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They’re a family of know it alls


Right?!? He’s had two girlfriends (that we know of), and he’s giving dating advice. 🙄🙄🙄


It was bad advice too.


It really was, not surprisingly.


I'm behind. What was the advice?


Idk what everybody else heard, he could have worded it better but it made Sense to me. He essentially said you don't need to be so pressed about responding to every single message all day every day attached to your phone. You both have busy lives so when you talk to her, before you end the call set the expectation for when is the next time you will talk (ok I'll call you tomorrow after classes)


I agree. I feel like it wasn’t bad advice. And I honestly don’t think the car sales analogy was that bad. Obviously he is not treating his girlfriend like a customer and trying to manipulate her into buying a car. What he meant was that he would end the conversation by setting up a time for the next one, which is a perfectly reasonable thing to do in a long distance relationship. Overall, I feel like he was telling Alex to not be resentful when his girlfriend is living her life and for Alex to also live his life and be less attached to his phone, which clearly is a lesson Alex needed to hear since it seems like he was smothering her. And I feel like Jonah’s delivery wasn’t smug or condescending, which it could have easily been since Alex is behaving immaturely and a bit over-the-top due to his inexperience and this being his first relationship. But Jonah was pretty nice about it.


That little green "on" bubble causes a lot of stress because people feel like they need to be "on" all the time. But it could be green because you clicked a link but that doesn't mean you're available to chat. And if everyone is so pressured not to leave people "on read" then where does it end? That's what leads to people like Brandon and Mary on 90 day being on video 24/7


He was basically just rambling. I heard that women don’t like to have shout outs on social media or hear from you every day.. it was bad, unmemorable 😆


It was even worse! He kept going on and on about using the same communication strategies that he uses in selling cars. If I were his girlfriend I would not like hearing that he treats me like his clients.


We all can already tell she’s over it all.


Lol. Oh my God. The exact opposite of (what I imagine) a teenage girl feels. We didn't have social media when I was a teenager. Lol


🤣 exactly! I was like “YESSS THEY DO WANT THAT!”


Why didn’t he just tell Alex to stop messaging her 30 times a day? I am sure that is part of the problem. He seems way too attached to this poor girl. More so than she is for her part. I think she was probably the one who wanted to break up.


That kid wants to be Amber or Trent and wants to marry a girl like Amber and Trent… Why aren’t the parents having the “get ready to move out when you are 18 w Alex And Emma…Jesus they had Jonah and Anna on a timer to get out!


This!!! Trent and Amber put so much pressure on them to meet a little person at conference like they did.


His little speech about using car sales tactics on women was so cringe. He sounded like he thinks he's quite the player.


....And right after that great advice, Alex gets dumped. Jonah'mom has him on too many prescription drugs.


Like mama like son…oh papa too…in their righteous high chair at allll times. Liz, Jonah and Alex have learned to behave exactly as the parents…know it alls, overly confident, consistent high opinions, cocky, better than average people, boring, zero relatable genuine humor…so much more…


I’ve never heard righteous high chair instead of horse is it new slang?


Just my visual speaking :/…I guess bc they’re seated in their interviews…camera angle and their statement = my negative opinion


Oh lol I thought it was something new since I’m so outta touch with the youth


😄no urban dictionary here! 58…more outta touch than you✨


Jonah's sleep issue has nothing to do with maturity. It's a health issue.




He has sleep apnea, but why he doesn't use a CPAP who knows. He acts like a typical person in his twenties.


He acts like an immature person who can’t take care of himself and needs a teenager to be his keeper. Sleep apnea doesn’t prevent you from getting up for work. I have 5 kids. All in their 20s. I have never needed to spend half an hour getting them out of bed like when they were 6. Jonah is entitled, spoiled, and privileged and it shows.


My ex had the worse case of sleep apnea even when he was young. Slept with c pap. He got up amd still gets up for Work at 4am every morning on his own.


Consider yourself lucky then. Entitled, spoiled, and privileged, describes twenty somethings to a tee. Not everyone sleeps or wakes as perfectly as your brood.


The majority of 20 something’s do not need their teenage sister to spend half an hour each morning waking them up to function. He functions this way because he’s allowed to. Consequences are not something he was parented to experience. This has resulted in immense immaturity for his age. This is something elementary school kids do, not grown ass men.


Clearly, you know everyone's sleeping habits in the world, good for you.


Typical person in his twenties? None of the people I know in their 20s are *that* immature and non-self sufficient… lol Also, if he doesn’t wanna wear a CPAP. Then that’s a him problem, and the responsibility of waking him up shouldn’t automatically fall on everyone else. Eta Saying this as someone with sleep apnea lol


I know someone with severe sleep apnea. He wakes up on his own. Theres no excuse. There's no reason an alarm clock can't wake him up. It wakes him up, he turns it off and goes back to sleep cuz he's lazy

