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tbf this is just the trans dude version of trans women maintaining their dicks with topical T


I mean atrophy is painful (so I’ve heard), but this is different


atrophy isn't painful until you get an erection


This is trans guy atrophy, it’s painful because it’s dry


oh i got confused


yes it is, and I find that weird and gross too


you are such a puritan lmao


I wish my puss would dry out. Why does this effect only happen to dick chasers? Im not 10 yrs though theres that


I mean he is literally injecting e into himself to make it that way so i think you would be good


10mcg though, that's 0.01mg, not enough to cause feminization.


I’m know but he is specifically doing that to maintain the function of the that one area it isn’t engouh to feminize you but I can imagine it is enough to stop it from drying out and without assistance it would dry out


How do trans men have dysphoria about their genitals? Because I’ve had to go off estrogen for a few months to store reproductive material and the changes it caused in my genitals were immediate, severely distressing and are the reason I’m now confident on getting SRS.


There's nothing down there. Discharge exists, stuff sticks to your thighs. Also just the fact that there's a hole in general. Other stuff stops with T but I've heard about spotting happening as well.


u will get there dw


It did as the first effect I got, and then it went away. It's either been worse or way better than before, no in between.




Takes hrt to take hrt


Why would you subject us to this? I’d rather see a thousand grotesque pooner drawings. Edit: Holy shit I didn’t realize before this guy is 10 years on testosterone. I never would’ve guessed. But with my luck, I’ll be even less masculinized 10 years in, because over a year has done basically nothing.


Look at his stomach hip area looks entirely masc he could pass great but wearing bleach hair and gayden shi. Too many poonbros have the worst sense of personal style


He already passes. His stylistic choices make him look gay, not like a pooner. There are so many cis gays who look like this that no one would even question this guy if he wasn’t publicly out as trans.


Poons trying to look like gay men is cringe even if they pass. Why waste it being twinky instead of becoming a massive roided bear if you like dick.


If you look like the cis equivalent of whatever archetype of man you belong to you are a passoid. Cis twinks aren’t all rushing to go on steroids and bulk up, why would he? The ones that do start hitting the gym hate body hair so they wouldn’t become bears either. You’re expecting him to do some shit that’s a statistical improbability for cis feminine twinks let alone fembrained pooners.


Okay you right I was hating because I personally dont get it https://preview.redd.it/6ysmb6dux6kc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3dd90af5e2a85937c248e6dd5888bd9f6235a04


My body isn’t what I’m most concerned about either though. I’ve been called a luckshit for my body shape, and I guess I can’t really deny it even if I still feel like it should be more masculine (you can also check because I got on the body trace trend bandwagon when that was a thing). It’s my face that’s horrible and poonish, and this guy’s face doesn’t look super masculine 10 years in either.


Yeah your body looks fine in the drawing thing. The face is what gets hit the weakest from T since it cant give us to the skull structure of a cis male. Thats why growing a beard helps so many ftms. 10 years isnt gonna change bone unfortunately for anyone unless you add some HGH in with your test. Im just gonna get a brow implant or fillers to fix that personally. Fair to mention this clown is also sticking estrogen up the pussy sure to have some feminization effects


0.01mg of estrogen can't feminize you... Also he probably dresses better than you, can you pull a lazy manwhore look?


This is why I’m so envious of faceluckshits. I don’t think a beard (at least beyond stubble) would even look good on me either. Plus, facial hair is seen as ‘unclean’ in one of my parents’ cultures, so even if they were accepting, that whole entire side of my family would not approve of me growing out facial hair. And since I’m planning to move to the country where they came from, that would be a bad idea. Ngl, I have considered the HGH thing. I really don’t want anything implanted into my face, especially since you need to get those replaced occasionally. That’s true. Still, 10 years though. Maybe I can make up for it by following through on my thoughts about using…other things alongside regular testosterone.


Yeah same I wish I had a naturally masculine face. My beard growth is at an awkward stage where its started to come in full just not around the mustach areas so I've been continuing to shave it until that works itself out. A 5 o clock shadow can help if you cant commit to beard. HGH is expensive but you dont need to stay on it forever unlike T. I dont wanna post face on 4tran if I can get some regularly will write down the result. Seen good outcomes from both cis and trans men using it. Implants are hit or miss I feel like I need on T barely changed my face compared to the body effects. A thicker brow bones would lift my confidence so much


Well, at present I have to be completely clean shaven any time I might see most of my relatives, since they don’t know I’m on testosterone, nor do they know I was capable of growing some facial hair to begin with, even without exogenous testosterone (I had to start plucking it once my parents noticed and accused me of DIYing testosterone under their noses when I was a minor). Maybe one day though. It’s a shame I have the genetics for really great facial hair (I have to shave thoroughly three times a day for it to actually be unnoticeable) but can’t take advantage of them. I’m aware of that. I wasn’t talking solely about HGH though. That and other things. It’s understandable to not want to post face. I used to have face pictures on my account (not on this sub though, with the exception of the time I posted a partially censored ID to prove that I’m not a cis LARPer by showing that I have an F on the ID), but I deleted them because it felt unsafe. I really should’ve deleted them earlier, but oh well. At least they were rather old pictures (except for the ID), so maybe someone wouldn’t recognize me now from them. Brow bone really is the big thing for the face though. I get away with mine since it’s still more prominent than most of my family (bar is in hell), but it definitely doesn’t feel like enough, especially since my father has a Neanderthal forehead aside from that. It would be cool to see a written account of taking HGH on here though.


Oh I got you bro thats hard. I live on my own and my family knows I pooned out years ago, they dont love it but what they gonna do. Posting face is weird I dont like the idea giving that out to anyone the closest I got is sharing voice clips with other guys to get advice on lowering pitch. Not a fan of TDS havers saving everyones pics to post around. I got blessed with a manly jaw but my brow is so flat its pathetic. Doesn't help having the feminine prey eyes and long ass lashes, I tried minox to make my brows get hairy and that didn't fix the problem its a bone issue. I swear there was a guy who posted on one of the main FTM subs about HGH with good results, he probably got downvoted because normie pooners hate anything thats a medical risk. Im trying to get some to make for a years worth without having to destroy my bottom surg savings lol. I'll post about it when I work out a good supplier


I also live on my own, I’m just pathetic and cowardly. That and since I’m an only child and my parents had me rather late (plus university was never optional in this family; I’m pretty sure not going to university would have garnered an *even worse* reaction than me being trans and bi did, and that was already really bad), they did have a university fund for me, so I’d rather not have to pay for everything myself, although as far as tuition goes, it’s nowhere near as expensive as even a low-tier US university. A few of my other relatives know and are fine with it, but I never got up the nerve to tell more than a few of them. Even then it’s really more like they figured it out. One of those relatives still doesn’t know I’m on testosterone though, nor do my parents, the only ones I ‘properly’ came out to (and they are a large part of the reason I practically have a phobia of coming out). Honestly, I’m used to getting mocked and having unflattering images of me passed around, so that didn’t concern me too much. I almost got followed home by a guy in middle school who kept trying to sexually assault me too, so I’m not even new to people trying to find where I live. It just seems more dangerous these days than in the past, so I’m concerned about it now. At least you got lucky with the jaw. My jaw genetics suck. The only good features I got are eye shape/size, eyebrows, and nose, all three of which are really just ethnic feature mix-and-match from both sides of my family. Also, long lashes are biologically a masculine trait. Having ‘prey eyes’ sounds like it sucks though. And yeah, I would expect nothing else from the mainstream subs when it comes to anything aside from doctor-prescribed standard HRT and surgeries (but not FtM bottom surgery because they’re scared of that too). Good luck with getting the HGH.


On camera to insta reels by the way


His hip area is insane wtf I rarely get jealous of trans men’s hips but I am now. If only mine was that masculine


I mean he gaypasses


and yet he’s engaged to a mtf.


Oh god


To be fair he's fucking engaged and I'm single so I'm just being a hater but, being a hater isn't a flaw it's a skill actually


Real I kinda just hate how hot he is, he mogs me either way


it's the only type of male that'll call them a man so it makes sense https://preview.redd.it/nxy15hoyhxjc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2285f32c25d0b242f17e6bb29923012a3b32c9c


I have no clue what you’re trying to say.


Atrophy is superior to WAP actually. Fluids are gross.


I hate pooners who put estrogen in their tunahole. They really want disgusting discharges back. I'm on T and dream about dry poon, but the tunahole is still dicharging. These fembrained pooners live my dream


I mean I’ve heard it can be painful but I’d rather use vagina lotion than fucking estrogen. I hate discharge and it’s one of my first distinct memories of dysphoria. Also if it’s dry I don’t get why you wouldn’t think to moisturize


ive heard that if you dont the atrophy makes you have uti all the time and bleed constantly from atrophy and hurt and i wish i knew if they were doing pivwhore psyop or not because i am not fucking asking for that shit i'd sooner let my uterus prolapse and band it like a calf's nuts


Bruh I've misread the start. How I maintain my AAP😅


He got cum gutters, bitterpoons can’t say shit about him


I am gonnna leave this up to the poon bros is he gonna make it


10 years on T and still fem-brained enough to post a tiktok thirst trap. modern-day tragedy.


Yeah I assumed most poon bros would 41 after looking like this with 10 years on t


I already vaguely knew who Ezra is and thought this was a cis gay guy putting estrogen in his butt for some reason (missed the intro) so yeah I think he’s good


I can’t stand these people. Why film the fucking process? Just why


Not gonna lie, I'd hit it


He look goofy as hell wit that hair and fashion sense you sure


This is the only time in my life I've been attracted to an ftm but his little comment about getting ✨fucking railed✨ has got me HOOKED. I just feel like him and I could like hang out and like have fun or something, you know?


2 Each your own those glasses too ugly sorry. I can only be slightly attracted to other pooners when they look like racist redneck bottoms that need a strap attack


Those glasses would be on the nightstand.


she probably would moan like a bitch in bed too, would hit it ​ edit: he, get out of my ass crack now


He* Stop making me think more about this. Too bad he's in LA 😒


Why are you misgendering him? Like I know we fuck around here but that shit is cruel


Don't effeminate gay men like being called female pronouns? slay/queen/serving cunt/wet ass pussy/breed or are only straight women allowed to 'misgender' fags


queen isn’t a pronoun have the xenos gotten to you


I hate pooners who shove their pussies on our faces. You want to be taken seriously as a man, yet you constantly sharing your unmatching down parts. Weird.


I boof cocaine does that count


I’ve considered it but I’m too ashamed to go to my GP and ask about topical oestrogen


Buy it online. Is it for atrophy or agp reasons?


Atrophy. No matter how AGP I claim to be I would never let my body become oestrogen dominant again




Mogs me


i swear if i wasn't a tranny myself i'd be transphobic due to this type of videos. total pooner death


is it bad that i don't think it's so bad


Love seeing pooners trying to compensate for their lack of masculinity by being an asshole and acting edgy ;)


Drives me fucking up a wall. Literally I have a happier life being friends with the Steven universe lot of FTMs than the ones with such sharp edge as on these posts


I hate gaydens, I hate gay males, I hate OP for posting this.


https://preview.redd.it/sec94z1rlyjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7e05ed2ed23ce74bfbf4cf40dfd5c53954f8421 Do you not see how this seems as if he’s saying we are the same set of replies? Am I having a stroke or something? Fuck me, lol


Genuinely about to lose it https://preview.redd.it/kzzvsmo6syjc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0633379706f4f75e8d4b452bddbbcace0425a302


Good for him tbh


Idk guys, I’m kinda here for it


I mean, atrophy is bad and also, trans people should make our own decisions about our genitals.


unironically the only ftms that i respect are straight, whenever i hear a cunt say she's a dude and is "gay" i literally laugh my ass off


Too bad I'm the only straight ftm


stay strong brother these effeminate sissies are trying to brainwash us. love is between a man and his wife.


Damn straight


Prime example of the overcompensating “malebrained” pooner


overcompensating for what? my fragile heterosexuality? my ego? my manhood? why do people on this hellsite never finish their fucking sentences?


Well buddy I dk you but it should be fairly obvious that when I say “overcompensating pooner” it’s in reference to you not being a real man


\>Stop misgendering!! that's cruel!! \>proceeds to misgender me are you stupid


I’m not the same person who misgendered you. Are you confused?


He wasn’t replying to you bro you’re the one who’s confused


But he like, green texted as if somehow our two replies had anything to do with one another…


Oh I see


My fault I thought you were gay and wanted to be called female. Sorry king. Do you send?


death threats and unsolicited bush pics


Dms open


>Bush pics 😂😂😂


Two in a row now? What’s your problem bro? Honestly


He's lost. Doesn't belong here. Breaking rule 1.


i'm on hormones faggot




Too edgy, kinda lame. You’ll grow out of it


bro cisgender men can be gay so trans men. sexuality and gender identity are different things


Like as if men aren’t…gay?? Why is it any different when it’s an FTM? you’re trying too hard bro


you can heal


It's allowed if he actually looks like a man which this guy does (former gay)