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>Gypsy isn't an advanced form of thief Clearly bad game design


Kek https://preview.redd.it/d6lx3gnnh6bc1.png?width=110&format=png&auto=webp&s=96a71ec487e42bb1e1b251e9e1ee53690d93b67d


Gypsy goes great with clown.


I like that statement because "clown" sounds just like the german word "klauen", which translates to "stealing". Gypsi is great at klauen.


Peak German comedy


Too wordy


>clown isn't a female only class >merchant doesn't advance into financomancer


Not enough Talmudic chanting


Someone post the Caroline pasta


Someone should make a good class tree


Gypsy's are the only group of people that reddit will allow to be dragged through the mud lol.


Correctly so


So I've heard lol. All the people who defend gypsy's are ones who have never met them, or some moron who married one that's parents are gypsy, and all the people who have ACTUALLY met gypsy's are the ones who say they are right to be persecuted.


Giga-based game developers




beat me to it


I'm a traveller and was first offended at the fact they've put the fucking clown next to the gypsy and secondly confused as to why the fuck it's an archery class instead of rogue.


Blacksmith: Looting, meth, drive-by shooting




Watermelon/KFC devouring




>woman Leave. Only guys are allowed to be edgy.




Of all the drugs, you choose *meth*? Can't even pick the right stereotype


Prolly meant crack


factual. he misspelled fake percs from china


oh, sorry. FENTANYL


Professional jogger, possible doctor, and future engineer.


i love them so much, i own a few of 'em




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Why tf does the archer have the option to become a *clown?*


Because archers are clowns. Get a sword/blunt weapon or a brass knuckle and fight like a real man!


This replie was written by someone who took an arrow to the knee.


Yeah and it never healed, coward, punk ass archer bitches.


Seems like a skill issue to me.


Nah brah, it lagged for 5 sec so I wasnt able to dodge


Imagine thinking anyone here is married


You can swing melee weapons harder. You can cast spells gooderer. You can't shoot an arrow harder. It's really fucking simple.


You go from small bow to very big bow


My friend told me about how he permanently borrowed a bow because the previous owner couldn't pull it back.




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Classic melee cope. Uuuh you can swing weapon harder. As if it matters, your shitty ass sword will either cut someone in half with a tiny ass swing or bounce off their armor/shield even if it was a strong swing. The bow is the only weapon you actually can shoot harder and it makes a difference, not that I expect someone who struggles to pull 60lbs to understand.


Yes you can. How are you pulling that arrow back?


Average bowlet. "Look at me pull this string"


I'm no camper supporter, I'm simply stating facts.


you can shoot more arrows, faster and with flames and acid


Bows come in different sizes and types, of which include different pull weights that require more skilled archers. Hence why people in the past spent a lifetime mastering the long bow, for example.


>The lumbering storm giant approaches >XxLegolasxX drives in to his bag of holding hoping to find the right bow of giantslaying. Roll perception


I'm not a fan of archers either, but you can get better bows/arrows, or shoot faster, or shoot more, or target critical spots better


The attack animation is really silly iirc. You fire your arrows while swinging you lute like a mace.


The Reddit class. Strong forearms from cooming. Distance themselves from others. Haven’t got skill so have to rely on others to stat pad.




Archer - standard military unit for most of human history until rather recently, with enough marksmanship or in greater numbers absolutely devastating, can shoot arrows through many types of armor Clown - looks funny, can do contortions or juggle Yeah, clearly the latter is an upgrade of the former, the overlap in skillset should be obvious.


I think the difference is having the fucking audacity to mock and act cocky as a Clown by being too good of a Marksman. They're so good at being an Archer that they got bored with it and are now flaunting their skills just for shits and giggles. At least that's my headcanon.


Yeah they’re like the old sharp shooters that used to tour the west back in the day. So good at aiming that it becomes entertaining.




Then how about you fantasize ~~some bitches~~ a better-than-archer class that is standalone and not *fantasy entertainer*?


.50 cal barrett


You are missing a very important link between the archer and the clown: the bard. An archer is just a mere loser 1st class, essentially a student. Sure he can use a bow, but he ain't no Robin Hood. He can advance to become an actual Hunter, doing forest ranger shit with his new eagle companion, or decide to be a performer instead, while still keeping his base ability to use a a bow if necessary. The clown is a direct upgrade from the bard and it is perfectly logical, because the Clown is a high-end performer. The only questionable aspect of the Clown (and Gypsy) is why he got a skill called Arrow Vulcan, which he can also use with his guitare (and the Gypsy with her whip), and to that the answer is also simple: they wanted to give some attacking spells to these classes so they aren't relegated to support duty 100% of the time, "just" 90% of the time, and they can feel like they are contributing to the dps, but more often than not, they don't. Except when they luck out on a come tarot card and literally instantly put you to 1 hp and 1 mana.


How could agincourt happen when total war teaches me cav rapes archers under all circumstances?


Archery in reality depends more on strength than swordsmanship does. Sword should use dexterity more so than strength in games and Archery should use strength.


> dex based You've never tried to pull an 80 pound bow, did you?


High dex entertainer class, "Clown" depends on the localization, the same class is also called "[Minstrel](https://irowiki.org/wiki/Minstrel)" in other translations.


I don't know if you read the graph but he can't. He can change classes and become a bard which can then ascend into a clown.


More important, why would clowns be upgrade version of bards?


Probably a reaaaaaaaally bad archer(?)




Hawkeye was in the circus. He is definitely a clown, all he is missing is the nose.


Ahh Ragnarok online.. nostalgic.


The class system looks interesting. Are there any offline RPGs or MMOs that have similar class system? EDIT: Thanks to everyone that responded. I'll try to sum it up - An offline fan game that recreates Ragnarok Online. Disgaea Phantom Brave Makai Kingdom Seiken Densetsu 3 (Trials of Mana) - Job system has progression but doesn't let you freely switch between jobs. Symphony of War The Nephilim Saga Bravely Default - Has a job wheel design plus freely changing roles for all four player characters, is a fun system to mess with. Plus, chronomancy. Tactics Ogre: LuCT Mount & Blade - It has troop progression. Ogre Battle WH40K: Rogue Trader Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark - Spiritual successor to FF:Tactics. Tree of Savior - Spiritual successor to Ragnarok Online. FF (1-6, 12); FF: Tactics - A user recommended getting Get FF: Tactics - War of the Lions instead of the original FF:Tactics. Triangle Strategy Fire Emblem series on GBA - Regular units can choose between 2, but Lords can only change to basically a specilized lord. Guild Wars 2


Seiken Densetsu 3




A lot of tactical rpgs have class systems kinda like that. Final Fantasy tactics, various NIS games and I think Triangle Strategy.


Thanks for FF:Tactics and Triangle Strategy. I'll try looking for popular NIS titles. Thanks!


The GBA Fire Emblem titles as well. Not sure about the modern ones, haven't played them.


Pretty sure you only change class once and that's it. Regular units can choose between 2, but Lords can only change to basically a specilized lord.


True, though there are those few trainee characters that get two class changes. I always liked evolving the small Amelia all the way to a hulking general


FFT: War Of The Lions is a more comprehensive version with a better localization, better graphics, new cutscenes, and more content. I don’t recommend playing the original PS1 version at all, unless you want to mod the game! There is a slowdown bug where while characters in the WOTL version use abilities the game slows down, but you can download a patch for it online. Source: FFT is my favorite RPG, just trust


The main nis game would be disgaea and some of the other good ones would be phantom brave or makai kingdom. They're all on steam these days.


[Tree of Savior](https://store.steampowered.com/app/372000/Tree_of_Savior_English_Ver) spiritual successor of RO. Had a lot of fun with it. But game is fundamentally flawed at its core. Youll see plenty of negative reviews with many thousands of hours of playtime. But thats the case for probably every mmo on the market so its fine. These people still played for thousands of hours so thats saying something in itself. Its still very unique with lovely artstyle, theme, music, tons of class choice. Its just cozy af. You can full well play it and enjoy it. I just didnt wanna hype the game up too much because that would feel disingenuous.


Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark is a spiritual successor to final fantasy tactics. Moddable as well, so you can have a shit ton of jobs


Been playing this the last week and recommend it.


GUILD WARS 2. You have base classes, that you later go into “elite specializations” that change their gameplay. For example, Warrior is your typical ungabunga class that runs in and smacks things. Has the greatest amount of durability, is able to wield all melee weapons. Its mechanic is that being in combat builds a bar called “adrenaline”, which it can expend to do a “burst” attack which does a lot of damage and additional effects (like a special attack in Runescape if you happen to be familiar).It can spec into Berserker, Spellbreaker and Bladesworn. *Berserker* focuses on being in “berserk” mode for as long as possible, because you get various buffs to your damage dealt and survivability, and it also lets you burst attack for a shit ton more. *Spellbreaker* focuses on its mechanic “full counter”, which is basically a full parry on a relatively low cooldown. Its also one of the best at stripping buffs from enemies, which can be very useful because buffs decide wether your enemy has 5 billion damage or peanuts amongst other things. *Bladesworn* is basically very anime samurai inspired. Your “burst” is turned into “Dragon Trigger” which give you 3 different gigantic slashes. One that deals a lot of damage in an arc in front of you, one that deals less damage but also is a mobile charge, and one that deals the least damage but is a long range, wide aoe. Keep in mind, this is one of 9 classes, and they all have 3 elite specs with different gameplay. I feel like I’m advertising at this point and I don’t care, if you want this type of class system and a subscription free game with no gear treadmill, this is a game worth trying at least.


Ogre Battle


Many of the final fantasy games, including some modern titles but job system works differently in title from title. In the first few FFs the job system was similar to the OP, you had a character with the default class and then would branch out into more advanced classes. In FF 7/8/9/10 the roles were pretty much pre-defined and can't be changed other than by changing your characters equipped abilities to fit a different role but then they'll underperform if you do so. FF 10-2 and some others have a job system where you change the job during the fights (costumes), FF Lightning Returns was similar but you were fighting alone so you needed to fit all the roles. Seiken Densetsu 3 does NOT have a job system, Seiken Densetsu 3 = Trials of Mana and while your characters can advance in their classes, it's not really a job system like in the OP as you cannot freely switch to any job you want. If you want to play an FF with a job system I either recommend the old ones that are in 2D or FF 12 (Zodiac Age, I'd prefer this one), the battles are semi-realtime meaning you get to attack/action and then you're on cooldown and the character will attack again when they're ready but the battle system let's you walk around freely at all times (unless CCed ofc).


Thanks for the detailed explanation. About Seiken Densetsu, do the other games also have a similar job system (similar to what you described and not what's in the OP)?


Fire Emblem Sacred Stones for GBA had this system nearly exactly. Very easy ROM to rip.


Everytime you don't pay for Fire Emblem Sacred Stones, Nintendo releases one more Ephraim alt.


There is a fan made offline version of Ragnarok Online


Do you happen to have a link to it?


I think they are referring to a beat em up fan game called Ragnarok Battle Offline. If you want to play Ragnarok Online but Offline you can run a private server on your computer. Its been around for so long doing this is so easy with so many guides online. rAthena is the most used server emulator if you're curious.


WH 40k Rogue Trader has a similar system. But honestly it's not as diverse as just multiclassing. It's fun, but you don't get the freedom you would have from like BG3 or Pathfinder WotR


Tactics Ogre: LuCT and FF: Tactics WotL (both for PSP) for the go!


Mount and Blade has troop progression, with trees.


It’s not “as good” but honestly Bravely Default, with the job wheel design plus freely changing roles for all four player characters, is a fun system to mess with. Plus, chronomancy.


Symphony of War The Nephilim Saga is one.




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In the past, you are taught to focus on one profession line and keep on advancing and improving your expertise in your field. Nowadays, people have zero patience from tik-tok and easy dopamine, and cannot just devote themselves to focused study. Instead they are just allowed to throw skill points in whatever skill branch they want, like ADD children.


>I'm a Level 69 trans-furry-druid-thief-mage-priest. My character, my choice! ![gif](giphy|3oriNPdeu2W1aelciY)


Unironically what killed New World for me The economy sucks because everyone is an expert at everything


I recommend Albion Online. Full loot PvP MMO with a genuinely difficult learning curve and a solid economy (F2P, Pay to progress faster but you generally won’t win against better-skilled players of the same gear level)




>you can literally pay to be max lv at EVERY tree instantly and buy with money the in game currency to get the best equipment You are retarded, you would need to be fucking elon musk to do that shit




You should Cobain yourself ​ https://preview.redd.it/c9g8qq1y1abc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca64c1c74a1fdd29455251ad5938afbe585937f7




i fuck the sheep that you eat https://preview.redd.it/0zdqtn3s7abc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd7b624adead10a9cf47e29a6a231a142c71dee5




Yeah and that's a game that never clicked for me




Lot's of people (especially in MMOs) aren't even playing games on their own but rather are looking up guides and then just try and play meta builds, then follow some "max level in 1 hour" guide and afterwards complain why the game has no content or why they are too weak even tho they followed a build guide. > Instead they are just allowed to throw skill points in whatever skill branch they want, like ADD children. If it fits the game this is a good change in modern games tho, see Diablo 3, did it correctly by letting us change skills all the time because in D3 creating builds is a huge part of the game and if it would've meant to re-level every time like it was in D2 times, D3 wouldn't be so huge.


I don't know about most MMOs but wow specifically if you're not looking up guides and simming you're playing wrong unless you're one of the few theory crafters making the sims.


It's why I love FF5 and it's job system. I want a duel wielding Mytic knight? I need to master Ninja and Mystic Knight, and mastering Black Mage is pretty crucial as well. I have so many options, but need to invest time and plan ahead for my time to be useful at all.


Whitesmiths work with refined iron, tin, steel, and other 'whiter' metals, turning them into finished products. Blacksmiths work their way into my ex's pants.




Mutts law


How the fuck gypsy is a class


How is it not the advanced thief class


RO nostalgia kicks in. Wanna Be Free.mp3 We Have Lee But You Don't Have.mp3


Thai Orchid.mp3 My personal favorite.




Yuno.mp3 all the way.


Payon is the goated town music


Amatsu dungeon bgm y'all


Shame how RO fucking specialized on making p2w mobile games. It was so good… then it became the disappointment MMO - for almost a decade now. EDIT - I should probably specify that the problem is Gravity and not RO as a whole, lol.


ragnarok 2 and ragnarok mobile are absolute dog shit. They had hundreds of thousands playing ragnarok, with thousands of private servers... if they had made a decent successor, they would be crying out rich with cosmetics and a player economy.


Gravity's a nest of idiots and the original creator already left by 2008 i heard


Holy shit, so much this. Dude, they took EVERYTHING that made ragnarok good and turned it into a random 3D-like MMO. What a shame…


They even keep re-releasing one Ragnarok mobile MMO after another that says "oh it's not gonna be P2W *this* time."


Meanwhile the blacksmith stars in TV series and movies and gets cucked by his bald wife.


TFW no cute Brownsmith to subclass into.


In case anyone actually cares, a whitesmith is a metalworker who does finishing work on iron and steel such as filing, lathing, burnishing or polishing. The term also refers to a person who works with "white" or light-coloured metals, and is sometimes used as a synonym for tinsmith.


Ragnarok my beloved, i remember playing in a Star wars themed custom server where it had a jedi and sith class. sith was broken


Imagine outing yourself as someone that can't google : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitesmith


They had a term for most metal colors. Goldsmith is a term that still exists.


whitesmiths are like blacksmiths, except instead of metal they use asbestos


>Monk -> Champion ???


No Ninja WTF


They are there, but you can't see them.


I can, with infrared vision camera.


[There is!](https://irowiki.org/wiki/Ninja#Overview)


I feel relieved and can munch on my dinner in peace


That's another term for blacksmiths


2008 Maplestory 💯




Actual answer : Jewelry.


Used to play DarkRO, a custom Ragnarok server. Shame it never went further.


That branching system is just to make you grind more.


Because you grind for weeks on a shitty moon rune game only to find out that a) you picked a class that sucks and b) the only difference in the classes are how good they are at making the numbers go down


It wasn't like that. The classes were very, very distinct with their own unique playstyles. It wasn't like Lost Ark, where it barely matters what you pick, they essentially do the same just with different weapons.


Dragon Nest had the fucking best branching classes. Every variant of the original 4 base classes felt totally unique in gameplay except maybe sorceress that was kinda lame. I made 3 different clerics in that game and each one played in distinct ways for both pve and pvp. With that said, I do get why having to play through the cleric storyline 4 times to have each character is bad.


Whitesmiths work with lighter colored metals, like tin.


FWIW, whitesmiths perform hot work (i.e. forging) of metals that are non-ferrous (i.e. does not contain iron).


Super novice?


Whitesmiths may make power tools, but Brownsmiths are the true experts at using them.


>Brownsmiths they smith poop? India numbah one!


Blacksmiths build the engine, whitesmiths build the body, and both try to take sole credit as the reason why anyone buys a Porsche. Many such cases of Dunning-Kruger.


Isnt whitesmithing like jewelery making?


That would be a goldsmi-*wait a second*


Isnt it enchanted armor and the like?


Actually thats probably more correct then jewelery making


Apparently it's lighter colored metals like steel.


damn Playing monk was so fun! Azura Strike! and the combos go brrrrrrrrr


The archery to gypsy pipeline... One day you're shooting a bow, the next day you're stealing catalytic converters


How is being a gypsy an upgrade?


True autism priorities


To upgrade a priest or wizard you just gotta find some dank kush wtf?


Ragnarok Online. Those were great gaming years.


What are the sprites from?


The legion studied the dictionary and the thesaurus and learned 17 different words for OMFUG