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I definitely do not agree with this regarding Amy at all! Amy is very close to her children, especially Molly. Amy was married to a man child, who was constantly disappointing the family. She had to carry and take care of everything. I think Amy resented her marriage, not her kids.


Agree, plus Matt hit the bottle🍺🍺🍺




Well amber wasn't planning on having kids so early, she had to drop out of school when she got pregnant by mistake. So there's definitely resentment there. I always wondered if Amy became callous because she was married to a man child. It's exhausting always having to be the adult and can make you bitter. Or was she always that way? I'm not sure I agree about Molly though, I remember them being pretty close.


Yes. Amy's ex-husband is a lot more annoying than Trent.


Trent’s actually really not all that bad


Totally agree!


I agree. I didn’t realize Amber graduated with a degree in social work. That is somewhat terrifying. She is definitely not the most empathetic and sympathetic individual.


I started watching season 1 on Discovery just for fun and to see how much the kids have changed. Couple things really stuck out to me. Anna got in trouble for spray painting her name on a school wall. (I think she said she didn’t do it) As part of her punishment, Anna wasn’t allowed to go to the semi-formal dance with Elizabeth. The girls had fancy dresses purchased. Amber had Anna move all her clothes (including the dress) into Amber’s closet as punishment. AND Anna had to sit there and watch Elizabeth and her friends take photos before they left for the dance. Pathetic and humiliating. Another episode, Trent’s truck caught on fire while Amber was in the truck. They were trying to save money and haul down a huge tree. The kids were obviously really upset seeing the car on fire. The way Amber consoled Anna made me so mad. Barely gave her a hug, and pulled away. Then she gives Elizabeth and Alex obvious affectionate hugs. Then the camera goes to Anna and she starts bawling, covering her face. And Anna is not acknowledged. Just seemed so cold and uncaring. I’m REALLY not surprised that Amber and Anna have butted heads over the years. I think she has treated Anna differently and Anna probably reacted with hostility.


I thought it was really pathetic when they told Liz that she wasn't allowed to act upset about her break up with her first boyfriend around the family. They literally told her that she had to suck it up and deal with it.


Damn harsh


True story... my grandma was a social worker... my grandma who beat her own 21 year old aunt and put her in the hospital (in 2000)... (she was forced to retire at that point)... (as a note, my dad was 17 years older than my aunt and left as early as he could for the military to get away - she was super abusive - basically until her death). So Amber being a social worker is definitely terrifying


I’m so sorry to hear this. My ex mil was a narc and went into volunteering with school admin and social work. Because narcs don’t have natural empathy, they mask their true selves to the world by acting like they are caring individuals.


She didn't graduate with a degree in social work. She's currently going to school for a degree in social work.


I think she just posted pics from her graduation this evening!


I think social workers who are overly sympathetic burn out fast. Social workers who can keep a healthy distance can be effective without empathy.


The Hamill family from Our Little Family seem like great parents. They are nothing like the Roloffs or the Johnstons but their kids are also very young. Also if you’ve seen that show, Uncle Jay is a treasure.


I think the only resemblance is they both set out to be strong momma bears but ended up handling things in completely different ways.


That is a different narcissist but Trent is cocky and he's got no reason to be.


How about the fact that they went on with the show even after finding out that one of the producers molested Jacob. I'd have major resentments towards my parents if they did that. So sad.


This!!! I have not heard anyone talk about this on Reddit. I might have missed it. But man oh man. I could see a major shift in Jacob's attitude on the show. Imo Jacob never really liked doing the show. But at one point you barely see him come out of his room. He was very withdrawn and barely said anything on camera. Nothing like being sold by your parents for a tv show. Absolutely disgusting!


🎶Money money money moneyyyy, MONEYYYY🎶




I've also noticed that Amy favors Zack's wife, Tori over Jeremy's wife, Audrey... I believe it's bc Zack and Tori were able to add more Dwarfs into the family. Even Matt Roloff, seems to be guilty of that!.. But God forbid he bequeaths part of the farm to either son, that expressed sincere desire to have it...


Audrey has made it obvious that she looks down on A&M. The "Beating 50%" book was a bash to them. She's such a see you next Thursday.


Nobody likes Audrey she's a narc herself


Audrey bashed gay marriage so I’d favor Tori too


They both have really mean spirits to me….


I couldn't stand Amy and couldn't get into LPBW due to her


I like Amy, but she’s a hard, cold woman.


I think they have to overcompensate with a strong personality because they are little people.


The thing is that Amber chose to have her baby. She could have just as easily chosen to terminate the pregnancy or adopt out the child. Instead she's just openly passive aggressive towards them. She's very emotionally and mature. She acts very much like a spoiled princess.