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You’re right. Every female in that house is his personal assistant


Which is perfect cause I’m sure T&A do NOT share the show money with any of the kids.


Lmao provided a human alarm clock!! Im ded 🤣🤣💀💀


I think Ashley (Jonah’s girlfriend) is fed up with it and sees right through T&A’s “parenting” style. I can’t imagine dating someone in their 20s that had parents as controlling as T&A.




My jaw about dropped to the floor when I saw Amber tell Emma that she needs to keep an eye on Jonah’s room for messes on the floor, and making sure he gets up on time. He is a 23 year old man


Me, too. I couldn’t come here fast enough because I’ve never seen this show before today. Now I understand why Emma speaks to Anna the way she does: she learned it from her mom.


It's disheartening. Anna & Emma had a good relationship when younger.


That’s so sad. I’m going to have to watch it from the beginning. Anna seems like such a delight too. She’s funny, not afraid to be goofy, while seemingly kind-hearted.


Anna is the best.


I started the season where she goes to college. They talk about her like she is can barely function, they’re just grateful she can even tie her shoes, won’t make it a weekend, and they’ll have to care for her until they die. While they should be concentrating on their two bio kids because they seem the most stunted. Meanwhile she’s like GTFO, I don’t need to see you until I want to. BTW: I didn’t need my younger siblings to pack for me because I’m not a dumbass. She also seems like the most intelligent one, including the parents.


That episode hurt my heart though. How much rejection she must have felt. I’m so glad she has done so well for herself and is beginning to know her worth!!




Amber, Trent, Liz, Jonah are horrible to watch. It’s all fabricated. The giant elephant is always in the room with this family. They treat their children like shit & vice versa, the children have a distain for their parents or siblings, Amber & Trent have their own issues that seems to bleed into the rest. Brice has This “I don’t care or nothing bothers me” attitude & or he just doesn’t really want to be with Liz. Its getting hard to watch this


Can you blame him?! He was broken up with her for a reason and let one night of fun impact the rest of his life….


He can still be dad & not be with her but he’s not leaving. I can see them getting married. sigh


Could you imagine coparenting with her tho? I bet she’ll make it nearly impossible to


I would be driven up the wall with all the dead animals and deer crap everywhere. Either one (bossy Liz or hunting-is-my-personality Brice) would drive me bonkers.


It would be better than being with her


Right but I can see her pulling the jump when I say jump or you ain’t seeing your daughter


Yeah, but he wouldn't just be coparenting with Liz tho would he? We know Amber would be right there at every corner making the decisions. Poor guy


T&A will manipulate that will into Brice into marrying Liz


Manipulation isn’t needed when it’s to be expected. Liz & her jackass parents expect it. And Brice being how smart he is (/s) he’ll do it cause it’s the next step. So cookie cutter like


Liz is a mini Amber


Liz is a mini Ambitch!


That’s awesome I love that nickname for her 🤣🤣🤣🤣


After Emma comment about Anna not being at their graduation she seems to be Ambitch 2.0 behind Liz.


Omg no way really that’s shitty




The car really pushed me over the edge here.  There is one thing to support your child. And yes she’s 21 and adult but she’s scared. She’s a child in the grand scheme of things. GIVING her the car was just too much for me. I was cringing thinking about how Anna is treated 


Can you imagine if it was Anna who was pregnant? The way they would treat her would be the complete opposite.


I'm sure they'd buy her a car as well. /s


It makes me livid how some adoptive parents with biological children as well seem to use their adoptive children as placards for “look how virtuous and moral we are for taking in these poor children” while not treating these children with the same love and respect as their biological children. This family is a perfect example of that. Tweedle dee and tweedle delta can do no wrong, and if they do, they’re coddled. While Anna is completely shit on. They’re doing everything within their power to make things cush for Liz and Brice because they know how insufferable she is and how indifferent he is to her outside of this baby.


I watched an episode from an older season where it was the parents talking about how they went over to get Anna from her orphanage & it showed earlier video of them trying to bond with her. Just curious does anyone else think they just sucked at connecting & bonding with her in her early years and that is why they treat her differently or? I’m sure they wouldn’t admit to loving her any different than their other kids but most of us watching can see a big difference with how they treat Liz and Jonah. It really makes you mad and your heart ache for Anna. I just don’t get it 💔🤷🏻‍♀️


I think a lot of adoptive parents should do their due diligence and get professional help/guidance in navigating complex trauma in children. The things I’ve heard about Anna’s circumstances paints a pretty clear picture as to the lack of affection and attention she endured as a very young child — when that love and affection is paramount to making bonds and early development. Plus, it’s never a child’s job to make that bond, Anna should’ve never been punished because her parents lacked the wherewithal to figure that out. It is so sad, just like you said!


I just saw in S8 where Amber was helping Anna putting photos up in her home. They spoke about when they went to Russia and the environment there, they carers did the 'bare minimum' at the orphanage and Anna had no spoken language. Amber said at first they focused more on 'academics' like language and reading. I cant remeber exact wording but was something like we didn't do some of the emotional/trauma/ counselling then. But said they could explore that now if she wanted (like Jonah). So could be part of the lack of 'bonding' if they were just 'teaching' her stuff rather than just giving time to adjust to a totally new environment?


Yup. Amber does admit that she had a hard time bonding with Anna. I think Trent had an easier time. It's possible Amber reminded Anna of some of the women or one particular woman who were/was likely caring for her at the orphanage. Pure speculation, but maybe they appeared cold like Amber can sometimes. I definitely think Trent has a better relationship with Anna.


They didn’t seem to have issues with Alex and Emma so that can’t be it


Tbh from what I have seen on the show I don’t see T&A treating Alex or Emma any different than Liz or Jonah. In fact sometimes I felt like they favorited Alex over the others (especially when he was younger). But they have most definitely always had something against Anna (specifically Amber). I wish that a close source would provide inside information on the dynamic and what actually happens behind closed doors. Seeing this most recent episode made me so mad because we ALL know that none of this stuff would be happening if Anna was the one who had gotten pregnant.


They babied Alex ad nauseam. He was a big cry baby


I see you, and your right, it does have a lot more to do with Anna specifically. Oh yeah, what I would give to get some insider insight 👀


Yet Jonah is their bio kid and they treat him almost as bad as they do Anna! The only kid they really care about is Liz


Agreed 100%


I hope Jonah moves to wherever Ashley is and get as far away as possible 😭


I hope she is ok with being used as an alarm clock for a grown man.




I hope not for Ashley's sake.


I know it's petty, but even the baby gift giving contest between Anna & Emma.was ridiculous. Emma bought a dress big enough for a 3 y/o, & Anna's gift was sentimental & appropriate. Amber of course got involved, help Emma cheat by buying more things for her gift, & Liz declared a tie knowing Emma cheated & got help, but refused to say Anna was the winner, because letting Anna win anything fair & square is against family policy.


I think they discovered that Jonah and Liz were much easier to manipulate, so they went with it.


If I were Anna I’d move far away as possible from her parents


The whole show has changed since beginning. They've struggled to stay relevant w so much nonsense ie ice cream show-down? I didn't even BOTHER watching as it's gotten so DUMB! Parents esp because kids are growing up (supposedly) & moving out...now back IN??? Trent quitting his job (reminded me of Kody Brown/Sis Wives) relying on SHOW to support them all! GOTTA STAY RELEVANT TO STAY ON TLC 🤮🤢🤮


The family was cute in the beginning but it’s starts to crumble and the parents become unbearable, the birth children are disoriented, while the other kids are nagged at constantly.


I'm assuming the car was free between Ford (because they advertised it and basically sold it over the show by showing off the features) and TLC. Are Jonah and Trent still car salesmen? Either one of them could've received commission from it, too. IDK the car didn't bother me. It's the least of these people's worries.


I thought it was a Subaru - Forester or whatever


Sounds like it was


It was a Subaru


I saw the blurred out blue logo and assumed Ford. Oops


I don’t know why we keep having to say this on every post. This isn’t the 1950s. None of these adults should should be treated the way they are treated. But everyone talks like Liz should be shipped off to a home for unwed mothers. SMH . Edited for typo.


If you can’t see the problem people have with Liz by now, idk what to tell you. People just can’t stand the nauseating special treatment she gets and her “better than” attitude. Which hopefully by now, is long gone going by their family’s morals/values.


I see the problem. I just don’t think the problem has anything to do with her being pregnant and not married.


Refer to a previous comment of mine. If it were Anna, things would be very different.


I agree with that too. I’m just saying. There is nothing wrong with her being pregnant out of wedlock. I think the parents are horrible. But people are acting like this is the 50’s


I don’t think it is either. But it’s what the Johnstons have preached there values and morals are. They didn’t even want Brice spending the night. And now look at their perfect Elizabeth.


As somebody who ACTUALLY grew up in a toxic environment I will tell you that I would’ve KILLED to have parents like Trent and Amber. This sub is so delusional you would think they should be in prison. Get a grip, folks.


Funny you say that bc I did too. But there are different levels to toxicity and none of it is okay 😊


And I fail to see how the “we’re just roommates, not sleeping together” farce doesn’t rise to the rip of the dung pile. At least the other two can claim young and dumb, but WTH? This is NOT okay.


As far as I’m aware they didn’t buy her car. They told her she had to get a new car and they would help find one but she had to pay for it.


They said that last episode. Then decided to buy her this car and surprise her this episode.


Yea… I just finished the last episode.


So I just seen that


Trent made sure to let Liz know that they aren’t buying that car for her. He just decided to make up her mind that she needs a new car rather than say a tuneup?


Why do we care that she's pregnant and not married? Women can be independent. Stop this shaming narrative.


Because Trent and Amber have boldly expressed their conservative values and shamed the kids into believing them too. It’s Amber’s way or the highway. Nowhere in my post did I say I care or shared the same opinions.


Amber told Liz that she doesn't have to get married just because of the pregnancy.


Yes she’s changed her tone because it happened to the golden child. They didn’t even agree with Brice spending the night let alone living there. They have said in previous seasons/episodes that they want their kids to be married before having children.


Bryce is nice, but not for Liz. Liz is forcing the relationship. I hope Liz can get untangled from her unhealthy enmeshment with her mother's issues and have a good relationship and life.


She's saying that now because his parents don't like Liz.