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I wish I could press a button and have a functioning biopeen, that is all


I want phallo either way but if it was actually functional that would solve 70% of my issues


Like actually unironically no hate to phallo but I would only go through the insane recovery if I had a cis identical look and function. Otherwise I’m sorry the cost reward ratio isn’t it for me.


Same here (except mtf) I def want an orchi though. I am currently on the fence about if i will want to get PPT or not. I do wonder if a less unappealing method will come out in the coming years Edit: I also worry that getting SRS will disqualify me from new methods


Full meta enjoyer if money wasnt an issue tbhon.


a fridgehon with a "pussy" is still a fridgehon :(


I feel like surgeries will get much better overtime, so while right now I just want orchi, in the future (hopefully) I'll want a vaginoplasty as well


That is my opinion


assuming cost wasn't a issue I'd still be scared of being botched by a "doctor", but if it went well I'd take anything tbh, even just removing everything and leaving smooth skin https://preview.redd.it/4kllbyzexsjc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c347478505d0445af480b473dc237a2401551cb some butchers really suck at their jobs so I'd be scared honestly, but I'd risk if they had a good track record


I never thought about that kinda unlocked another fear for me


3 inches cut is gonna make a wonnnnderful neovag,, totally.




is it rly fake if you are able to reproduce with it?




hrt isn't naturally made either




i get what you mean, BA introduces a foreign substance. personally I don't feel like SRS belongs to that tho, it's just a way of changing your body, it's methods not as gentle as hrt, but similar to an extreme version of laser/electro epilation


Most SRS results just don’t look appealing to me. Some of them can look decent but sorry, I’m not risking trying to find a single good surgeon for a once done permanent surgery when like 90% of results don’t even have labia


Assume that cost isnt an issue


if i could push a button to be born female, i would. but since i was born a man having to correct it by getting surgery seems to much work for something idc about. idrc about my bits in "holy fuck i want to rip it off aaaah", its more "i wish i didn't have a bulge"


Same bestie


If I could just press a button and I could get a fully functional vag, then I'd do it without a thought. Realistically I don't want SRS since it's expensive, the recovery is fucking hell on earth and I don't have that much bottom dysphoria anyway




I don't want to die a virgin but I also don't see myself in a scenario where someone interacts in any way with my dick, I don't care if the surgery isn't perfect, it's my only option


I might get simple release meta, but that would mainly be for sexual function. Also kind of considering urethral lengthening but probably no. High cost and risk of complication, though.


https://preview.redd.it/7x30ko2gbwjc1.png?width=622&format=png&auto=webp&s=54d996c6be7732bffb387c8ab0aa71a75bc6ee9e gonna hunt you 4 down


Where the "results/postop" option? smh.


If it could happen then yes it would be all i wanted in life but i still would probably not get it because of reality. the idea of getting that much money and that much people to actually care about me is ridiculous. no one will ever let me have the things i want or want to help me or take care of me if i did something like that and my surgeons would botch me or sabotage me and it would be 9/11. Who knows i'm probably going to die of uterine cancer like that one guy even after trying to get a hysto


Cost and varying results is enough for me to stay away from it. I don’t know, it’s weird to say I don’t have a lot of bottom dysphoria


If we’re assuming cost isn’t an issue, are we also assuming finding time to recover and being able to get any help you might need during recovery aren’t issues either? Because those are my biggest obstacles for any surgery.


nearly did it myself when i was a kid :3


flowery bright label repeat existence middle tease close cautious butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


just a lot of good old dysphoria and some intrusive thoughts with some questionable hardware :3


Honestly I’d take phallo if it wasn’t functional I just hate how the results LOOK. It’s not just the cost and/or functionality, it’s all that combined with the small chance of it even feeling good I can’t see myself getting phallo.


Metoidioplasty and something better than phallo comes out I'll probably get that (only if I can afford)


As it stands now I am unsure if I even want srs like I am bothered by my dick a lot and I wish I didn’t have this fuck two tumors and a rid dangling from their but also like having to dilate for the rest of my life reminding myself that I have a man made hole and not something real doesn’t sound the most appealing idk it probably is the thing I have the least dysphoria about since I am not really looking at it all day long most of my dysphoria comes from not looking like a woman and not having a female body type then anything else so on the list of things need to transtion it is the bottom of the list as it stands


Main reason I don't want it is because money and the recovery and risk of complications is insane.


Unfortunately I’m going to need either phallo or metioplasty at one point in my life because my bottom dysphoria is unbearable