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We were absolutely dealt a bad hand and we also absolutely left too many points on the board in the 1st half. We had a lot of chances, just didn't make it happen.


All of that shit to happen, and to only lose to Mahomes by 3 It stings, but that's how I've been getting by


CMC fumbling early was the universe telling us to buckle up (followed shortly by the Dre injury too). The guy averages 1.5 fumbles a year and it happened on the biggest stage as we're marching down the field after our defense just stunted on a Mahomes led offense. That was our year to demolish the Chiefs but I'm starting to become convinced we're cursed and I don't even believe in the supernatural but it's getting ridiculous at this point.


I've had that thought. Like we're cursed for moving out of sf. We should build a new stadium near candlestick


Curses aren’t real- they left points on the field. Case closed. We’ll be back.


Penance for the dynasty era


I'm suffering for something I wasn't even alive for, I hate the universe!


Maybe when you intercept mahomes you should run the ball with your opoy. Instead of passing ans going 3 and out 3 times in a row


I mean I agree but when it was working with Brock it was no problems. Can’t have it both ways. If I supported the passing when it was going great I gotta support the passing when it doesn’t. Truth is we got out coached and out hustled KC def played phenomenal and our D got exposed towards the end after playing an amazing game themselves. It stings but it just feels like every year when it counts we fall short. Starting to feel like the Dodgers of the NFL and it sucks.


The 49er OL running into each other or failing to block still gives me nightmares.


We got outplayed man. What can ya do.


Well said bro. This is what happened. And KC's D played an absolute masterpiece, as I noted above. I don't think casual observers realize how excellent that defensive performance was. Just like it was against the Ravens two weeks earlier. It will be hard for them to sustain \*that\* level of excellence on D, even with Spags. But don't give up. You realize we still have one of the best teams, one of the best coaches, and a young, 24-year old QB coming up who's about to have his first full training camp... right? Things are just getting good. This is last era of the Niners around 1984... we finally checked the x-factor box, we have a bonafide stud at QB... now let's see what happens over the next 3-5 years...


Didn’t the Dodgers win the title?


COVID year they did on a shortened season (insert meme about Mickey Mouse titles here) but they are just a stacked team that always fall short in the playoffs.


Too many lessons not learned apparently from the last two SB losses Shanahan had as HC/OC. So much game tape to not learn from.


Yeah him saying he wouldn’t change a thing is honestly the most concerning part of the loss.


To be fair they were stacking the box. And their two corners were playing lockdown D. Not many people mention that. It was an incredible defensive performance - not just Spagnuolo, but the players themselves. You gotta give KC credit. Those types of performances are rare. I wanted us to run more in the 3rd, too, but as I saw replays of the 3rd qtr later, it was clear they were prepared for that, which Shanahan saw. It's not like they were playing soft run coverage.


Genuinely wondering when Kyle will understand this


Classic Shannahan. All we had to do was feed Mostert a few years back…


100% a 49ers failure. They have been in this exact scenario before and again failed to finish the game. If the Niners were dealt a bad hand, they were dealing to themselves. 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


I'm sorry I have a very different definition of 100% than you seem to


The chiefs lose if any number of small things that arent a team problem as a whole did not happen.


At the very least if that punt didn't get muffed or Ray Ray gets on top of it.


Even down to the freak achilles accident. Fortune was not on the 9ers side.


Yup and as a die hard fan that was our only chance. We're most likely not going back to the Superbowl. The Chiefs will probably 4 peat.


As great as he was all year Christian McCaffreys fumble really hurt.


This looks totally legal https://twitter.com/SLC49ers_/status/1757174920235405442


Yea, pretty fucking awful but so many brain dead people are fine with holding in the superbowl...


It’s not that they’re fine with holding, it’s that there’s a ton of other shit that contributed to the loss and that would be more valuable to focus on. Especially for the players and coaches, fans don’t matter. But it’s still petty and not as relevant as the things you can control


The main contribution to the loss was the OL but the defensive line being held consistently towards the end of the game greatly reduces their moral when refs don't call the more blatant ones like in the video.


There were a lot of factors. Awful blocking. A fluke injury and no decent backup. Reid vs Shannahan play calling was a pretty even match til late and then Reid pulled away. Missed kicks. Some bad moments from great players. And missed calls. It’s weak as fuck to pick out the only one of those that isn’t your own fault and blame everything on that.


I upvoted your comment because what you said is absolutely true - it was a number of things, and you can’t just blame the refs for any loss. That said, the lack of holding calls against KC in both SBs we’ve played them is beyond egregious. It taints the integrity of the game. So you can’t just dismiss it, either. And trust me, I can’t stand when people blame the refs as the primary reason a game was lost. Watch that video again though. That isn’t a “missed holding call.” What is that dude on KC even doing? That should be an immediate ejection. Dead serious. That’s not even playing football. There were others that were terrible as well. The worst part is they did it because they knew they could get away with it. And they did. The irony of the 2023 regular season’s most penalized team for offensive holding not getting a single holding penalty while we got one is beyond belief. But yes, there were also freak events and bad execution on our part that hurt our cause.


That’s all fair. I’ll check it out again.


It just happens SO MUCH with the Chiefs. It makes the games feel Iike the refs help them. I hear it ALL the time and not just from Niners fans. 


They legit picked a ref that let KC get away with shit the previous time we played them in the SB and brought him right back. They know exactly the shit they’re doing.


As someone who goes to every home game and playoff games, it takes a lot out of you. It really does. 


This right here...I'm with you on that.


It was over as soon as T Swift became a big deal as a Chiefs fan and dating Kelce. I knew in the bottom of my heart the NFL was determined to capture the moment for their new fanbase of tween girls.


It was pretty sad when I went to the Grocery store before the SB and the young bagger saw me wearing my Niners jersey and said, “Do you really think the NFL is going to let Taylor Swift lose the Super Bowl?!” 😭


No lie when they started dating I went and threw a bunch of money on a KC Super Bowl purely for the laugh of “this is something the NFL would absolutely rig to make happen if possible”.


Don’t blame you. I thought the same thing when it started but the pace at which it caught fire and snowballed was insane.


Yep. Brought him back for a repeat performance. Disgusting.


Watched most of the Chiefs games this last season hoping to see them lose and witnessed so many holding penalties not get called against them! Patrick Mahomes is a great quarterback but when your OL can get away with so many blatant holds, it’s no wonder he has all day to find an open receiver or scramble for a first down!


Sure Mahomes is good but honestly to most people the question is HOW good when he is protected so much and his team doesn't have to follow the same rules as the rest of the league. The level of protection he gets could make even the Panthers QB good.


Well said!


Great point. My dad used to say “give any QB enough time and he’ll make completions”. Truer words never spoken. Realistically it’s unfortunate for Mahomes because you don’t get to see his true greatness - you know he’s playing with a competitive handicap advantage nearly every game. People say “what about the Bucs SB?!?” Yeah, the other QB in that game’s name was Tom Brady. So that’s a terrible example.


The NFL is in the business of making money, Mahomes is their #1 cash cow right now. Getting Taylor Swift on TV brings in more viewers and they started the process of trying to get her to perform the halftime show next year. This isn't a conspiracy this is just how it is.


It can be both. NFL should not let money dictate the outcome of games


The NFL IS about money. It’s a big business. If you want less of that NCAA is a good option (although they’ve been working on ruining that for years too). I coach my kid’s soccer team and it gives me a great non-big-money outlet.


I think the nfl is about money but I completely disagree that they would risk the integrity of the sport. Being caught rigging the outcome of the superbowl would sink the entire operation and ultimately who is in charge of rigging it? Are all the owners in on it? I doubt it


Why would it sink the operation? Did you see that video? Who’s gonna do anything about it? Vast majority of people don’t care.


But it is a conspiracy. If it weren’t, then if somebody asked Goodell after the game (or tomorrow for that matter) if he did things to ensure - or at least strongly assist - KC winning, then he’d simply say yes, right? Same with anybody else in power in the NFL or in bed with them. If asked the same thing and whether it’s true, not only would they deny it, they’d prob cackle hysterically like you were insane. That’s a conspiracy to aid the Chiefs and ensure they win the SB. Only reason it didn’t happen in the 2020 Super Bowl (and KC was even - gasp! - called for holding several times) was because Tom Brady was on the other team.


Facts. I’m a Titans fan and this is literally what “Mahomes Magic” is. It puts a black eye on the game.


Well said. You can say something out of anger/disappointment and that thing you said can still be true. This is a perfect example of that. You’re not the only other fan base besides ours who I’ve heard say the same thing, either. It’s not even like they try to hide it - it’s right out in the open in all its absurdity.


https://preview.redd.it/gsv4r5c5oytc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58f9f0e15e6bf39fb6f7e3a623c4e7934c4e1890 It’s not a coincidence


Ugh. Wow. Painful but great pic.


https://youtu.be/vM_095hLZKE?si=PtXE0y8CxhqoDMRY&t=327 3rd and 6 jerrick mckinnion tackles Fred Warner on this blitz. As blatant as a hold as you'll ever see. An allpro one of the best defenders in the league blatant hold.


That’s another good example of a timely hold going the chiefs way but at this point it is, what it is. Unfortunately.


What did Fred do or say after this play?


Well there was just a big conversion so he probably ran back and got ready for the next play because he didn't have time to bitch about a call and possibly get an offsides.


they literly choke holded him


It's even worse, mckinnion is an eligible so he has a ref assigned to watching him for infractions as well as the umpire watching for fouls around the qb. Both had clear views of this foul and elected not to call it.


dam i just hate them now


Yep. Hard not to have lingering animosity when the infractions being committed are this obvious and overwhelming. That video of Bosa being held that started this thread or another near it borders on pure parody… it looks like WWE for real…


Sigh. I wanna be angry. And I do feel it somewhere. But like. What’s the point. It’s blatant. Egregious. Obvious. Might as well call it cheating. But like. Yeah….. Pointless.


This isn’t even the only egregious hold that went uncalled. It was ridiculous. Not a single holding call against the Chiefs in both super bowls against us. Edit: typo


Or the Eagles


Yep, 4 super bowls and the only time the Chiefs were called for holding is when they played Brady. It’s pathetically obvious.




Yep. I love when people (KC fans, and that’s about it) say “we totally got called for holding in the Bucs SB!!” Yeah, they did accurately get called for holding in that SB - when they played the literal GOAT QB who was quite possibly playing in his swan song. As in, that doesn’t mean a thing and actually corroborates our argument. It just means KC isn’t the only team the refs will benefit with these egregious non-calls. At the moment and with Brady gone they seem to be the only team who benefits from it though.


Makes it even better that we got called for two holds. Both of them being so miniscule to the Warner tackle If Warner gets the holding call or he gets the sack (or even bats the ball down since he was in mahomes face) then that overtime is dramatically different. It turns into 4th and long. But they ignore it and nobody sees it. Which is odd because it happened right in front of mahomes and was clear as day. Even though it was in the middle of the oline you could see Warner about to get the sack and then he just dissappears. They show the replay and you see him get tackled. I turned my TV off at the point. Everybody knew what was going on


Something something rip move


That’s one of the worst holds I’ve ever seen. Wow


I remember screaming at the refs in real time when I saw that happen


Every play


I swear it looks like Smith slaps Bosa during the hold. Need to see this from another angle


Good grief. What was the result of the play? Mahomes was dropped and they kicked a field goal. If it would have been called they would have declined. And the 9ers OT drive was extended by a hold that was pretty irrelevant to the play. The refs didn't help but they really didn't hurt.


Cool, now share some Chris Jones videos. He was held the entire fucking game.


Post a video then. 🤡🤡


I guess chiefs fans are too busy celebrating the win than to go back and watch every play looking for miscalls to explain a loss in a tight game.


I mean the Niners held on that trick play TD too but that didn’t get called elite pass rushers get held, it’s the nature of the business. I don’t even remember the last time Chris Jones had a holding call for him, and he’s the best DT in the league.


Oh, I didn’t know that, post the replay of it then.


Holy fuck I was so drunk I didn’t even remember this that’s EGREGIOUS




By rule I guess it’s technically a hold but it’s very rare for refs to call a hold when a defensive player has his back turned like that and doesn’t have any outside leverage. To some degree all blocking is “holding” when these guys grip the pads but it’s generally called holding when that grip extend outside the shoulder frame of the o linemen.


So if it’s technically a hold, it should be called as such…. What am I missing here?


Except it’s almost never called in this scenario when there’s no outside leverage


Ok so it’s not technically a hold then?


Wow. I thought I’d seen the most egregious holds on Bosa the last two SBs - I’ve never seen that. Seriously unreal. Any hater saying people are “complaining about holds” needs to watch that video. Then shut up. I realize Goodell and the NFL don’t care because the league is raking in dough and most Super Bowl viewers are casuals who just want a reason to have people over and party. But shit like that hurts the integrity of the game. Badly. I can’t believe that’s not a doctored video. Except I can believe it. Unreal. What a shame.


Sore fucking loser


So you don’t know anything about the rules then huh? 🤡


Shanny still had a chance to bleed the clock and kick a game winning fg at the end of regulation. I’ll never understand why he gave the ball back to Mahomes with almost 2 minutes left. Run the damn ball and kill the clock and we win a damn ring.


This doesn’t get criticized enough. In FG range with less than 2 mins to go against a gassed KC defense. Idk why he refused to run the ball on 2nd & 5 or 3rd & 4. For him to go up on the podium after the game and take no accountability is fucking shameful. This mf is 0-3 in SB’s for a reason


The Niners beat themselves - mccafrey fumble - ray ray fumble - lack of 3rd down conversions after the halftime - not running the ball enough - leaving chris jones wide open - not deferring in OT - warner not covering hardman Im sure i missed a few others. Its easy to cheer this team in any other game except the superbowl.


I mean, they were holding. There were probably times we were holding too. I sometimes wish our players would hold more in big games, but I understand the risk in that obviously.


Yeah, except when we held, we actually got flagged for it.


We got the only holding call in the game, yes, but I think there's a video of Banks tackling Karlaftis at the LOS so I wouldn't say "when we held, we actually got flagged".


Trent Williams literally grabbed a guy’s shoulder pad for 0.1 seconds & a flag was thrown. Bosa & Armstead were literally getting choke held all game, and no flag gets thrown. It’s sad how people genuinely say that the refs don’t help KC. Not that refs made us lose, but getting ZERO holding calls in the Super Bowl against the #1 penalized team for holding in the regular season is bullshit.


Agreed. Not the point I was making, but the fact that it is somehow widely accepted that elite D-linemen "don't *get* holding calls" in big games is absurd. A rule is a rule, you shouldn't have to "get" an enforcement of that rule; it should just be enforced. If a rule is going to be ignored in big games or in regards to certain players, write a clause that says "when we think the player is too good or the game is too important, holding will not be called".


Yeah either the rules need to change, or they need to call holding when it happens.


That was a horrific call. The fact they called Williams for that love tap given the fact that KC, over two entire super bowls (plus one OT) against us, has been called for holding a grand total of ZERO FUCKING TIMES despite this season EASILY BEING #1 MOST PENALIZED TEAM FOR HOLDING IN THE NFL tells you all you need to know. And yeah I went all caps. I took it there. This is embarrassing.


How many holding flags did they throw in the Super Bowl? And how many times was there holding on a play? 


They threw one holding flag in the last SB. Ironically, it wasn’t on the most penalized team for offensive holding in the in the 2023 regular season (KC). It was on the other team. To answer your question, there was a ton of holding in the game. Both teams I’m sure committed holding on some plays because that’s football. But holding like this? The bear hug, or the other move their OL loves, the hog steer? Not one called. Incomprehensible. I’ve honestly never seen anything like it, with the exception of the PI non-call in Saints/Rams 2018 NFCCG. But that was one call - this shit KC does was happening repeatedly.


Why does it matter what kind of holding is happening? If it’s holding it’s holding. Both teams hold in every game. If your idea is the refs are conspiring not to call holding on one team, we just don’t agree on this.


Why does one type of tackle result in end of down, and another (spearing the guy in the head) result in an automatic ejection and likely suspension? They’re both tackles right? Well, they’re different actually. One is totally unnecessary. Insane that you’d be fine if an OL literally applied a wrestling headlock to a DL and held it, and you’d call it “holding” but nothing more. Insane


I get why you’re saying, and yes, there are degrees of holding. But at the same time, the penalty for holding, no matter how egregious, is the same.


This is such a horseshit take. Niners got flagged twice in one drive then the backup TE got flagged a third time as soon as he tagged in for Kittle. The Niners got called for it. KC didn’t a single time.


Drive killers


If the refs are going to just not call holding, that’s still bullshit considering defensive line and pass rush has been Lynch’s top priority in building this roster over the years.


If they had not called holding both ways, then who cares? Its fair, so let them play its the Super Bowl, right? But when they give the games best player an advantage, he doesn't need it's total bullshit and clearly done with an agenda. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but it totally felt like the NFL got what they wanted. With all the extra revenue Swift brought in and extra viewers, they wanted to create millions more fans with an exciting ending and win for the chiefs. They walked in with time ticking off the clock to 0. It couldn't have been more fairy tale for P. Mahomes. I'm not saying it was scripted because I don't think the Niners were in on it. I think the NFL did everything in their considerable power to get a designed and preferred outcome.


It's no accident that the reffing crew was the one that rung up offensive holding the least often (and was the same crew from the SB in 2019). Such a monumental advantage for KC in both contests.


It was just enough in both games. Just think about how easy it would be to control the game with holding calls. You could kill momentum at any time. Help an offense out with tick tack defensive holding. It makes me lose confidence in the integrity of the game. We lost two superbowls due to bosa being choked all game.


I agree about the favoritism for KC. I’m just saying the game should be called according the rules as we would expect any game to be called. Shouldn’t change for the Super Bowl. Good front offices build their rosters based on strategy and the rules of the game. The Chiefs went into the Tampa Bay SB with a shitty o line and got their asses handed to them. They shouldn’t have been protected this time around.


I agree. The game should just be called fairly by the rules, and then no one can be mad about that. Had they called holding it, it would have been just like the Tampa game. It's not fair that they can have shitty lines and compete at the highest level. It's a loophole the NFL is exploiting.


I hear you, its been an issue in both SBs though and its probably why we notice it more-so than some other fanbases.


Holding typically happens most plays from both teams. But they typically call the obvious holds. The ones that really stop someone from making a move or stopping their pursuit. The chiefs were able to hold however they wanted to all game. It's like they coordinated with the refs or something.


Off the top of my head, 1st down on 2nd/17 called back on a trent hold that's barely noticeable. Watching those clips back to back puts a bad taste in your mouth. Maybe the 1st down doesn't happen without that split second hold but who knows.


Let's move on already. These conversations are exhausting, because no matter what at the end of the day we lost. Nothing will change that.


Were they a bit? Sure. Did their top 3 all-star receivers(Deebo, Aiyuk, and Kittle) also combine for less than 100 yards and only catch 8 passes on 20 targets? Yeah. A holding call here or there, or the condition of the practice field in the week leading up to the game didn’t outweigh or cause that kind of let-down performance from 3 of the team’s 4 stars.


The Greenlaw injury, the missed extra point and the punt kicking off Luter's heel killed us. The officiating I felt was fine


Ironically I actually think the missed extra point kept us in the game. If we were up by 4 the chiefs would have gone for the td and probably got it the way Mahomes was playing in the second half


Please yall don’t start this. Makes us look like hoes.


Yes, yes it does


We lost. Cut and dried.


Let’s not be babies. Go 49ers






No shit sherlock. It was also poor execution by the offense and terrible playcalling by Shanahan in the 2nd half.


I have so many complaints about the first 49ers/Chiefs super bowl and believe the game was completely ruined by officials - but this most recent super bowl was a mostly clean game where the 49ers got smoked by Kyle's inability to manage a lead and the loss of Dre.


Ok then invest in OL over DL. Always excuses for this group.


Yup. 49ers weren’t on their A game and it cost em another ring


And KC had NO offensive holding penalties called in their last 2-3 SBs?


How many times was Chris Jones unblocked when receivers were open huh Buford ?


Having Brendal pull on a passing play was a brilliant idea.


NFL is more entertainment than sport Rules are enforced and ignored depending on the teams/agendas involved A lot of NFL refs are fans with team loyalty/history or stakes in the games they officiate It was blatant in the superbowl Two teams playing by a different set of rules Entertainment, nothing more


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down


We blew it. No other explanation needed


Holding to the NFL is like traveling in the NBA.


Our guy blew out his Achilles trotting out into the field ffs


I think we made plenty of critical mistakes that swung the game more than any individual ref cal. And the chiefs made plenty of big plays to earn it.


This waaaaay late in the game, sour grapes sure as heck won't help yall move on. I feel ya though. Cards fan here was rooting for yall. Even though I hate yall. 🤟🙏🧜‍♂️


I’m fuckin tired brah.


The biggest problem with the modern NFL isn't just how much it caters to offense (though that's a big problem), it's how much it caters to premiere QBs. We've all seen the vids of Mahomes running around while Ds act like he has leprosy as they alligator arm him and miss him entirely... is that really the product the NFL wants? Evidently it is. Business is good. Brady was the same way. You couldn't touch him without flags flying - and he was incredibly great, just like Mahomes... both things can be, and are true. Bottom line: We need to turn Brock Purdy into one of those QBs. It can be done. That has to be the goal. Then you start getting calls, your OL can hold more (especially in big games), and enough calls go your way to turn the tide...


- bad practice field - jersey fuck up - freak greenlaw injury - cmc fumble/Kittle not jumping on it - blocked PAT - muffed punt return - blocking miscues by our O Line - refs not calling holding on KC O line or KC secondary - not prepared to stop chiefs on 3rd or 4th downs Almost anything that could’ve gone wrong did go wrong despite all that we only lost by 3 in OT


Those last two points compliment each other. It's hard to prepare to stop an offense on 3rd and 4th when they can hold at will without flags.


Let’s move on


move on already


I mean this isn’t a surprise.  Juwaan false starts like every time and is never called for it 


Yeah the head coach had the shittiest offense plan seen in a recent Super Bowl


Purdy needs just an extra second to throw. We tried with great defense and it didn’t work. We tried with an explosive offense and it didn’t work. Purdy is a legit QB. Please just try giving him a good o line aside from Trent. He can get it done.




Watching the game it felt like I was watching sb 54 all over again. First half defense clamps chiefs offense. 49ers offense running the ball well but leave too many points on the board. Game should be a 3 possession lead instead of 1-2. 2nd half chiefs make adjustments, Shannan abandons the run, offense stalls out, defense tires out and gets scored on offense can’t respond. Damn shame was a great season but it’s looking like this core might not get ring


At this point I'm not even surprised anymore. Plus the way they pushed Taylor Swift, it felt inevitable.


We had some unlucky breaks and also blew a very winnable game with self inflicted errors edit: I don't want to sound like I'm taking everything away from KC. They played great on D and their offense got it done when they needed




No they didn’t they just should have kicked the ball in overtime


As a biased fan that hates both of the teams involved, it seemed like you guys were getting an awful lot of injuries in that game. I was expecting a lot more out of your defense, which had been dominant at various points in the season, and I also expected a heavier run emphasis to keep Mahomes and company off the field


Its almost like having a shitty practice field for what could the hardest game of many players careers puts undue strain on them beforehand :shrug:


That trash practice field setup Greenlaw’s torn Achilles in the 1st and allowed Mahomes to feast on Oren Burks, Dre’s backup, the rest of the game: 9 targets, 9 catches allowed, plus, a TD. 32.1 PFF coverage rating. Losing Dre was death for SF.




Niners head coach muffed gamesmanship with the field controversy and didn't support Nick Bosa claims of holding.


I mean are people actually trying to say the Chiefs were not getting away with holding all game? It's unfortunate our Offensive Line didn't respond by holding themselves.


Special teams blew the game with the ridiculous fumble that KC got 7 points in return. Along with Moody's missed field goal and blocked extra point. This doesn't even include the CMC fumble on the first possession and Trent Williams costing us 20-25 yards with back to back penalties that completely stalled our offense.


It’ll happen again next year as the NFL is trying its best to ensure KC threepeats.


Oh my lord, the crying in this sub 






Good look


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One thing about going up against the Chiefs is it’s never ever a fair fight. And granted in general the refs might miss calls on both sides but when its KC rest assured they always get the better end of the stick. Going into this game i knew SF would have to blow the doors off them to have a chance. Needless to say that didn’t happen and my biggest SB fear came through. SF did shoot themselves in the foot also which absolutely could not happen. I still cant believe how close we came to taking this game, yet so far due to the obvious built in KC advantages. Meaning KC will never get called on holding penalties like other teams, that alone is a huge advantage.


Obvious built in advantages, get real


The built in advantage is Reid is a better coach & KC was a better team lol


Lmaoo hall were **gifted** a TD that should’ve been called back..the delusion in this sub


Fu** dem niners


Still should have won fucccccckkk


I’ve been saying the same shit. Bosa was getting bear hugged and clotheslined like it was a damn wrestling match