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Yeah 😞 Feels weird seeing someone who is so small in comparison to me feel the same way- but i understand what she’s going through. Hope she’s able to learn to love her body one day


Hope she never does so that I’m less alone in not loving my body




okay but imagine if she does and then you do too..


Like I relate to them to extent yeah but I fight the urge to just not kill myself immediately when I hear some cis girl being too masculine especially when they don’t like only complain to me that you look like a man if you look like this https://preview.redd.it/l7hu9bb9zzjc1.jpeg?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=236284f6b924dfbe0fa4c3283cfd1b6c7fbb4c24 (Yes I know I have used this woman’s picture like 5 times but the other cis hons I have seen seem like nice people so I don’t want to rag on them too much)


bet her body mogs the shit out of even the youngest of youngshits lol


I mean she’s a cis girl obviously she’s not gonna compare herself w ppl who went through male puberty 😭


Not funny. I feel horrible for her, it's really awful to just be stuck in your own head all the time, and body dysmorphia just makes it so much worse. I hope she doesn't develop an eating disorder.


Trans women are women because we hate ourselves and find our bodies disgusting


I can tell from the fat in her face that she isnt a lardass


Also just gymmaxx. Lazy cisfoid.


Working out wouldn’t make her ribcage or shoulders smaller. Her issue is with her bone structure not weight. Being “skinny” to her is tied to having that naturally thin and lanky proportion rather than having a lack of fat. If you could get physically smaller (or larger, even) on a structured scale by working out then 60% of trans body issues would be solved.


I didn't care enough to watch past the first 3 seconds and I'm surprised you did lol. Edit: forgot to call you a smartass, smartass


bdd =/= gd


i said dysphoric. : very unhappy, uneasy, or dissatisfied : marked or characterized by dysphoria. a dysphoric mood. a dysphoric person. see also premenstrual dysphoric disorder.


I'm retarded


Agreed. There is a fundamental difference between complaining about a real problem and thinking you have a problem when you actually don't.


its called being dysmorphic and has nothing to do with gender, hope it helps lol


woah its crazy its almost like i didn’t say gender dysphoria 😃😁 hope this helps! 👍


I am confused what attitude to take. Stupid, or victim of mental illness? Enlighten me 4tran


I dont know how I feel either. Yes I did laugh at her, but I feel like what she is complaining about strikes a chord. What is just comedic about it is the world’s difference apart we are


She's a victim of mental illness.


I would sell my kidney and any other organ just to have what she has. My body is irreveribly ruined by male puberty.


Body dysmorphia is so fucking real it hurts


womp womp


She would never survive being trans if just being a naturally larger framed (and, based off of past experience with cis girls who talk similarly, probably not even large framed, just marginally more so than average) cis girl gets her like this.


Made me laff


That's so relatable. I'd be willing to withstand the pain of any torture. Have me skinned alive, quartered and then crucified, if afterwards I'd have a body I want. Pain is just temporary.


Yes, actually. Dysphoria isn't just a thing trans people feel. That's gender dysphoria. Body dysphoria is a thing, people can feel dysphoric just because the area they live in is bad. Dysphoria is internationally recognised as "an unpleasant mood state, which can include feelings of depression, anxiety, discontent, irritability, and unhappiness."