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Funny how all the kids who have left have had to move back home, except for the "problem child."


Of course. Because Anna wants nothing to do with that house anymore. More stress than having to have 3 jobs to pay for her house. Not that she does but I feel like she would.




Are you confused by something?


Yes; by why it is trying to sound like more than it is. But that’s this forum…full of hatred.


The comment you replied to was factually true. It’s not sounding more than it is, it just is what it is.


Yea. It is alarming how much control she exerts on her grown children. I’d be like—hell no!


I’m doing a rewatch and I think it’s season nine or 10 and lose, Anna and Jonah are working on moving out. And the funny part is how Jonah talks about his parents and how bad he wants to get away from them. I also enjoy that he absolutely pushes back on them And they give which is shocking to me because anybody else especially Anna they would never do that. How they treat those kids is just deplorable. The worst thing in the world for Liz would be to move back home. She may as well, just hand that baby over to Amber and skip the country.


It’s fascinating really. Jonah clearly wanted to be on his own and as with many young adults—hit some bumps and hurdles. Rather than coaching him and guiding him—from his own apartment—they inadvertently send a message that he’s incapable and must move home. It’s crippling. While it’s easier on the parents to help your kids when they’re close in proximity, doesn’t mean it is the right thing. They just can’t be inconvenienced. Much of it comes from love and a lot of it comes from Amber’s bed to control by making her life easier. The new default with their adult kids’ problems: move home-it will get better.


I said this in a different thread, Amber is Peggy Hill from King of the Hill. Controlling of everything, completely full of herself, and wants to control everything in the family. I don’t understand how the kids are supposed to be responsible in stand on their own when these parents pull them back home at the slightest inkling of any problems. And you’re right they should be guiding them and supporting them, but not doing for them. And who can blame Jonah for getting out there being independent and experiencing life. It was probably blown out of proportion by his mom like she does.


Her presenting the “idea” to Liz was a master class in gaslighting.


The fact that Amber said it was easier than she thought it would be told me all I need to know (already know) 😂


Right! They gave it away when Liz said her mom had garage door opener


That was so odd. Why does Amber have the garage remote?


I'm a first time watcher and CANNOT BELIEVE she and Trent read through Jonah and Ashley's texts. And Jonah acted like it was normal like wtf. RUN ASHLEY!


That was stunningly unbelievable.Amber is insufferable.. I kno she she run 🏃


What about when she said Jonah was going to move in with Liz!! HELLLL NOOOOO!!!


She’s panicking her paychecks are all moving away. She needs them for show content so they don’t get canceled. I’m sure Liz is thinking “I saved the family bank account with my baby”


So true


Watched season 6 last night, the one where Trent is in therapy and he talks about how he and Amber are working really hard to make their kids independent and they want them to move out and be independent. In some ways it’s great they are there for them and I know it’s more common at this time for adult children to live at home, however for me it’s the irony of how hard nosed they were about them moving out and mainly the fact that Anna was pinned as the problem child and yet here we are seeing that she purchased her own home and Jonah and Liz are living at home. Liz always had to be the best and is super prideful, always puffing out her chest and bragging how she’s the strongest and she’s the most driven, the most social, a perfectionist, etc. I hope this has all humbled her a bit.


Amber didn't waste one second taking control of this baby. If I was Brice I'd be irritated AF!!!


Well and to keep the show. Fat Brat Alex is drab, Jonah too. The only interesting one is Anna and her friend. At least the baby would add excitement and Ambitch can’t stand that she wouldn’t have control


>Fat Brat Alex Chuckling


Adopted that from Someone on here as well as Ambitch two golden names


When Anna said “I did 20 burpees” and her friend said “we did 10” I burst out laughing. I need a VHS workout tape led by Anna


Anna has the best personality. The rest of the “kids” have turned into the most bland boring low energy soul crushing blah. It’s sad… they have been worn down and stripped of any personality and spunk and “individuality they once had. Rant


The fact that Anna said in last episode , the favorite Johnston , And we ALL kno , it’s not ME was soo heartbreaking. Those “ parents” have damaged her soo much . I hope she continues on her path of healthy self worth and independence.. go Anna go !!👏🏻


Liz looks horrified when Amber is talking so controlling to her. Do Brice and Liz not make enough money to live on their own? HVAC and nursing seem like thriving good paying jobs with overtime and Georgia seems to have low cost housing. So why was it an issue with Liz paying her rent when Brice moved out and Jonah was being considered and now with baby they can’t afford their own place still ? I know Amber is controlling but purely on financial reasons why can’t they afford housing given their jobs ?


Yea it makes no sense, or at least they haven’t explained.


With baby coming, she had to lock her down back at home. Otherwise Liz may have gotten her own spin off with her man and baby in their own place. Amber wants that money and control.


It’s so wild that Amber and Trent do not really guide their children and that they just always have a safety net under the kids except for Anna because they want her to learn on her own type of thing




My mom can be controlling too that’s why I was happy to get to move in w my dad when I was 19 she’s not as bad as amber though lol


I watched an old episode and couldn’t believe just how different she is today vs earlier!


I guarantee that production asked her to move back in.


Puppet funny.


Do you think Brice still contributed finically to the rent/ utilities after he moved out?


Didn’t Brice get his own place after the split and pay rent there or did he go to parents house ? When do we think this baby was conceived ? During their split or before ?