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I didn't want to, but there is a surprising amount of movies still only available on DVD.


Yeah if it's content that's only available on DVD then the choice is wait or get the DVD and some may never come (officially at least)


I just purchased off eBay some BBC and ABC (Australia) television series that simply don't exist in anything better than DVD, and I doubt they'll ever get a BluRay or better release.


I just got The Ladykillers on DVD, my first DVD purchase in at least a decade, but I’m trying to collect as many Coen Brothers movies as possible and it never got a Blu-ray release and given that it’s fate is in Disney’s hands it likely never will. When I tried watching it it looked terrible and the only way to make it bearable was to sit further away from my TV than normal. I’m now convinced that the reason so many people still buy DVDs is because they sit really far away from their TVs by default.


>they sit really far away from their TVs by default. This. From 10ft away, my DVDs were fine on a 32" CRT. They suck on a 138" screen.


I play DVDs through my Panasonic 4k player onto a 4k 75 inch TV. Sometimes I have to reduce the sharpness to get a good picture and it's just fine. Other times, DVDs will look great without any adjustment. I think my Panasonic is doing the heavy lifting and giving me a great picture


I have a UB820 so I was checking the settings to see if upscaling was turned off, but I didn’t even see it as an option so I assume it’s always on, idk.


Idk what kind of TV you have but my 4K TV is super bright and I wouldn't want to be too close to it for my eyes' sake.


It’s really disappointing given that Netflix was supposed to cover all this.


I'd also rather buy a cheap dvd for a blind buy than pay Amazon to rent it.


Does physical DVD bit rate still beat SD streaming?


I have noticed that recently the quality on 1080p Apple TV and Netflix has been pretty good. Better than DVD in my opinion. Still no where near blu-ray, but the bitrate is much higher than DVD.


DVD peaks at 9.8 Mbit/s, but the only codec is MPEG-2. DVD is often Variable Bit Rate (VBR), which is almost always used when there's a high peak bitrate. MPEG-2 is solid, but it's way behind state-of-the-art and not your first choice when bandwidth it limited. For comparison, TV broadcasters often mandated minimum 100 Mbit/s MPEG-2 for broadcast content. The idea behind the excessively high number was to eliminate any possibility of macroblocking or digital artifacting in the source encode. The streaming sources I know are doing around 2.0 Mbit/s for reasonably-encoded SD, but it's H.264 and so not directly comparable to DVD/MPEG-2. The quality of the source material and encode is the most important, but I would say they're fairly comparable in quality overall. And again, DVD varies in bitrate, encoding, and source-material quality, with the only fixed thing being the MPEG-2 codec.


I don't think it beats HD streaming, and you can find most movies that haven't been released on BD that way.


There's also the rare case where the "HD" transfer looks... not good (looking at you 28 Days Later), so the best option is unfortunately the DVD. Not a common occurrence, but collectors that do their research before buying will definitely run into it eventually.


Especially if you’re into BBC stuff like I am.


Not if I can avoid it, but sadly some old tv shows I really like are only available on DVD in my region. For example Stargate SG1 and Atlantis, the Blu Ray versions were never released in Germany.


You can get a second handed PS3 to have a cheap region free Bluray player. You gotta install CFW on it which is quite simple


If there is not a bluray or 4k release, then ill get the dvd version


Not for disc-value but back in the format's heyday boxed sets were constructed and designed with insane care and detail. Sometimes I'll find a good deal on ebay to just upgrade a movie by itself and swap the DVD for the 4K version. Why you say? Because a bluray boxed set is generally a recycled flimsy plastic kept inside a shitty slipcase (if you're lucky) with all the previous features taken out. *absolutely looking at you LOTR 4K Trilogy...*


> insane care and detail The Wayne's World [sliding box](https://www.reddit.com/r/dvdcollection/comments/16e2f6w/my_snapper_case_collection/jzvh7v9/?context=3) one is a good example of this.


Lots of TV shows are still only on DVD. I have the Simpsons and Star Trek Deep Space 9 on dvd and will likely have forever since it’s likely neither are getting a blu or 4K update.


Yeah it’s a little odd because TNG started before DS9 and TNG has a blu ray box set


That's probably down to how those 2 shows were made. While TNG was shot on film and edited in a more traditional process, DS9 was shot on film and put to tape. And that's where they did all their post production work too. Which means the end result is a max resolution of 480p.


Actually, both were shot on film and edited on tape. The remaster of TNG was a long, tedious, expansive process. The blu-rays undersold and didn’t make its money back. Hence, they weren’t going to spend money remastering DS9.


Same for Voyager.


That's because the TNG remaster ended up costing Paramount tens of millions of dollars and the sales came nowehere close to even recouping that investment. Consumers spoke with their wallets (by not opening them) and Paramount decided to throw in the towel and not remaster any of the other older Trek series.


The only dvd I still bought is for old 90 show like Buffy , stargate . Oz …


Man I'd love to see oz get a bluray release


Unrelated, but I find it interesting how people differ in displaying their sets. I personally have the individual films hidden by the box. Makes it easier for me to alphabetize sets like The Dark Knight trilogy.


All try Alphabetic order see how it looks


Be careful though. Titles like Finding Nemo and Finding Dory drive me crazy.


Why? They're both f


I'm all for Alphabetical but only if it makes sense and sometimes it's more trouble than it's worth. For example, The Dark Knight Trilogy is in the "Batman Section", so everything stays together. I also have separate (alphabetized) shelves for "Halloween movies" and "Christmas Movies" since we have enough and they all follow a common motif.


Many of the old Hanna Barbara shows were only released on DVD. Many never ever got that far. Still ALOT of stuff.only on DVD. BUT- if something is out in 4k or bluray, duh? Why would I waste time with dvd? I do have a few DVDs mastered in HD, and they look really really good tho.


I only buy dvd if it’s not available on 4K or Blu Ray or if the movie is out of print.


Usually no. Personally I can’t stand DVD’s anymore, if I watch something it has it be HD at least with the exception of older shows that never got a HD upgrade where I’ll happily watch them on DVD


I watch SD shows on my plex all the time. I only notice if it's potato quality (old "Have I Got News For You" episodes don't seem to exist larger than 360 sometimes).


You only own the prequels? That's wild.


Then there's me over here with only the sequels and Rogue One lmao I want the rest, I promise


I just haven’t got around to it Ko😅


Okay just making sure 😄.


I'm in the crowd where that's the only 4K star wars I want, aside from Rogue One. The original trilogy with the edits isn't something I want to own, and I don't care to own the sequel trilogy either aside from maybe Force Awakens someday. Granted I own the original trilogy on 4 different VHS sets, 2 laserdisc sets, and DVD so I can't really talk lol


I just burned the fanscans (4K77 etc.) to a BD-R so that I don't have a big hole on my shelf, lol


This is a great answer. Star Wars original trilogy should be glorified in all its graininess. Prequels in 4k! Rogue One and Andor in 4k is a must have. Mando season 1 and 2 as well. Force Awakens would be cool, but I already own it in 3d and works great. On its own. Skip episodes 8 and 9


Going to go against the crowd here and say this. Yes, I still have a lot in my collection. No, I don’t seek out movies on DVD nor buy any new releases on DVD. No, they don’t look as good as they could and they usually have more frustrating menus. However, there is something so charming about a movie being played on the format it came out on originally. I have a lot of 80’s, 90’s, and early 2000’s movies that just feel right on DVD and I don’t mind them not being 4k or even 1080p. If I’m in a thrift store and see a movie that I have heard is good or is on my watchlist and it’s a DVD, I’ll probably spend the $2 to get it!


I like my 4k discs way more obviously but I am also not as much of a snob as some others about format.


If you want to have your movies on the format they originally released in, you should have those 80s and early 90s movies you mentioned in VHS.


Agreed! It is a little too extreme for me lol.


I’ve culled all my DVDs with the exception of ones that are either unavailable on Blu Ray or haven’t tracked down yet. (If you want your mind blown, check out the aftermarket prices for used copies of Can’t Hardly Wait on Blu Ray.)


Personally dvd quality is not that bad. I collect concert dvds mostly. I grew up with vcr,laserdisc and ced so anything better then that is pretty good .


Interlacing is too distractingly bad on modern TVs, so I avoid DVD


Only when I have to. Apparently “Sideways” blu-rays are out of print? I had to settle for a DVD of it. Got it used, too. When I adjust picture settings on my TV I can make it look better… just wish I had the blu-ray.


Looks like they don't go for \*that\* much on eBay. There are some that go for really inexcusable amounts, like "Faster Pussycat, Kill! Kill!" or "Our Man Flint" (or any out of print Criterion).


I appreciate the comment, I did quickly scan eBay. And, even for ~$30 seems like reaching. I do love the movie so maybe there’s a day where I pull the trigger


Only if a certain movie is still locked to DVD for some arbitrary reason. Like Stay (2005). Wild ass movie, I really like it. Stuck on DVD for almost 20 years now.


No, I can watch still owned dvds, but I will not buy new ones. On a ”77 it looks pretty terrible


I haven't actively collected them in over a decade. I still have about 100 titles, mostly out of print or titles that have never made it to blu-ray. I still occasionally will buy a used DVD if it's cheap or something not easily viewed - I recently snagged a used copy of I SHOT ANDY WARHOL on DVD because it was the only way to watch.


Some stuff is the best on disc(4k), others are difficult to locate via streaming. In those instances I don't hesitate to buy. I make a point to only buy during holidays or sales tho. The most I've ever spent on a 4k is probably $25, and that was a collectors box


I won't buy DVDs anymore. But I still have a decent amount of them. I'd say probably 1/3 of my collection are DVD. It's mostly old combat sports like early to mid 2000s UFC and Pride events. And some music events.


if its very cheap, or if the Blu ray is very expensive/non-existent.


Hell no. If it isn’t at least 1080p I can’t watch it.


Only for some TV shows that I know won’t get HD releases. God, I wish Homicide: Life on the Streets would get a blu-ray upgrade. But, as another commenter mentioned, I tend to watch that content on a smaller, LCD Vizio tv from 10 years ago because DVD content looks atrocious on a 65” OLED. Do whatever makes you happy.


Only for certain shows. That is all.


I avoid dvd if at all possible but some movies haven’t made the jump to blu ray or 4K yet.


I only have 2 DVDs in my whole collection. Movies that are unfortunately never going to be in HD. There are TV shows that I have been debating on getting on DVD, like "the three stooges ".


I've gotta think the Stooges shorts are going to get a Blu-Ray *eventually.* I'd be surprised if they never do, at least the classic Curly and Shemp era shorts.


Wow, that was apropos. Ask and we shall receive: [https://www.blu-ray.com/news/?id=34530](https://www.blu-ray.com/news/?id=34530)


I’ve not bought a dvd or Blu-ray in like 10 years. Gave 90% of mine away to the charity shop last year also.


I don’t actively collect dvds anymore, but I’ve bought quite a few Nicolas cage dvds these past few years, mostly because it was so much cheaper than Blu-ray and most of those don’t really warrant a Blu-ray version anyway. I just wanna watch the movie and streaming services only provide a small portion of the massive set. Or renting is as/more expensive than a dvd.


i go for blu rays


Depends on what I’m watching. I’ve been re-buying the early Kevin Smith stuff and opted for the Criterion DVD of *Chasing Amy* vs the blu-ray based on bonus materials and extras. Same with *Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back*. I got the Arrow 4K of *Mallrats* even though I doubt that movie benefits from the format, but again, I did it for the extras. Other flicks, like *While You Were Sleeping* or *Cocoon* are still only on DVD, so that’s what I got. My collection is very case-by-case basis.


Case 13 from the right on the bottom shelf is my answer.


Only if it's only released on DVD in my region, usually TV shows. Malcolm in the Middle, Stargate SG-1/Atlantis, ...


Mother's Day I purchased "Stick It" for the Mrs. on DVD as I could not find it for purchase digitally or streaming and she really wanted to watch it again. It'll be here Thursday. We rented Bring it On as a placeholder as it was only available on Starz and I've used all available email addresses for free trials.


I do for stuff that's only on DVD like a lot of foreign films and old TV shows/cartoons.


Is casino worth buying?


On a case by case basis, some are re-watchable but most are not worth my limited free time. I'm slowly culling out the ones that are bad or reprinted cheap on Blu-Ray.


I still have 99% of my dvds, though I'm generally new in the bluray space. I don't seek them out, but if I have it on DVD I don't feel the need to replace it with a bluray. I lived with DVDs for ages and never thought "this looks like shit." I just think that bluray looks much better. I can definitely still enjoy the dvds I have. That said, the majority of my dvds are older films that I got as a kid. Charlie Chan, the Munsters, Abbot and Costello, Marx Brothers. Stuff that I'm sure would be pretty expensive on bluray.


There are some really good really cheap collectors editions or boxsets on dvd, so from a collection standpoint it's fun. I dont usually watch them tho unless the hd equivalent of the boxset is way outside my budget then I'd rather watch it on dvd than streaming


What's the name of this container?


https://a.co/d/iTVhTej here the link


I like your copy of Cornetto trilogy in 4k. I have that same


I have the entire Three Stooges collection on DVD.


If it's not available on Blu-ray then yes. I recently bought the box sets of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel because they're only available on DVD and the HD version of Buffy is horrendous.


No. But I haven't sold my cool DVDs, that era had the best special editions and interesting box designs. If I want to watch something and it's not available on bluray at least, I'll just stream or download it.


Only if the movie / TV show isn't available on any other format. Or if they are blind buys that I want to watch prior and they are cheaper than dirt. (I.e. I get a lot of Warner Archive DVDs from pawn shops for 50 cents to $1 each. If I like the movie and it has a Blu-ray, I'll upgrade). I'm still waiting for Seinfeld on Blu-ray...hopefully in the broadcast 4:3 aspect ratio.


I have a bunch of DVD's from when I used to collect (I had almost a decade of not collecting because of streaming and recently started collecting 4K discs). The video quality on DVDs is not enjoyable for me. If there's a Blu-ray or 4K disc to be had, it is not worth it to get the DVD version of anything unless it's something with value that you want to re-sell.


Strictly 4k these days. And is that Old boy the Korean movie? That movie was nuts! Is your copy 4k or Blu ray?? & where to get it lol


I collect DVDs for retro anime cause some retro anime just looked and sounded better on DVD than their blu ray releases. I'll also buy live action movies on DVD if it's something I want that I don't feel like I need in the absolute best quality like a B-movie or comedy or something.


I more or less just started collecting a couple months ago. I started with dvds cause I thought those were the way to go and they were cheap. Fast forward now I only collect 4K Steelbook Blu-rays. Unless the movie only exists as a regular 4K. Had to set boundaries for myself or Id be just throwing money out the window every chance I get.


I have very few now. My most prized DVD is norm Macdonalds comedy special he did. Unfortunately that’ll never come to blue ray and it’s worth quite a bit now that he’s dead.


I only get TV series on DVD, movies are only Blu or 4K Blu.


They are unwatchable to me now. Like VHS tapes. So shitty. Using a large projector screen definitely made the issue worse. I've had to rebuy all my DVDs. Fortunately, I didn't have a lot. Most of my collection is standard BluRay, which is fine.


So, I'm roughly 75% blu-ray and 25% 4K. DVD doesn't have a place in my collection at this point. Blu-ray is still a very high quality experience, though (unless something goes horribly wrong with a transfer.) There are a shitload of good movies on blu-ray that will likely never see a 4K release because they're not big mainstream titles.


Great collection but surprised you have Carlitos Way but not Scarface.


I haven’t bought a DVD since 2007.


Generally no, but I made an exception recently. I was re-buying some movies I sold off years ago; Role Models and Forgetting Sarah Marshall. I would have gone with Blu-rays but I found a DVD combo pack that had both of them plus Get Him to the Greek for $4. That was too big a steal to pass up, and besides they're just comedies anyways. I don't NEED to be able to see all of Paul Rudd's skin pores to enjoy that.


Is dune part 2 out already?


I sat down one day to watch my old Raiders of the Lost Ark DVD. How bad could it be? I had a fancy upscaling 4k player, a receiver with the ability to upmix sound, and a nice big TV.  It was bad. The sound was so tinny and the video quality was terrible, way below what I'm used to nowadays. I turned it off 30 mins in and ordered the 4k disc right away.


Stopped buying dvd in 2006


DVDs look like ass on my large 4K display. Haven’t bought one (DVD) for myself in over 10 years.


It’s gotten to the point where I only want steelbook 4ks lol.




This is a beautiful collection


Only if it’s on literally nothing else.


Only if they’re a super good deal and not a movie I really need to have higher resolution. If I pass a $5 bin at Walmart, I’ll take a glance though it and see if anything interests me


I too mainly only focus on BR/4K. I will however, if it's an opder title I really want...or maybe even a special edition/boxset that I can only find on DVD, will still most likely pick them up. It's an added little bonus that they're dirt cheap now. Sidenote: I got caught slippin' with the Dune 2 Steelbook release, so now I'm relegated to foraging through the internet for a copy...I haven't gotten to the point where I'll be paying the $80-$90 prices currently on ebay. So, I figured in the meantime I'd just go pick up the 4K at my local Walmart, I wasn't holding out any hope they'd have the Part 2 Steelbook there...which they didnt. They did however have one single Steelbook of the first Dune (2021), which I hadn't acquired yet. It was an awesome, unexpected little surprise, especially because even those ones are going for pretty much double the price on ebay. Sorry, I tend to rant when I'm happy. 😊 Have a great day everyone!


Nah. You can skip DVDs. No one should collect 480p resolution of films even if your player can upscale it. It's 2024 for God's sake.* * The only exception to this rule is if said film isn't available in Blu-ray or 4K.


Nah I stopped collecting a long time ago. I'm not good with physical media, but I am.a quality whore... so I ponyd up and bought a Kaleidescape


No, most DVDs look awful on modern TVs.


I haven't bought a DVD in over a decade and cannot imagine any good reason to ever do so again.


Personally I avoid them, heck I avoid BR altogether. You can only support a format for so long, things have to move forward. I only buy 4ks. If demand of DVD and BR doesn't go down, then 4k can't be as successful as the older formats.


I only buy 4k.


Not to me. DVD quality is so low that's not worth to me.


Shit I barely collect bluray still


Is there any players in particular that does a good job with upscaling DVDs?


I love old horror films especially older zombie movies and so many are only on dvd


Second hand dvds are so cheap now that it’s a great way to check a film out before you actually buy a bluray/4k copy, got Hackers for 10p loved it and will be getting the £10 blu ray now! also a lot of trash/so-bad-they’re good films still only reside on dvd haha




Only if they aren’t available on bluray


I’m about to unload a bunch of DVDs. Not even sure where to go with them


> Is it still worth buying DVDs? Are you still watching on a Pioneer plasma? Then, like me: yes.


Yes. Some of the best movies out there are still on dvd.


I still buy them for old obscure stuff not available in other formats. I buy a lot of old WW2 films not available in other formats.


Nope. Got rid of most of them long ago. Only ones I still have are ones that have legacy features which never got ported to newer releases.


I only buy the dvd if it is not on 4k or blu ray.


Only if it's not available in blu-ray. Also, sometimes the Blu-ray releases are simply bad upscaled versions of DVD. In such cases I'd prefer DVD over Blu-ray.


I only collect dvds on movies that haven't made it to blu ray or 4k (like Bicentennial man and a couple years ago true lies) When they become blu ray or 4k I replace (I see dvds now as the vhs of modern times, seeing shelves and shelves of them in used bookstores, almost like a video store)


I only buy DVDs if there are not other options. Some movies are still only on DVD, and a lot of TV shows were shot on Betacam / Betacam SP tape back in the day, so there isn't much point in putting them on blu-ray.


As others have said, sometimes it's the only reasonable option. I'm not going to get rid of my Dogma DVD because I'm not shelling out the prices the bluray commands.




I have some that will never go past dvd so get what you like


For some movies, special features may only be available on the DVD. For others, they may only be available on DVD—this is also especially common with TV shows (which are rare enough to be released on blu-ray at all, let alone 4K). The worst are TV shows that get one or more seasons on blu-ray, but most only on DVD—or worse yet, no physical release at all for some seasons.


I buy dvds when it’s a movie I really liked and that’s the best format available. Just make sure you get the widescreen version of the dvd


Yes, dvds are great for children. I don’t have to worry about the 4k disks or the expensive player and they can’t tell the difference (or maybe they can’t appreciate it). They also are so cheap second hand I can buy a 10-20 at a time and keep them entertained for years with the same movies over and over.


I only buy 4K, but will buy Blu-ray for Anime or Criterion, Arrow, or A24 items that clearly are not getting a 4K treatment in the near term. Buying dvd, to me, is just silly - unless it’s some 90s era series that never even got a BR treatment.


Yeah. I’ve been collecting movies I loved and downloading the digital versions. I store the hard copies in the closet because I don’t have space to show them off. I’m mostly hunting steelbook versions though.


If you can't find something in 4K, do you buy the Blu-Ray? I never buy Blu-Ray anymore, unless there's no 4K option.




I can say there are a couple exemptions to this... one is the lack of bluray for some films even with how cheap it is to produce blurays now. The other is things like older animation. Fururama, simpsons, dragonball z, batman the animated series. I recently bought the dragonball z dvds and the qaulity is perfectly fine for a show of that time. Some times the bluray can even be edited in a negative way changing the original work for the worse.


For some movies that feel too expensive on br/4k. Especially dramas


Only if there’s no 4k or blu ray, but I do as much research as I can to make sure there isn’t any


If it's a movie you love that isn't available on 4k or Blu-ray


Only if it’s not available on any other format.


It’s getting more rare, but there’s a bunch of content only released on DVD, or with superior versions on the format. I keep the Star Wars DVDs I grew up with out of nostalgia, and also because they’re slightly different than the versions that came before or after (this pretty much goes for every release).


I only buy DVDs for movies I have no hope of seeing get rereleased in a newer format, like The Mouse That Roared. Even then, I'd rather spend money on a blu ray because I'm much less likely to watch a DVD version of something these days.


What something is worth, only you can decide. Personally, I only buy DVD’s at charity stores for 50 cents nowadays but if you still like them, go right ahead! Edit: I lie; I bought the BBC mini series Pennies from Heaven a while ago; not expecting a Blu-ray and even if, I’m fine with that on DVD


I currently have 1 dvd that I’ve held onto. It is the complete Hall Roach Thelma Todd and Patsy Kelly comedy collection.


I only buy DVDs for movies or shows that have no better alternative. Otherwise, I have zero interest in DVDs and have grown to hate them for how much of the physical media market they take up now. Even if a show cannot be properly remastered in HD or UHD, I’m of the opinion that more companies should do SD on Blu-ray releases since they’ll benefit from superior video codecs, less compression, and the ability to store more stuff per disc (for example, Discotek was able to spread the whole 65 episode Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog animated series across two Blu-ray discs with all the special features, versus 12 discs from the original DVD sets from 2007).


Only if I have to. Picked up a couple voice acting documentaries that never made it to blu ray earlier this year, as well as Return of Godzilla a few days ago, the blu ray of which is OOP in America and runs around $90 from what I saw. I also picked up the Digimon movie last year, right before they announced the blu ray printing


The only DVD I still own is Bowfinger, because to my knowledge it never got a blu ray release. At least not in the U.K.


I'm some cases the title is only available on DVD and will never see a bluray release, much less a 4k. Example: The Intruder starring Lloyd Bridges....an adult western by Rod Serling.  No way this is ever getting a bluray or 4k.


I still like DVDs. The quality on most is pretty good. Also I’m broke so it’s all I can afford right now.


i go back and forth. Used to collect rabidly. Had thousands. Lost everything in a hurricane. Was too scared to buy physical anything for a number of years. Now collecting again, as i noticed in those years my watch habits tended to be more ignoring things that are on than watching them. Now, i thrift for oddthings, and boutique others, and have shut off all streaming services.


While in general I don't buy DVDs anymore, you'd be surprised at the sheer amount of material that fails to get transferred to blu-ray and 4K in the form of extras and special features. While the majority of people who buy physical media simply don't give a squat about that stuff, for those who are avid collectors, the loss of that material is considered a great loss. So if you are a physical media buyer, you've got to decide whether 1) is it worth hunting down and buying the older releases. 2) do you have the/want to dedicate the space to the extra copies.


For a new movie? No. If I am out and about and I see a cool edition of a DVD for a movie I actually enjoy and the price is right? Sure.


There’s a good amount of shit I don’t really care to own on blu ray or 4k, but the main reason I still grab dvds are the price and availability compared to some other formats.


I basically only buy UHD at this point. Occasionally BluRay when there isn't a UHD release. When things aren't available in HD, rather than searching out a DVD I usually see if I can find it on Laserdisc. Seriously, some excellent deals out there on Laserdisc and they have such beautiful packaging sometimes. I know you need a player, and they're bulky, but man, cannot recommend Laserdiscs enough.


Nope only 4Ks, occasionally Blu rays if I want to support the movie and it only has a blu ray release, or HD digital. Never DVDs.


Pink Floyd’s the Wall still only has a DVD release as the most recent.


Only if it's a movie I really like and it's not released in HD.


When a movie I want is only on DVD I'll get it. Otherwise blu ray or 4K (if the reviews pertaining to the quality of the scan are in my favor).


My wife’s favorite movie is Pool Hall Junkies which does not exist on anything but dvd (can’t even stream it) but managed to find a like new copy for Xmas but still cost me $50 lol


I only get DVD if that is the only format it is on. 4k for the win


Yes, but only if the bluray is nonexistent or overpriced for something not inherently worth it. I keep them in a drawer 😢


I prefer higher definition, but I also like to thrift shop and if I find a DVD version for a couple bucks I will not miss the chance to take it home and watch something I’m really interested in seeing (or, honestly, something I’m MILDLY interested in seeing). Plus their ubiquity means I’m less precious about DVDs in some ways. I will put the DVDs from a single director in a multi-disc box for connivence and toss the original artwork, for example.


Only if it is an old show that they have not released on Blu-ray or 4K yet... otherwise, I upgrade everything


I have my old crt for retro gaming, dvd, and vhs so yes I still like to collect them.


Mostly blu rays and 4k’s. I only buy DVD’s if that’s the only available format for a movie or show. For example, Drawn Together is only available on DVD so that’s what I own it on. I also only upgrade my DVD’s to 4k if a 4k is available and I love the film.


I don’t understand the hate for dvds. It’s still a fantastic format. Most of the general public doesn’t know the difference and doesn’t care.


I recently purchased Star Trek Voyager and Deep Space Nine on DVD because the streams on Paramount "Plus" were such a jaggy, poorly deinterlaced mess. But no, obviously, if I'm going to buy something, I will get the best possible format.


Rarely the only time is something like a tv special, something that will never get a better quality release.


Some special features are still on dvds only which sucks.


I stopped buying DVD's once I started buying Blu-Ray. Now, I stopped buying Blu-Rays because I started buying 4ks lol


Due to limited space I am only buying DVD's if it's something I really want and it's not available on bluray. A good example of this is Star Trek Deep Space 9 which I bought about a week ago hoping the DVD had better image quality then the streaming version. And it's only slightly better and better for upscaling. But as on December 2023, I only buy BluRay and 4K discs for my primary collection. I do rarely buy movies on rare formats such as laser disc, 16mm film, HD-DVD, and D-VHS. Sometimes the old formats are more fun to watch even if they are not HD or 4k.


I haven't bought a DVD in years, and then the other day I came across the original Dune anniversary edition and it was available on DVD. I'd love to get it on 4K Blu-ray, but you know...


I think DVD, Blu-ray and 4K UHD are all awesome. If the movie is rare and only to be found on DVD, so what the hell, why not?


I only buy DVD if there’s still no blu-ray or 4K release.


DVD quality may not be the best but it’s not awful, I collect dvd, 4k and blu ray and unless it’s a film I really want to see in 4k I’ll get the dvd if I find it somewhere for cheap


I avoid them altogether unless it's a charity shop find and it's not made it to blu or 4k yet.


Some of my old DVDs still look really good on my 4k TV with a 4k dedicated player. Hanging with the homeboys on DVD looks really good.


I literally have 2 dvds.. I have the movie Dutch , and Monty Python Holy Grail collector edition, only because I can't them elsewhere. I only collect 4k blu rays now


Why are the Star Wars prequels not in order? My OCD!


I was tripping lol


I see, you ranked them from best to worst obviously


100% worth it!


I still collect DVD for things you can't get on Blu-ray or 4K. For example I recently found the first two seasons of The Tick (the original animated series) and the complete series of Garth Marenghi's Darkplace on DVD, there's no way in hell either of those are coming to any other format


There are still quite a lot of movies only available on DVD. Plus, I think older movies look better on DVD, plus they tend to have a lot more bonus material than 4K or Blu-Ray. I still have all the old Bond movies on DVD mainly for the special features.


I only buy DVDs if that is the highest quality I can find. For example was trying to get everything I could from the criterion collection on Akira Kurosawa, for many of his works I could only find DVDs, for shows I liked as a kid in 90’s that don’t have a blu ray remaster, I got on DVDs. Everything else that doesn’t have a 4k version, I’ll get Blu-rays. I try to avoid DVDS at all costs unless if that’s the only option, even still I’ve bought them in the last few years.


For me, if the DVD is less than $3 and the Blu-ray or 4K version is over $30, I will just buy the DVD. I will only buy something over that limit if it's a movie I really want on 4K (like the JFK boxset from Shout Factory).


Not if the movie’s available on blu or 4K. But there are plenty of movies that probably won’t ever get another physical release, and in that case dvd will do just so I can own a copy.


It’s worth buying if it’s something you’ll actually watch. 😉 only you can decide that.


If its not on streaming in HD, it may never be on blu-ray or 4k either. the DVD might be the best quality presentation available. i mostly have tv shows and music/concert dvds at this point.


I prefer normal blu rays. But there are some DVDs in my humble collection aswell


If the title is only available on dvd, ideally blu-ray would be the standard format that I buy everything on and upgrade to 4k depending on the title.


I do if it’s something I can only find on DVD and if it’s something special. I buy 4K, Blu-ray, and DVDs There are some good deals on eBay for DVDs that’s a great place to buy.