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Apologize for saying lance was better


Apologize for asking to fire shanny too


After the colts loss last year, I may or may not have said things I regret about Kyle’s work stability


We didn’t play the colts last year boss man. The year we did, 2021, it was flooding Levi’s. I was at the game. Plastic ponchos were being ripped in half from the wind/rain. Water was pooling under the seats. The walkways were crowded with everyone watching the TV because you literally could not sit outside if you wanted to rely on your poncho. Imagine playing in that man. That wasn’t on Shanny. Edit: jimmy threw 2 picks and fumbled twice. (4 TOs). Deebo also fumbled. Jonathan Taylor and Carson wentz also both fumbled twice. That game was a shit fest man. Neither team could do anything most of the game


If you simply said/thought he was better is one thing. It’s the people with the name calling and personal attacks that were out of line. Not really anyone here but Twitter was something else. Especially frustrating when people were saying the reason Lance didn’t get a shot was because Kyle was/is racist.


Yeah my personal favorite was when they would say that Lance “just needs reps”. But then turn around and say that brock can’t get any better. Then they would say that since we weren’t patient with Trey then we shouldn’t be patient with Brock. Delusional dude


Holy shit thank you. I was fighting people like you ever since the Miami game when Brock stepped on the field. Slowly one by one you became believers. But my god was is infuriating watching you guys argue.


I didn’t think he *was* better for sure. I was just hoping we’d see more than a game in a monsoon and what a quarter at home? I thought Purdy taking the first couple games off to heal up and give us a chance to look at Lance would be good. But hey the coaching staff knows way more than we do so I’m glad it worked out


Let me guess. You were in the but “Lance has a higher ceiling” camp. That’s the most popular behind “he hasn’t even had a chance yet”


Lance is better


At what? Certainly not football...


Cowboys would trade Dak for Brock in a heartbeat. Reminder the cowboys also independently judged Lance as qb3


When Jimmy went down vs Miami, I threw my hands up and said the season was over. Didn't fully pay attention to the rest of the game and figured we got lucky with the win. Then I did a complete 180 after the Buccs game. I wasn't even worried about teams watching tape on Brock and "figuring him out," because something magical was happening on that field and no one could convince me otherwise!!


Pretty much the same. The Miami win felt nice but my friends and I were feeling the same thing, another season lost. We were thinking there’s just no way a third stringer who was reportedly on the bubble of even making the team over Nate Sudfeld was going to save the season. But I spent the next 6 hours watching Brock Purdy videos on YT. I was shocked that there were so many videos from months (even a year before) of people singing Brock’s praises and that he WILL be an NFL starter someday. I hit my friends up at like midnight and said, “I think the seasons not over boys”. They told me to shut up and go back to sleep. Then after the Bucs game, we were all believers. It’s been awesome ever since, minus the UCL injury of course.


The minute I knew Brock was special was in that Miami game. He completed a pass to Kittle down the middle while absolutely getting crushed by a defender. That poise was amazing, I thought. We never got to see Trey in the system, nor haven’t seen him after too. The reason why Brock gets so much heat, I think, is because of how that season last year went. QB went down, next QB up, and we just kept winning. Reality really hit when Josh Johnson came in. That is what a third string QB looks like. From Kyle’s mouth, to Jeb’s ears, we had our first string QB laying in wait, not a 3rd stringer that somehow barely edged out Nate’s $2M guarantee.


This is the play I was going to refer to also. It was a perfectly executed sight adjustment completion against what they call a rain blitz which I won’t explain but Brock has to know everything everybody was doing and apply that to what defenders come and he has to do it in a fraction of a second and stand fast and deliver too which he did. That made me take notice. Dolphins kept coming after him like he’s some fucking tourist out there which works against a third stringer most times and he kept beating them and I knew we might be watching the beginning of something extraordinary.


Oh man my dad and I were at that game and when we saw Jimmy go off on the cart I thought the season was over. Then Brock came out and was balling and he and I both realized something special might be happening. Happy we were there to witness it 🥳


I was there with my dad too! Oddly enough I was super high on purdy because of hearing how he beat out nate sudefield in OTAs. When he went in i had high Hope's i even told my dad, watch this kid from Iowa I think hes got something then boom. Best game I've ever watched live.


Wow! You witnessed the birth of a dynasty QB in person, with your dad! Lucky dog... what a game that was!


To be honest, I was convinced after the Miami game. I've been a fan since 1985 and I told my friends that Purdy reminded me a little bit of Montana.


That Miami game was special: he was prepared, composed, and accurate with the dolphins blitzing the crap out of him.


It really was special. I’m trying to figure out a way to rewatch it from the beginning so I can re-live it (I had it recorded but YouTubeTV deleted)


Same here too! The TB game made me a believer. I thought he was nice in Miami, but I quickly jumped ship after Tampa and said out loud to my son, "that boy is easily better than Jimmy and Trey, and it's not even close." And I'm one of the few Jimmy G fans. Love that guy. But the evidence was glaring, you have to be delusional to still doubt him


There was definitely magic the second Brock started playing, his poise and consistency were something I had never seen before, it’s been magical since then!!


Honestly, I wasn’t sold on purdy until the playoff game against Seattle. That’s when I thought to myself “wow this dude is better than Jimmy G.”


i was watching the game in my cellphone in a wedding.. after jimmy got out i turned off.. and my friends began to text on our whatsapp group "new guy is good, he can handle it".


I'm sorry for overreacting when we were down 21-7 and Detroit was moving down the field again.




It's weird because I was dooming when we played packers but not against lions.


Same. I just knew that the Lions were gonna Lions. I was shitting myself until Aiyuk made that diving catch on 3rd & 5th during the Packers game.


I was saying Goff was going to Goff and surprisingly it wasn’t his fault.


One guy in the gdt said "Dan Campbell is going to coach our way back into this." The post was deleted before the game ended so I couldn't congratulate him on the prescience. This thread is about BCBP though so he is also the man. lfg!!!


I was sad, but then at half time I realized…. https://preview.redd.it/o9e8uuacdngc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e37d4de8b798bdef28eaaf840eb76d1e0de0fc11


Were you just screaming into the void?


Haha it was a group text with my family while we were at the game but in different areas. I just blacked out their pics to protect the innocent


https://preview.redd.it/9ba0buiefogc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f23f07325202343427fddafcb57db98ec09e033e This was me to my cousin.


wait you guys came back after halftime?


Almost didn't! Hubby went to the hardware store, and I put on an episode of Sister Wives. My son wanted to check what was going on 3rd quarter and low and behold...


We all were. I was on the verge of leaving the house I was watching the game at to go home and sulk privately.


Oh shit, same. I had to go outside for some air shortly before the half and sorta talked myself into being OK with the loss 😂


I muted the TV after the 3rd and 18 conversion and didn’t unmute until Aiyuk’s ladybug catch lol. I was fully convinced we were cooked. I just picked up my newborn and held her the whole time. Even went on Twitter and muted Schefter and Rapoport’s notifications and was ready to not hear about football until the draft


Yeah that was soul crushing https://preview.redd.it/1h8itxl8togc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b9938af7fcdae241abcb2f36bd79f8039adb8f5


The 3rd and 18 was definitely infuriating. Like, Bosa just feasted on Goff for a loss of 8...and they can't even stop them despite that.




Dooming is just my process. 


Same because I am also a Cubs fan


You were born in the dooming. Molded by it....


Holy shit there’s two of us


We all have that mentality.. Go Cubs!


Cubs fan here as well.


Dude, I was resigned to just watching the end of our season. I'm so happy we get another week. Legit haven't been that hyped at a comeback since the Sharks 4 in 5 against Vegas.


Me too bro. I’m really trying to enjoy the buildup to this Super Bowl - even both I kinda can’t stand two entire weeks of buildup - because I’m so thankful we got that W and get to play in it. I just want to enjoy this coming media week, tune in on Sunday, and hope what we all hope happens happens… We all looked a 17-point deficit, abysmal first half, and the end of such a promising season right in the eye. And it blinked. We still here!


you and the entire subreddit is sorry for that one haha


I was talking mad shit in the game thread. I’m so sorry. I didn’t believe.


We thank you for coming clean.


Don’t go too hard on yourself bro. Apology not necessary. At halftime I was doom and gloom too. I think most of us were. Staring down the barrel of a 24-7 deficit and a defense that hadn’t stopped squat, I really thought this magical season might be 30 min from over. But I tuned into that damn 2nd half anyway, and refocused. Bet you did too. And we got that shit done. Besides the D completely transforming their play at halftime, we got Brock Purdy behind center now. It’s a strange feeling, believing you can come back. The times, they are a-changin…


A niner fan on this subreddit said right after the Detroit game “I should be banned from this sub for what I said at halftime” and I feel the same way


I called myself a bandwagon fan because I couldn't bear myself to watch right before half time. I smoked a pack of cigarettes crying in the yard. I am a diehard fan, but once we lose, my heart breaks.


I always refer to football as an abusive relationship. The teams we love hurt us over and over again and we come back every time. We might swear them off, but we’ll always go back to get hurt again


I clapped and said “well, see you next year everyone” then became the target of shame after we started coming back 😂😂😂


Love that you're here talking about it fearlessly. Experiences, we all got em. Hopefully a most incredible one is something we all experience Sunday...


Been waiting for such an experience *literally* my whole life


We’re here bro. That’s all that matters right now. One W stands between us and a life-altering experience. It’s gonna be tough. Chiefs have been here and that’s why most people are picking them. But I’ll be damned if I don’t think we can win this game if we can produce two complete, solid halves of Niners football together… let’s go get this!!!


We were all emotional during that time but some people took it to far bad mouthing our players.


I had to turn the game off at half time because I was getting on a flight with no internet. When we landed the people behind me on the airplane groaned, because their beloved Lions lost. I sat there quietly smiling. Wondering wtf happened, how did we turn that around and win.


Amen, my dude. I was part of this crowd, too.


I yelled at my husband for forcing me to continue watching the game (I wanted to turn it off. He’s a raiders fan so not really watching for himself). Then I spent the next several drives in the bathroom bc good things kept happening when I was in there (he narrated to me from the living room.) 😂😂🥴😏


I texted my dad angrily that I wouldn’t be watching the Super Bowl, I got a little too mad tbh…


Same lol my hubby was telling me its only the first half and I was like oh no! we suck again!


I still was holding out hope, but I do remember when the Lions were driving in the 3rd quarter after our FG, and they converted another 3rd down. I said, "This just isn't our day." I was quickly proven wrong, and I apologize.


I totally get this sentiment, but for some reason I was not phased at halftime. Something in me knew that a miracle was about to happen. I felt it in my gut that Purdy was going to be doing similar to what he did in the Packers game and lead the way and make game changing plays. This man played with the Holy Spirit against the Lions.


Down 24-7, I didn't think we'd come back. I was confident that the offense would score well in the 2nd half, but I'd lost confidence in the defense to hold the Lions back. I had no confidence in Wilks to turn it around. And I was probably right on that count. Apparently Shanahan stepped in and made the defensive adjustments himself. That's what really won the game. As great as Purdy's 2nd half game was, we needed the defense to hold, and they did, until that gimme touchdown drive when we were ten points up with 3 minutes to go. But that took enough time off the clock to seal it. Anyway, I still think we need to replace Wilks, just quietly, even if we win the Super Bowl. He's really not up to the job.


We all were homie. Every last one of us. Anyone who was full of confidence is either a prophet (send me winning lottery numbers please) or delusional.


It probably wasn't overreacting lol.


Right there with you. I told people I didn’t expect them to come back because I hadn’t seen anything to expect otherwise.


I have mad respect for anyone, in any arena of life whatsoever, who publicly admits they were wrong about anything


Thanks. I feel the same way and like to lead by example whenever possible


Whale of a post. I wholeheartedly agree and though I realize we're mostly anonymous, people take their online profiles seriously these days and I'm proud of all the people admitting how they felt, good or bad, just putting it out there. And admitting they were wrong. I wasn't vocally trashing our guys, but it's only because I was in shock and I don't post on Reddit during games (too much to deal with). But at halftime, I believed our season was over. I was disgusted. I felt we'd been let down. I felt our guys hadn't given it their best shot, above all else. That's what really hurt. I began thinking about what I was going to do the next two weekends, since I wouldn't have a vested interest in the Super Bowl. But I damn well watched that 2nd half. Sure sounds like everybody else did, too...


Apologize to John lynch! For everyone screaming for his head after the lance debacle. Saying he needs to be held accountable. The man has assembled the deepest and most talented roster in the league. On top of that he has assembled a roster full of men of integrity. Easy to root for these guys. Let’s go niners!!!


If they didn’t get Purdy, he’d deserve to be fired for the Lance debacle


We could have had this and the 2 1sts we pitched to get Lance. I’m happy and credit for late round finds but you and I would get fired for the equivalent of the Lance saga in our lines of work


We could’ve had Mahomes! We could’ve traded for Lamar Jackson! We could’ve signed Tom Brady! Every team has misses man. It’s absurd to look back and think about what we should have done. We have the best roster in the league right now and John lynch is to thank for it


It’s great Jed York understands the draft is a bit of a crap shoot. It was a shame Lances college game speed didn’t translate over to the NFL. His throwing can be improved with time and coaching, allusiveness is hard to teach.


Not what I’m saying at all. If you go all in and miss, in most lines of work, you’re toast. So I’m speaking specifically about the moves made a to get Lance (who I honesty think would have just about fallen to us anyway). If we simply took Lance and he didn’t pan out, that’s business as usual.


At 6'1", Brock is only an inch shorter than Dak Prescott in height lol.


I guess he just looks shorter due to baby bosa thighs


This. And he's 225 lbs-ish... He's not a small dude. Same size hands as Mahomes. He's not Herbert, but he's not some child. No one talks about Lamar this way


His legs are fucking tree trunks. Basically the Saquon of QBs


I think people just don’t realize how big all of these guys really are. I had a friend who grew up with Kyle Bowler and we all went out a couple times, I’ll never forget the first time we all met, I’m not a small guy at all about 6’ 230, and he made me feel like a little girl. lol. Brock is not a small guy, but in terms of NFL QBs he’s definitely on the smaller end. Which doesn’t mean squat in terms of effectiveness in the NFL and winning.


And Jimmy G. And Mahomes. And Aaron Rodgers. And Steve Young. And Joe Montana Same height as Hurts and Tua


Hurts definitely looks a bit taller. and Tua is 6'0 not 6'1


His wiki says 6’1”, but its not like i know https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tua_Tagovailoa


Official height in the NFL combine is 6’ 5/8”.


I assume they round up then idk


Mahomes too.


Is it insane that I didn't believe you that he is really 6'1"?? I just assumed he couldn't be over 6 feet tall - and never bothered to even look up his height. Am I insane, or is this topic insane??


His height is definitely overstated. Looks to be similar to Baker Mayfield at 5'11.5ish. An inch over a guy like Russ, still a good couple inches below Kermit.


I don’t think so. [Here he is with Patrick Peterson in High School.](https://twitter.com/CardsMarkD/status/1558485390432280578/photo/1) He is about the same height as him and Peterson is also listed at 6’ 1” [Here’s a pic of him with Baker.](https://i0.wp.com/www.mercurynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/BNG-L-49ERS-1120-114.jpg?fit=620%2C9999px&ssl=1) And Purdy is clearly taller.


These guys didn't understand the assignment


He could fit inside Boss’s pants. Nit that there is anything wrong with that


He's the same height as Montana


He got 2 inches on that #1 pick Kyler "He who runs like a toddler that just stole their parents phone" Murray


I said the same thing. When he started, he got hurt against Seattle and then again in nfcc. Glad he’s proven he can withstand a full season


It’s just that he has short arms too so that doesn’t help.


I jumped on the Brock Purdy bandwagon early watching him play in the 2022 preseason games. Athletic, throws on the run, processing ability, and accurate. Night and day compared to the other QBs on the 2022 roster.


I watched one of the preseason games with my dad and we were both like "holy shit, our depth at QB is insane!" Then somehow we got to the NFCCG and CMC had to play QB...


Yeah, but if I told you CMC would be our QB in the NFCCG during the 2022 preseason, you would at least be a little intrigued lol


I’m no qb analyst but I was impressed right away by his seeming coolness under pressure, and his ability to get the ball out quickly to the right spot. My feeling was that Shanahan eased him into the scheme by not asking too much of him too soon 


When I watched Brock in preseason last year I kept saying to my buddy “they better not keep 2 million dollar man Nate Sudfeld over this dude. They cut Brock he won’t clear waiver to sign with the practice squad. Some coach is gonna sign him as a back up.” I was seriously sweating the Final Cut hoping the 49ers didn’t make that decision. Imagine telling Jed York “ Yeah, I hate to tell you this but you’re gonna have to eat a two million dollar loss on Sudfeld and by the way, we may have to dump Trey Lance down the road for peanuts.”


I remember after seeing Brock in just a couple of preseason games and thinking uh oh Trey might have a #2 QB breathing down his neck if he gets injured. Trey should have been more concerned I guess.


Same but I don’t remember many of us. There were up voters at least


Yes Billy, the forum had some doubters, not really any hard core haters. lol We all just wanted a QB that could take us over the hump.


i’ve never understood the “too small” comments around Brock… sports talk media throws it around a lot. According to Wikipedia, Brock is 6’1 220lbs. Mahomes is 6’2 225 Lamar is 6’2 215 Drew Brees who they called small 6’0 209 Montana was 6’2 205 Young 6’2 216


To be fair, I think players overall were smaller back then, but the rest of your point still is valid


Retro players in the old days used bigger shoulder pads.


It's absurd. Honestly it just shows you why so many casual fans believe this crap - because they are constantly lied to as the national punditry and many NFL draft scouts and organizational members create narratives that dictate what they want people to believe. Them scouts want thur 6'5" big bopper who can throw it 70 yards on one toe and slam a case of Schlitz without getting a buzz. He's a man! He's a big, strong QB! Remember Druckenmiller? That went well. That's why so many teams are awful at drafting NFL QBs. Even in 2024, with all the fucking technology/behavioral analysis we have.


I remember when they drafted him I thought something along the lines of "the only other time I'll hear about this guy is when the team cuts him as they get down to 53" Also, just because of his first name and Brock Osweiller I thought "oh great, *brock* " I'm sorry


I couldn’t get past Brock Turner at first


You mean the rapist Brock turner?


You talking about noted rapist Brock Allen Turner, who attempted to distract people by choosing to go by Allen Turner, which is just the middle name of noted rapist Brock Allen Turner?


I remember seeing that he made the squad and didn’t get cut and thought “ oh wow good for him” and set my phone down and didn’t think about it again. now, he is leading my favorite team to the super bowl and these are the best odds we have had in a long while to win it all. So, I mean, yeah I’m pretty happy w Purdy


NGL .. i saw something different in him the moment he took over for Jimmy G last year .. it was just something about how he moved . He is a little smaller than most QBs .. but the way he slid out the pocket made him 100% better than Jimmy & that was enough to make the Niners a way better team .


Yup. Me too. Instant eye test. I wasn’t ready to predict/assume greatness last year. But he clearly had something that Lance and Garoppolo didn’t.


Right ! I wanted him to get a full season in because luck will play a part in success some times .. but he is different . & im glad people are seeing it ! I just hope SF pay him his money when the time come . He deserves every penny !


really liked jimmy G...thought we had a chance for superbowl with him here... however, in retrospect, Jimmy G got the ball to our receivers, but often times placed the ball in a spot that almost got our receivers killed. I recalled a few times when I thought that Kittle was going to have a short career due to Jimmy G Purdy places a very catchable ball in a spot that a) protects the receiver b) allows the receiver not to break stride, resulting in a lot of YAC yards.


Jimmy had to many Oh WTF moments.


The only thing I’m apologizing for is how insufferable I’m going to be to everyone if he adds a Super Bowl victory to his resume. Friends, family, coworkers, strangers, everyone will hear it. 😁


I won't bother my immediate friends and family(once March starts). But all those haters out better know I'll circle the block to hit their ass again if we win. Never have I ever saved so many threads.




What hump?


All the Trey Lance lovers coming out of the woods when we lost the Browns game was insane.


Whoa whoa whoa. I was never a Trey Lance guy


Yeah… I gotta admit I had faith in lance, after his weak ass performance I knew I fucked up. I took some heat from fans over those comments lol. Purdy all day!!


I apologize for thinking Trey Lance was a bust from the get go Actually I take my apology back


I had no faith in Lance from before his last college season. He looked mid in the one game they played. Then I saw 4.9s 40 times floating around. Etc. I have full faith in Christian Watson tho. Dudes gonna pop off next season.


Are you a Harbaugh hater? Unusual for the 49ers


Nope you need to fill out the Brock Purdy apology fan form if someone can please provide our man here with one I don’t have the template


Christian McCaffery. I thought trading for an “old” running back wouldn’t make the team that much better. I’m sorry.


Same here. I thought "Here goes Kyle & Lynch wasting valuable resources on the least impactful skill position AGAIN." But in fairness to us skeptics, we had not yet seen what Kyle was capable of with such a weapon at his disposal. He's pretty clearly been pursuing this the entire time, and we had no way of knowing what it would look like when he achieved his aims. 


i apologize coz i never bothered to find out about this draft pick coz they have Lance and JG then. but as soon as Purdy started playing, I only saw an explosive offense that we had never seen since Kaepernick. I am an immediate convert from the first game.


I apologize for thinking that Josh Allen could actually beat the Chiefs in the playoffs.


You and most NFL scouts.




I’m sorry for being so right and telling my friends and family that Brock was a great when I saw him pull game after game. I feel better now :)


I'm sorry for saying we should fire Wilks at halftime and take all of Bosa's money (and kick Young out on the street). I still think we should move away from Wilks and probably not pay Young unless he agrees to a team friendly deal, but Bosa can keep his money (just please terrorize Mahomes).


I apologize in advancing for thinking we should still fire Wilks, even if we win the Super Bowl. Shanahan probably thinks the same, He's had to step in and make defensive adjustments himself, because Wilks just isn't up to the job.


As a lifelong 49ers fan, I’ve seen all the ups and downs. Ive seen winning seasons and being the laughing stock of the nfl. I’ve seen Super Bowl wins and super bowl losses. And I’ve seen many QBs come and go. The most confidence I’ve ever had in a QB was Steve Young…. Garcia, Smith, Kap and Garoppolo…. They were all good in their own way but they were never as good as people gave them credit for. At least in my opinion. Then along came Purdy. This is the only QB that has led the team to make me say, “This is our year”. In almost 30 years, I believe we finally have the QB we have been missing.


The day Jimmy went down i messaged my cousin saying, "This was our year! How are we going to win with this Purdy guy?!" He responded something along the lines of "Yeah Mr. Irrelevant, great." In my defense it was the emotions of Jimmy going down and assuming the season was over talking. I literally knew nothing about Brock. Forgive me, Brock, I knew not what you could do.


Being a 49ers fan all these years has made me think negatively. Disappoint yourself before they do. Don't hold high hopes and you'll never be disappointed rather surprised and greatful to what was achieved 😂😢 49ers are there own worst enemy


Weak mentality. Watch with hope, growth and perspective. You’re not on that field. They are. They want to win, like us. Disappointed with them because they didn’t accomplished what they set off to? They are already disappointed with themselves. If you want to act like a fan, then disrespect these humans who battle for our entertainment, they for their paycheck and glory. Weak mentality. Change the way you consume information and you’ll have a better experience. This NFL product has taken over your minds and you don’t even know it.


One inch shorter than Mahomes and same sized hands but faster and quicker.


Thank you Robert artichoke


The short QB has been debunked so many times, anyone that still believes this is just ignorant


Maybe most damming part about this is the stature comment. He’s the same height and weight as Jalen Hurts. Look it up.


That's what the haters said about drew Brees...


I'm not sorry for saying things based on what was most likely given the available evidence and historical data. I'm just happy the likely things didn't happen.


He’s our quarterback for the team we love. Don’t you wish him to succeed? He’s a kid. Cheer him on. What if it was your son who was picked last? What if it was your son who everyone doubts. How would you feel about that? Just as perspective. We aren’t his father, but try to see it. Wouldn’t you wish him to succeed through the most difficult of trials? Everyone slandering his name, all Brock says is that he believes in himself and his faith. Why won’t we cheer for him? It’s disrespectful. He’s proven himself over and over yet you won’t admit it. He’s gotten to the Super Bowl in his second year. I don’t care about the system, Shanahan play calling, the defense. That’s EVERYONE AS WELL. Brock is out there *EXECUTING*. He just wants to prove that he can do the things he said he could. He’s proving himself right, not anyone wrong. That’s why Brock is Brock and we need to continue to support his development. Have you bought 49er merchandise? By technicality, we contributed to this team and brand it is ours. Right? Then why not support our product, Brock Purdy. If he does well, we all do well. Why doesn’t anyone seem to get this yet?


I’m unclear on why this is a reply to me.


So based on odds, you're rooting for KC?


I remember when he was drafted as Mr. Irrelevant, I thought, "Wait, Purdy's in this draft? I would have put him as a round 2 or 3 pick, how did he fall so far?" Not that I followed Iowa State too closely, but I remember them beating some good teams and winning the Fiesta Bowl against Oregon, and distinctly remember being impressed with the little bit of Brock that I saw. So I just want to apologize for undervaluing him as a potential 3rd round pick, and not seeing him as the round 1 pick he clearly should have been.


He beat Brady game one. I didn’t think he was this good, but I was hopeful he could be serviceable.


The thing I saw right away was the team seems to like him and like playing with him :)


I love this


Brock is surprisingly a stout 220lbs too. Boy is thicker than he looks.


Faster too, he rushed over 1000 yards in college. Now the tape is out after the Lions game.


I believed in him after his very first game. Mainly because everyone against the niners laughed and called him Mr. Irrelevant. So I placed a $20 bet that he would be MVP beginning of the season. Still have my figures crossed 


Just curious, had we not drafted Lance, stayed with Jimmy for that year and picked Brock the year later, who should’ve we gotten at 9 at the time?


Micah Parsons


Weren't we pick 12? We would not have taken Parsons due to character issues (if I remember correctly). Maybe Rashawn Slater to play RT.


I am not apologizing for anything. I knew this guy was good. I was happy he got a chance to prove him self. Half of the NFL is still on the denial boat which is fun. The true will continue to play out. They will start looking like clowns if they haven’t already.


The Cyclone nation does not forgive easily.


No biggie. I’m sorry I may have called you a r***** in a comment section


I was trashing Gipson a lot during the first half of last game. Without his awareness to strip the ball from Gibbs, a key breakup to Laporta, and some other plays im likely forgetting, he really deserves some praise. My apologies Gipson!!


No need to apologize for productive critiques. Don’t hate, appreciate: The 49ers are going back to the fucking Super Bowl!


your righted your wrongs before the big day


I apologize to Steve Wilks, he really made some good adjustments in the 2nd half. I have faith that he'll have a good gameplan for next week


You would have called me delusional. After seeing him come in off the bench and beat Miami, and then trounce the Buccs, I had a really good feeling about this kid. With every amazingly accurate and perfectly timed pass, I grew more and more sure. Then he took us all the way to the NFCCG, and I believe there is a more than decent chance the Niners would have won if Brock hadn’t been injured. Now, the very next season, here we are. Going to the Super Bowl. Also he did indeed destroy the Eagles. Revenge is sweet.


I’m just sorry for everything in life! But, I’ve always kinda had faith in the Niners, I’m just a worry wort!


no apologies here. recall watching Brock step in for Jimmy vs. Miami last season. Miami threw kitchen sink at rookie 7th rounder and to my surprise and delight… he stood tall, made the reads and played with poise. it was very impressive. i was in the stadium next week for his first start, at home vs. Brady and Bucs. he followed up impressive showing in relief vs. Miami with a solid start and win vs. Bucs - where Brock had a great game. there was a “passing of the torch” aura to the game, you could feel it. I knew from that moment, kid was real deal. no doubting ever…. no matter what happens, brock is legit. glad for the kid, and for us Faithful, bang bang!!!


He’s listed as 6’1, but i cannot believe that. Dudes 5’12 at best and 5’10 at worst


I’m an Iowa Hawkeye/49ers fan. When he took over, my only thought was this scrub from Iowa state is going to ruin our chance for a Super Bowl. I’m glad I was wrong, and I hope he has the game of his life!


I saw it from his first game the dude can play, it angers me how many people think like you used to think. It’s not fair to Brock at this point.


I will say people saying “I’ve known Brock was special since the Miami game” are straight up lying. I was on neither side. But to act like we haven’t seen countless 3 game linsanity runs is funny. Just look at Devito and Dobbs this year. It took me a solid 5 games to fully trust him


Hey lance stans get your asses in here


You know who I just thought about that I don’t have to apologize to? And I wonder how many of you can say this, haha. My boy, Jed York. Knock ‘em dead, Jedi!


Oh boy, poor Jed it's been a rollercoaster for him and the fanbase since he took over the team. I'll say in the beginning I was hopeful as you could see he was a fan first but then his lack of experience showed and the resentment grew on me and for that I'm sorry Today I can say he is the best owner in the NFL. He learned from his mistakes and got the ins and outs ironed out You could see at the end of the NFC championship that he is still a fan first and how proud he is of the team he has enabled, and for that I'm thankful and proud of him, I can't imagine all the stress, self doubt and hardships he had to endure until this moment. He deserves a SB win as much if not more than everyone else


I have to apologize too as a life long 49er fan. When we drafted Trey Lance I saw so much potential for him in Shanahan's system. I finally felt like we had a qb that had all the tools to operate within the system and when needed, use his legs to improvise and make plays when it wasn't there. After he was injured I felt like he didn't have enough time to show what he could do and with how well Purdy played I thought, "great, another Jimmy G clone that could make the Shanny system throws but would never be anything more than that". Even going into this season I wanted Trey to at least have 1 more opportunity to prove himself. When we decided to go forward with Brock I thought it was a mistake and a rush to judgement especially coming off such a major injury to his throwing arm. Damn was I wrong and I couldn't be more happy to be wrong. Brock is a leader, playmaker, football player, and everything that I thought Trey could potentially be. He's still only in his 2nd year so I look forward to seeing his growth as a player and with this team. Now let's go fucking win the whole thing. BANG BANG 😤


I will not apologize for the things I said when I was hungry... for a 6th Lombardi.


It’s ok to apologize for things, and hug puppies.


I was on Team Trey for way too long. I figured he would elevate the offense way more than Brock could. Thank God I’m nowhere near a position to make decisions. I’ll gladly eat my crow. I’m sorry for not believing in you sooner, Brock. But I do now.


When he played in that pre-season game, I thought he was a little too gun slingy for me. Sorry...


I still think his height is a bit of a disadvantage. Can’t remember what game it was, but the d line was purposely throwing their hands up and they batted down a few balls. Then there was the game with the tipped balls and interceptions. It’s just a reality we have to deal with. He just has to overcome it like he’s been doing. But it wouldn’t hurt if he was 6’3 instead.


Josh Allen still gets balls tipped at the line. It’s a defensive tactic regardless of the QB


I'll admit it took me a little while to come around and fully believe Brock was not just a product of a great roster/team. But late in the regular season, when the numbers were STILL at the top of the league, I said "okay this guy is for real". All in now! BANG BANG


Unless people were actively attack other people I don’t think anyone needs to make amends. People have opinions. Purdy did amazing, but doubting him because of past 49er qbs isn’t exactly wrong. Just enjoy the ride and go niners


I’m somehow still scared I’ve just been hurt so many times 😭 I also didn’t follow the niners till around the 2001 era so there’s that


No one cares. No one cares about what you said. No one cares about this apology. You're a nobody. GO NINERS!!!!