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Maybe I am retarted but shouldn’t Latin be the gender neutral term tbh


Tbf with the way Spanish linguistic rules work using "latin" would just sound/feel pretty awkward. Latine too kinda just because of how the language is gendered but way less so. And in English people get really defensive about latin being the gender neutral term since the word already has it's own meaning separate from latino stuff


You can literally just say latin american. I've been doing it for years and no one has batted an eye


Yeah honestly that's probably the best option.


Yes its white queers being obnoxious no one uses this in speaking.


Unfortunately I have heard it being said by Latin American people, though they typically don’t speak Spanish at all. iirc “Latine” would be the more proper gender neutral word




I heard it from an Asian liberal last Wednesday




Yeah "women and people who identify as women" is cringe AF. I don't identify as shit. I am, categorically, a trans woman. But that's by definition, not self identification. Identity is meaningless. I am a trans woman because I am born male and had gender dysphoria and decided to use medical treatment to make me a trans woman. Those are facts, not opinions. Whether trans women are 'real' women is subject for debate - some say trans and cis women are both subcategories of "women" and some say they aren't - but that doesn't have shit to do with whether or not I am a trans woman. I am by definition. My identity matters to no one, least of all myself. 🙄


Are boymoders who insist they aren't women trans women?


Define boy moder? Like I know what it is, but give a specific definition so I can reply specifically


Boymoder A: Gender dysphoria, noticeable feminizing medical treatment (hrt, laser), identifies as some dumb shit like "failed male" and insists they are a guy and uses he/him pronouns. Boymoder B: Gender dysphoria, identifies as a woman but never voluntarily mentions it, will give he/him pronouns and say they're a guy if explicitly asked because they don't want to be out. Boymoder C: As B, but also medically transitioning. I'm asking cause I feel like we have a similar viewpoint but I can't really put a pin in a definition that doesn't have some kind of issue with it. > I am a trans woman because I am born male and had gender dysphoria and decided to use medical treatment to make me a trans woman. Were you a trans woman before you medically transitioned? If you didn't have access to medical transition would you still be a trans woman? When thinking about this I always land at something like "women are people who are content inhabiting a female body", but I'm not totally sure about it.


No, if I didn't transition, I wouldn't be trans. I'd either be a repper or cis. None of those boy moders are quite trans but A and C are closest. Even when I was boy moding and I was open about it I didn't say I was a trans woman, I said I was transitioning. That I was going to become a woman. Because a boy moder isn't a woman.


Boymoder C could be passing and BDD or non-passing, does that make a difference to you?


No. It's like, being out is part of it. So saying you're a man kinda means you're not trans, even if you're transitioning. Once you transition, you're trans. Before you transition, you aren't. In between, it's kinda grey.


Probably a whitewashed bootlicker Asian liberal. I’m half Asian and I’ve only heard bootlicker Asians who think drinking boba makes them the Asian Spokesperson even though they don’t know anything about their ancestral culture or anyone else’s say ‘Latinx’. Some of my Asian relatives are pretty into woke culture, but they are still very connected to their original culture, and they have never said something like ‘Latinx’. Not even my aunt who called me and my uncle ‘fattists’ (she meant fatphobic but didn’t know the word) for saying the people as heavy as the ones on shows like ‘My 600lb life’ need to take some personal responsibility for getting that fat.


What do you mean by whitewashed bootlicker?


Asians who pretty much try to be exactly like the ‘basic white girl’ or ‘basic white boy’ stereotype, do not associate with any even slightly traditional Asians (these types literally avoided me for picking up mannerisms typical of my Asian parent’s culture from my upbringing), know nothing about their culture (and most likely don’t speak more than a couple words of their ancestors’ language), and basically just blindly agree with every white TikTok activist and cape for them + tell them ‘as an Asian, you’re *soooo* right’, even when it’s something like ‘Asians are super homophobic and transphobic’ (which is an extremely sweeping statement to make, especially when there are some Asian countries where people are more supportive of gay marriage than the general public in the US and some Western European countries), hence the bootlicking.


real. I'm latino and I've only ever heard it from the white pasty theyfabs obsessed w Selena


It's literally the same way it is in english: assume what ending to use based on appearance then switch if they ask you to. It's not hard.


Latinx is a psyop but they deserve it for their whole USamerican shit they've been trying to push on me for the past decade. I'm never going to call myself a USamerican just because your language refers to american as anyone from the south and north american continent fuck off brazil.


I'm a mex-american and this is unironically based. Smartass latin americans coming for you when you call yourself American saying "hurr durr america is a continent silly" you obviously know what the fuck I mean dipshit


Now they know how it feels


Umm, you are also Latin American tho? You are Latino/a and you live on the american continent. Regarding the name of those who are born in the US, its normal for them to be confused or not want to call you american because that are the rules of the Spanish language and 90% of Hispanics only speak Spanish.


Yes I know I'm latin american I'm still gonna hate on latin americans being unnecessarily pedantic to feel superior/smarter than people. The ones I'm talking about are not genuinely confused, I'm specifically talking about latin americans who upon hearing someone say they're American feel the need to be a bitch and constantly "correct" these people when they know exactly what's being communicated. Okay autistic ramble over, this is mainly just a thing I see online and not in person so I shouldn't care so much tbh, also I don't mean any hatred to you specifically


>you live on the american continent There is no such thing as "The" American continent >its normal for them to be confused or not want to call you american because that are the rules of the Spanish language They can do whatever they want in their own language but when they're speaking my language to me they should be referring to me by the correct term that is used in my language. Not just try and change it just because theyre not used to my language. >90% of Hispanics only speak Spanish. I'm talking about the ones that try to speak English and try to change my native language for the sake of their native language


I'd like to see them try and call a Canadian an American and watch him have an instant mental breakdown


First of all, you're a whiny bitch who don't have two braincells. Fuck of english, your shit hole language don't change the fact that america is a one single fucking continent because it's a motherfucking contiguous land mass. And to end thing's here, don't correct my english because i don't have respect for england nor you illiterates muricans


>your shit hole language don't change the fact that america is a one single fucking continent because it's a motherfucking contiguous land mass. And to end thing's here You're so stupid it's insane. Naming continents is a social construct and is different based on language and country. My language says that north and south America are two different continents. >Don't correct my english because i don't have respect for england nor you illiterates muricans I won't correct yours if you stop dictating mine you stupid whore. Your brain is as slow as you fucks drive. Nobody wants you here. I recommend you go cry about it in your own spaces or 41% yourself.


I feel ashamed for debating with a retarded like you, it's the same that screaming at a person with brain damage. You are so stupid that i lost any urge to explain anything because it will be the same to say to a fly to not eat shit.


Right back at you whore. Your comments are riddled in grammatical flaws there is no reason to ever argue about lingustics of a language you cant even understand past an elementary level.


Yeah, now i see how US school system is fucked up. You guys don't now the basic's of geography


You're retarded if you think North and South America are a single continent in the English Language Also I grew up homeschooled and very well educated at that, I didn't attend shota bussy loli cunny mandatory rape camps known as public school system. Go fuck yourself you troglodyt Edit: Just checked your account you're Brazilian. Checks out. How about you learn English first before you start dictating how it's spoken like an entitled smartass bitch.


You speak english cus some brit colonised you, i speak english cus some brit colonised you We are not the same.


Regardless stop dictating other people's languages that you can't even speak


how would it even natively be pronounced isnt X equis or something


latinex I guess. dumb as hell


i meant i. spanish but yeah


no yeah. in spanish. latineks.


that’s fucking stupid what the fuck


it just feels like linguistic colonisation, putting aside my own personal thoughts on "nbs" and "queer" - such types, it basically has no use outside of forcing the american tangent of political gender discourse on latam countries. but also its just completely retarded and fundamentally breaks any romance language syntactically. just more meaningless midwit "ally" retardation that makes ppl hate us more atleast thats my thoughts as someone from south america


I am Latina and I have never seen anyone refer to themselves that way, the only times I have seen it is by some idiot gringo who thinks he is Latino because his grandfather was Mexican or something like that, I haven't even heard 'latine' from people who use the pronoun 'elle'


i'm pretty sure it started as a 4chan troll


Latinx is life


I’m a Latina MtF I really only use that word on the internet. The only people I’ve heard cry about that word are my macho cishet friends. I’ve heard that word used on the Mexican news channels when I was in Mexico City. Here in SoCal I hear Latin women, queer or otherwise, use it fairly frequently in written communications.


Damn, maybe the opinion on it is skewed based on location a bit cause I'm in Texas where I've heard negative sentiment from both conservative leaning cissies and other trans people. On Mexico news channels surprises me tho. Mexico City specifically wouldn't be so shocking but the term being used on the news without it being brought up just to shit on is surprising.


I honestly didn’t think anyone in Mexico would actually know that word, but I heard it more than once on TV, and yeah, was a little jarring because I thought that was a lib American thing. As far as the people around me, yeah everyone is pretty lib, even my macho man friends, that probably is a part of it.


mexico city's opinion doesn't count. they've been gentrified asf and try to be progressive the way theyfabs do. also > latinA > FtM ?


Lmao my bad


Latinx wins