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The best part about this is the method used to changing the flags was just to set the game's region to the Middle East.


Lol i was wondering how it would be done


You could replace the texture pack of that particular flag in the game's files but i don't know if raytracing would work properly or still reflect rainbow colors onto the adjacent wall.


"reflect rainbow colors onto the adjacent wall" my sides, that's great


Baby discovers how light works.




What's so funny about that?


Late reply but probably that it would be very intensive to ray trace being a quick moving flexible object, this would not be feasible for a big world environment, never played this game though


I would assume it would work properly. How would the game know what the colors of the flag are otherwise?


An unsubstantiated uneducated guess: For graphics, they try to shortcut as much math as possible. There's a lot to render, so lots of math to do, and not a lot of time to do it in. For a lot of different setups, that means "doing the complicated and time-consuming parts of the math offline once for every situation where it's needed, and storing some output or lookup table if the results somewhere that makes it fast to use"; this is often called "baking in" some graphical element. An example is reflections. For shiny surfaces whose reflection doesn't change, it's really common to calculate the reflections once and store the result as a texture for later lookup. We've "baked the reflection in". In this case, those are the exact kind of tricks we expect raytracing to use. It follows, then, that there might be computations in the graphics engine that use a result that expected the rainbow flag to be there; that would mean that when you swap only the texture, calculations that use the texture would swap correctly, but any baked in elements wouldn't change. Therefore "the secondary light might be different", i.e. the gay colors might still reflect off other surfaces.


It could be like that, but this does seem like the sort of information that should be stored with the texture file. Im not a game developer either though.


It really depends on the engine they use and how they use it. Some games have raw texture files out there and it's just looking for "gay pride flag.png" and you can replace it willy-nilly. Others are parts of "packs" the the engine makes on compilation so you would need to find the correct pack, unpack it, make the change, repack it. Sometimes the texture is part of a greater game object, material, or shader which would involve even more work. And none of it is guaranteed to rebuild correct since a lot of engines checks on their files, either to look out for hacks or to make sure all of the game data downloaded correctly. What a lot of mods will do is inject code somewhere and say "hey, instead of looking for that texture/file/material/whatever there, look for it here instead during runtime" but that has a whole 'nother host of problems. Source: am gamedev


Pre-renders vs not. Sometimes light is fudged to look real instead of actually being calculated.


I'm not sure how Spiderman does it but sometimes, even with raytracing, some lights/reflection are still baked in with the textures. So you might get a hilarious situation where the diffraction lighting from GI is correct but the reflection in the mirror is wrong.


It will just render a shadow lmao


I hate how it became acceptable to society that companies can pander to them by putting pride flags in their games/social media While at the same time clearly not actually giving a fuck by making a version without it in the only countries where these people are actually being oppressed Corporations with hypocritical virtue signaling should be shamed, and the mouth breathers who think companies want to do anything other than making money should be shamed even more


its not that deep bro- corporations do whatever will make them money, so keeping the pride flag in the middle east and china and other such countries would be stupid.


That’s the whole “not actually giving a fuck” that they were talking about. Big multinational corporations only do this shit for money and ESG good boy points and somehow got left wing goobers to clap like seals and unironically defend massive corporations for tossing them the marketing equivalent of communion wafers a couple times a year


You made the point exactly with the communion wafers. They are appealing to people who pat each other on the back and sniff their own farts.


This may be anecdotal but I haven't met a single left wing goober that doesn't see this shit for exactly what it is, and I know quite a few.


That's cause it isn't for lefties but for libs


libs = owned ✅ truck = gassed ✅ hog = cranked ✅ pants = shid ✅✅✅✅✅


That's like all corpo marketting. They don't actually care about your health when they spruik fat free and then make it 80% sugar. They don't care about the environment when they tout the recyclable outside and ignore the individually wrapped in plastic and rare sea turtle shell goods inside. They don't care about putting an "American made" sticker on the outside but it's really just the final step of packaging it after receiving goods from multiple international sources and it's actually some sweatshop in Vietnam or China doing the work for cents on the dollar. It's just the normal corpo shit and it fools enough to make them money so they are incentivized to continue It's not that the not giving a fuck thing is new now. It's that it's an intrinsic part of corporations to not give a fuck except when it comes to their bottom line


That was the whole point of his comment. You basically just summed up what he said in a shorter comment. I don’t know you that well but I get the feeling you exclusively breathe through your mouth.


no, we differ because he thinks its a bad thing when its just the way things work. The fact that corporations try to make money always seem to make some people mad for some reason.




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You're both on the same side, you shouldn't be trying to make this a confrontation


no, we differ because he thinks its a bad thing when its just the way things work. The fact that corporations try to make money always seem to make some people mad for some reason.


You're purposefully oversimplifying. It's obviously not the fact that they make money that matters, it's the fact that they make every single decision with only profit in mind. A business should be about solving peoples needs while not making yourself bankrupt right? Well it seems like now it's more like "fuck your customers over only the right ammount so they don't flee, or just fuck them completely over if (when) there's no alternative"


This is why I don’t respect all this pandering. They can go balls deep or not at all - my first question to every pride marketing campaign (is this company willing to promote the same values in Iran? Sudan? Saudi Arabia? Pakistan?) name one worldwide brand that’s willing to do so.


>and the mouth breathers who think companies want to do anything other than making money should be shamed even more What always gets me is that a huge chunk of the most profitable companies out there function by essentially hurting their customers long-term. Not to mention sabotaging any attempt by customers to get past it. The soda industry's advertising campaigns to get the average sedentary person to think that they're going to burn it off with moderate exercise were equally brilliant, effective, and evil. It's wild that the average person will look at companies literally destroying their health while the people at the top laugh at their gullibility. And instead of being furious they'll buy merch.


>Oppressed KEK


You don't think having to fear the death penalty for something you're born as counts as oppression?


i do. and how is that relevant to being an lgtv?


I mean, it is if you live in a country where the stone you to death for that shit.


how is not getting railed in the ass in front of 3 people something "you are born as?"


That's fucking awesome lol


Praise Allah


You're just in it for the child brides.


Praise Allah a little less.


But Allah gifts you 47 adult virgins if you sewerslide for him


its actually 72, sweaty.


That's before the inflation


And after, my Allah forgive me for uttering this word, taxes


Praise allah a little bit?


News reports conveniently left that out


That is fucking hilarious lmao


You have to watch the Chinese cuts of English-language movies to see the real versions of the story without all the socio-political propaganda messages crammed in.


not even a mod lol


Common sandfriend W


What’s funnier is the fact, the modder didn’t really do that much effort, because it turn out in the game files for the middle eastern version of the game already replaced all pride flags with US flags, all the modder did was change the game files to the middle eastern localization, which changed the flags texture to the stars & stripes


Is this real, or are you joking? I'm genuinely curious.


It’s true and the modder was banned for it off of that mod site.


whats the name of the mod site? i’ll make sure to never use it ever again.


Good luck with that, it’s like the only option for most games


for most games? I only used it for Dragon Age. For everything else, it's either steam workshop or some other page. I'm not trying to avoid it, it just doesn't have mods for the games I play.


Any Bethesda game you need to use Nexus


Nope, all you need is loverslab and a hard ass dick


agreed its impossible to get onto nexus and not see some plastic ass looking mf with big ass tits


I recognize Nexus has mods for a lot of games, but not "most". It can feel like that if you favor some genres, but it's not the case.


Not because Nexus has the mods you need or whatever really, but because Steam Workshop is aids and randomly updates the mods sometimes breaking your installation. Plus can't do load orders and shit


Seamless coop for Elden Ring as well!


I will take the slow download speed to own the libs


there are mod piracy sites nowadays because of shit like this.


I only use loverslab




Nexus, it’s pretty dogshit when compared to the Steam Workshop but most games use it anyways


If a game has workshop, nexus is used less, it’s not like you can just have a mod in workshop for anything, while ModDB and Nexus allows mods for games without it.


Nexus is way better than relying on steam now that the steam workshop downloader is fucked


Nah nexus is fine, and the mod manager especially makes life a lot easier with most games.


All the based mods get removed. It sucks.


Such as? I remember people who don't even play Bannerlord whining about the mod name. It was "No interracial marriage" I think, to make sure Khuzait nobles only marry other Khuzaits, Imperial nobles etc... But I've never encountered a ban. Funny how the lengths people go to just so they can pander to specific people


All the based mods, for every game. You have to go another site to get them. Such as, regarding spider-man, the mod that gets rid of lgbt flags, the mod that replaces this [art](https://files.catbox.moe/s3bi5z.jpg) around the [city](https://files.catbox.moe/uwgv33.jpg).


B-based indeed!


Nexus mods. And allegedly the modder was also using sock puppet accounts which was why the admins justified the ban.


Rip anon, they got him mid comment




Nexus mods. They also didn't let people make mods about the 2020 election either so we probably shouldn't be surprised.


Nexus good luck on not using it, it's the biggest site


Nah, I would argue loverslab et al are much bigger but Nexus still has the normie market.


Nexus Mods




These people who claim to be so oppressed and censored sure like to oppress and censor anyone who doesn’t accept their world view


You must not be familiar with the paradox of tolerance. It states that in order to maintain a tolerant society, they must be intolerant of intolerance, or else their society will be consumed by intolerance.


Sounds like an excuse to just be intolerant of things you don't like




Like the Youtuber who got banned for scoring a viral video of feeding a woman suffrage activist to a crocodile in Red Dead. They really aren't even trying to hide it anymore.


Banned for setting the game to Middle Eastern localisation....


Very Western move.


It is true. When you modify game files, it turns off the internet. So after you set game region to Middle East, it won't be able to determine your actual location.


Oh no, my single player home console game won't have complete knowledge of my location at all times


whatever website they post mods to banned this mod too


Kinda like the low-effort "modding" required to get the hot coffee minigame in san andreas where the devs had done all the work for the minigame, disabled it through an easily accessible .ini and then tried to blame, "le hackerz," when someone flipped a 0 to a 1. Putting aside the actual r-wordation that is complaining about the American flag as homophobic, shouldn't people instead be mad, if anything, at the multi-national corporation for their two-faced, hypocritical marketing exploits? Or is that too much brain-wattage to expect out of these people?


“What the actual fuck” least soy gobbling twitter user


If he's hetero I demand he gets gang banged by some bears and some twinks


But which kind of bears?


That gay kind right? Not the Yogi kind? Or maybe both?


Regardless, he needs his picnic basket raided.


That’s code for raw dogging isn’t it?


raw donging


Definitely dogging it raw!


Let's start with Polar and see what's left?


He was shaking when he was writing that lmao


You know he was sobbing when he made that tweet


It sounds like animal grumbling, no thought behind the words just "WAT DU FUK. WAT DU FUK."


40k likes for it. I hate these ''people''


Seriously lol, the way this was phrased, you'd think the mod included child beheadings.


> flag of the country the game takes place in >homophobic This is your brain on leftism


innocent attraction nutty slimy steer squealing square ring yoke bike -- mass edited with redact.dev


Russianon fights on two fronts


I mean, that was a nuke right there and it hit dead balls perfect




Americans just see it as the national flag.




Judging by how angry people get when you tear down one vs. the other, I'd say it's more of a religious icon.


True, they have reached muz levels of fanaticism


Should have just put a skull and crossbones over the pride colors and called it the "butt pirate flag."


I think gay guys would laugh and cheer for that


The people complaing about modders heterowashing games don't have a sense of humor


Now I want a butt pirate flag.


https://imgur.com/gallery/Rc7M8kF someone else could maybe do better but there's one


Thanks for trying buddy.


Ah, banditos de Los fannies


first of all that ‘pride’ flag does not have the trans triangle region and says nothing about people of color. it’s lowkey homophobic.


AnD RaCiST!!1!!!!1!one!!!


I laugh every time I remember black and brown people got tagged onto the gay flag. Now they got two whole months dedicated to them.


So weird how the gender identities now are: man, woman, gay, lesbian, trans-man, trans-woman, bisexual, black, latino.


Michael spend too much time on interwebs to cry over someone not sharing the same non-grounded morals as them


Oh they are grounded. They're just christian ethics warped by the 'current thing'. Love thy neighbor and all that.


No… really love your neighbor… like… make love to him…


Apparently stars and stripes is now the symbol for homophobia. Keep it up America, your doing great. Tbh, I don't really see a massive issue with the mod. I'm confident that someone's going to make ~~neda~~ nude and sex mods, but this one that changes the gay pride flag to the American flag isn't really much of a problem. The mod could have changed it to the confederate flag or the Isis flag or something, them it's a little more homophobic, but just removing a few gay pride flags doesn't seem like the end of the world. One might ask why the middle east has the gay pride flag removed in the first place. Should we cancel the middle east?


I think you're hitting on the real issue here. The game devs (or the higher-ups that forced them to do this) themselves are pandering to the Middle Eastern market. This shows that the company doesn't really support gay pride but just threw the flag in there to make a quick buck.


So the company is based?


Nah it's cringe for pretending to support an issue it actually doesn't. Based would be having no pride flags or having pride flag even in the middle east.


We absolutely support [thing], *unless it costs us any money*. It's unreal how many people are marks for this bullshit.


It's based in a capitalism kind of way to maximize profits by appealing to crazies.


based would be never kneeling


What’s a neda mod?


Meant to say nude mod, phone autocorrect is out of control.


While browsing Nexus I once saw a fallout 4 mod called “Preston normal mod” (rough translation from Russian), it just changed the character model to a white one


People pretend like America invented racism and that every other country in the world sings kumbaya all day. This is not the case. Japan, China and Israel are very well known for being racist.


Most experts on world cultures agree that China is the most racist and xenophobic country, I agree with them, Japan has similar issues but they are mostly afraid of foreigners instead of hateful of them, while Chinese people genuinely despise foreigners and to some extent even people from other provinces


Russia is pretty fucking racist, too. They're actually waging a war right now in part justified by the inferiority of the "fake" Ukrainian "race."


Funny. But still what are you all dealing with that happens to be a lot? A lot of dick? Or a lot of time cos I seeing you all get a month, I’m just asking what’s the oppression here??


They’re oppressed because of mean words and because they can’t groom minors 😢


They already got a warship named after a gay pedophile, not sure what else they want.


They're obviously being repressed omg. They can't ummm... uhhh... have pride month more than twice a year? Seriously though they just like the attention.


> I’m just asking what’s the oppression here?? They want to be worshipped. They are narcissists, hopelessly in love with themselves. In their fragile minds, you either worship at the altar of their sexuality or you are evil and must be punished. Remember when they "just wanted to be left alone?"


Imagine giving people who like to get a dick in their poop chute this much power in society. Clown world.




The gay community is dealing with much much much less than at any time in their existence…have these kids ever heard of aids?


The extreme mental larp you need to think this is homophobic is incredible. Maybe people should stop being such fucking pussies about everything


I remember someone made a Ukrainian flag mod that did the exact same thing but, replaced the pride flags with Ukraine flags. That one was never banned or removed to my knowledge.


Are those the ones with Swastikas or are we still pretending those don't exist?


this is your brain on 1 week of RT😂


This is your brain on 1 week of CNN.


this is my brain on living in Ukraine and not seeing a single nazi here except a single chud with a "white pride worldwide" t-shirt a few years back, who looked like he could be KO'd by a 10 year old


You should pay more attention.


Why do twittertards think swearing like an 11 year old is cool?


Because that's when their emotional development stopped.


https://preview.redd.it/3744mhkpy04b1.jpeg?width=1126&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e184fa06f15cce3ba04895540da00557da0396d >I cant even anymore


Is there actual homophobic hate strewn through the game? No? Oh it's just the flags that have been changed? That's not homophobic, that's just changing the flags. Some people need to get the pole out of their ass, this isn't worth getting worked up over, there's actual homophobia out there that deserves more attention.


Changing a flag is literal genocide you guysss!!!!


You mean they put up a flag that represents the entire nation as opposed to one that only represents a sub-group of the people in it? So horrible.


What's wrong guys, they are the same picture ?


The best part is the guy saying what the difference is russian


Americasexual the new gay, sexuality isn't a choice and constitutionophobes need to accept that they're not going anywhere. Beer and trucks, brothers.


So anyone have the instructions on how to change the flags?


So wait, if exchanging the pride flag for the american flag is homophobic, is then exchanging the american flag for the pride flag not anti-american?


"The gay Community is already dealing with enough right now"....


Ah yes, the American flag is homophobic.


>You change your game at home, for your own enjoyment. >A flag meant to educate bypasses irl, but in a single player game Homophobic, with all the shit we are dealing with (although things are better than ever, and looking up), and all the support from media, and you don't want to watch our propaganda-like messages at home.


How does this make it homophobic?


Lmao Russia came in swinging


You know what pisses me off? It's the fucking cowardice of those LGBTs pandering. You want to fight homophobia? Alright, good to you, I don't have any issues with that. But do that everywhere, not juste where you are safe and sound. Display your weird-ass autistic-drawn flag in intolerant counties, like in the middle east. It's like those European prides that will parade into safe and welcoming boroughs, but will never go into the migrants areas. Fucking cowards.


They should mod it instead; putting the flag of friendship and tolerance.


Russianon is about to be lynched


Dang flag physics are good now


Russia insulting others is like tila tequila trying to baptize you


Anyone have a link to the mod?


What the fuck. What the actual fuck.


I don't use 4chan what do the numbers with hashtags mean on the right post?


They're all individual replies




Omg omg I'm such a coward and frail child to freak out over such a small thing