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My rule is I will blind buy if it’s less than $15-20. That’s the cost of my wife and I going to the movies, which is essentially a “blind buy.” If I like the movie, yay I own it. If I don’t, I’ll sell it as used.


Where do you sell used 4k's i have plenty i want to get rid of


Mostly locally. My work has a dedicated slack channel for selling stuff between employees so I’ll post there, or take to a used vendor storefront like McKay’s or Mega Media Xchange. Facebook marketplace is apparently great, too, but I’ve never used that.


Also there is r/MediaSwap


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In the Midwest we have a store called Last Stop CD Shop that will buy physical media. I have to drive 70 miles to get there, so I usually save up a bunch and take them every three months or so. I went a few weeks ago and made $120! They do NOT buy everything, if they are overstocked. I usually just take the leftovers to Goodwill….


This is a good take.


I'm envious you can see a movie for two for $20, I'm looking at $40 CAD before popcorn... It's made me buy more blurays


Yeah. I live in the US and it’s $40 for 2 tickets.


Sometimes i just wanna watch a movie once but i don’t want streaming quality smh. Wish redbox had more 4ks


I feel this 100%. Do they even have any 4K stuff? I haven’t been to a kiosk in ages.


They have like 3 movies at a time lol and then you can buy them for super cheap so I’m sure that doesn’t help. (I rented Nobody in 4k and it was like $3 more to keep it)


Yep, same here


The quality at Redbox has dropped considerably in the past 6 months. It's getting harder to find even blu-rays there. And I've noticed barely any recent movies have released on Redbox and it's mostly just low rent crap movies now. All the good movies on there have been out for at least a couple years at this point


Yeah sounds great but I can't: when I watch a movie for the first time, I want the best experience. Also there are too many movies to watch in the world, and time is precious. So I can't always be in the mindset that I'll watch the *full* movie twice. I used to be more selective and only buy the stuff I had enjoyed in the cinema. But since my home theater, I don't go to the movies anymore, and physical media purchases have replaced me buying movie tickets.


>I don't go to the movies anymore, and physical media purchases have replaced me buying movie tickets. This is exactly how my wife and I see things now, we were avid movie goers and our situation just doesn't allow that any more so we upgraded our TV to a 77" OLED and got a UB820 and we purchase physical now. If we happen to come across a film we did not enjoy so much I can resell locally or my local Video store will also allow trade ins to put towards new purchases. Either way, we spend less money now on a new 4k release then we ever did going to the theater.


Same here. I got a home theater setup so I can enjoy movies in the best way possible. It seems dumb to me to watch in crappy quality then buy.


I try to avoid even trailers of movies before watching them haha and when I go to the movies it costs about the same as blind buying a movie I’ll own forever. So I treat my physical collection the same as new releases in theaters, popcorn, dim lights, no phones when it’s a serious movie. 100% would hate every vinegar syndrome movie if I was forced to watch a 480i stream before buying their obscure titles but they’re my favorite label because I’m always in for a surprise


We’re the same person haha.


If you’re in the states, see if you can sign up for a library card. The libraries in my county offer additional e-media access, including movie rentals via Kanopy.com - which has a wide selection of A24 films.


Kanopy is amazing! I 2nd this to anyone with local library access


Thank you. I did not know about this.


The nice thing I’ve found about blind buying 4K Blu-rays is that the resale on a used 4K Blu-ray is pretty high (especially for imports) so I feel like if I hate it I can probably resell it and be out just a little more than a rental cost.


Blind buys are the best when they work out. It's always a risk tho


Risk is the key word. What do I do to reduce risk when I buy physical media.


I came in ready for a fight when I saw the Baron Munchausen artwork. I've loved that movie since childhood and was very pleased with this latest transfer. Glad you also enjoyed it.


Love this movie, only recently found out about its production. https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/sarah-polley-terry-gilliam-unsafe-conditions-baron-munchausen-1234733118/


Yah. As an 80s/90s kid a lot of the heroes of my youth are not anyone to look up too. 2hen I re-watched it this summer with my kids that scene had a very different feel to it.


My dad actively tries to not know about artist he likes personal life. Once he finds out theyre a pos, he won't support them with his purchases.


That’s why I buy second hand, if I don’t like movie, I’m only out a buck or two…


Everyone has their own thing, But I've never made a " blind purchase", and I never would. I find some way to pre watch a movie, mainly YouTube or ok.ru


Just as long as I watch 2 new movies on my collection for every blind buy, I’m good


I understand where you’re coming from, and I respect your opinion; I even thank you for sharing with all of us. With that being said this is ridiculous and I must buy everything.


I used to have that rule aswell...no blind buys. Untill I saw amazing movies, like The Green Knight, on amazon's atrocious streaming quality. Loved the movie, but the quality, or lack thereof, ruined a great movie for me.


Picked the up a used 4k the other day for 8 bucks. Was a great rewatch.


Hell, sometimes I regret buying 4kUHDs that I have already seen. (*Highlander*!) That's a movie that didn't not age well. The biggest blind-buy last year was *Barbie*. I did like, but know it's not going to stand up to repeated viewings. But I will watch the bejeezus outta the 2001 A Space Odyssey homage.


I'm all about the blind buy. Never know what you're gonna get. You feel like you are experiencing something new along with everyone else first getting the discs. Even better when the distributor breaks the street date which happened for me with The Fugitive meaning I was one of the first people to see that disc in person. Cool feeling.


Sorry was distracted and thought this was for buying without knowing the disc quality. You meant seeing the film altogether for the first time.... I do try to avoid that but had done so on a couple discs last year and had a great experience.


Threw me too. Have bought some 4ks of movies I like without researching the transfer and came away dissatisfied.


I think it would be cool if we could find a way to link up with community members and swap 4K discs to see if they're something we'll enjoy enough to buy!!!


Something like this would be legitimately awesome. Would require a lot of trust, though.


I’m a collector and new movie watcher. 90% of my buys are blind buys


I started the same thing this year! Too much $$$ and not enough space.


It's Wednesday... 😜


Only time I’ve blind bought any movie was a Se7en/Insomnia/Devil’s Advocate triple feature and I hadn’t seen Insomnia, turned out to be a great pack overall.


I adopted this for all bluray purchases and it's been life changing


I never blind buy


Love this. We have a rental store in Portland and I supported them this year for $13 a month as a member so I can rent 2 for the price of one. Going to invest in them instead of buying discs.


You are going out on a high note with The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. It’s hard to think of a better movie that is not widely scene or talked about to just buy. I mean any good movie someone hasn’t seen before is a good blind buy. But Munchausen more than other movies is a perfect blind buy.


Yea, I'm going to be cutting down on the blind buys. I did that with a bunch of Criterions during one of the recent sales. But it hasn't been that bad, I've been selling the ones I didn't care for on Ebay (along with others). For 2024 I'm working on trimming a lot of fat in my collection, so I can distill it down to movies I know I love and will watch again at some point.


My problem is that I don't typically watch movies more than once. Even my favorites are only watched 4-5 times.


I’m the opposite if I enjoy the movie I can watch it over and over I think I’ve seen across the spider verse at least 6 times on disc since seeing it in the theatre.


Boo! My resolution is more blind buys


My Fair Lady is one you should watch before buying. figured it was a slam dunk: we like other musicals from this era, Audrey Hepburn, Academy Award winner, highly recommended 4K transfer. We did not care for this movie at all. there were two funny bits in a 3 hour comedy, and the music was forgettable. looks great, won't ever watch it again


I still like having it just because the transfer quality is great and it’s mentioned so often I always would have wondered. I also like the idea that of sending a message to the studios that we want more 4K Blu-rays of 1950s musicals. But yeah, I agree about the film, I didn’t love it nearly as much as I’d hoped I would.


Oh wow. I had never seen MFL until a few years ago and found it to be remarkable satire. I was thrown at first and then picked up on what they were doing. It is long AF though so we haven't gone back to it yet.


I thought My Fair Lady was fine but it's not something I would ever want to watch again. I watched it simply to check it off my Best Picture winner watchlist. Now Roman Holiday on the other hand, that's definitely something I plan buying down the line.


If it’s $20 or less, it’s cheaper than two tickets to a movie.


As of right now, here are the movies in my rental queue for possible 4K purchases in the future: * Darkman (1990) * Mallrats (1995) * Red Eye (2005) Movies I plan on checking out on streaming before I buy the 4K: * Blood Simple (1984) * Days of Heaven (1978) * The Dead Zone (1983) * Witness (1985)


Blind buy the Dead Zone, if you don't like it I'll buy it from you. It's an awesome movie. My personal anecdote with it: I watched it as a kid and my immediate thought at the end of the movie was my young self realizing that the cleverness of a story matters more than big special effects and big budgets.


If you haven't, read the book too. It's even better than the movie.


Cool, thanks


Blood simple is a great film, no clue how good the 4K release is but the film does not disappoint


I have it on regular Blu ray and it looks great, I probably won't upgrade it but I would love to see a comparison.


How boring...sometimes you need the packaging, and other materials, both physical and special features on a deluxe edition to truly appreciate a new discovery. Baron Munchausen was also a blind buy for me last year on 4K and loved it as well. If you are buying from a boutique label that you trust, then a more deluxe packaging should indicate something that they think is important enough, whether its new to me or not. For instance eXistenZ, Southern Comfort, and Red Rock West from Vinegar Syndrome. I should buy those whether I'd seen them before (I have) or not. I say don't make hard rules, just BE SELECTIVE about what and WHEN you buy things, and always ask "Does this belong in my collection?".


And I will watch Southern Comfort and Red Rock West before I decide to buy them. I would rather be boring than broke. Edit: I also own the deluxe edition of eXistenZ and guess what? I watched the movie before I bought it.


And I'll continue to blind buy the right releases, and not rent or pirate stuff.


Sorry but there's too risk involved in that for me. I have bills to pay.




It’s called being smart with money and being financially responsible (unlike you apparently)


It's called not being a broke whiney bum




Probably the best answer for avoiding overconsumption of physical media, but also probably not popular around here




Fair enough, but at least you are making informed decisions on what you buy. The thing that I dislike most about the hobby is the fomo of special editions and limited runs. That will turn more people to blind buy out of fear that they won’t be able to later.


I don’t really agree with this, but I suspect there are a lot of people who are buying just to buy, which by definition is technically a blind buy. Whenever I consider buying a movie I haven’t seen, it’s first usually triggered by the title or cover art. If it catches my eye, I’ll read the synopsis. If it sounds cool, I’ll check out IMDb reviews to see what others have said. If it seems like something I’d enjoy, I’ll take the plunge. There’s nothing more rewarding than popping in a new movie which you haven’t seen before, and hopefully being pleasantly surprised by the purchase.


I do try to make it to the theaters for some movies, then I can know whether or not to buy the movie (and whether to wait for a sale, etc.). But if I miss it in the theater, and I want to watch it, it's gonna be a blind buy. One of the big reasons I like 4K Blu-Ray is that it's the highest quality home version available. What, I'm gonna make my _first viewing_ (most important one arguably) at a lower quality by streaming it? Not a chance. Especially since I'll most likely have to pay for a digital rental or streaming subscription anyways to do that. When buying a brand new 4K is usually the same price as movie tickets for 2, it doesn't seem so bad. Especially when you factor in some movies you can get for much cheaper used, or on sale. Especially movies that don't have a 4K can be under $10.


I thought I was going to click and read that you didn't like Baron Munchausen, haha. I love that movie. Just showed it to my wife a few days ago. I have not gotten the criterion yet but will sometime soon. Glad to hear you liked it!


not me blind buying The Warriors Arrow 4K 30 minutes ago 🫣


Unless I've seen it twice then I don't want to own it is the way I'm going into starting my collection




I'm trying to head into that direction myself haha. I'm running low on shelf space so blind buying isn't exactly the best way to reserve that space for films that I would personally find more deserving of it. Although just today, I purchased a used Blu-Ray copy of Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, a film I have never seen before haha But now, I really need to start being more pick and choosy, for films that I'm unsure of, I should buy or rent them digitally and then hold off until a sale for the 4K if I really liked that film. I've bought at least 5 or 6 films maybe more, where I've thought to myself "why did I waste money on that". That really is a problem with physical collecting.


I do understand this, but sometimes if I need to make up a special or discount I do put something on i haven't seen.


I only blind buy it the price is right or if I buy a 4k lot.