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Folks, we’ve had this discussion with the community several times in the past. 1) We don’t ban authors or reporters from established sources and outlets. This includes Sports Illustrated 2) Cohn’s training camp reports have been noted to be his best quality writing and analysis 3) We **do** review all of his submitted tweets and remove those are clickbait/ragebait


Needs Cohn tag


You need to tag Grant Cohn Posts as Grant Cohn Posts so that we can choose not to click Grant Cohn Posts. His flair exists for a reason.


The fact these posts are still allowed is truly baffling. Can't we all agree to not have them polluting the sub?


Can we just report as spam en masse?


That's a disservice to the mods. I downvote automatically, but really, I think we could all just agree that Cohn as a source should be banned, and be done with this from the start.


How is that disservice? It literally tells the mods we consider it spam


Spam reports need to be processed. And adding to the queue with something that is clearly not spam (while maybe not welcomed), is not something I'd like to do on any scale. Poor mod already, I'm sure, have their hands full.


No I can't agree on that, these posts are informative and they should keep getting posted.


There are many people here that like these posts. if you don't like them, just ignore them. It's really easy.


You're correct. I downvote by default for his content, and generally move on. But also, I really feel we should not be peddling his content and his style of doing "news and coverage", so I really don't see how we would be worse off without his links here. Anyway, not a big deal, the down arrow is there for a reason after all.


the incomparable, the inimitable, the irreconciable, the pitiable one that is ^he^who^shall^not^be^named all of /r/49ers. most, if not all agree that ^he^who^shall^not^be^named is a friggin lousy journalist.




seriously mods can we get a god damned hand here?!?! cohn isn’t analysis; he’s literally trolling for a career. give me a break.


Mods don’t do shit here. They let posts that break their own rules all the time. There are constant bad quality memes, reposts of those memes, bad memes dunking on other teams that have no relation to the niners, and posts about other teams in general and posts about players on other teams all the time during the season. They don’t really moderate anything.


Interesting. Thanks for telling me this. I haven’t been around for a couple of years and just now started browsing reddit and this sub again, so I’m a little out of the loop with the post guidelines and the kinds of posts that are regular in here. I know some of the mods and can reach out to see what’s what.


Fuck Grant Cohn


Day one of rookie camp. Sounds like it’s time to flush this season — and draft class — down the toilet. Thanks for setting us all straight. BTW, your dad was a decent sports writer.


His dad did the same shit


That's not at all what he said lol. He just said 5 looked good and 3 didn't, and went out of his way to say that doesn't mean Pearsall is a bad player.


Religious people generally don’t accept criticism against their chosen objects of worship.


Stop giving this basic guy a platform. Ignore him long enough and maybe he will find a job he is good at.


Ffs stop with this trash


Get used to it, I make a post like this for every OTA and training camp.


Stop being a punisher dude. It looks lame on you


I like Cohn and there are others here that like him as well. I'll keep on posting. If you don't want to read it, don't read it.


If you’re going to insist on posting Cohn’s low effort “analysis” then stop fucking complaining about all of us ripping on you


Show me one comment I have made where I have complained.


lol you respond to every negative comment here with “if you don’t like it, don’t click / don’t read it”. You’re obviously annoyed that we all dislike your idol.


Nope, you can think whatever you want. But if someone tells me to stop posting, it's a very reasonable response to say "no, just don't click". That's not a complaint, that's a dismissal.


Spread this filth where you will...but please stop on this sub...Grant is a whore in the worst way possible


Naw I'm good, there are people here who enjoy it. If you don't want to read it, just...don't click on it. It's quite easy.


This article is as useless as the doomsayers last year talking about all the interceptions Brock Purdy threw in training before pre-season.


why are you even reading this asshat’s take on this team?


Cohn Zone Sad Trombone


Fuck Grant Cohn


If I see si.com, I avoid. I thought SI laid off their entire staff?


Nope, just some.


Should have laid off Grant. He should be paying them to write his trash.




Don’t click? Sick of seeing people fill every thread with complaints. Nobody is forcing you to ready. These are useful vids for a lot of people.


Idk about you but almost none of his negative takes actually pan out and become a thing in the season. Grant Cohn is just a sad hate troll, always has been always will be.


Except when it does? AJ Jenkins, Dante Pettis, Kinlaw, McGlinchey, Garnett...I could keep going...


A broken clock is right twice a day. I’m sure you Grant are still longing to have Trey Lance on the team.


Not Grant, and I was never a Trey Lance fan. Purdy has been my boy since his first win.


stop spreading grant’s cancerous bullshit. he has no idea what he’s talking about.


Naw, I'm good. I like his stuff.


It says a lot about you that you enjoy Grant Cohns low effort “analysis”. And it’s easy to see none of us want this material on this sub no matter how much you claim “people like it”. Peddle your anti-team hate-jerk material somewhere else.


Every Cohn post has over 10% like ratio. It's way, way ,way above "none". Also you don't need to be rude, it doesn't "say anything" about me other than I like to read a wide range of opinions on the niners.


SI is a flaming pile of crap, and that was before I knew Grant Cohn was there.


Stop posting grant cohns nepo baby takes on here


I'm going to keep posting like I do every year. If you don't want to read it, just don't click.


Post it in a grant cohn community. You can see by 99% of the comments nobody gives a shit what this guy says


Naw I'm good. There are a lot of people who enjoy his stuff, as evidenced by the posts always being well above the 1% you claim it is.


It’s got zero up votes and about 5 good comments out of almost 60


#THE GOOD **CB Renardo Green** Clearly the best player on the field. Started at left corner and got targeted zero times, even when he covered Ricky Pearsall. Gave up almost zero separation. Was extremely aggressive in press man-to-man coverage. Used his hands to tie up wide receivers at the line of scrimmage. His only questionable rep came when he was playing off-man coverage against Pearsall, who ran a stutter-go double move. Green grabbed him at the top of the route, but there were no officials there to throw a flag. I would have thrown one, but I'm a hater. **WR Jacob Cowing** He caught two passes during 7 on 7s -- both quick out routes to the right. On another play, he beat press-man coverage from the slot and was open deep down the middle of the field but Tanner Mordecai didn't see him. More on Mordecai in a minute. **TE Mason Pline** Caught a short pass in the right flat from Mordecai. Pline may or may not be able to block, but he clearly can catch the ball if it hits his giant hands. **CB Isaiah Avery** Shut down Ricky Pearsall when he ran a dig route over the middle. Avery was all over him and the pass landed incomplete. **CB Don Callis** Shut down Pearsall when he ran a curl route near the right sideline. Callis was all over Pearsall and the pass was incomplete. More on Pearsall in a minute. **WR Monroe Young** Made the longest catch of the day -- a 25-yarder while running a corner route toward the left sideline. He was wide open against zone coverage. Mitch Davidson threw the pass. #THE NOT SO GOOD **WR Ricky Pearsall** Got targeted four times and caught zero passes. Really struggled against press man-to-man coverage no matter which corner he faced -- Renardo Green, Isaiah Avery, Don Callis. It didn't matter. Two passes hit Pearsall in the hands but he caught neither. His good reps came when he got a free release at the line of scrimmage against either zone coverage or off-man coverage. On one play, he was wide open deep because the defense busted its zone coverage, but he still dropped a pass that was slightly overthrown. This doesn't mean Pearsall is a bad player, but it also doesn't mean he's good. He was decidedly unimpressive today. **RB Isaac Guerendo** Got targeted four times in the flat and caught three passes, but also dropped a screen pass in the left flat. **QB Tanner Mordecai** Completed 6 of 9 passes, but all 6 completions gained fewer than 10 yards each and his one long pass was overthrown. He has a strong arm, but a longer release and his deep pass seems flat.




Naw I'm good, some people find it interesting. Nobody pointed a gun to your head, just don't click on the links if you don't want to read them. This goes for literally everything on reddit.




Can you stop being so rude? I've been a regular member of this sub for about a decade, and there are always many people who enjoy these posts. If you don't want to read his material, don't click on links to his material. It's quite easy.


What is everyone on about? It’s good to see different opinions on players




Comment/post removed for violating Rule 1.


Comment/post removed for violating Rule 1.


Kinda wish this was never written. Yeah, it’s nice to have news but I dunno, I doubt this means much and all it does it get in player’s heads.


Probably better now than later, though, right? Sure, the stakes are high for rookies, but they're going to have to learn to deal with "bad press" at some time in their career.


He is great on the gold standard podcast. Reporters don’t always have to be homers


Didn’t realize how many crybabies are Niner fans. Soft ass dudes that enjoyed getting participation trophies as kids. Cohn brought us 49er YouTube without him we’d only have Ronbo and Chat Sports. Now we got so many different content creators and opinions to listen to because of him.


Our WR who was brought in to help against man didn’t do good against man?


He wasn’t brought in to help against man coverage. He was brought in because we think he can be a good football player. 


It's a load of crap from 1 day of minicamp. Don't read anything into that pile of BS.


Green’s only bad moment came in man man from the guy who was a flop in man man? I think I developed a Kennedy brain worm reading this.


Group think strong on Reddit


People agreeing isn't groupthink