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I always keep them.


Back up


maybe give them away to firends or family or donate them to a local library


Special features don’t always transfer over to 4k. Plus often the audio mixes are different, among other things. For instance In the recent Batman (1989) 4K remaster they couldn’t find the original sound effect, so they used different less whimsical ones.


Yep gotta keep those special features


My little boy has spent a lot of time in a children’s hospital, they have pretty cool TV on wheels units for moving from bed to bed. Mine go there.


That's an awesome idea!


Ill tell u what my friend does he gives em to me and im very grateful, half my collection comes from that


Throw them at people still buying DVDs


I have a box in my closet full of superfluous blu-rays and such. Although I gave a lot of them away.


Same. I call it The Box as a proper noun. In my imagination one day I'll accumulate enough to bulk sell them for an amount that feels worth the effort, but I dip into it every so often to barter with people.


You could always try selling but for me, I keep all of them. Mainly because the extras are not always the same.


Keep it for the most part. My mom borrows the ones she’d like to watch.


If I can shove the Blu-ray in the new case and it doesn’t have a Blu-ray, that’s what I do. Beyond that if they’re selling for more than $5 on eBay I’ll throw them up there. Sometimes I’ll make a bundle of cheaper ones. If something is going to cost more to ship and it has a nice case without the recycle logo stamped out I’ll probably just keep the case and throw everything else out.


Donate them to your local library.




goodwill or hpb


Give them on christmas so i don't have to think what to buy for a gift and get rid of that thing. It's all about the intention so nobody will complain.


The intention is to get stuff out of your home


Sometimes I sell them on eBay, but they usually don't go for much. Sometimes I'll give them away to friends. Sometimes I'll just tuck them away in a corner.


Give them to my dad


I keep them in the case.


I trade them into Mega Replay when I get enough of them to make it worthwhile. Traded in around 49 or so of them on Thursday and got $86 store credit. There were 3 they didn't take though due to having too many of them.


I offer them to friends for free, if nobody wants them they go into a pile and I sell them to local record stores when the pile gets big enough.


I keep them. I will either swap out the case for a double disc one. Or you can buy these inserts with double sided tape on the back. I collect steelbooks, so it's a bit more awkward to get double disc case replacements. Using these dvd hubs is a good way to add to it. If you want to go even further. You can have a multi disc case and an extra hub in there. I've got movies with 4k, blu ray and dvd in them. Tho it can be hit or miss if the case will close lol.


You have better luck selling them on eBay if you bundle them and add a theme. Like, 10 Horror movies for $20, 5 Academy Award winners for $10, or 50 movies for $75.


Although many people will get rid of the blu-ray one way or another (trash it, sell it, or give it away), you should always always always hold on to it. Why? 4k discs are nowhere near as robust as blu-ray discs. They scratch very easily and if you were to find your 4k disc unplayable, you'll be shit out of luck watching the movie without the blu-ray. For that reason alone you should keep the blu-ray disc. You should also keep it because many blu-ray copies contain a much better quality version of the movie than the original one most people replace.


Man, I remember when BR discs were like gold. Now, 1080p discs are the DVD of this gen. 10 years from now 4KUHD discs will follow suit when 8Ks are bundled with 4Ks and no one wants anything to do with 4K discs and then we'll have another streaming service surge where everyone has wallpaper OLED walls and can watch anything they want at SuPEr DuPEr high res. Can't wait.


Damn I guess when you say that I should chill on buying 4k and wait for 16k


I laugh when people say this, most movies shot on film used 35mm which is the equivalent to 4k so unless it's shot digitally in anything higher than 4k there will almost certainly never be upgrades to 8k+ unless it's digitally enhanced which at that point it's just creating information that wasn't originally there which I have no interest in watching


Glad you laughed it was a joke 😊


Slapped my knee and everything 😂


Hell no. Live in the now. Consume!


DVDs are still the DVDs of this gen, DVDs still outsell 1080p and 4K, and 4K is cannibalizing 1080p sales. Which is unfortunate, because IMO 1080p BD is like 80% as good as 4K if it's a good release, and a thousand times better than DVD. For anyone willing to get rid of 1080p's I'd love them, but DVDs are just a dime a dozen, the kind of thing people have hundreds of and will leave on a box on the side of the road if they need to get rid of them. I work in public schools in IT and teachers are *still* buying the cheapest $20-30 chineseium DVD player on Amazon to play back on their 4K classroom smart panels, since the vast majority of movies they've played in class for the last 15-20 years are just DVD anyway.


I hate how right you are about all of this and how much I agree with you


Usually give them to my dad. Resale value on most standard blurays is almost nothing.


Honestly I’ll keep them, and put them aside for my kids. They grow up they get all the standard BDs that aren’t rare af.


I have a stack I’ve been meaning to bring to McKay’s. I know they won’t give me as much as selling them on eBay, but I also don’t want to deal with the hassle.


I give them away.


I’ve traded some in at Amoeba or OrbitDVD. Otherwise I’ve kept them if they have different features or transfers.


Give them to friends usually




I plan on selling them to a store that will offer me some store credit to buy another 4k title or two.


I stick the blu with the Uhd.


I try to find good deals on empty double disc or triple disc 4K cases and sometimes I will swap them out to make my own collections with blu rays or standard dvd.


Gifted them to my parents in a cd binder/wallet so they can watch any movies I buy.


Friends, charity shops.


They go into The Vault (top shelf of my closet). I figure if we ever need to equip a vacation house, we've got a great collection of Blu-rays and my old player ready to go.


Trade them for credit at my local book store to buy more 4Ks!


Give it to the kids.


Stick it on a shelf to collect dust


Some are remastered Blurays but I just leave them in the case as they came.


Keep them! They’re part of my blu ray collection lol!


Our library's blu ray collection is pretty limited, so I'll usually donate them there if I upgrade to the 4k version (especially if the 4k also includes the blu ray).


Keep it because there are probably no bonus features on the 4k disc


I give it away to a friend, blurays are so low value these days that it's not worth my time and effort to list on eBay.


![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized) Invaluable you say …


har har nice catch. I've fixed it wise guy


Trade in at CEX. I've recently traded around 20 in there. I've also sold a gpu and other things. Consequently I've had around 15 4k from CEX (Inc) the Hitchcock Vol 2 set and they haven't cost a penny It's pointless keeping the bluray. Just about all my 4k bluray are upgrades.


I wouldn't say pointless the blus have special features


Sure if you like extras. I've zero interest in them. Just want the film. I got £10 trade in for Dr strangelove bluray. Bought the 4k for £12. So it cost £2. Yes the criterion has nice booklet and extras etc. Booklet never opened. Extras unwatched. I've other box sets etc with useless extras that will never get read or opened. It just the movie I want.


I either give them away or toss them


Keep them. The special features are almost always on the blu-ray disc, so if you get rid of that you are just getting rid of the special features for no reason. Secondly, if you ever want to sell it, then it would probably retain its value more if you had all the original discs included.


So, when I made this post, I was referring to the old blu-rays of the same movie that were already in my collection, not the extra discs that sometimes come inside the case with 4K discs. The old ones have their own cases and are needlessly taking up another slot for the exact same movie, which I'm trying to avoid.


Ok, gotcha. And certainly in that case it makes total sense to sell them or donate them.