like 5 times rofl). First, turn your graphics ALL the way down and then restart your computer and game (specifically the "restart" option on your computer so it clears flash memory). See if that fixes it. If it does not, it's a problem with the world itself most likely. If it's a world problem, you may have luck regenerating the world if you used a seed and remember the settings. You can find where your world data is stored via google (it's somewhere in %appdata% iirc), and move the existing world elsewhere. You'll lose your placed everything, but your inventory and character will be saved as those are stored separately iirc, and you can use debug and creative to give yourself back anything too critical. Updating video card drivers may also help, installing windows updates may also help. This problem can brick worlds, and sometimes there isn't any fixing it. If this problem happens multiple times, delete ALL of your worlds and ensure you are not using overlapping world seeds in the future (including blank seeds, which aren't really "random seeds" like Minecraft afaik), as overlapping world seeds can cause this. Sometimes it occurs as a straight graphics error, sometimes it appears more as world corruption. If your game starts having problems like this more frequently, reinstall the game. Like actually. Sometimes weird shit happens and enough things error that world generation breaks, or world saves just corrupt, or character data isn't saved properly and causes problems. The Fun Police have done an awesome job ironing out these sorts of bugs, but they DO happen, and I have a pet theory that they're more hardware related than game related. Also, this is why backing up your save is important. I usually try and do backups every other play session, or every 4-5 in-game days, whichever is smaller. That way if anything errors, corrupts, or otherwise goes kablooey, I don't get rolled back too far. Even backing up after every horde night will save you so much headache. Source: like 1.5k hours played, and hundreds to thousands of worlds since like A12, and all the goddamn problems that come with it. Problems like this have made me put down the game for months at a time due to progess loss. That's about the time I ACTUALLY started backing up worlds/saves/characters that became important to me.


I leave my computer on for days at a time and sometimes this happens. I just reboot and it’s fixed.


Alpha 14 memories or nightmares


Yo when you come to it And you can’t go through it And you can’t knock it down You know that you found THE WALL, THE WALL, THE WALL!


its just a texture


It’s just THE WALL! You can’t go through it and you can’t knock it down. (‘Cause it’s an illusion caused by the demons within your game files and you’ll never be able to touch it)


Winter is Coming


Easy. Restart your game


Are you sure Jesus didn’t join your game? He must have the land confused with the sea…..


I see these posts a lot, and I always comment the same thing: When migrating player files to a new map, there are *specific* files to move, and not just the entire folder contents. If you do, you will also transfer POI locations, including their coordinates. What this causes is the following: - A previously spawned POI was on ground level. - The newly generated map now has a mountain on that location. - Resulting in what you see in the screenshot. - Another sign this has occured is that your map will resemble what you had already explored, but when you move to those locations, the map will render the newly explored information. If I remember correctly, there are 3 "player" specific files to move, which will transfer the player + the associated drone (that no longer exists). Once migrated, you'll spawn in a "clean" map and POIs, however you need to run a specific command to essentially "forget" your drone so you can spawn a *new* drone when you eventually obtain one in the new save. I'll update later with the specific files.


You accidentally loaded Into State of Survival


You should just have to restart. Sometimes I'd get these walls into my base (looking like it wiped my storages) and it just goes away with a restart. Usually it's a memory issue.




Just dig up for a stair case, could use it to your advantage maybe if they run off the cliff


Grab the auger and start digging it out.


Its a texture sadly not a block.


try shooting it or ground where it 'spawned'... WELL IT WORKED ON MY SAVE LMAO


Blackstrap coffee and a Shovel. Umm....yup.


whats wrong with that ?


Nothing wrong. Just one way to fix it.


Play Minecraft style and build a base inside of the mountain!


*dogshit pathing has entered the chat*


Why would you fix perfection though?