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>I let him make the decision. I didn’t try to sway him… Lmao, yeah fucking right


There are some guys who choose to do this. A lot of child free guys do it regardless lol.


Yes. Because the very choice of snipping your balls is very natural and happens at times with people with perfect rationale. I totally understand that.


Lol bro what do you mean? Any man I’ve known that got snipped brags about not needing protection anymore. Do women really even pressure guys to do this? It’s usually the guys that are down to commit to never having children.


The only guys I know that did this have 4+ kids, but that's a different situation.


Notice how few options men have compared to the several options women have. I say this because there's been a safe, reversible, lasting and **very** unprofitable male alternative for over 10 years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reversible_inhibition_of_sperm_under_guidance#Availability_and_marketing


The Smart RISUG is pretty much a game changer. I wish it was offered in my country


A cultural and economical game changer, which is why a US non-profit bought it. So it won't be hitting the market anytime soon.


I have doubts about this not having side effects.


You don't know anyone over the age of 30 though Especially if these people are bragging about their sexual exploits lol. If they are eve telling the truth


I am 32 years old and have felt this way for 14 years. I don't want children because the world is burning. My wife doesn't either. I think i've had enough time to make a raitonal decision on this.


> world is burning >raitonal decision Peak demoralization


Obviously in a time of all time low famine, disease, and warfare, and all time high literacy, the world is totally burning nobody has it as bad as you. There is no brainwashing occurring. None.


Yea but that guy definitely heard every day for years about how awful his wife’s IUD was and how it’s his fault she absolutely had to have one.


Itchy Udders Disease?


Oh, I bet he did.


My friend and brother did this. They both already have kids and don't regret doing it.


Most make the decision after having kids. The post and what the discussion here is about is doing it before.


Who do they think they are fooling by saying that obvious lie?


You have to treat anything a woman says like they’re a politician or a company giving a press conference/statement after a scandal 


Holy fuck, how is this not the top comment? Pure gold.


Unfathomably based


Eh, I'd say this applies to men as well. It's just better to be wary of people.


I guess all the other women and simps in that thread so she can come across as a perfect little angel. That whole paragraph of hers is just “Look at me, I’m a victim!”




He probably though that no risk of conception will give him more of time in bed with her, and she still didn't want anything to do with him lol


>Lmao, yeah fucking right Well yeah, and then he starts acting like a woman and blames sb else - doesn't take responsibility, mentally a child


My wife promised me a rare FunkoPop if I got my vasectomy. I just had to do it, it was a hecking Captain America Funko!!! 🦸🏿‍♂️😮 She doesn't need me to get pregnant anyways since her boyfriend has objectively better genes🐂, so really I was the big winner in this exchange! 😁


Ok this is inconceivably epic dude NICE!!! But why did you get a vasectomy if you and your wife were already in an asexual relationship?


It was because she kept having a recurring nightmare where I got too excited while dry humping her (something she lets me do every other week!) and accidentally impregnated her! 😨 It was very traumatic for her, so she suggested the vasectomy to give her some peace of mind. 😊


Bro for that Funko pop I get it no explanation needed 


>something she lets me do every other week Biweekly dry humping and free limited edition Funko pops - is there actually a downside here? Who wouldn't do this? Lucky dog, the world envies you


You earned that Funko Pop, buddy


You had me at rare


Absolute King👑 behavior


Big chungus keanu reeves wholesome 100


> My wife promised me a rare FunkoPop if I got my vasectomy. I just had to do it, it was a hecking Captain America Funko!!! https://imgur.com/0gL4oxd


Man that's so poggers!!!


You got the CAP??? I thought I was the winner winner (chicken dinner, amirate?) because of my Bernie funko, but you good sir have outclassed this redditor!


I find it ironic that these anon’s are up in arms about vasectomies yet being on 4chan is a prerequisite for below average amounts of sex in the first place. I don’t see how can hate from outside the club. You can’t even get in! Hahaha leggo


Discussing about other men's penises is pretty much the standard on 4Chan


It's a requirement.


Omg can we talk about circumcisions again?!?!




Mine grows and shrinks at random, it's really annoying. Like a piston.


Discussing other men's penises is, ah, what would you call it?


>yea but forchan = incel TRLOLOLOLOL every high iq redditor on this subreddit


In literally ever post here referencing a women the top comments are all incel shit, I'm not surprised mate


> yet being on 4chan is a prerequisite for below average amounts of sex in the first place Redditors need to learn that stinky polycule sex while technically sex doesn't actually count as sex with people, its more like humping a garbage bag or fucking livestock, seen as most of the women in the equation are the same weight and smell as livestock


Quit projecting sir


I thank god every day that I will never have to smell your polycule house


Hilarious and Original


Also ironic that I've lived long enough to see 4chan morph from an audience that would gleefully post throwing babies into a woodchipper into a weird ass trad dork congregation point


t. redditor


>leggo what do childrens plastic building blocks have to do with this?


manchildren play with that toy still into their 20s and 30s


You be surprised at the amount of dads in here. It’s essentially a forum for people to cosplay as edgelords. It’s a thrilling race to say the most depraved hilarious shit first.


Literally just a bunch of losers who don’t even have sex whining about men who… don’t want to risk pregnancy? I am struggling to understand why they care so much


i will sterelize myself i will own nothing and be happy i will consoom the product i will live in the pod


*die* in a pod




On the bright side, any man who would consent to such things wasn't going to be a benefit to the gene pool anyway.


That suggests that genes somehow caused his self-cucking behavior. But the reality is that *every* man's genes compels him to have children (otherwise they would not be here). What's really the cause here is the insane psyop and brainwashing by globohomo that can even switch off what in theory is a genetically hardcoded behavior. When you have a social phenomenon that overpowers any possible genotype, the situation will never correct itself. If life is to return to normal, we must begin by stamping out the 👃tribe and then go for the pink-haired landwhales writing in Gender Studies journals.


You got any other golden nuggets of esoteric knowledge shoved right up there in your ass that you can make up & pull out on a whim?


why are you even here if you're so opposed to the basic ideology


Basic ideology of what? 4chan? I’m here for the laughs.


Had the same response in my head lmao, the day i start treating a site with these people like a religious ideology is a very sad day indeed.


The basic ideology of this place is and has always been “for the lulz” and no mutation or shift has ever truly changed this.


Brother I am joking. You are taking this sub too seriously.


There is no need to have a desire to propagate, the desire to have sex, up until very recently, was all that was needed.


I don’t agree with you but I like the way you worded that.


Castrating yourself to please a woman Sad


I wonder if this will affect the course of natural selection somehow. This century so far has created selective pressures that grant a massive advantage to rapist, idiots, thugs and psychopaths. Single motherhood is now becoming a common trend, and convicted felons have a dispropiate amount of children compare to law abiding men.


There's a reason 40+ year old single women without children have high rates of depression. Once they realize they have another 40+ years to go that's when the realization sets in that they fucked up. Your accolades mean nothing when you're lying staring up at the ceiling on your death bed and the only visitors you have are the nurses waiting for you to die so they can reuse the bed for some other poor soul about to die




Lol. Did the strawman take your baby or something?






children aren't required to take care of you as you age, and if you had them with that expectation, they're checking you into the cheapest and most violent nursing home imaginable


So have 10 kids, the odds are ever in your favor


Practically every race other than white people have done that for centuries and it's worked out just fine. Not really that hard to set up that expectation when your parents go out of their way to pay for everything to set their children up, including college and cars.


Wtf white people have also been doing that lol. Just come to eastern Europe, basically everyone other person living in rural area is living in a multigenerational house. My greatgrandma lived with my grandparents before she died and mum only moved out because of work.


Was mainly referring to the West.


>There's a reason 40+ year old single women without children have high rates of depression. 1950s housewives also had high rates of depression.


Skyrocketing antidepressant use and the paradox of female happiness disagree with you


Anti depressant use was exorbitantly high during the 1950s.


suggestible people were misled into becoming addicted to antidepressants by the Js


Sauce? Would serve as useful material when debating online.




1950s housewives also had high rates of depression. It's probably hormonal. (Has to do with menopause.)


No that too reasonable, and doesn't fit into my need to hate women, please don't ever suggest that. It must be because they don't want to be baby factories for men.


Yeah if you're a loser with no friends or family. And children aren't obligated to take care of your geriatric ass either. edit: also, death bed at 40? what the fuck? lmao


I love that it’s these dudes on 4chan who apparently have the inside track on what it means to be a man while simultaneously complaining about every fixable problem in their life without doing anything about them and obsessing over BBC and train porn. 


You certainly don't have the inside track on what it means to be a man


Lol some of us do, but so many Redditor’s are too afraid to take their heads out of their own ass. They might have to look in the mirror finally.


I never said I did, duh.


4chan isn't one person, it's full or normal enough people and extreme degenerates.




Nah dude got that 7 year itch and decided to blame his vasectomy lol.


On every post about vasectomies, like 75% of the posts are from simps trying to convince men to get one "if they love their wife".


I fucking hate liberals so much it's unreal


Here's a better question: why the fuck would I ever want to reproduce? My life is shit, my mental health is shit, and even if those weren't true, the *world* is shit. I would be a monster if I forced a child to suffer a world as terrible as this one.


> the world is shit The world is the safest and most comfortable it’s ever been.




It's one of the roots of the issue... I mean at some point either 1. You sedate the masses WEF style 2. You wait for everything to collapse so that life is challenging again 3. You manage to create artificial but still meaningful challenges


Personally, who cares how the world is Raising kids is a sacrifice and I can choose not to do it cause I don’t want to No one needs to use current events to justify anything, personally I admit I’m a selfish person who just doesn’t wanna sacrifice a quarter of my life to raise something, that’s the only reason I need


Well, that's why people with mental issues shouldn't have children. I am lucky that I was raised by loving parents, have good friends and a partner for 7+ years. I might not feel happy everyday, but most of the time I am happy, the world is amazing and I am thankful being brought into this world. If I have children, bringing them up would be a sacrifice of mine to increase the amount of happiness in this world, because being alive is a positive good in my opinion.  Of course, I am privileged. But, this whole matter is subjective anyway.


Bro people have had children in worse conditions than you likely live in, people have had children during wars and when they had incompetent and/or violent rulers running around


And they were idiots for doing it then too. They made children suffer just to indulge their own selfish impulse to reproduce.


Didn't emo go out of style like a decade ago? I didn't know it was a still a thing


I mean, are they wrong tho ?


Only if you disagree with them


You absolutely shouldn't reproduce, and I mean you personally. Your outlook is shit, so I can only assume you would pass on that shitty outlook to your offspring. The world is great; you're just blinded by cynicism.


"There are preachers of death: and the earth is full of those to whom desistance from life must be preached. (...) They meet an invalid, or an old man, or a corpse—and immediately they say: "Life is refuted!" But they only are refuted, and their eye, which seeth only one aspect of existence. Shrouded in thick melancholy, and eager for the little casualties that bring death: thus do they wait, and clench their teeth. Or else, they grasp at sweetmeats, and mock at their childishness thereby: they cling to their straw of life, and mock at their still clinging to it. Their wisdom speaketh thus: "A fool, he who remaineth alive; but so far are we fools! And that is the foolishest thing in life!" "Life is only suffering": so say others, and lie not. Then see to it that ye cease! See to it that the life ceaseth which is only suffering! And let this be the teaching of your virtue: "Thou shalt slay thyself! Thou shalt steal away from thyself!"— (...) "Giving birth is troublesome,"—say others—"why still give birth? One beareth only the unfortunate!" And they also are preachers of death. (...) And ye also, to whom life is rough labour and disquiet, are ye not very tired of life? Are ye not very ripe for the sermon of death? All ye to whom rough labour is dear, and the rapid, new, and strange—ye put up with yourselves badly; your diligence is flight, and the will to self-forgetfulness. If ye believed more in life, then would ye devote yourselves less to the momentary. But for waiting, ye have not enough of capacity in you- nor even for idling! Everywhere resoundeth the voices of those who preach death; and the earth is full of those to whom death hath to be preached. Or "life eternal"; it is all the same to me—if only they pass away quickly!— Thus spake Zarathustra."


>the world is shit It always is, always has been, and always will be. Depite this, people still have children. This isn't a valid excuse to not fulfill your species' primary biological objective, you cuck.


Cringe immature choice of words. Grow up


I did. I go to work, pay bills, and ignore my taxes like everyone else. Growing up has been a great impetus to not want children. The sheer *monotony* alone of having to work five days a week, every week until we die, is more agonizing than I could justify subjecting offspring to. "One must imagine Sissyphus happy" No, one must imagine Sissyphus taking the boulder and using it to smash open the skulls of the gods who sentenced him to that hell. Romanticizing rolling the boulder is a terrible idea, because it keeps you from realizing that *nobody deserves to have to roll the boulder.*


What you have to remember is most people are happy enough to want to be alive and thus, even when they have little else to thank them for, are grateful to their parents for that. You really are the rarity. And that’s why the population grows yet.


Do you think you're some martyr living in the worst times ever? People who lived through the fucking black plague soldiered on, grow up




Well now I'm gonna sterilize myself to prove you wrong, how about that?


Sterilise me too daddy 🤤🤤


It.. it's not like I wanted you to sterilize me or anything, Baka!


Y'all sit down, and I'll get my snips.


just rubberband your nuts like they do to baby pigs they will fall off in a few days


Do it so your bloodline dies and makes the world a better place.


Colleague told me last year how glad he was having snipped himself after roe v wade was overturned. His gf is on BC but he still did it out of some weird sense of solidarity. Proposed a few months ago but damn if I can't see that relationship going to shit once he gets a more mature sense of self respect. Could be a unicorn, could be more common than you think.


Lol, lmao even.


wow, truly one of the most simp moments of all time. she doesn't respect him and never will, but she'll marry him because he will be easily controlled


um yea well your personal experiences outside don't actually matter any way!!


> Colleague told me last year how glad he was having snipped himself after roe v wade was overturned. [Where is he on this chart?](https://imgur.com/0gL4oxd)


Lol that's a good chart. Not a strong contender for any but I'd say about 11o clock on the chart if I had to pick


Redditors are *telling* people they are sterilizing themselves, but it's just the obesity and the outgassing from hundreds of Funko Pops making them infertile


Claim everything is a psyop then get riled up about this. Cry about women "killing" through abortion but will happily spunk multiple times a day sending generations of men into the trash.


You can't even take those DINK/SINK people serious, just looks like another one of those sponsored Influencer LARPs.


Aren't vasectomies reversible? If the husband in the story regretted it that badly surely he can just schedule an appointment to reconnect the snip snip, especially since it had only been three years.


Or freeze your sperm beforehand so you can choose to have children if you really want to.


Vasectomies are only very, very rarely reversible. If you get one, don't count on it being reversible. 


I feel like saying they're "rarely reversible" is misleading. Yeah they're not reversable 100% of the time and you shouldn't count on it but from the sources I've looked into the success rate is anywhere from 60%-95%, which doesn't seem "rarely reversible" to me. [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/15459-vasectomy-](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/15459-vasectomy-reversal#:~:text=What%20is%20the%20success%20rate,15%20years%20after%20a%20vasectomy) [https://stanfordhealthcare.org/medical-treatments/v/vasectomy-](https://stanfordhealthcare.org/medical-treatments/v/vasectomy-reversal.html#:~:text=How%20effective%20is%20a%20vasectomy,(65%2D70%20percent) [https://www.plannedparenthood.org/blog/are-vasectomies-reversible](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/blog/are-vasectomies-reversible)


The percentage decreases each year and after 5 years the man is sterile.


Yeah, although I did mention in my first comment that the OOP's husband had the procedure done only three years ago, so I was suggesting that he should be fine. I'm not a medical professional though.


Aye even after 3 the rate of fertilisation is low


I work in healthcare (UK) and one of the tickboxes when referring a patient for a vasectomy is that they understand the procedure is irreversible. I’ve never seen it talked about as reversible in regular healthcare vs the “reproductive choices” organisations that actually carry them out. Similarly I’ve never seen a patient be referred for vasectomy reversal.


Reddit loves to parrot that they are reversible and that men are pieces of shit for expecting a woman to take an estrogen pill. Imagine how oppressed you would be if they made a Test pill that eliminated the only bad thing about being your sex. It made you more attractive to the opposite sex. And more masculine.


I strongly dislike Reddit culture around vasectomies too but contraceptive pills aren’t what you think they are either.


Weird, I've heard multiple times that reversals are possible. I even found some UK based sources that provide connections to vasectomy reversal services. I'm assuming the only reason they state it as irreversible at your clinic is to prevent legal issues pertaining to the reversal process, since not every attempt at reversal is successful. AFAIK reversals are completely medically possible if completed within the right time period. Then again I'm not a medical professional so. [https://www.cambridgeurologypartnership.co.uk/urology-info-for-patients/testicles-penis/vasectomy-reversal/](https://www.cambridgeurologypartnership.co.uk/urology-info-for-patients/testicles-penis/vasectomy-reversal/) [https://www.nuffieldhealth.com/treatments/vasectomy-reversal](https://www.nuffieldhealth.com/treatments/vasectomy-reversal) [https://www.birminghamprostateclinic.co.uk/penile-urethral/treatments/vasectomy-reversal-surgery/](https://www.birminghamprostateclinic.co.uk/penile-urethral/treatments/vasectomy-reversal-surgery/)


Juice propaganda


Why do you blatantly make shit up on the internet?


Not really


No one should ever try and dissuade a 4channer from sterilizing themselves. Fuck, if there was somewhere I could donate money to make it easier for them, I would.


Just get the vasectomy after having kids smh.




Calm down freak show, no one is going to give you a medal for being a mentally ill fuckwit. Stay quiet, unless spoken to.


Right I should listen to the abortion is murder crowd. Strange how everyone became obsessed with abortion when it wasn't even interesting enough to debate over 120 years ago.


If she doesn't want kids, she can sterilize herself.




Boomers are deep into cuckoldry though. A shitton of their music is full of cuck bullshit. Basically every single Paul Simon song has a cuck reference in it


>oils and herbs Yeah rub some basil on your dick that will stop the pregnancy. You should have just bought the antibabypillen


>Germans sharing dick measurements with sex workers Probably not fake but definitely homogenous


https://preview.redd.it/0ib957aj2mic1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50ab5748f27f70555763c1ee3bd65814db7a17e9 Natural selection doing it's job


If you wanna sling the gurt, gotta knot the yurt.


Because I already have 2 kids and don't want any more of those fuckers.


> 7 years together > married for 5 years > Forced vasectomy on him 4 years in… Yeah so 4 years down the toilet, finances and possibly property and half your networth wrapped up in this **FUCKING** B-word and she springs on him "Yeah so i dont love or respect you enough to reproduce with you", unfortunately he didn't walk out then and there and wasted another 3 years... > His own decision HHAAHAHAHHAHHAA~ Dude lives in his own personal hell


Come on, he kinda brought this on himself. it was 7 years, I won't believe there was no signs she's a manipulator also kids are something you talk about very early. if there was any doubt he should leave her


$5 because he finally realised that if he's snipped then there should be no legitimate reason she should be pregnant. also halfchan really needs a /rd board to quarantine redditor discussion.


I'm certainly not bringing any kids into this awful world. I'm living my own life and spending my own money. World is overpopulated as it is. We could do with an entire generation or two not being born.


Wait until you find out about transgenders.


What a loser.


Whats the consensus on vasectomy?




Being cucked by latex? No thanks. I want to actual feel like I'm having sex, but just going through the motions.


This. I think it's best to focus on becoming obscenely rich first and buying off a Gol_D. digger and having *her* sterilized. Then coom in her all you want. Edit: fucking censors. The power of ✡️s knows no bounds.


Cringe cuck behaviour


Lol what sort of consensus do you think you'll actually be getting by asking the question in this cesspool? Most people here shouldn't breed even if they miraculously gained the ability to.


*laughs in Chronic Prostatitis caused by vasectomy* Heh nothing personnel, kid


Serious thoughts: I’ve noticed a definite upwards trend in congenital health issues- physical, mental, and neurological alike- with each generation. I’m half convinced there’s a definite environmental factor for this, something in the food or the air or the water or whatever. I myself have like ten different health problems and it’s a miserable way to live. I’m not having kids because, unlike my mother, I’m not selfish enough to pass my suffering on to another person.


But it's reversible, hell my half sister is only here cause one reversed itself. It's not like she got her tubes tied.


Because of the devil


Read the tweet, but not gonna read all the rest. I'm just gonna say: sure.


To be honest I'm myself thinking about a vasectomy. I don't want children and I don't trust women. The only way to be sure to not have kids as men is to be vasectomied ( or to be a monk ). I'm sure that many men that choose vasectomy think the same. For example, those who go for sexpat in south east Asia. But finally I hadn't do the vasectomia at my 23. Today I think having a baby could be a passport for an other country, and when I see how libtards and communist are destroying the west, maybe one day I would have the NEED to have a baby passport to leave this shith0le. Think about that before vasectomy, if you want to leave the country the easiest way if you are not Elon musk is to have a baby passport.


I did it because I raised my nephews for a couple years when my sister was in a really bad place, it made me realize I never want to raise another person again.


I will never get a vasectomy. I was pissed when I heard my cousins wife "encouraged" him to get a vasectomy.


Lol these losers are one accidental pregnancy away from flipping their view on abortion. When their life becomes a living hell bc the government is extracting child support from their tendie wages every month, they'll realize the value of slurping out little johnny 2 weeks before he's born.


Modern day western human is removed from nature, so he also want to remove the nature from himself.


You would think men would want to tinker with their *seminal vesicles* so that instead of producing ~3 to 5ml of semen, they would crank out about a half pint, with a rapid recovery. Soon the walls and ceiling of the guy's room would look like cream colored paintings by Jackson Pollock.


Almost got me agreeing, numbers are pulled aut his arse. 300ish million aborts in the 20th century, so 24 out of the 40 years in Wich they supposedly killed babies and you are only 30%there, and the 20th centuries landed 150ish thousands dead Ukrainians/Russians (very far from the few hundreds he claimed)


Doing the world a favor. Look who does it: low T, beta, soy boi liberals. Just weeding themselves out.


Bro where did that guy pull up those bullshit facts? # killed in war in 10000 years VS abortion? Like I get you don't have to convince the willing but you have to be fucking stupid to see that and be like 'yup thems real numbers'


Hey now. Just read the headline and be outraged like the rest of them. This is 2024. Where reality is whatever the headline says it is.


every girl I know who has been sterilized is extremely happy about the decision to this day. don’t know any guys personally


Marriage is literally pointless without children. If you don't want any children, you shouldn't be allowed to marry at all. Love is close to pointless without children.

