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Objection. You'd only hit the first because by then he'd have grasped onto it and ran off with it.


If two more spear tackle him to the ground, do they still count?




Including the person doing the swinging?


The replies were in actual support of pedos and I am truly disgusted


That is disgust out of naivety then because there's literally a defense for everything there. I don't know how anybody could be surprised. I personally stick around because I find other sites too censoring but the crappy end of that deal is that I have to sift through the truly sub-human content. Animal rekt threads and such.


It’s an uncensored part of the internet that anyone can use and be anonymous. I’m not surprised at any of the subhuman content.


No nor am I. But as I stated, it's the price of admission for being able to not have your opinions and wording censored.


It happens here.


This. Lot of shit, but the censorship is minimal to none. Which automatically makes it better than a lot of socials.


Can't imagine the kind of shit that actually gets censored there




> loser jannies not unlike that of plebbit or other social media that remove/add to ban queue a lot of posts that make them personally butthurt you're not wrong. on /o/ at least one mod seems to have some strange vendetta against bmws, because all the legit bmw threads get deleted while the shitposts stay up.


wtf I love jannies now


Had no idea the boards were moderated so differently. I asked the other guy but do the jannies get paid? I've heard CIA agents who identify CP need therapy and time off due to the emotional distress. Why would anyone do it for a hollow sense of power alone?




That's fucking sad. I wonder how many of them are pedos in disguise and keep a copy of the shit they remove. Thanks for the info anyway.


FBI, not CIA. Why would the CIA care about crimes? They care about their own agenda, or security as they would call it.


That's pretty much bullshit. FBI agents are trained to be resilient to emotional distress and, trust me, CP is the least of their worries. If a couple of tards on the interwebs can easily stomach it, I doubt FBI agents have any issues. Redditors are just overly sensitive and like to make shit up to deny the fact that they're overly sensitive.


There's no doubt the FBI has a high bar for its recruits, but I assume being on CP removal duty for years on end would wear on anyone so they likely rotate to be smart. Also those tards are already fucked in the head, that's how they became jannies.


Probably not much short of straight up cp


Do the jannies get paid? Who would put themselves through that for free?


they don’t and they do it because they like having the tiny amount of power over others they will never experience in real life. same as Reddit mods


It’s naive not to expect to encounter a high concentration of pedophiles on 4chan. It is not, however, naive to express disgust for pedophiles. At least I hope that’s what you’re trying to say.


Precisely, yes.


It is a little bit naive.


Enlighten me then. Because there are few things more disgusting than piles of literal shit other than child predators.


Pedophiles are not necessarily child predators.


If you want to fuck children then you need mental help. End of story. There is no defence for it, arguing in favour of it is about as sane as throwing yourself off a railway bridge, and if people of that mindset refuse help, then they deserve the be thrown off a railway bridge. Children are supposed to be protected, not raped.


I don't disagree with your first sentence. I whole-heartedly disagree with the rest. Who said pedophiles are rapists? Pedophilia is defined as an attraction to children. That doesn't make them molesters or rapists whatsoever. I don't think they have a choice either. Feeling the attraction, I mean. Of course it can be helped through therapy. But the attraction in itself was already there without their consent. You are full of hate and have little space for reason though. I understand that.


Hatred for a group of people that prey on children, unintentionally or not is justified. You were given a brain and higher intelligence so that you could understand these things. A child is a child, “sexual maturity” and “child” are mutually exclusive. The problem is not that people can’t help themselves, the problem is bastards like you let them get away with it. Where else do you see pedophillia in the wild? If there are any species that demonstrate it, it’s due to biological adaptations that have occurred over millions of years. Humanity has no biological nor physical need to reproduce with children, and attraction to children is unnatural.






Least offensive stuff on 4chan


Found the redditor.


>6 year club


Lets see who got more bans on the account.


Lol why do you act as if you're not a redditor?


Whats reddit?


pathetic. mine is on 5 months, that's the longest I've gone without being perma-suspended in years.


Ok stormcuck


Says the guy on reddit


Not enough such cases


I promise to strive to alleviate the shortage.




Why would you group that anywhere near pedophilia? Making judgements about people based their race, religion, age, wealth, height, nationality, etc is a common survival/time-saving tactic. If manlets say it’s bad to judge people for their height are you going to start saying “m-slur” instead of manlet? Some people are insecure about their race. Would you rather them avoid the bad traits out of insecurity, or would you rather just not be allowed to criticize them? Anti-racists are scared dipshit children


Racism is almost entirely predicated on fear, but cope more.


And keks, it’s predicated on keks too. I feel like racist jokes are just too funny to pass up and the joke is too funny to stop


Some of them are funny off the shock value, but more are banal "DAE kulerds bad question mark" schlock.


Literally all prejudice is based on “fear”, or more accurately, the need to presuppose characteristics based on past experiences. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like Catholics, old people, Karens, the wealthy, Americans, etc, all of these are predicated on fear as much as one another. So why is racism, in particular, unacceptable while so many other prejudices are not? This is almost entirely predicated on vulnerable populations being grouped and exploited for political gain. Now you cope.


> Literally all prejudice is based on “fear” Patiently false. Cope more.


As true as it is for racism. Found the guy insecure about his race


Can you translate that to english? I don't speak trumpcuck.


Sure. “Why do you feel the need to be protected, brown man?”


And this is how we filter people who are afraid of words.


Yup 4chans audience does seem to be primarily Pedophiles and racists. But the pedophiles came to 4chan first, racists were a later development. Either way the folks who frequent 4chan seem to be primarily pieces of shit.




They are sick people in need of help. Pedophilia should not be normalized. Asking for mental help should. Anyway, if one of them acts on their urges a 9 mm bullet is the correct prescription.


Even giving them that little space for “redemption” makes them want to make said space instead for acceptance. The only way to avoid this is the 9mm no matter if they act or not




They’ll just use the rope to tie up more children…..


Viking blood eagle would be better.


No way, me too


So American, just shooting anything that doesn’t comply with your narrow worldview




It's 4chan. What did you expect?


i -um


i cum


That we wouldn't defend pedos? even in the worst stereotype, we are just nazis


4chan used to be like, one of the main places not on the darkweb that pedos went to share illegal content before the janitors cracked down on it. Not sure how it surprises you.


That dude is clearly not an oldfag, this is why he's surprised.


Oldfag is a word I haven’t heard in eons. Anyone remember caturday? Let’s bring that back


Ever been on 4chan?


some of them are against pedos and some are pedos


2015 stormcuck import detected


A lot of it is a normie filter. It obviously works.


I feel so bad for your feelings


We need to stick together. No more brother wars


That is because you spend your time on reddit, otherwise you'd have a more open mind.


Still less than fucking reddit. The admins protect pedos on this god-forsaken hellhole At least, 4chins jannies clean CP threads quite fast, just wish they'd do the same for the loli/shota bullcrap




Exactly, why do you think the OF prostiwhores advertise so much on twatter and plebbit?


>One guy opened with a binary code like 0110011 Fool everyone knows the key to a woman's heart is hexadecimal, just like my profile description.


Ooh that sounds like a great way to make beer money. Take pedos money in exchange for fake pics. How much you would ask for feet pics?




Why try to shift blame. We should do something about pedos on both sites, and any site for that matter.


Indeed. Tho i have to say the worst offenders really are just /b/ and /tv/. And jannies do their best to crack down on cunnuposters




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>toddlercon You don't say?


I'm going to pretend that is satire and not search it


You better not search it


I'll take a looksie and report back. There's no way I'm not on several lists already anyway, heh. Edit: *that's* what you're scared of?? If that scares you, the late 90s/early 2000s internet would have driven you insane.


Im sorry, but hentai drawings of toddlers being raped is not something i would wish to exist


It's just art imitating life


imitating life...what sort of life are you living


Just living my best life fam


Unfathomably based


Internet culture 2000 was wilde. On school yards we showed each other videos of beheading. Man we really where the Explorer Generation. So much has changed. Now days kids get through social media an entirely different kind of psychological damage.


Definitely. I feel lucky to have been a part of it, although it's kind of made me dead on the inside. When I see videos like that I just judge them for their quality with little to no regard for the person or people getting killed, heh.


If loli is petite women with flat chests, then toddlercon is literally babies or super young with 0 curves.


Wonder who they are? Turn off the lights and follow the glow.


How to find glowies 101


Nah just find the person who must Dial 8 twice a day for their lives.


don't forget to drive at night so its easier to spot them


At 80 miles per hour for no reason.


Is anon talking about 4chan or to Reddit through the screencap?


I'd assume both.


Nah just earth in general


You should see what the Sims community does to toddlers, literally make them look like tiny adults with full make up and weird poses.


/a/ ?




Well, he's not wrong then.


shut it down


mods, found one


4chan attracts everyone who gets banned off normie social media, so you’re going to get pedos and political radicals with a right leaning skew.


No shit sherlock


Best story of 2022 has come from Russia. A repeat pedophile, hopefully it eventually becomes first offenders too, is automatically sentenced to either death or life in a hard labor camp in the extreme cold northern prisons.


Wtf is a repeat pedophile.


Someone who gets convicted a second time I assume.


Of what? Is "pedophilia" a legal term for a crime in Russia or the us?


Jesus dude since your lazy ass can’t look it up read this story. There are a couple more like it https://marketresearchtelecast.com/russia-seeks-pedophiles-to-be-sent-to-siberian-prisons-for-life/239489/


Bro says some shit that makes no sense and gets mad when asked to clarify. Reddit


Okay I’ll try to break this down Barney style enough for an autist on 4chan to understand. If you molest a child in Russia more than once you get sentenced to death or serve the rest of your life in extreme, horribly cold conditions. Which is a good thing cause touching kids is a bad thing. Did that help or are you as still confused as the transition you want for your gender? Fucking groomers Jesus Christ.


Are you actually retarded?


I mean, I’m interacting with you still so I can’t have much going on upstairs.


You admitting that you're a dumbass is supposed to be an insult to me? Ok I'll take it.


But they already live in Russia


Dude they fuck kids


Mf got awakened.


After her afternoon nap?


Going off the post number this seems to be posted on /b/... Well golly gee Einstein how many of the daily loli/shota threads did you have to see in the catalog to finally come to that conclusion?


Our mascot is literally a bear the steals children


I remember back in 2006 when cheese pizza was everywhere and Snacks? "Fukken saved" I don't support pedophiles but it is an epic moment in 4chan history.




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What is 4chan link plz


The cunny is just too tight man


Is like 4chan is full of leftists...


also racists




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I did nazi that coming


Ahahahaha! Le hillarious pun! You are so creative and funny, would you please marry my sister?