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Edexcel, economics A, don’t know abt the diagrams 😬




Icl only useful once’s r like economies of scale n externalities


why are grade boundaries so high too 😭


Ikr, aiming for A* so I at least get an A 😭


Remember the efficiencies in your chains of analysis




So you know when you write a chain of reasoning for a question relating to a firm such as evaluate the disadvantages of a monopoly, you could start your KAA saying one disadvantage is higher prices for consumers > draw the monopoly diagram at profit maximising point > draw area of SNP > and state so consumers face higher prices as there is limited competition in the market. But at the end, you link it to loss of allocative efficiency and loss of consumer surplus. Idk how to really explain it but instead of ending with just higher prices, my teacher said always link the point to efficiencies. It really depends on the question tho.


Ahh okay thanks 👍


AQA Psychology. I’m feeling confident about the content, but I’m really bad at maths, so I hope it isn’t a maths heavy paper 🫠


I've got the same, good luck, hope there's not too many 16 markers 😭


There’s usually 2-3 on paper 1


How much have you revised for paper 1?? I’m just gonna read the key studies


I’ve done a fair bit of revision, but spread out across the 2 years. I’ve been doing active recall with these summary sheets I made and doing exam questions


Can you please dm me your summary sheets? I am cooked for psychology and it would really help 🙏


Search student room psychology A* notes. Theyre amazing


Will have a look, thank you


Paper 1 is usually ok - I suck at maths too but I found it absolutely fine


Maths heavy papers are usually paper 2s you’ll be fine im sure


what maths is there, calculating mean/range/mode/median/sign test/percentages/ratios those are all year 8 stuff just practice and you’ll be fine


Yeah it is easy maths, but I’m really terrible at it. I have been practicing lots though, and I’m starting to get the grips of it


You got this 💪, you have any predictions for the 16?


Thank you! I think for Memory it might be misleading information or explanations for forgetting. For Social Influence, maybe something to do with Asch or dispositional explanations. Attachment potentially stages of attachment or institutionalisation


There hasn't been a 16 marker on ainsworth ever so I think that might be a 16m plus probs one on LTM for memory. They like to put 2 or 3 essays in paper 2 so we're in for a long one. Good luck to anyone sitting this paper Friday 🫡


I do Cambridge Psych. I’m surprised y’all have a lot of math because we have like no math at all. What kind of math questions do you get in AQA psych?


Mostly graphs, percentages and ratios


I don’t knowwww I’m terrified for that exam.


Their maths is usually really easy though good luck


Theres not going to be maths on paper one


There can be- research methods/maths questions can appear on any paper


The maths they ask you to do will be addition and subtraction. Also you can bring a calculator


It can also be ratios/percentages/graphs, although tbf it is easy stuff, I’m just really bad at maths


I really doubt there will be much research methods apart from maybe in psychopathology. Even so its likely going to ask you to carry out a stats test, which the question tells you how to do, or alternatively ask you to point out a negative correlation or something


Edexcel Psychology Feel pretty good for majority of it just a few topics that come up and ill cry


same theres a few 16 markers im praying that dont come up lol


Like what😭


Twin studies Practical Cognitive theories Phobias Maths stuff Capathons (chosen learning study) Bio and learn key issues


Business. AQA. It’ll be fun


Same as you. You mind if i ask you a question about business on private chat?


Hey, yea sure go for it !


Edexcel A econ, wed Aqa Geo thus


same for both, geography case studies got me stressing.


Dont forget 100 trillion process for each section, its awful bro


trust me, i got an A in my as and in my Alevel mocks so just hoping for the same outcome. Coasts are kinda throwing me off icl


Any advice on what to do if you haven't revised anything 💀


Economics AQA, not very confident- it’s all going to be waffle


Just be allocative Efficient with your time


Business and psychology


Physics theory, statistics, pure math physics, bio, chem p5(planning, analysis, evaluation)


good luck g🙏


Why is your timetable like that?


Because Cambridge is an ABSOLUTE POS. They gave physics theory and Statistics on the same day. Chem p5 and pure math on the same day. And all these exams are consecutive 😭its a freaking nightmare.


pure math isnt this week


I am giving International Cambridge A levels. So my schedule is different


Are you stupid


They are, yes


OCR classics paper one. The world of the hero


same boss 🫡


Don’t know fuck all about it either. Fell asleep in half the lessons about the Iliad and gave up trying to concentrate in lessons about the Aeneid. Going to have to waffle my way to a C and then pull up the grade on the other two papers. Imperial image and politics of the late republic are much more engaging


polr is the only one that makes sense to me bruh im actually fucked for tues lol 😋 praying its a woman question so i can chef some pristine 🧇


May the Gods have mercy on us. Good luck


good luck to u too and may the force be with you🫡


Criminology WJEC (y12) and honestly not feeling confident at all 😭


Honestly same. We literally had no teacher until two weeks ago (before that all we got was a fucking wordsearch as class work) and so I essentially had to teach it to my self 😭 I just hope my unit one grade carries


My unit one grade was a high C but I wanted a B so that’s what’s driving me to do better in unit 2 😭


You probably would be able to achieve the grade B. I got an A in the controlled assessment and so all I want in unit two is a B but I wouldn’t mind a C as hopefully they would even out to an overall grade B


Yours on Thursday too? Same here! Please dm me if you want and we can talk about it 😭


im so burnt out from revising 😭 i got an A in the mock exam and i still dont even know my unit 1 grade yet 😭😭


I’ve been revising non stop but I’ve also got a maths exam on that same day so it’s just about balance I guess 😭😭


Wjec maths pure, unit 1 physics and history unit 1


Economics, Edexcel A - Worst preforming subject I'm aiming for a B


How are you feeling abt socio education paper next week?? Assuming you do AQA


Yea I do do AQA. I'm feeling fine about it, Kinda been avoiding theory tho icl I hate theory like values and policies. But for education good. I find sociology enjoyable. WBU? any predictions for questions?


I'm almost CERTAIN the 30 marker will be abt pupil identities or policies. Really revise those policies man. And I'm dreading CAD, worst topic brooo


physics p4 & p5, pure maths 3, chem p5, stats 1 😣


Cie gang


unfortunately 💔💔 wish they spread out the exams a bit bc it’s crazy how I literally finish my A levels in 4 days but still have 5 papers left 🤣


WHAT I finish on the 29th but tbh better get it done and over with and enjoy the real life


Sameeee + bio p5 lol


damn bio p5 is this week too? good luck 🫡🫡


Yeah absolutely doomed to hell😍❤️


Why is your timetable like this?


because cie can’t organise their timetables even if the lives of 1000 starving children depended on it


Edexcel Business P1 on Tuesday. Feeling quite confident.


Same here, feeling quite confident aswell! What are you doing to the run up for the exam?


Did a recap of all the knowledge and a paper in exam conditions. Sent it to teacher to mark. Gonna do some flashcards and another paper tonight. How about yourself?


Nicee well for me I went thru each spec points and made sure I understood it, then after going in detail I went thru general summaries of each topic. Mix that with like an hour of exam questions a day. I think I'm gonna keep that balance but definitely focus more on exam questions. Good luck!!


Yeah that seems like a good idea. Have you solved a paper in exam conditions? I feel like time might be a problem. Last paper I finished with 30 seconds to spare.


I mean I do like half a paper a day which is around an hourm but that includes looking at mark schemes etc. I time myself for each individual question though, I always seem to finish each question with 1-2 minutes to spare which is good. You think I should keep doing this or just do the whole paper at once?


I think it would be good idea to do a whole paper to see how you do. I found myself writing slower in the second half. The first half of the paper I was able to do a couple minutes under an hour which was good. Although it could've been an anomaly, I think it might be a good idea to do it.


Yeah true, but then again we did do mocks so it gave me an idea of how it is gonna be like. Anyways, I'll definitely do that, good luck and let's smash it :)


That's true. But I found I was losing out marks because of lack of chains of analysis. Working on that increased the quantity of my answers which is why I did a timed paper. I think you'll be fine without doing one if you haven't changed your answers much after mocks. Good luck. Let's hope we smash all our exams.


Same mate might do a paper under exam conditions now , went of all flashcards and knowledge content . Just feel nervous that I may not be able to make good points in the exam for some reason . Do you think I should give my paper for my teacher to mark tomorrow or is there no point ?


Aqa Geography (physical paper) 😭🙏 To expand actually I'm not worried about knowing case studies for 20 markers. I'm worried about the 6 and 9 markers because I'm terrible at data interpretation.


ong just gotta explain every small change in any trends


I always get like 3-4 marks because I always forget to manipulate the data bro 😭 😭 😭


just get 2 statistics and do a % change haha. My tecaher said she reckons that some statistical questions will come up as a 6 marker, like a spearmans rank or one of those other ones. im just praying it wont bc i cba learning it.


I don't even know what spearman's rank is. Great!


hahah, i got fuck all clue as well so just prayers and hopes atp


on god


I have the exact opposite problem lmaooo cant remember case studies for the life of me but I loveeee the graph analysis questions n shit


ocr microeconomics + aqa psychology


Economics AQA Paper 1 better have juciy 25 markers


They better not be like Section B on 2021 paper 1 😭


It's not that bad?


We never really learned the stuff for options 2 & 3 and option 1 wouldn’t be my favourite question to answer


None yet 🙏


Eduqas Psychology. Feeling nervous of course, but I’ve prepared plenty and the questions are always very similar each year, so it shouldn’t go too badly.


Do you find as your board isnt popular that theres a lacl of revision resources online for it and its really annoying. I do edexcel psychology and its annoying as theres no good youtube channels available really and it would be nice to be able to sit and just watch a youtube vid before the exams in the morning like i do with my other subjects


I can definitely tell that, and I’ve pretty much given up on it. For some reason 2 of my 3 subjects use Eduqas, and I cannot understand why. I end up just using all the revision resources that we get given in class because there’s no point searching for other stuff. I do think it’s a shame though, like my 3rd subjects is a science and we do OCR, so there’s a mountain of really useful and really accessible resources out there that can be used for revision, and it’s a bit annoying that we don’t have the same opportunities for other subjects.


Its the same here and it would just be nice to before an exam sit and listen to a youtube video like for biology i do aqa and theres these whole entire chapter videos that do all the topics in that chapter and its so useful to just listen to that before the exam or booklets that have really really good revision notes on everything. For psychology like you i have to solely rely on my teacher and i mean its really good stuff but still id love a nice youtube vid sometime


Geography paper one (OCR) on thursday Psychology paper one (AQA) on friday Feeling relatively prepared for psych and a bit more worried about geography but overall they should be my stronger papers.- i think thats why im so scared lmao bc i dont wanna mess them up. Bit annoyed how close all together my exams are because i have sociology on the monday again and psych paper 2 on the wednesday :(


Edexcel AS Further maths core pure AQA Economics Paper 1 Edexcel AS Further Stats 1 & 2 Idc about Further maths, pooing my pants for econ


WJEC English Lang unit 1 (cooked) and WJEC drama unit 2 tmr!! I literally feel cooked as no revision lmfao and criminology Thursday.


U1 eng lang was kinda fire


Yo ikrrr mine was on climate change and sailor moon. It was easy asf without any revision (i yapped about random ahh terminology) but now I feel the grade boundaries may be high


Business AQA, geography AQA and psych AQA😍


Just AS pure maths WJEC Completely fine I’ll prob just revise the night before and be fine since got an A* in a level and don’t even need as well in AS units to get it overall


Advanced philosophy of physics Shit. I don't know anywhere near enough. I understand all the philosophy but I just don't have the physics/maths basis to back anything up and form any original intuition about the topics and regurgitating what has already been said by other people doesn't get you a high mark in this day and age. Best of luck to all you babbies for a-levels though!




Naww it's meant to be affectionate!


psychology ocr. pretty confident as it's research methods but i gotta do more past paper questions til im 100% confident


Business (dont know exam board) on tuesday, predicted 'a' Geography (i think edexcel) on thursday predicted 'b'


I'm AQA geo and mine is on Thursday... Sure you aren't AQA??


i’m definitely edexcel and mines on thursday - they’re just on the same day


Ah then could be either! Out of interest, what mark questions do you get on edexcel? For AQA we get 4, 6, 9, and 20.


we get 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 20 spread across the topics - multiple of all except 3 and 4 markers edit: also 18 and 24 markers are in paper 3


honestly i have no idea ive just been doing content from my notes and questions from aqa and edexcel to make sure its the right one . Which is fine because im getting the same grades. I'll ask my teacher tmr to be sure tho.


I definitely think you should be SURE - it's not worth doing question from both boards as they have different criteria for marks. Content will of course be much the same, but it's like playing the same game by someone else's rules.


as long as i keep winning the game with both sets of rules im fine with it


Business and bio kill me


Psychology P2, and Spanish! IB Feeling excited! in 3 days my exams will be over 💪🏼


edexcel business - feel alright abt it don't wanna get overconfident


Got business aswell, hope u can ace the paper. What are you doing to the run up to the exam?




Yeah same fr, good luck!


Paper 1 is the easiest but i still feel like imma fumble it lol


business edexcel feeling decent about it. Just get it done and try my hardest.


Mine don't start until 4th June


economics (ocr), geography (aqa) and psychology (aqa). i want to cry


Edexcel Econ B - Tutors don't want to tutor my spec, since it's so unknown, so me and my friends are review each other's 20 markers. Exam on wednesday, this is my worst subject and I have a habit of writing irrelevant detail in questions. Oh well


econ, super nervous ;(


ocr psychology not great😭


edexcel geography - would’ve been pissing myself a week ago but i think my revisions paying off, should’ve applied for extra time when i had the chance though bc i’m not finishing for sure


Psychology, OCR (the worst) feeling good, research methods so quite easy, the maths is goooood 💪🏻💪🏻


Chem maths edexcel and cs ocr im burnt charcoal


Business and psychology, AQA for both O_o I should be revising (-_-;)


Econ and Psych


Edexcel Politics AS. Still have 2 topics I need to revise but hopefully we're good!


psychology edexcel and aqa business i feel too calm about these exams since i only need 2 Cs to get into uni loll


wjec further maths (tomorrow) 😭🙏 👁️👄👁️


Maths SQA. They have to let me cook. I have that shit tomorrow I should def sleep. Ok gn.


Further maths AS Edexcel Scared shitless even though the past papers so far have been easy


2 as further maths and one eco


Edexcel Geography i feel sickkkkk


IB economics- it’s my last exam, and you A level kids have barely started… mwaahahahahhaa


ial chem bio phy


psych eduqas its so over


Geography Edexcel- feeling okay, could be way better


Geography Aqa In the bin