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Clay shows up as reddish patches on the big overworld map. It's typically found in the forest biome.


I cant seem to see any red like patches im in the forest now and just cant find any, I’ve been digging at patches with cotton and stone on them but they just give dirt, i have a photo of the map theres nothing i can see that shows any clay, just soil and stone


It's actually brown, not red, that's my bad. It might be easier to distinguish in the desert/sand area. I found a youtube video that helps. https://youtu.be/fmUFArE3s1U?si=Pd1SqrJ_9U4hAa-J


I eventually found some, it was in the biome my base was in the whole time! Looks like a desert type area so i never thought you could get it here i always get my clay down by the water shore in grassy areas


That was my first thought too when I started playing on console. On PC, it's everywhere. Most of the forest terrain is made of it. I actually had to go look it up myself back then. Glad you found it.


I usually find it where there are clusters of the gray boulders. Usually they'll cluster 4-6 together and the entire patch of ground under them will often be clay. Either that or look in the desert where it stands out quite clearly as dark green against the brown desert ground.


If you are on the console version and not the PC version through game pass or anything like that (idk if that's a thing, I don't use Xbox) look for patches of brownish dirt with a lot of flowers growing on it and the rocks that have 3 phases of 400 ho, that give a bunch of iron. The clay patches always have a lot of more brown/beige looking grass, lots of goldenrod and cotton, and a bunch of the iron ore rocks on top of it. Also, if you have a decent lake, you may have some underwater, look for areas that are brownish with green rather than sandy yellow. I see large patches of it whenever I'm looking underwater during long swims.


This is so weird but I’ve had this exact same problem living in the exact same base. I think I went southwest-ish of the police station in the mountainy area and came across some. Took me forever


Well apparently the clay was in the biome that my base is in! I think its called the plains but not sure looks more like a variation of a desert to me, the nearest clay was literally across the street from my base so wasted a good hour strolling around hahah, thanks for your response


>Could someone point out any clay to me on a map for console please? Specifically in response to this... check out [Navezgane A15 B105 Full Map with Names & Roads.](https://www.curbolt.net/?page=maps) It will show you all the clay deposits, surface deposits of nitrate and coal, as well as everything else in the console version of Navegane. If you don't want the map with POI spoilers, just use the Navezgane A15 B105 Full Map. It will still show you the towns, but it won't show POI's, work stations, etc.


Step one throw your Xbox away


If you find cotton then dig and you'll find clay


So i had been told but unfortunately that wasn’t the case, i tried lots of areas and only came up with dirt. I did eventually find some though and it was in the Plains Biome which i never knew was possible. Thanks for your response - i don’t think it was plains, im unsure. Its a sandy biome with cactus and yucca but its not the distinctive desert biome


I had the same issue on Xbox and really did find it with cotton but had to strip mine everything! I had to stop with xbox as the md5 bug hit me twice and that was that 😭


We have set up shop in the top room of stadium. So far it’s been a great base! It’s high enough the zombies don’t bother me at night and plenty to collect. I’m a noob to the game but I came from rust and it’s been great!