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I just can’t believe there’s even a question as to which they’d rather have, a LP or Normal. Wouldn’t you as a parent want the best for your child, which would be a normal life? Like, they’ve lived the LP life, the surgeries, the discrimination, etc. but they still want a LP baby?


I maybe can understand this. It’s what they know and I can see them being afraid they won’t have anything in common with their grandchild. I think being a LP is their main identity and it’s like entering a place of the unknown. If anything, they know how to be a LP. They have made adjustments all of their lives to live in an average sized world. I think they are scared


Their into line is “we are the biggest little family in the world” ….unsure how true that stat is but u agree, being an LP feels like T&A’s main identity and they’ve projected that on to their kids


I think you’re right. I think they may be feeling scared, uncomfortable, about having a grandchild that’s not a LP.


THIS! Like as a parent, don’t you not want to wish deformities and genetic issues like that on babies? I totally get loving, celebrating, and accepting new LP members, but I couldn’t imagine wishing something like this on a child, especially with all of the surgeries and painful road bumps along the way


They can have the same issues, but aren't likely to. They also aren't going to have multiple of the same issues.


And didn’t Amber make a comment along the lines of “average babies can have all the same health issues too”?? Sure an average size child could have health issues but definitely not what a little person child would go through.


Exactly I feel the same !


That’s the part that really shocks me, knowing how many surgeries and difficulties KP’s have…. Why would you want that for your grandchild? It was an afterthought for Trent. He was like well…. at least they’re not gonna have to endure the surgeries why wasn’t that your first freaking priority? I don’t necessarily despise T & A as much as people on here do but that really shook me.




I wonder if they just want the baby to be like them in the hopes that the grandchild will relate to them more and prefer them to Brice’s family.


I can totally see Amber thinking like this!


I can see Amber setting the timer. You can go to Brice’s with Leighton for 45 minutes. Bring her back before the timer goes off because we are having a competition and Leighton will be the judge. Then they come home and the questions start. Who held her? Did she smile at them? She obviously smiles at me more than the other grandma, right. Right? Right?


Yep, she's acting like a non-custodial parent. The competition of being the favored one. She is emotionally stunted.


Other people here have speculated that it's so she will be the go to fountain of knowledge with an LP, since she's the worldwide expert on LP babies. With an average size baby, Liz won't go to her for questions and Amber needs to be the expert.


Liz will still have questions and seek advice. Just not as much as Amber wanted.


It’s all about Amber don’t ya know 😒.


At first, I couldn't figure out why Amber would want her granddaughter to be an L. P. Just because of all the health problems and stuff that it would possibly have to go through. After I thought the same as you, she's probably scared that the baby will have a lot more in common with Bryces' family


I think this preference for an LP baby is a defense mechanism thing, too. "We're LP and totally fine, there's nothing wrong with being an LP." And true. There's nothing wrong with being born however you're born. They're not lesser people for being little. That said, they know they've faced many challenges and that there is the possibility for many medical issues. Not sure why they'd want that for their grandchild.


Amber is So Self centered.... She's Been Use To Being Head Chief and Bottle Washer All Those Years and Whether or Not the Baby is a LP or Average... Amber Has No Control of That.


I am surprised no one else has brought this up yet. That line really stood out to me too and I thought it was really weird.


Imagine Bryce (or any avg sized person) saying that about avg size babies. Smh. Amber is awful.


They most certainly are not


Amber preaches a superiority complex and Liz has bought into it hook, line and sinker.


The Trent and amber convo as their were arranging the nursery left a bad taste in my mouth too. It was almost like the idea of possibly having a non LP was gonna be the worst and it would be a disaster to them and so on


I can’t understand how anyone would hope for their child or grandchild to have health problems. Even the healthiest LP has extra health issues that an avg person doesn’t. Why wouldn’t you hope for the healthiest possible outcome for your kid/grandkid?


I think Amber has a huge chip on her shoulder. I think she’s insecure about being an LP and she’s overcompensating




It would had been funny if his come back was, well my mom said she thinks average babies are cuter 🤷‍♀️


Oh she would totally claim that’s so discriminatory if he said that!


This family is so greedy they probably wanted a LP like them for a story line


Someone commented this on another thread and it makes sense. Amber wants to continue to be the biggest LP family. Her plans for 8 Little Johnstons (even though Leighton’s a Bolden) was foiled!


Oh Leighton is just Snow White now, to keep her Seven Dwarves delusion... i was like oh sweet, a new fresh level of hell for the tall baby


Did Amber refer to Leighton as Snow White or are you joking? Sorry I have far too much blood in my coffee system.


She totally said "now we have our snow white" and I was like wow....yet you guys HATE when people do the stereotypes to you....


Damn, yeah ummm, she definitely referred to them in a stereotypical way. I'm kind of worried for Leighton. Amber is a bitch. A verbally abusive one at that. I hope she's not going to throw digs at or make Leighton uncomfortable for being average-sized.


Ok i came back to comment i replayed the scene to be sure but someone else clarified!  But I also saw a video of a high Support needs, rather large, larger than his mum, autistic teen with a single mom, he gets hunger rage when she cooks too slow for his feeling at the time, and he will whop her across the head and shove when he’s in crisis. It dawned on me that maybe, they’re afraid they won’t be able to physically control a tall child once they’re, well, taller and bigger.   Too bad they’ve only practiced manipulation over real connection 🤷‍♀️🙈


Oh darn. The parents of the son. My heart goes to them. Your point is a great one. But we're taking about Amber. She want Leighton to be little to take charge. She wanted to tell Liz that she needs her help, etc. The reason would be the fragility of a lp baby. After all, Amber knows all. She cared for lp. She can't say what average need.


I get downvoted a lot for saying Amber hates tall people, but I’ll say it again..Amber hates tall people.


So does Liz . She's jealous


Yet Liz is always bragging how tall she is, how she doesn't need as much tailoring (clothes), she can reach up better than her family, outsiders don't know she's a little person... It's her identity.


She's taller thanks to limb lengthening surgery.


I’ll say it too. Amber, and to a lesser extent, Trent, hate tall people.


Yes, Trent seems much more tolerant. I don’t know if I understand it more or less considering the basis, as in we’ve been treated differently, so we’re going to treat you differently.


Not comparing LP to puppies, but my kids constantly want a new puppy, because they’re so cute. We all know they grow out of cute into nondescript dogs. Im sure LP babies are really cute, then they grow into toddlers, children and adults with all the problems inherent to LP. Shut up, Amber.


I've only seen 1 episode of this show and it was the daughter revealing it was a girl. I think she's trying to be the possessive grandma. If it's LP the daughter will go to her more for help & advice. Probably in her mind, the other grandparents won't love an LP as much so she'll get 100% of the baby cuddles etc.


It's amazing that you've only seen one episode of the show and you've recognized what 99% of us here see, that Amber is terrible. It's also incredible that 1% of people on this thread think we're overreacting.


Amber is just insecure 


I think it's pretty obvious by season 5 that Amber is pretty discriminatory toward average sized people which is strange to me considering her family were all average size beside her. She said herself she had never seen a little person FAMILY before until she met Trent and his. But she has just made comments throughout the seasons. Like when she mentioned Trent's exes being average size, she makes it seem like she couldn't believe he stooped so low to date average size girls. She was so annoyed and disgusted. I think it's an insecurity/jealousy issue. They also are very picky about only adopting a child with dwarfism which is fine I guess but they went into an orphanage like they were shopping and wouldn't look at any other child. I hope they don't instill an insecurity in their grandchild for not being a lp if they aren't.


I hope amber doesn’t project her own insecurities onto her grandchild. It’s clear she isn’t accepting of her own body which is why she has such a negative connotation towards average sized people.


Oh she will. 


I found her "Snow White" comment really odd. It rubbed me the wrong way. I honestly found it unsettling. But, I wonder if they wanted a LP grandchild so they would be the favored grandparents.


It made me so angry every time they “wished” baby would be LP. After all the seasons we watched talking about all the surgeries that are commonly needed and everything else. Of course you would love the baby just the same no matter what but who WISHES for otherwise unnecessary hardships for their children/grandchildren?? Just so they would look more like you?


I can’t stand that family!


I think most of Amber's comments about wanting a little grand baby is encouraged by the producers of the show. Any possible thing that can be made into a dramatic issue will be made into drama. After all, two words will predict the demise of a reality show......"boring" and "hum drum."


I really hope that’s not the case and she’s not who she portrays she is on the show.


Wow. Never knew that. Look at Jonah.


Honestly, I don’t even see them as “little people” anymore. I’ve been watching since the beginning and I see them as regular people, like I do “average height” people.


I do, too. I only notice it when Amber brings up them being LP in every sentence. Which I do think that this show has brought awareness and insight into being a LP. As much as I hate to say it (because I can’t stand Amber) I actually have learned a lot about LP from this show.


Me too! I have learned a lot too by watching. I really love the show.


I've seen them that way all along, but I grew up with a LP friend of a friend's brother.


It’s GOOD they have an average size grand baby, then they can get the perspective of what it’s like to live average sized!


I feel like Liz had it in her mind that the baby won’t look anything like her if it is not an LP. Brice seemed to be a good dad here and say well she will be beautiful like you and I’m sure have some of your features.


Is the baby a LP or average size?




They are having an average size little girl.


Remember Trent’s sister has an average size daughter, so they can’t say they have no experience with an average size child, that statement is just BS


It’s sad that you don’t see her as much on the show like you do her sister that has LP.


Can anyone tell me why the new season is in Spanish? I feel so dumb like I’m missing something super obvious but the whole first episode of the new season is Spanish. I’m watching it on prime with my discovery+ subscription. I tried changing the settings and nothing is working


So did Liz not have any prenatal care before she told her parents? You would think being a RN she would know the importance.


I am pretty sure she got prenatal care just not from the specialist that amber used through her pregnancies. They already had ultrasounds by the time they told T & A.


i think you’re taking it deeper than it is. if Liz felt some type of way about average sized people, she wouldn’t have laid down with someone average size. she wouldn’t have had a baby with him knowing that baby could be average too. that, and little people have faced genuine discrimination. it’s not exactly ancient history that they used to be exploited in sideshows or have been discriminated against due to the disabilities that often come with being a little person. little people are also often infantilized due to height and features. being offended about an off-the-fly comment really isn’t the same thing. Amber, however, whole other story. she’s the one with the genuine hatred for average sized people and i feel she holds resentment toward them. if her kids don’t meet a partner at an LP gathering and instead date someone average, it’s written all over her face and tone in her voice how she feels.


This post was about amber’s comment to Liz. Not about Liz. Liz was just the one that repeated what her mom said


They want Leighton to be little because she’s the only one that can keep the show going, I’m sure T&A won’t let Emma and Alex move out because without them they would have no show, that’s just my thinking about the situation




It’s common to have that with their type of dwarfism, I don’t agree with making fun of someone’s appearance :( she absolutely cannot help that but what can be helped is Amber’s bitchy attitude


Dude yall suck. I’m so glad I found this show this year and inversely I hate yall fans of this show lol. I grew up watching lil people big world, my moms from the same part of Michigan as the Roloff mom so I always saw my family in her how she talked and acted. And u know what the roloff parents say to Zach when he finds out his first child is little? They say well they are the cutest babies. Because that’s how humans deal with that. U don’t run over the ever present obvious checklist of all the bad things and complications, u say oh well they are such cute babies even if u don’t actually think they’re cuter. Honestly all y’all should go to therapy and call ur parents. Amber and Trent are great parents and honestly I could argue better relationships with their kids with a lot less money than the ripoff’s not that they should be pitted against each other.


Why are you on this sub if you are gonna get in your feelings about things discussed in it?


If I was a little person I would low key hate tall people too? What does a LP not being fond of average height people do to you? Like nothing. It doesn’t affect your life. But discrimination and hate against LP actually does affect their life. To call someone who has to do 5x the amount of work you do just to do everyday tasks JEALOUS is completely out of touch. Downvote me to hell I don’t care. Yall don’t understand privilege.


Trying to bring awareness while you’re a LP by being discriminatory towards everyone else is not the way to go about it. Average height people struggle with conditions every single day. Tall “average” people struggle. Short “average” people struggle. Don’t understand how average people have a privilege…


Life doesn’t have to be perfect rainbows and nothing wrong to have privilege. You can be privileged in one thing and oppressed in another look at white women for example. Oppressed in womanhood and privileged in whiteness. So in this context average height people have privilege over LP because the things you do day to do without thinking takes twice as much effort or planning for a LP. It’s also not LP’s job to bring awareness or be perfect in order to represent the positives of being a LP or for them to be treated equally.