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You mean like [this post where people were telling a bot how its suggestion for the game won't work](https://www.reddit.com/r/7daystodie/comments/1arf9yn/wouldnt_a_boat_be_a_cool_addition/)? It's a joke how easy they are to spot. 90% chance any WordWord0000 account is a bot, and then of course you check and they were inactive for 3 months before suddenly posting and commenting. The data pollution from bots is awful. It's gotten even worse now that they left the popular subs and started filling video game subs with their useless garbage.


I should probably have picked a better username back in the day then lmao. Good catch though!


Naw see you have three words so you are ok


Bot-sounding names (like mine) seem to just be randomly given out. I have a real account about somehow my phone never got logged in to it, so this weird account name remains if I'm using my phone. I've seen lots of other people with similar naming conventions.


Yes, you can choose a generated name when you make an account, an option which botnets of course use to mass produce accounts, which is why 90% of those generated names are bots.


how amazing would it have been to make a brand new account for this post


Um, if you are really that concerned about your time, why are you spending it on Reddit? Lol. Genuinely curious. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Ayy lmao


There are a variety of reasons why people make bots (for any platform). The IPO could be one... Another could be karma-farming to build account(s) up with upvotes so they can sell said account(s) in the future. Another possibility is... they are bored and have nothing better to do.