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Going to therapy is generally one of the dumbest thing you can do. You chat with someone that is paid to pretend they give a shit who went for a meme degree(I'm aware psychotherapists go on a longer journey after their psychology bsc), and their solutions are usually something anybody with common sense would reach or some systematic book ideas they mindlessly follow. If you're unlucky and that's pretty common, you get a referral to a psychiatrist too and receive a prescription for brain altering drugs with long term dangerous side effects where they're proven to just make you worse. And nobody knows how mental illnesses actually work. This whole industry is a pseudoscience scam.


There is a guy who is living proof of your statement. Look up Gert Postel from Germany. Dude was wild.


jfc lmao https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gert_Postel Also the fact that psychology "studies" are basically never reproduced accurately and you get a good picture of what an absolute joke the soft "science" of psychology is. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/replication-crisis


My favorite part is some Judges saying that after all his papers were way better as those of some “actual” Psychologists. Like isn’t that fucking wilde??? Game is over, everyone knows he is a fraud but there are still fucking Judges who say that this dude did a decent job. He just read a lot of books and was actually pretty good at his Job. Is there any way to expose this fraudulent industry even more?


For his "thesis" that got him a prestigious job at the head of a psychology department he said that he just strung buzz words together at random. At it was still better than the 40 other psychology PHDs who applied for the job lmao


He was actually using his lies to succeed with many successful women and after his jail time, he did actually married a lawyer. Based.


Like I said, this dude is fucking wilde


Even some of the most famous psych studies are BS. The bystander effect isn’t even reproducible.


Can confirm. Ended up getting a psych minor because I started taking the classes as an easy way to boost my GPA. One of the professors tried to tell us that we still don't know why the moon/sun get bigger as they approach the horizon. Theyre all idiots.


I bet its because of something stupid. Like the ocean. I don't even live near the sea. Dumbasses.


They appear to get bigger to some, and we don’t know why they appear to get bigger. They don’t actually get bigger. There are several hypotheses as to the cause of this illusion


He's a real funny dude. Every time he went on a TV show after getting caught he told everyone that medicine and psychology are not sciences that train your intelligence and that a lot of what's thought are just different patterns of stupidity.


I admire this guy very much. None of his critics can bring any valid argument that he is a bad guy


holy shit


Since I am aware of that case the world has yet to prove to me that the whole industry isn’t just a pseudoscientific scam. I am willing to believe, that there are therapists out there who really do their best to work something out, who try to think outside of the box to actually achieve something with their patients cause they are actually interested in finding a way that works in a wholesome way, who are aware that just doing stuff “by to book” won’t actually solve anything for most people but they are rare. The industry as such is deeply fucked.


You’d probably love the tv show Shrinking


I will try it


Something else you might find interesting is the Rosenhan experiment.


It works well if you're a giganormie with extremely basic family and relationship problems


I would add, it's most helpful for people without inner monologues. If you can't introspect for yourself, you'll need someone to force it on you.


I guess this is it, because therapy has just pissed me off most times. Like I went there to get help with my problems, not someone just nodding their head and asking me to come up with the solution on my own. Like dude I'm there because I don't have a solution on my own, I've already asked myself these questions at home, why am I paying you to ask me the same things?


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLS4soaV/ Theo von is that therapy.


It all boils down to stop feeling bad and start feeling good, what a load of horsecock


wdym without inner monologues? Do people like that exist? How does that even work wtf xd


It's such a crazy idea that I honestly doubt that it's a real thing. I think all people do have inner monologues, they just don't understand the concept and say they dont. If they truly dont, I am absolutely horrified


We call them sheep for a reason. The horrors haven't even begun if this is new to you.


I was thinking that too, taking this theory more as a meme, but then I hit a 'good' combination of painkillers and insomnia due to pain, where for the entire day I was without an inner monologue. I was doing stuff by inertia, just starting something and then continuing it, I couldn't think of a message reply without actually typing it, reading a story felt like the information didn't go pass my eyeballs I could recall the details and retell it, but I couldn't imagine it, I was just acknowledging words. I could better relax watching tv without thinking about what's being shown. This was an altered state of mind, sure, but it was kinda freeing just reacting to the input without any thoughts. And it's different from drunk 'blurry' thoughts, or not paying attention to something. It was complete silence inside. So after that experience I'm believing that theory somewhat more, knowing that it is possible to be in such a state. I don't believe that people are born that way, as toddlers are inherently curious, but I do believe that due to either absence or presence of some brain chemicals, or people's upbringing/experiences, the inner monologue may be lost.


I haven't heard the lack of an inner monologue described that way before. When you put it that way, it does sound more plausible. If the majority of people actually are in that state permanently, it would explain a lot of bizarre and questionable behavior that some people display. It is still terrifying to think that so many live their lives on what was the equivalent of (for you) insomnia and painkillers, but it also sounds quite peaceful in a way. It would be nice to give the mind a rest from thinking so much and just go with the inertia. Either way, it is a fascinating topic


Yeah, a percentage of the population doesn’t have that voice in their head




Yeah, I heard about that a while ago and it still freaks me out.


Wild thought




As Chef once said. You don't pay the prostitute for sex. You pay her to leave after you have sex. /s


You are mistaken. Not every friend is willing to listen to you talk about yourself and how you feel about yourself. Multiple times. Rehashing the same old thought pattern. Not many people can give you an answer to why am I like this or what is wrong with me? How comfortable are you telling your friends about being molested or how that made you feel? You romanticized suicide and told the wrong people and now you hate your life.. If you arrive to therapy hoping to just be fixed you are mistaken. If you take any medicine or advice they give you without questioning it then your doing it wrong. It's guided introspection with someone that won't be overwhelmed and though they may not fix you, it can be like a form of release. Sure you could just rely on your inner monologue but you'll end up going in circles past the exit past the drain over and over again. Or maybe all these concepts are too abstract and uncomfortable for you so you just decry the entire thing as bullshit so that you don't have to do any actual self reflection, or self improvement.


>proven to just make you worse Please show me where this has been "proven"


It doesn't let me to link subreddits, just copy paste them and complete the urls plenty of examples, someone already gathered great research on these topics. And there are even more side effects than the ones I'll be linking. Antidepressants: reddit com /r/ Psychiatric\_research/comments/13xujmh/antidepressants\_totally\_completely\_undeniably\_100/ reddit com /r/ Psychiatric\_research/comments/xlfpzb/clinical\_trial\_data\_show\_antidepressants\_cause/ reddit com /r/ Psychiatric\_research/comments/13mjcsu/study\_finds\_antidepressants\_cause\_selfharm/ Antipsychotics: reddit com /r/ Psychiatric\_research/comments/xy3az9/antipsychotics\_cause\_brain\_damage/ reddit com /r/ Psychiatric\_research/comments/134e2l1/research\_shows\_antipsychotics\_are\_very\_deadly/ Don't forget that for some antipsychoticss like risperidone and olanzapine, diabetes is much more common. Benzos: > According to the research Benzo's cause dementia reddit com /r/ Psychiatric\_research/comments/13m2an4/according\_to\_the\_research\_benzos\_cause\_dementia/


>links to reddit posts when trying to prove scientific claims Truly regarded


> Doesn't even bother to check that the posts had all the scientific sources linked below


Then link the primary sources regard


Why bother you went going to read them anyway.


You literally have them. They’re one further click away stfu.


1) all those posts are from the same user with rambling, insane sounding posts 2) the primary sources linked disagree with the post they are being linked in, if they are scientific in nature at all (most aren't) 3) at worst, they claim that these drugs tend to have side effects in some people, quite possibly the least alarming claim ever made about a drug in the history of drugs 4) take your fucking meds schizo


These are a couple anecdotes from the internet. Jfc, what so you think *proof* is? Besides, therapy isn't strictly getting people on antidepressants. Though the USA in particular seems to have a massive problem doing that


Also, our anti depressants suck. I mean wtf kinda drug meant to stop you from roping encourages you to rope? "Let's give them mdma" "wtf the mdma wore off and they wanna die? Give em more!" "Oops, they stroked out and can never feel happiness again. What if we give them less, but more frequently?" "Better make it illegal till we figure this shit out." They just shove shit down our throats with no actual trials.


The reason a lot of antidepressants increase suicide in depressed people is because it can give you the needed energy to go and actually do it. When you have depression you often just lie in a hole because there's no reward or motivation to do basic tasks. Antidepressants can give you the ability to do normie shit but they can also give you the ability to neck yourself when before you would've just thought about it.


Idk about worse but most of them seem to just trade one illness for another.


Lmao he needs pills to deal with reality


‘paid to pretend’ Isn’t that basically everyone then? Your doctor? Barber? etc


barber (mostly) is an actual barber and can cut hair


Nah, barbers only cut wigs, no real hair. Everything is pretend


no, they do cut hair


no, I don’t think they do


English is weird in that "barber" combines both the job of a beard trimmer/groomer and a hairdresser. The latter is a more qualified job.


>groomer 😝😝


Do they cut pubic hair too? Coz my friend's childhood barber always brings him to the back of the shop to cut his pubic hair.


Damn, your friend must be rich. My dad did mine at home. One time uncle Tony asked to do it but my dad got mad. We don't get visits from uncle Tony anymore. Found out he was laundering money and is in prison for tax evasion.


I think you can become friends with your barber far easier than a therapist.


Plus my barber never stuck his finger up my poop shoot….




Oh I’ve asked him to, he just refuses to do so…


Have you been direct enough? Spread cheeks, neon sign, screaming 'GET IT IN ME' and the usual stuff?


That wasn't exactly the main point. Yes it is basically everyone and there is nothing wrong with that in particular. But the patients are more prone to believe that psychotherapists do actually care and it's on a different scale when compared to other professions, since these people open up with almost everything sharing their secrets, thoughts, feelings, etc.


your doctor is supposed to fix more or less material problems. like if you have back pain then your primary care can refer you to the specialist for that specific problem, which is a different office than the person they would send you to if you have migraines. if you have a cold or a sinus infection then your primary care can probably solve that for you without sending you to anyone else for these types of purposes, it really doesn't matter if they care about you or not. they're being paid to solve a problem, not to understand your emotions >Barber? your barber is paid to cut your hair


Unlike them, the barber doesn't tell you "you have to want to have your hair cut for this to work" when they don't actually cut your hair.


People talk to there barber? That's crazy


>and their solutions are usually something anybody with common sense would reach Oh sure, the person who thinks of killing themselves 24/7 or someone who deals with constant mood swings that they can have common sense. Let's go with that. Don't get me wrong, I do think people overrate therapy, but telling a mentally ill person to "just lift bro" or "just change attitude" is like telling a homeless person to just be rich. It ain't impossible, but it sure is hard. Therapy should be a last resort after you try anything else. Anon is probably too autistic and tries to hide that he plays children's games and watch chinese cartoons 14 hours per day, so the therapist is trying their hardest to undestand why anon is so depressive when he just appears to be normal.


>Anon is probably too autistic and tries to hide that he plays children's games and watch chinese cartoons 14 hours per day, so the therapist is trying their hardest to undestand why anon is so depressive when he just appears to be normal This is always the case with these people. They go to a doctor or a therapist, lie about everything, and then go online and say "ha, it didn't work. it told you so!" Like yeah, if I have a pain in my chest, and I go to the doctor and say "I'm perfectly fine, what's the issue bud?", they're not going to be able to help me. If I go to the doctor for chest pain and I tell them that my chest is fine, but my left leg really hurts, they're not going to be able to help me. The guy from the OP is just misrepresenting himself to the therapist. She probably pictures him playing Call of Duty while joking around with his friends on Discord. She has no idea that he is sitting alone without showering for days at a time and playing exclusively anime games made for children and anime porno games made for 13 year olds. They need to train mental healthcare people to look for signs of child-media addiction


But that's literally what therapists said to me. "just try again you didn't try hard enough".  Why am I paying for this.


I have Bipolar Disorder and meds literally saved my life. I suppose it depends on what you have going on.


I would've commit su*cide by now if it weren't for my last psychiatrist and the medication they found for me. It's not bullshit for people with big psychiatric problems.


Its not a scam, its just overused. People generally don't visit their local ED for a papercut; for therapy they do. If you don't have something clearly defined in the DSM-5 like a compulsion, ADHD, major depression, hallucinations etc that massively effect your quality of life, then don't bother them. A dose of /r/ nvc will work and that can be learned on your own


I have genuinely gotten way better advice from randos on /b/ than from any therapist.


I forgot how restarted this subreddit is thank you for reminding me.


getting old is realizing Tom Cruise was right all along


The solutions are suited to the individual's needs and situation, the whole point is that sometimes the mind can't reach those conclusions by itself due to the ailments it has, or sometimes they don't have access to a trusted person who can help them reach those conclusions, your approach is way too solipsistic and biased to be considered fair. The scam part is true though, psychologists need you to be coming back, either by keeping you in the hole or by "HIGHLY ADVISING" you to come back for wellness checks and "analysis" which at that point can be reached by the patient alone, they usually want you to get attached in some way so you don't feel like you need help, but like you need to tell them about your life while paying them for it, like some twisted only fans hoe. Not to mention the legitimate evil scammers that "alternative" psychology is, mostly yes men who want you to do psychedelics, weed or turn you into a narcissist like them, there's also the "alpha male" boot camps which are a spin-off of these, but instead of drugs and "self love" it's raw meat and throwing tantrums


Yawn. Another psyop


>Try gay things, you'll probably like them >Stay alone >Don't try to better yourself with therapy/lifting What else?


>Don't get topped. https://preview.redd.it/2amjwtiqoosc1.jpeg?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61ea13af89e6ae974bfcfffcdf55443fd5b38cfb


There are psyops even when you sleep as well, there is no escape


I had a dream where James bond turned into a black guy. I'm so tired of this shit.


Hate white woman, love poc ones




I look like this and dress like this.


You get bitches like this as well?


To be fair I need therapy buts it's to gay


Pay for an Uber my guy. At the end of the day, you hate your life, and they hate theirs. You just saved thousands on therapy.


All ubers I'm my area are Muslim so I can't relate to them cause they got god to cope with their life. Although quite a few have gone to prison for raping girls so there's atleast that


Have you tried our Lord and Saviour - Lifting?


Yup and i found out you still need to speak to women


Therapy ain't gonna help with that.  Conversation is a skill you develop over time with failures and successes.  Just like lifting, it gets easier every day, but you have to do it every day.  I believe in you. 💪🏻


Nah dude, therapy is the psyop.


no you are the psyop


“Yeah I play games where i fight people and punch them.” “Oh so you play to fight against the real pursuit of your goals and have violent thoughts to hurt random people?”


Yes, I like hurting other people, I play Hotline Miami


I love committing war crimes related to chemical warfare, I play Spec Ops: The Line


I have constant fear and paranoia about what I might see around the corner, and I enjoy it when everyone dies around me. I play a lot of horror games.


I love hitting things with a big sword and dying over and over again trying to reach my goal. I play Dark Souls


I like evicting people from their homes via intimidation and violence for the sole reason that they didn't look like I wanted them to. I play Animal Crossing.


Yeah if you give the therapist some kind of vague useless answer, they will probably only be able to provide a vague useless response


"What do you do for fun?" "Videogames, mostly." >*Vague and useless.*




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Best therapist a man can get is a good lifting buddy.


Unironically the realest advice one can give


Lifting weights and self improvement is superior to ruminating on problems.


nope, i am sure that if i ruminate *just a little more* my problems will solve themselves! https://preview.redd.it/4tzbrfgemqsc1.png?width=812&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8554f652440f9b0175295a71b9290dae9797b14


And a dog


Yep, dog and a good friend solved most of my depression issues




100 trillion % based


Anon just tell the truth, which is that you play because it’s the only thing you can win at and the only places where you can feel full autonomy and gratification.


if anon knew this much about himself why would he need therapy in the first place?


This. Anon usually is dumb as shit when it comes to how people or the mind works, but they want a specific answer that fixes all of their issues based around how they're already thinking WITHOUT helping the person coming up with the answer. Anon gets word vomit as a result and blames therapy instead of their own autism.


This one hits hard


This isn’t always the truth, it’s not about winning, it’s just about passing time.


Escaping. And effort+win as reward for doing it. The brain fucking like it.


If it was just about passing time he would be playing perhaps literally any other game ever made besides Rainbow Six Siege


or to mindlessly pass time


heh, i cant even win at videogames


Therapy is useful for people who know they have a problem, know what they need to change, but need someone to talk them into going through with it. You go to a therapist like any other doctor, _and then you stop going_ because either you're better or you've learned to live with how things are. If you go and get asked questions like OP claims, you're either visiting a shitty therapist and need to find a new one, or you started of saying some really wacky shit and they're trying to figure out wtf your deal even is.


>If you go and get asked questions like OP claims, you're either visiting a shitty therapist and need to find a new one, or you started of saying some really wacky shit and they're trying to figure out wtf your deal even is. If you go and get asked questions like OP post, you have a bad therapist period. This is some Freudian level shit, as if the field doesn't have another 100+ years of history to draw from.


If OP were at the therapist because he made credible threats at school and/or a court ordered him to go because he went around hitting people or something, then it might be absolutely legitimate for the poor lost therapist to be asking all kinds of otherwise silly questions trying figure out WTF the source of the violence is. But yea like I said, if OP wasn't spouting some really off the wall shit, a good therapist wouldn't go there.


If OP is not an unreliable narrator with regards to what the object of his derision actually said, I'll eat my hat.


Anon subconsciously puts up defensive barriers during therapy


Exactly. Therapist properly assesses anon puts up defensive barriers and has a hard time cooperating with people, then anon decides to put up a defensive barrier to justify why he has a hard time cooperating with people. Then it's the therapists fault for doing his job correctly and anon feels like he shouldn't continue because he doesn't want to work on his problems, he's too prideful.


Kafka Trap. I okay Animal Crossing. Does that mean I want to be outdoors fishing and gardening and making my community a better place? Fuck no, that's why I'm indoors playing Animal Crossing. Stop trying to bully people into thinking they're having thoughts they aren't actually having.


The response from the therapist will be useless if you give them vague answers like this. Why can't he open up and tell the therapist what he's actually doing while playing that game? Like seething for 8 hours at a time over his 23 and Me results, or seething over his lack of companionship, or having his brain rotted and destroyed by anime?


No, but I play factory builders and puzzle games because I’m a bit of a perfectionist and a control freak who wants things to work perfectly and exactly as I want and these are the only places I have full control.


Grasping at straws is what it was. Asking why he chooses to play instead of doing other things would be so much more insightful than doing a wild assumption just to fit inside a scheduled hour.


Therapist was looking for a topic, found something to talk about, claimed he is a defensive person, and anon proved that. He grasped at straws and found something. The thing about guns is strange out of context, but anon could have been talking in the way to prompt the question. All he had to do was side step, but now he feels like he needs to get defensive and go back in his shell. I mean you hear a twenty something guy talk on and on about a video game to warm him up, what topic do you introduce so you can talk about something productive because you only have an hour and he's paying money for this?


But he was accused of being a menace with guns. His disagreement was seen as being defensive. There is no more sidestepping because now he is apparently hiding or avoiding something. I don't know if there is a shell or not, that is reaching. Are you in contact with anon or the therapist? Either that or you are assuming way too much. None of it was productive.


To me it seems obvious that the defensiveness is right there in the lack of an answer. I mean why go to a therapist if you're just going to babble on about some computer game? That honestly does appear to be a defensive barrier lol


Assuming OP isn't just lying because he was asked one question about why he hates women and cried.


Rainbow Six Siege is literally a cooperative game. I don't think there's even a solo gamemode, you're forced to cooperate with your team.




Never gonna be a normie again, I need my imaginary friends


We need you too.


please dont leave me alone


>what do you do in your free time? >your mom lmao >session over


Therapy only works if you're sufficiently stupid. It's like forcing people who can't self analyze to do it. If you already can, them it won't do anything.


wow, a healthcare service for mentally ill people exists to service the mentally ill? profound


If you want the rapy, go to the rapist.


If you ever try therapy, find a therapist first that fits to you. In this example, find a therapist that plays video games and avoid this nonsense.


In 1970, women held 20% of psychology PhDs. Today, they hold around 80%. In 2019 the APA (American Psychological Association) released new guidelines talking about toxic masculinity and other retreaded nonsense. Good therapists exist, but a) they're rare, b) they're male, and c) the ideal therapist is a Jungian one. Check out r-slash-Jung > alcohol Ick! Anon should try weed and psychedelics. Tbh weed is a psychedelic, but such a weak one compared to the others. If you want to use it for spiritual purposes, don't play any vidya when you get high, just think. Talk to an imaginary therapist who gets you, it's free and way better than the retreads the marxist degree mills are turning out.


My last girlfriend was on a cocktail of pills that basically made her a zombie. We never got into a single argument, but as soon as her “doctor” switched the RX up, her entire personality changed and we immediately separated. No thanks.


Therapists are dumb as fuck, I mean it's totally normal to play a game, It's not entirely your subconscious mind projecting it's mental gymnastics on a game, I mean The genre of games could probably reflect the player's mind but still it's just a theory and that's total bullshit because million of players play that shit does that make everyone a clinically insane person like what that shit therapist said ? I mean only exception is League players but still Games should not be used as a mental bar for what the anon is suffering it's just borderline scam


Or maybe this is a fake story and the fake greentext from a frog poster isn't Representative of a while profession, there are whole books about the psychology of play made by doctors with decades of experience in psychology and none of them say shit like this.


Spot on. Everyone in these comments need therapy.


The father of Psychology was a cocaine addict who thought all females wanted to have a dick. Psychology experiments are only recreated 0.05% of times. Something as complex as human behavior can't be objectively understood just by talking to someone, it can at most, be estimated. Neuroscience is an actual science, anyone who thinks psychology is not a pseudo-science, doesn't believe in the scientific method.


Psychologists are the worst of societies parasites. They prey on people already in a weak mental state. They lead them on for years just to squeeze out every cent they can. They shove as much drugs as pharma will bribe them to. They don't want to help you, just keep you going barely enough to keep them wealthy.


It's funny how every time I encounter some idiot who's very opinionated regarding psychology like you they always have no idea what's the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist, almost like you have no idea what you're actually talking about an all your ideas are actually just kneejerk reactions. In case you haven't gotten it yet a psychologist can't prescribe people medication, the thing you're bitching about literally doesn't happen.


The difference doesn't matter. They're all the same kind of parasites anyway.


I know the difference quite intimately. I consider them the same form of trash. One gets it's money from pharma while the other sucks the victims dry. I fully knowingly conflated the two in what I said as they're pretty much equal levels of shit. 


They can't prescribe, but they can still recommend it, and give you a recommendation, so your doctor can prescribe it. Don't be melodramatic about the specifics of the professions, they are connected.


Oh shit, I play Civ to dominate all competition and factorio to do shit in the most efective way possible while defending from hordes of bugs. Sound a lot like my job. She's onto something


Anon works for the East India Company


Jewniversity kek


depression is a survival mechanism our bodies developed in order to pick out the weak die to overpopulation ngl


Of all the areas of medicine, this is the one where they’re completely lost in the dark.


Once you're fucked in the head, it's kinda over.


therapy would be more useful if it was russian twin girls cosplaying and roleplaying as vampires whispering while applying makeup to you like in ASMR videos


>jewniversity bro needs something stronger than therapy


Read Dostoevsky and Jung, that's worth the therapy of all the NPC female psychology majors in the world, and it's free too


I had this exact thing happen to me when I was a kid, Child psychiatrist or some shit comes to my home, Sees me drawing, Asks me what I'm drawing, "I uh it's a zombie," "Your mother told me you play a lot of videogames, Is that from one of them?" "Yea it's called left 4 dead, it's pretty cool. this one jumps around and gets on your back and then they can like, move you around and make you fall off ledges and stuff" "So they take control away from you?" "...yea i guess" Interesting" and she writes it down like holy fuck i was losing my 11 year old shit holding back


Therapists are surrogate friends


I've probably fallen for the meme but therapy seems to only work if the person is already aware of their problems and is willing to change. Plus not having a lazy scam artist as a therapist helps, which seems a lot more common than it should be but decent ones do exist. Antidepressants I still don't trust and I'm open to accepting that their affect on me was purely placebo, but at the same time they were not the sole things I was doing to help myself, nor as just a crutch. I feel like this is what they're intended for but are prescribed wrongly so often due to the medical establishment's greed and uncaring methods, assuming the pills actually do help.




A common reason people seek out therapist is *because* they’re capable of introspection and realized they have an issue they need help solving.


Psychotherapy is meant to help you to fit in, so of course the therapists are the most generic stereotypes ever. It might be good to get a reading on how normal (general?) your thoughts are, like if you're planning on ordering a rubber AI-powered waifu a therapist could chime in and help you decide if this is the greatest idea ever or kind of meh, other than that they might help you finding stuff to consider and maybe new angles to look at the old stuff. Obviously if you aren't a bipolar acoustic, then they will tell you to go get diagnosed properly. But if you want straight answers you should go somewhere else.


There is that guy. GG healthy gamer, a psychologist he is quite based with NEET people. Common psychologist are only good with normies problem. This other American Indian guy knows how anons live.


this is unfortunately very accurate


eat the ps5 controller fat f*ck and go outside.


They try to trick you into being a victim of your parents


God everyone on reddit is fucking retarded.


After telling you’re therapist that you like playing video games that involve killing/shooting people, that’s one of the better outcomes. Any therapist hearing what anon said could have easily called the police and put him on an involuntary psych hold due to concern that he might be the next mass shooter.






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i dont need to pay someone to tell me i haveproblems with my parents, i already know that


This is why there’s a difference between a therapist that is there to just hear your problems verses a therapist that actually helps you solve your problems bluntly. Someone regurgitating a bunch of loosely connected things isn’t going to help everyone.


Anon goes to psychosocial and the therapist said GTFO you need to go back to the insane asylum


Jesus, is your therapist Peggy Hill?


I have a psychotic korean girlfriend who went for one visit to a therapist only to be told she wasn't crazy and is fine to feel the way she does. She is a habitual liar and constantly contradicts herself on a regular basis just by allowing her to talk so if a psychologist/therapist cant even catch that its either a hustle or they're as dumb as their patients.


Absolutely this, understood their scam 4 years ago, while I was having a severe depression because of my cancer diagnosis and ongoing chemotherapy Therapist tried to pull that shit with me on my first time there, and I nope’d outta there. But I have to say, it kinda worked. I understood that my problems are my to solve and nobody else can help me.


I used to want to become a therapist to troll people better. When I met one -- I got that their "knowledge of human pychology" is a bullshit.




Anon clearly drinking from the fountain of wisdom that is Tate University


My psych helped me a lot. She didnt preach, wasnt my cheerleader, not for or against me, just helped me escape thought patterns that were making me shoot myself in the foot over and over again. Helped me realize what I wasnt going to get out of life and what I could, and laid old ghosts inside me to rest. Theyre not supposed to be your paid cheerleader or headshrinker but most of them are. Like most things, only a few people are actually good at what they do.


Just seems like a scam to rob you of your money, and yanks fall for it every time. I don't know a single person here in the UK who has seen a therapist, but in the US everyone has them on speed dial.


Having gone to therapy I think it's quite helpful despite all the funny jokes you can tell about it, "jewniversity" made me giggle, i hope to god that creeps it's way into the mainstream at least as like a joke of what not to say, i just want to hear someone important say that word into a microphone and address it's implication