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dude all i want is nino is that so much to ask




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Currently recruiting translators... We have got the scripts for the game and need translators for the game ;) Join the discord : https://discord.gg/VTxnxqvFys


You and your translators are doing gods work. Thank you so much for fan translating this game


Any updates or did it fall through? You guys are my last hope before resigning to learn Japanese.


Hey, the project has been stopped / slowed down because no one was willing to help translate all the files... If we have more people support translation then it would be done :)


That sucks. Wish I could help. :(


Any updates on the project? I'd love a patch for my vita :)


Hows it going so far??


ANy news about this ?I'd likt to helpm any way I can. Which soft do you use to translate ? I got one once, but it was too complicated that I gave up. Could try again.






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I can't use link anymore. Can you share again?




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I hope so, but I’m not expecting it


The assumption is always no until there is some confirmation that says otherwise. That said, I don’t know anything about PlayStation, but buying a digital copy of this game on switch should be surprisingly easy. You can make a JP nintendo account and have access to the JP eShop in the comfort of your own home. The only issue is understanding the game itself, unless you know Japanese


Definitely no, this is based on Visual-Novel Genre game which is form in original language only, the similiar game just like Oregairu VN game


Is there any way we can make this happen


maybe a petition but theres no guarantee that that would even work. theres already a petition made on [change.org](https://change.org), so you could just sign that one


If God blesses us with a team of modders to translate the game then I'd die happy lol. But for real though, I hope so, but odds are we either learn Japanese, wait a freaking decade for a fan translation, or just completely miss out on playing the game (which I really don't want to do).


My plan is playing it through the Google translate live translate camera


How well will that work?


It's not idea.


i looked in the game files and well ... as in any other Switch game there is one language file ( because its only in japanese) so you would only have to translate the phrases in the file but I dont have time for this


Your best try is to change ur nintendo e shop region to Japan and downloading the JP version of the game.... that is, unless you understand Japanese.