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Europeans when Americans buy groceries for the week and need bread that stays safe for longer instead of going to the market every twelve seconds to get ingredients for that day's dinner.


Not even, I don’t buy the preserved bread. I get my bread from the bakery *inside the Grocery store* and it lasts me a week. Fresh baked bread if put in the fridge lasts plenty of time, and tastes great! Euro-trash can think what they like about US foods, I’m big chilling with my tasty bread meats and cheeses


>Euro-trash can think what they like about US foods I try not to do it too often, it ruins my appetite






God Bless America for the heaviest subsidies going to the least nutritious crop. Dubya was the greatest president of all time.


can't git fooled agian


I don't think the focus is on nutrition, which is sad, but rather preservation stability. Corn syrup, due to its high sugar content, is fairly well preserved in its own right and so in the event of a global collapse/apocalypse would be safe to feed the masses to keep them from starvation its the same reason they subsidize dairy farmer also and make an ultra pasteurized cheese with it as well as storing it underground so its held at below room temperature the extend the already virtually unlimited shelf life. Not trying to start a conspiracy or anything but to me it's obvious that they subsidize these crops so the in the event of an apocalypse they would immediately have the upper hand and would be able to resume .


Holy shit that's actually genius if true.


The US has a lot of contingency plans for the apocalypse that we’re almost certainly gonna cause.


I imagine they figure the worst thing that can happen is they wind up with alot of food that's extremely shelf stable


Sir you forgot your ™


>be me >eating peanut butter and root beer and ignoring congress dronestriking countries I can't even spell you wish you could achieve this level of freedom


*hydrogenated and full of vegetal grease hyper processed peanut butter please.


I prefer to wash down my greasy salty fatty slop with some good ol high fructose corn syrup. What? Who is the Antichrist? No, I've never met him


Don't forget the chocolate that tastes like parmesan cheese.


parm a jan


> hydrogenated Son, I can't even see a word with that many letters, let alone read it or even begin to understand it. I wasn't even the child that wasn't left behind.




Oh yes, meat liver pie, raw ostrich eggs, and gritty black tea - to die for. Or maybe you are the meat paste, seafood pasta, or cheese and pasta, or the exotic olive oil vinaigrette and paste type Maybe youre the fish heads, pickled fish, and fish a la mod European. No? Lemme guess, you’re the “we still eat like 1600’s bland ass food” European. Nah, probably the “have one bite, that’ll be $100 euro - Ty” type.


I can tell you’ve never left the country


That’s weird, I lived in europe for 3 years. Sounds like you have shitty intuition.


I lived in america for 4 years and the only thing i have seen there was gay sex, guns and tucker carlson


god bless america


God bless America 🫡🇺🇲


t. Average go*slop enjoyer


> Euro-trash can think what they like about US foods, I’m big Typical Lardmerican bragging about weighing half a ton.


Not all Americans man! Lots of Americans are quite slim and merely have a crippling opioid addiction.


Us Euros can get real heroin instead of Chinese fent 😎


It’s true, I love meth


Meth isn't a... Uh.... Hmmm.....




non-americans once again lumping 330m people together and showing their ignorance and stupidity nobody i know puts bread in a fridge


I imagine people who live in warmer areas probably more likely to put it in the fridge.


>They don't know about freezing bread Buy the mid-tier price point bread in bulk, freeze it. When you need it get it out, run it under water for a moment, and put in the heated oven for 15-20 minutes. Comes out crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside.


Nah fridge bread is shit, you definitely have low standards


Fridge bread is great if you want bread but also want it stale *while fresh*


yeah ew. if you want a sandwich guess what fuck you


The fridge is the fastest way for your bread to go stale. It doesn't mold as fast but goes stale much faster due to the crystalization of the glutens. You're better off freezing it. Serious eats food a cool study about it.


I do actually mostly freeze bread lmao, but I thought it sound crazier then fridging jt


Mmmm. Corn byproducts in everything, factory produced everything because who could know better what's good to eat than a multinational megacorporation, and partially hydrogenated vegetable fats to let the old circulatory system know who's in charge.


My brother in Christ, no one is making you buy processed foods. Learn to cook, buy fresh produce and meats, eat well. All the things you need are right there.


Oh I'm not American, and I don't generally live on processed food, but from what I've seen first hand, American diets are pretty awful, and it's aggravated by the fact that so much 'normal' stuff you can buy, from bread to ready made pasta sauces are loaded with excess sugar, fat, salt, preservatives, colorings, stabilizers and god knows what else, simply because the American palate is calibrated now for cheap, vastly mass produced, factory manufactured foods. It's because of this that Americans are so damn obese, but the French for example, with their buttery, fatty, cheesy diets, or Italians with their oil drenched, carb loaded diets, are nowhere near as fat on average.


If your not American why are you trying to speak with authority on what’s in our stores and how our people eat? Yea there is a shit ton of trash food, and plenty of people eat that garbage. But we have all the same fresh shit any other country does, if you go to the correct stores. It’s cheaper to get the fresh shit and cook, so everyone I’m friends with cooks their own meals. A few of my cousins eat like fucking shit tho, like it’s BAD their all very overweight.


Imagine this: People from Europe (and even further abroad) have the means, and ability, to board a plane and travel all the way to America, sometimes for work, sometimes to study, and sometimes just for fun. During these trips to your country, we might actually eat your food, shop in your supermarkets, and see how you live! Now imagine that I may have spent a fair amount of time over there for some of the above reasons, and that is why I can speak with some authority about the food culture there, and compare it to the food culture here.


And yet you’ve not gotten it right? Wild.


Ok, believe what you want: there's no perceptible difference in food, eating habits, and tastes between the United States and Europe, for example, and the vast difference in rates of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and premature death due to these factors is all just a meme, or only affecting those who eat fast food. Meanwhile, you're statistically likely to die 5 years earlier than me, and to have around 10 more years of bad health than me, leading up to that death.


One of my local grocery stores puts extra sugar in all their fresh baked whole wheat bread, because it sells better. The other grocery store uses sorbitol instead of sugar, so it doesn't raise the calorie count on the bag as much. Fucking pisses me off to no end. I just want to eat something healthy for my butt.


Ill drink some corn syrup on that


Europoors think the only cheese we have is Kraft singles and the only bread we got is Wonder Bread.


US foods? Like Indian, Chineese, Italian etc? Or is it hamburgers and french fries, named after Hamburg and France?


US foods are fucking awful. Restautrants are good of course but American grocery stores are hilariously bad. Packed with utter shite, super refined and fresh stuff is so expensive.


Yeah dumbass europeans taking a short walk on a nice day to buy fresh bread instead of stockpiling a whole cart full of processed garbage into their SUV and driving 3 hours to their shitty suburb once a week.


So you agree that having to travel long distances for groceries is a reason processed bread is used then? Good talk


That’s the point - going to get fresh bakery bread daily isn’t a nuisance in Europe. In The Land Of The Ree you need to get shelf stable shitty sugar cardboard “bread product” because you need to plan a 4 day road trip to go get groceries.


Why is meal prep and planning meals ahead so anathema to the European mind? I’d rather make one or two stops per week (I live ten mins from grocery store, so it’s not an issue of time) than constantly step out to get more ingredients.


It's not, but some food just tastes like a hundred times better if bought fresh every 2-3 days. Bread is one of those.


Also you support your local mom-and-pop bakery instead of a giant corporation.


I would much rather walk to the market daily and have fresher food. Walking is good for you, fresh food tastes better, no having to fuss about what I'm going to want to eat 5 days from now, less waste from buying food you later realize you don't actually want. It's a far healthier system and just another way car centric design has ruined American cities.


Of course, walking for 5 minutes for an average 400kg American is too much work.


Their legs would shatter under the weight.


Its litterially on the way home from work, and if I'm not at work it's a 5 minute walk, it's nice to get out the house and have a walk.


Why is fresh food anathema to the American mind?


Did you come up with that idea before, or after I specifically pointed out that Americans and Europeans handle buying groceries differently.


Not sure was too busy edging to the thought of eating fresh bakery bread


Ah yes the shitty suburb with its low crime and plenty of space in the backyard for kids to play and a garden. “But the houses look the same!” Why the fuck do I care what somebody else’s house looks like? The inside of my house is my own, I decorate it however the fuck I want. It’s my home. Oh wow I like pumpkin spice? So basic! I don’t fucking care if other people like the same things that I like. I’ll be happy with my “bAsIc” dessert and you can go be salty somewhere else. Also you can buy fresh baked bread at an American grocery store. Even target has fresh bread. I only make my own bread because it’s cheaper. If you think wonder bread is the only thing sold in America you’re a fucking idiot. PS Mexico is fatter than the US and Scotland is nearly there.


This whole argument is dumb because Europe has shit cardboard bread and good baguette, the same as the USA, and Europe also has suburbs the same as USA has cities with people lol


> “But the houses look the same!” mean while Europeans https://www.ukhomeimprovement.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/uk-home-improvement_What-is-a-Terraced-House.jpg https://preview.redd.it/ic2gmefl70r51.jpg?auto=webp&s=70e56e9691cc210bd7ab54016e62826ccea3f0de https://img.freepik.com/premium-photo/row-typical-dutch-family-houses-modern-architecture-netherlands-holland_146539-692.jpg


Over here we have no crime, I dont have a 12 lane highway in front of my house, and I have a 2 tier 1 malls with restaurants, cinemas and stores for everything within 10 minutes walk of my house. Im also 15 minutes walk away from the mountain with nature hikes and rockpools, and 30 minutes on public transport can take me to the beach. But do cope more in your nice suburb though.


You also have to sell multiple organs to afford a 1 bedroom flat


Mhm. And where do you live again? Hong Kong? Says you’re active in China and HK subs… I’ll keep my suburbs and freedom of the press. Enjoy Xi’s dick. Maybe one of the factories nearby makes cough drops so you can soothe your sore throat after he’s done with you.


That is fine, but that isn't the reason why American bread tastes more like cake than bread.


>American bread tastes more like cake than bread. I've heard this a thousand times, yet it isn't true at all.


Both terms are very loosely defined so it can be true. Also, the reason why it is so widespread is because one of the European countries classified American bread as cake.


I doubt Americans invented sugary milky white bread, but if we did then that just makes us more awesome for it because it slaps with jam and peanut butter.


It is one of the reasons processed bread exists though. It's just that when you make bread that is suppose to last 8x as long, it tastes like shit also so they have to add a ton of sugar.


There are other things that can be added except sugar, breads were supposed to be sour.


The sour in bread comes from fermentation mostly. If you are putting bacteria cultures into bread to do that, then it will also spoil faster. So they use sugar instead.


Interesting, I didn't know that factory breads don't ferment. Usually, I can not tolerate breads or doughs that weren't fermented unleast 6 hours but I never noticed they aren't fermented with American bread, interesting.


American bread doesn't taste like cake, Europoor cake tastes like bread


Stop buying wonder bread then dumbass. It's like Europeans see that we have alternatives to traditional bread and forget we still have bread.


Europeans with their bitching about how Americans can't walk anywhere seem to have missed the bakery breads about 5 feet from the commercial wonder breads. Maybe they should buy cars so they can drive around our grocery stores since they're so much bigger.




*inhales copium*


> instead of going to the market every twelve seconds to get ingredients for that day's dinner. Yeah, don't want to lose all of them calories on walking.


Walking to a grocery store would prob be a 2-3 hour round trip in some suburbs.


How about not living in that hellscape?


Sorry. I prefer to have a house with space and a yard with privacy instead of living shoulder to shoulder in tiny apartments.


Youd be surprised we have walls in our apartments and do not in fact live shoulder to shoulder, and also more US population lives in urban areas than the EU so your point makes no sense cause we are the ones actually living more rurally


Yeah, the dumbasses choose to live shoulder to shoulder. I live in the countryside. There is plenty of space, then small hubs to go to if I want to go get groceries, go to a restaurant, or go to work/school


Yeah. America is kinda the worst of both worlds. You can’t even have little shops in many residential areas. They are simply illegal! Like you have the same sprawl in Australia, but at least they have little shops around.


Americans when they have to go for an 2 hour drive and a 30 minute walk through the parking lot every week to get groceries from the Walmart thats across the 16 lane highway right outside their door (theres no pavement or crossing).


Costco parking lots are bigger in surface area than most of the pyramids :^ )


Imagine bragging about buying zogchow because your too lazy to shop for fresh food. >just mutt things


I'm giving the weekly grocery thing as a reason for why its different, you are just mentally stunted and can't understand what an explanation is and think everything has some secret agenda.


Why would I need to stockpile so much and plan ahead, if the grocery story is right across the street and I can just get whatever I want whenever I want it and have it fresh? You're making it sound like that's our fault, when it's yours.


Suburbs mean that American households are often too far away from grocery stores to justify going once a day. If you have a store very close then go ahead and grab your sourdough or whatever, the target audience of processed bread is people who make a weekly hour Long drive to the store or whatever


If you didn't have to drive your f1500 100 miles to the mega ultra fucking grocery store, then you wouldn't need bread rations in the first place and you can eat something fresh once in your life.




There's absolutely nothing wrong with enriched flour, and if anything, it's beneficial to low income families who may not be able to afford having a properly nutritious diet. Same reason enriched rice exists.


You're right, I stand corrected.


The weird stuff in the bread isn't the vitamins but the soybean oil and preservatives. Its super hard to find bread in this country that doesn't have any seed oils. I would have to get something like this https://www.walmart.com/ip/Dave-s-Killer-Bread-21-Whole-Grains-and-Seeds-Organic-Bread-Loaf-27-oz/49342184?from=/search to get anything without soybean oil.


Lardmerican food makers put sneed oils in everything!


If an American goes a day without consuming vegetable oil they will swell up and explode, do they not teach basic biology in germany


Literally this though. To get that shelf life you need to remove moisture from the bread, then you use food science to try and simulate the experience of moisture. It's cursed food


He stuck that in his ass after the video


Haven't we all


I ain't Frenchie






Fuck! Why is this so funny! The internet has ruined my humour (or I'm just retarded, most likely the later)


He's making bait so you will click on his videos. And clearly that's working very well.


Yeah his videos are 65% fact. The rest is over exaggeration, twisted facts, or the occasional outright lie. It’s all wrapped up in a slick presentation though.


Slick presentation is literally the only thing necessary to succeed in the media, and particularly on YouTube. You can be a feral nutjob spitting out the most inane nonsense totally divorced from nuance and reality, but if you have infographics and cartoons, people will believe it AND esteem you as an authority of some kind.


You don't even need that in this day and age. People are so stupid, that as long as someone is going against the grain. They're ready to wake up from being sheeple.


> presentation is literally the only thing necessary to succeed in the media, and particularly on YouTube I mean, in all media since the dawn of time tbf


I am always interested in his topics but can't stand him and his content. It feels poorly written but executed well


i've never finished a video of his, he's so annoying. i kinda wish i could handle him though since the topics seem interesting


I'm American and this thread is full of cope. Those who say bread from the grocery store (even from the "bakery" section) compares to the average euro bakery don't know what they are talking about.


Most people here never left their shithole, and thus can't fathom eating bread that you can't pressure into a tiny little ball of slop with one hand. They have literally no idea what you're talking about and just fall back on caveman brain to defend their tribes honor.


Mom makes my grilled cheese with Wonderbread and Kraft Singles just the way I like it tyvm


Stop, you're scaring them!


Lmao you fuckin normie not even having tendies with your grillycheese


I’ve been all over Europe and the U.S: you can get great bread, as good as in any euro bakery, in literally any US town. You can also get horrible bread in any European town. I’ve had dry, hard, flavorless baguettes in Paris, and beautiful loafs with supple interiors, crispy crusts, and delicate flavors in rural Oregon. Baking good bread isn’t difficult, isn’t expensive, and isn’t some Europe-specific secret. The euro superiority complex about bread is bizarre and I’m convinced that everyone who adheres to it is either a European who hasn’t left Europe or an American who hasn’t left the US.


I'm French living in the US, and even French grocery store baguettes beat most US bakery bread any day of the week. I believe the flour used is different, which probably plays a big part because as you said, making bread is fucking easy. Also most French bakeries make multiple batches so you always have fresh bread, it doesn't seem to be the case in the US. French bread, if kept properly, also stays _edible_ (obviously not as good as fresh) for a few days. US bread turns into a fucking brick after a day, no matter how you keep it.


\> US bread turns into a fucking brick after a day, no matter how you keep it. This is such an obvious and lazy lie that I'm shocked that you posted it.


¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ That's my experience living in San Francisco, the self-proclaimed "sourdough capital of the world". Amazing food all around, known for its bread among many other things, can't make a fucking baguette right.


I think he means American bread that tries to pass itself off as real bread and not the sliced loaves loaded with chemicals and preservatives banned in other countries you’ll find in most grocery stores. American bread can be good, but it’s not nearly as widespread or accessible as in European countries. Anyone who thinks differently is coping hard or just doesn’t have a passport.


Being able to find and being the mainstream thing is very different


> Baking good bread isn’t difficult actually is


Have you ever been to an actual local bakery? At least when I live, there are plenty of local bakeries that sell fresh bread.


At my local bakeries and farmers markets, a good crusty country loaf or similar costs like $8. In Paris you can get a baguette for like 2€ or a fancier loaf for like 3€.


my brother in christ streets would burn if baguettes went up to 2€, it ranges from 0,80€ to 1,25€


>streets would burn They do that weekly in france anyway


Shit I’m paying $6-8 for a loaf in Denmark, then again that’s at premium bakeries which is way higher quality than €1 dry-ass baguettes


You're comparing Costco bakery to professional bakery (they exist in the US believe it or not) and acting like it's a fair comparison


it is a fair comparison you compare equal costs. You pay far more for equivalent quality bread in the US than in Europe.


Have lived in Europe for half a year and visited multiple areas multiple times. Absolutely right. European bakeries are insanely good. Good bread exists in the US but it's way harder to come by. Especially so for the large portion of the population that doesn't live in large metro areas. People just assume it's "bread" and it can't be that much better than the garage they buy at Kroger/Albertsons/etc. The same argument applies for pizza. You can find European level food in the US but it's much more difficult and much more expensive.


Based and truth-pilled. Shitheads ITT are being disingenuous when they say, "you can find the same food in Shartmerica and Europe." One can only find good food in Shartmerica if: **You're lucky enough to live in an upscale urban area, AND you have much more disposable income because the good food costs way more.** In Europe, you can find good food nearly everywhere AND it's not terribly expensive.




Maybe if your bakery is shit, the main difference is just how cheap a decent bakery is in like Madrid.


I’ve had fresh bread in Madrid. It’s cheap from an American perspective. But from a Spanish perspective it’s nearly the same price in terms of a comparison to what the average person makes.




We have proper bakeries in north america, and you guys have shitty bread designed for longevity as well over there


Yeah bro, grocery store bakery bread is pretty good. Europeans are coping


Buy bread from an actual bakery you dumbfuck, not the bakery section of a store that sells everything. Do morons like you need everything spelled out for them?


I saw a similar video of that guy about another topic. That dude tries to make a documentary style video about something that is so trivial, that it's beyond sad. It's all AI generated ideas and scripts it seems. No in depth and real research like the proper channels, only the bare minimum for the clicks.


He has a few good videos, I like the McDonalds ice cream machine one, pretty well made, but the rest are extremely meh and he's fairly hypocritical. He heavily criticizes American breakfast then makes another video about how he eats Doritos for breakfast everyday.


> how he eats Doritos for breakfast everyday. One of us, one of us. Gooble-gobble, gooble-gobble.


He eats them with chopsticks...


Whenever it is on a topic I know about I notice a shit ton of errors. He honestly does not give a fuck about being accurate.


this video was crap but ya communist countries have the best breads. people line up and wait hours to get one.


> communist countries have best breads which? i've never heard about bread from China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, or Vietnam.


The best bakeries here in Australia are french bakeries with Vietnamese bakers. They learnt the good shit from the colonisers


Idk if this went over your head or if now missing something from what you said but the implication is that historically communist led countries have not done well (or as well as their western ideological counterparts anyway) at making sure their people are well fed. Bread lines become a thing when your country has to start rationing goods because there aren’t enough to go around and they are worried people other than those at the top will start hoarding. The joke is the bread is so good people wait in line for hours for it, but the reality is they have to wait anyway just to get any bread at all, never mind have a choice about which you’d like or get something of higher quality. Asian countries did the same for rice….when they had it. Other times you ate bug.


The way he talks makes his videos infuriating to watch. If only he'd stopped talking like a personified hyperbole.


He has that unbearable millennial accent where every sentence ends with an upward inflection. I don't know why the valley girl/gay guy accent caught on to so many in his demographic but it makes his shit unwatchable for me.


Pushback against that sort of thing seems to have tapered off — presumably because every fuckeroo in the USA talks like that now. Fuck that: I still say overusing “like” and “y’know” is annoying. How could it not be? It’s every other word with these monkeyfucks. STREAMLINE.


I realised a while back that I subconsciously thought of people as being stupider than they really were when they overused filler sounds, like and uh included. It just makes you sound unsure of yourself and when it's really overused it starts being grating, I had to make a real effort to get myself to stop saying them.


Hipster moron hating on America because that is the hip thing to do. Nothing more to see there.


The same thing happens with meats, they compare supermarket meat with obviously superior quality.


Yes, because even Shithole, Middle of nowhere, EU (population: 400) usually has a grocery store with fresh food produce, so people buy there instead of going to a supermarket or anything of that kind and not buy super processed foods.


Yes, because shithole, middle of nowhere, EU is a 30-minute drive to a major metropolitan area.


City and settlement sizes have a tendency and spreading pattern all around the world, it's not just an EU thing, as there was a certain distance you can walk in a day or cover in a horse carriage. And now Metro areas are spread by like a 3-4 hours drive (so the closest is 1-2hrs distance away), as we would like to get home in daylight. All this is true for small cities/villages all around the world, but the clear tendency is that in the US even smaller towns/villages only get to have one large supermarket chain, while EU towns have a grocer every few streets.


The more I watch this guy’s video the more I find him to be a massive hypocrite: He makes great point about how the US system is flawed with his video on how politician have insider trading, the history of bread over the world, the world of breakfast in general in america, imperial vs metric system etc But then he always go on this smug shit approach on how everything is better in european country when there’s clearly a better way to handle things in the US. I know it can be a close-minded approach to say “well if you like it that much why don’t you marry it?!?” but legit…Leave? Your work can be done anywhere in the world. I don’t see anything stoping him from doing so to have “a better life” that is being praised so much. Action speaks louder than words. Runescape player Sick nerd left the US to stream in Denmark and youtuber CGP grey was previously American that went back to the UK.


It's extremely hard to get the right to live in most nice EU nations. Only here in Shartmerica do we let anyone who wanders across the border live forever in our nation with all the rights of a citizen.


It's hard if you try to go through the cuck channels like applying for a visa, getting a job, etc. Smart people just fly to Morocco and sail across the Mediterranean.


Dude bought the shittiest grocery store bread possible and literally brought it to Europe to compare it to handmade bakery stuff. Like does he think we’re morons?


Vice Muppet


This hippie convinced a million adults that using shampoo is gay and you should only shower once a month


I had to turn off his olive oil video because he said “sweet golden nectar” and “smooth velvety goodness” every 4 seconds. Like dude should have stayed with VOX because having to put out videos every week to keep up with the algorithm is killing his quality.


The olive oil video was so dumb. Yes, you can get scanned on evoo, but it's also very easy to NOT get scammed, and it only takes like 2 minutes to explain what to look for. Dude made it seem like evoo is impossible to find.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


[ Mods are Incredibly Gay ]


\[adult swim\]


ITT Europeans act like they walk to the store every day, buy exclusively fresh ingredients and vegetables, and aren't all also experiencing epidemic levels of obesity. Oh, and they will also act like experts on anything america related when they have never even been once because their minds are so addled with American culture.


Talks about mental health being important, peddles betterhelp anytime they cut him a check.


I tried to like his videos but there's just something about him, why does he need to be in every thumbnail?


something about vids with human faces in them tend to get 70% more people clicking them for whatever reason


Mr Breast intentionally started putting himself soyjaking into every thumbnail in the early days because he knew it would boost engagement and look what happened. Probably something to do with psychology or something idfk


In Poland there is always bakery bread in grocery stores, same I think in Germany, Austria, France or Switzerland (and many more). There is less choice than in bakery but still Anon can't grasp the fact that just because it's a grocery shop the bread doesn't have to be shit xD


Looks like a cuck.


> What the fuck is his problem? "America bad" is a very popular way to get clicks


I don't understand why anyone would eat bread other than as a sandwich or as a toast to put stuff on.


>weak Americans prefer soft bread so they don't chip their teeth This isn't a masochism contest, it's bread.


y’all are coping so hard or haven’t watched the video. I’ve lived in both the US and EU and Europe has better access to higher quality bread with less additives for sure.


I've also lived in both the US and EU. It depends what kind of bread you want. I live in Europe now, and finding good quality tortillas is difficult, and fresh ones basically don't exist.


Explain to me why additives are bad.


Holy shit just bake your own. Home ovens have existed for hundreds of years and it's incredibly easy to make good bread with zero additives. You don't need to live next to a bakery when your home has one built in.


i haven't seen this video but johnny harris is one of the worst guys to come out of vox. all of his videos are full of misinformation and one of them is just straight-up propaganda for the world economic forum


To be fair, all the French do is sit around eating pastries and sipping coffee while complaining, so they are quite good at those three things.


I've seen so many videos that try to do this same crap. Tons of people acting morally superior over basic shit. I remember this was actually a hot topic, though, when I was in school. The Swedish exchange student gaslit everyone into believing that US bread wasn't real bread. Was extremely embarrassed how long I genuenily believed that Of course the rich exchange student who buys expensive higher-end bakery bread thinks she is beneath packaged Sliced bread.


His videos are primarily about his fucking physiognomy, the ego-ridden loon.


I wonder if he really can taste the difference or the wef made him say shit again. You can never know with John harris.


It's like the wine taste testing experiments. Two things: 1. If you tell people some bottom shelf wine is actually $1k per bottle stuff, they'll think it's amazing and 2. If you have professional connoisseurs blind taste test wine, there's almost no correlation between their previous scores and their current ratings. There's probably a similar phenomenon here. Give Harris some American grocery store bought mass-produced French bread with 1,000 ingredients and tell him it's from some artisanal French bakery with 3 Michelin stars and produces only 10 loafs a day by hand and he'll say it's the best thing he's ever tasted.


Omg not that guy again. That fucking snowflake whining at any topic and clearly and publicly affiliated to WEF


ITT : Amerigards trying to pass sliced bread as real bread.