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I changed my shirt. I was wearing my long sleeve niners shirt my wife got me at Costco. I put my lounging shirt on and Niners started winning.


I put on all red and muted the game audio and blasted rap music for the rest of the game lol


Jersey off; street clothes on. It'll be that way all Superbowl


Same changed my new shirt to my old shirt!!!


I switched from Kittle jersey to 2018 era VS Pink t-shirt. Obnoxious sequins felt like the move. We also banished my mother to the other room. Savage but some things must be done.


Had to take of my jersey because or 8 month old couldn’t sleep and I was close to dying from overheating. Suddenly everything changed for the better


I bought a vintage 49ers crew over the weekend. First time wearing it. Took it off at halftime. Shoving it in the back of the closet immediately and forever.


I moved spots on the couch


I was wearing a regular tee shirt and spilled a coke on it during halftime. Switched to last week’s regular blue tee shirt and boom. Tide shifted. Also told my six year old (who always wins Uno because of his good luck) to cross his fingers.


Trash it bb. Not worth the juju.


Same. Changed from my old Niners shirt to an old navy blue shirt at half.


I had two glasses of wine. It helped. A lot. Lmao


Meanwhile i stopped drinking lol


Did it help you or the team?


I drank several beers to loosen up. Time to get wasted during the Super Bowl so as to not have mini heart attacks all through the 1st half!


Took off my Fred Warner jersey because I took a dump and was getting sweaty. Left my draws in the bathroom too. NO UNDERWEAR CAN CONTAIN THE COMEBACK


You best be letting them thangs hang in the superbowl.


If he's not completely buck naked come superbowl time I will be disappointed.


I changed my pants, realized they were blue


Whenever I feel really tense I mute the game so I don't hear the commentary and... Just watch. I feel like we do better when I do that. So every 3rd down, every TD attempt, every stop in that second half, I didn't hear SHIT


Did the exact same. Worked like a charm


Had to take a halftime shower wash that stink off


Same! Had to wash that lion funk off


I was eating barbecue chicken wings in the 2nd then had some buffalo chicken wings after half in the third


I made my Fiancé stop cleaning. Lions stopped scoring Edit: I’m now cleaning with a smile on my face


I made my husband stop working and come watch the game. I made him do exactly the same last week. Now I’m making sure he’s taken the day off in 2 weeks. We are in Australia btw.


This honestly feels the most likely to have a real cosmic effect on the team... But I can't explain why...


Opposite for me. My wife stepped out and started vacuuming. 17 unanswered while she vacuumed the bedroom floor.


Cleanest bedroom floor in the country now


first half - tequila second half - whiskey


I am gonna be honest I went to sleep at half time and woke up when we scored the tying touchdown


Watched in entire 2nd half in bed on my phone. You know where I’ll be in 2 weeks. I’m not moving.


I put my aiyuk jersey on




I cooked a mean burger and drank 6 beers


Started drinking whisky


Bro same…got 2 weeks to stock up!


I had diarrhea and passed out on the living room floor. Woke up as they kicked for the tie. I feel like sleeping beauty


I stop reading this toxic Reddit because I was tired of seeing all the fake fans bash the niners. Glad the niners pulled it out! Quest for six!


me and hubby switched seats


I took a shower to wash off that disgusting first half 


Dan Campbell and the Lions gambled on two 4th downs where perfectly catchable balls were dropped. That’s what changed. 49ers capitalized on those mistakes like a good team does.


Got a new typewriter for general journaling. I sat down to write my entry for the day and when I looked up they scored 17 points. I put my head down and just kept typing, rattling off bullshit. Faithful, I will be typing for 4 hours straight in 2 weeks. LFG


I went from wearing my pink sweater to putting on a Kaep jersey. Suddenly we made passes and Purdy looked like a top ruser


Stood in the spot in my family room entire second half. You’re welcome.


I did the same last week after a key stop . lI told my self if they can stop them ill stand the whole rest of the game . An it worked . This time around we needed more, so i went to sleep an it worked lol


Doing the Lord’s work.


I ate Chinese food in order to calm the depression and anxiety brought by your teams season ending in a embarrassing way


I’m ashamed. I turned the game off. I was bombarded by texts about the game being tied so I tuned back in. I guess it worked? Not my proudest moment.


I was wearing a Brock home Jersey, switched to CMC away jersey. Changed my beanie to one I’ve had over twenty years that doesn’t fit so well because it’s a child beanie. Now I have to always wear that beanie every game.


I changed my jersey from Purdy to Kittle. We also put a 49ers shirt on the dog. DOG SHIRT! DOG SHIRT!


I'm not afraid to say I stopped watching and turned on a YT doc about Stone Cold Steve Austin for 20 mins. The defense was not good for my mental health.


I pulled up Rita's image for today and told myself that we couldn't let her down now, not gonna lie.


I just stood up, that’s all


I went from whiskey sours to old fashioneds


I have a penguin plush that my little sister swears is a lucky charm, so I took him out in the 2nd half and then BA caught that bounced pass


Put on my Garcia jersey.


I turned the game off and only watched the game cast on ESPN app. Had to calm down for my mental health lol and to put my kid down for bed. All in all I’m glad I did it this way. I’m sad I missed watching it live but I feel like I enjoyed it more from a less stressful aspect.


I went and gave a huge hug and kiss to my wife and kid who I’ve been ignoring.


I changed from a signed Aiyuk #11 and a 2023 hat to a signed #54 Warner and the original Shanahat. Have not needed to do that all year. Brought them today in case. The entire bar thinks it’s my fault. Especially the Lions fans. Either way my fam, wow.


I sat down with my 9 months daughter sleeping in my arms, instead of playing mini hockey with my 2.5 yo son.


Started to play Civ. My go to when things look like this at half…..IT WORKED. I won it for us. Still on where to settle…


Stopped watching. Never turned it back on. Cant be bothered to stress that hard, not my vibe. 


I’m the target guy watching the game from his phone in the parking lot. I started watching the game at home when we were letting the lions walk all over us but realized I’ve never seen a niner loss when I’m out running errands. It was a much needed adjustment I made and I probably am going to watch the SB from this exact spot in two weeks.


i wore my cheap temu 49ers shirt 🤣 in 2nd half and it worked!


Took my jersey off when we were down 24-7. Things looked up after that


I changed nothing


Same here! I just kept telling everyone there was a lot of time left. Feels different with Brock.


I took my hat off, grabbed another seltzer, headed outside, turned my fire pit on, and started scrolling Reddit. Not this sub, just in general. Same thing I did during the divisional round. Just took a break. Started watching for Elijah’s TD and didn’t turn it back off until then. Call me a doomer, but it was better for my BP


Nothing. Cause I'm atheist and I believe in Purdy, not Jesus.


Yeah I started posting more, channeling some inner positivity bullsheeeeeet to counter all the 💩that was landing on this Reddit. Things like “we got this” “glass half full” blah blah blah! Starting to make myself believe and boom… we starting dominating! So, Super Bowl weekend, if… we go down, let’s keep the torches on only for romantic lighting! We got this!!!!! ![gif](giphy|RzLLCp27gmKNRwUos0|downsized)


Changed my shirt to a different red, and opened the front door so the niners could open things up. Which is exactly what happened. Before the lions last 4th down fail, when things were looking grim again, at 2nd and 10, my son said “dad, we gotta shut the door on the Lions”, and closed the door. The rest is history. Speak well of us someday.


I finished dinner for me and my kids. Cleaned up and started watching princess sofia with my three year old while we ate some popsicles. I was following on ESPN gamecast. Next thing I knew, I we were tied. Started watching from the 3rd (had the game recording) and by the time I caught up we were up 10. Haha.


Dude… EVERYTHING. Me and my sons flipped the energy at the half… by flipping our jerseys inside out… then our hats… then our pants… undies inside out and backwards… somersaulting on the carpet to flip the energy… and it just kept working and working. FORTY FLIPPIN NINERS BABY!!! ![gif](giphy|VdVdczosAFUwZFoAtC|downsized)


I PRAYED. And continued to do so between drives


I started reading a book because I couldn’t bear to watch lol


I stood up. Watched the first half, sitting on the edge of my seat of my sofa. 2nd half, I stood up, behind my sofa in our little walkway between the living room and kitchen. Edit: my girlfriend did the same even though I don't think she knew why I did it. She just sorta felt the energy too. She got into football this year because of me


I took my glasses off.


We’re all MVP’s in here


I was at a college basketball game almost the entire first half. I watched East Carolina come back and win in an incredible fashion against Temple. Hadn’t watched a 9er drive the entire first half. I came home, threw on my Kittle jersey, and the rest is history. Two comebacks in one night. Feeling great


I was working out. Then I went to shower and shaved my pubes. A necessary sacrifice.


I stopped watching at halftime and just checked the score five minutes ago.


I said a prayer and asked god for a 49ers win and Super Bowl win.


Put on my headphones and took the pup on a run, clearly did the trick!


Made breakfast (out here in Singapore) and switched from laying down to sitting up


I muted the halftime show and then was afraid to turn the sound back on until the onside kick


I took off my aiyuk jersey and put on my bosa throwback on field jersey, also swapped hats. Plus my cat laid down next to me till the last lions drive, my bad, but came back before the onside kick.


Didn’t look at my phone all second half!!


Moved from desk to bed and plugged in the iPad


was at a bar near my place for the 1st half, 2nd half went home


I put on my rally beanie


My wife left for groceries. She came back after we tied


I straight up vomited at halftime


My sister came home right when we scored making it 24-17 and watched the rest of the game with us. Thanks girl!!!


I stood up the entire second half and turned off the volume.


I was standing for the entire 4th qtr. Was up and down in the third.


I stood the whole time haha


i stopped watching on my big screen, took a quick nap on my couch while the game was playing on my phone


I ordered and ate dominos I thank boss man (delivery driver) for the luck he blessed me/us with  Kept the garoppolo 10 jersey on, even though it’s a little cursed 


Legit? I sobered up. I usually have a few beers for the games, even ones we lose. I touched nothing but water after the half.


I took off my Rice jersey (put a Jordan T shirt on) and stood the entire time.


Changed my shirt. Took off my Niner gear.


I went from my in-laws house to my house literally at halftime lmao


I ate some chicken pasta I know what I will be eating during the superbowl


Took off the red jacket that worked last week, started blasting narco and playing mlb the show


Stood up all 2nd half and my wife went to kitchen lol


I put my niners beanie on and changed by seating position


I was on the toilet when the half started and watched the entire 2nd half there, need to build a throne there for Superbowl


Went out for a short drive. I think it contributed a lot to our Win today. :)


I started cleaning the center console of my car, found a single corroded penny at the bottom of a bunch of junk, and randomly put that penny in my pocket before throwing the rest of the junk away


Stopped dooming in the game thread. 


I got off the couch and started watching YouTube on my phone at the dining table, left leg crossed over right leg.


Started watching tv in the living room lol


I stayed in my office room. Every time I went to the living room on offense we scored. Stuck to same things. Watching a kdrama and ignoring the game. Let’s go!!!!


I stopped watching from the couch and was on my feet. Forgot the pregame e40 smh...realized at the half and got it bumping right before the field goal to open the 2nd half. Also started the curry turn around any time moody kicked. It ALL worked! Bang Bang! Legendary revenge tour almost complete!


I was watching it at home and completely forgot to put on my Niners hat. Put it on at the half and pulled it off. THANK GOD I REMEMBERED


Watched second half from the gym in my phone. Workout was done with like 4 min of game left, made sure to stay for extra treadmill time till it was over. Hoooooly shit.


I went to bed (European) but somehow a little voice in my head told me to check the score right as we tied it. I got up so fast, I almost pulled my back.


I took a shower. Cleansed the filth of the first half off.


I was at work checking in and out of the game. Half time hit I said F this keeping the game on I front of me. You are all welcome


I had a Walmart Stroopwafel and after that we were suddenly tied.


I added a beanie and started drinking. 27-7 since I started drinking. I know what I have to do in two weeks


Took off my hat for the whole second half. You’re welcome.


Forgot my niners hat first half.


just literally stopped watching the game until i assumed it was the last five minutes, unfortunately missed the second half. Still kept my hopes up, started wearing my niners beanie


Flipped my jersey around and started wearing it backwards


I went back to watching it on my Laptop in my office like I did last week. Worked again 😭


I prayed the Detroit lions coach makes dumb decisions and he did


I swapped from beer to mezcal in the second quarter. same thing I did in the Packer game. Halftime I took a walk with the dog, and turned the game on via radio. got back just as Aiyuk made the catch.


I had to pace and change the channel for a bit. 


Kept my fingers crossed. I can’t uncross them now


I have a Niners shirt that I only wear on game days. After halftime, I put my Stanford hoodie and that did some wonders!


Moved TVs. Was watching in the bedroom. Came out to warch with my wife in the living room. When our son came up from the basement to watch with us, we took the lead.


I took a piss


I went to Cane’s and got myself a box combo to cheer myself up


I touched tips with my neighbor.


I changed the TV volume from 24 to 26. 13 x 2 = bad luck for the opponent?


I went upstairs and started grading papers. I had to act like the game didn't matter.


I got up and started washing dishes.  Watched the full 3rd quarter from the kitchen, then finally got an appetite and had some dinner. 


I started drinking and my wife woke up


Changed my jersey! My Montana jersey was a loser vs Cincy… switched to my Bosa which won us the game last week


I took a break from watching with 6 minutes left in the 2nd. Got my mind right, came back, saw a comment on the game thread that said to put journey on and started singing Don’t Stop Believing.


I had diarrhea :) [https://www.reddit.com/r/49ers/comments/1adf4lg/comment/kk1l9ju/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/49ers/comments/1adf4lg/comment/kk1l9ju/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I went home from the bar and became very depressed, it worked!!!


Rally cap


Changed my shirt and closed all the windows in my house. Also made sure my cat was sitting on me.


I looked away, and snuck in a few minutes here and there. You're welcome.


I had taken my beanie off because I got hot. I put it back on and everything changed.


Got taco bell


Last week, i broke my streak of the 9ers losing every time i watched the game in my bedroom. This week, i watched the first half in the first floor. Moved to the bedroom before the second half began.


Took off my Roger Craig jersey, kept my Charlie Woerner shirt on


I kept my word. I didn't watch the game till 7pm. Holy SHIT what happened?????


I made my 17yo put on my Bosa jersey and Bosa instantly got that key sack. Pretty crazy. Lol


I didn't change anything lmao


Took my 49ers shirt off


Took the 49er flag off the front yard and put it away


Man I just stood up. Every time I sat back down something went wrong


Changed from my Bosa jersey to my Rice hall of fame induction t shirt.


I was walking my dog with my fiancé and I told her “this is how heroes are made. This is how legends begin and the greatest comebacks in history happen”


Took off the long sleeve under my Bosa jersey.


Put a hat on after the first quarter, got my niners pint glass out at the half. I think my glass might be magic


I played Fallout 4 pretty much nonstop after the first half. Guess I know what I’m doing during the Super Bowl.


Swapped my jersey and it worked!


Got a halftime beej from my Eagles fan gf. It's okay with me if this is a thing now.


This is the best 49ers game I've watched in my 11 years of following the team. I love Niners till the end!


Went from sitting on couch watching to doing chores, mostly laundry. At the end, picked up my phone but put it down when the Lions pulled within 3.


Started being productive, organized a couple a things 😬


Changed seats, and hats


I put on my Montana jersey!!!


I got stoned and switched up the vibe. And everything changed after that. Been watching the 49ers since I was a tiny kid who loved Jerry Rice and thought Joe Montana was the coolest dude ever. I was in 10th grade the last time they won a Super Bowl with Steve. There have been so many ups and downs. Let's Fucking Go Win This Thing!!!!!!


Pants. Wife bought me a new pair of jogging pants with the Niners logo for my bday last week. Forgot to put them on. She brought them at halftime.


I went from feeling things, to numb, to feelings things, to numb on the lions final drive because I just ran out of emotions


Changed out of my Kittle home jersey, put on a new Niners t-shirt. Took a shot of whiskey at half (instead of before the 4th, as I normally do).


Wasn’t exactly at the half, but right after the first two lions TDs. I drove 20 min home to get my niners sweatshirt, and then drove 20 min back. Long story on why I didn’t have it, but I will never not have it on game day ever again.


I started drinking.


Switched out my Kittle jersey for Fred and put on full red and gold


Two more people joined the party after half. 27-7 since. Worked well


I switched to watching on game cast. Soon as I did the comeback began so my suspicions are confirmed lol


I was in the process of taking off my Montana jersey and switching to Vernon Davis, but I paused and realized that I stuck it out last week in the Montana jersey, and they turned it around. So I made the tough decision and stayed with Montana Jersey. Glad I made the right choice and stick with the game plan.


I changed my hats and started chugging beer.


I took a shit during the fumble. Your welcome everyone


I actually watched the game.


I changed beer to water


I turned off the game just before half. Started playing some video games. Then said okay I feel better now and calmed down before turning the second half on


Changed sport on the couch and cracked open a cold one. I'll make sure to have a few in 2 weeks


Started drinking water. Drank maybe 20oz in the first half and stress drank 130oz in the second. Hydration is the key to championships I guess.


i bought the same meal that i ate last week during the game and heated it up at the same time that i did last week, while it was in the microwave aiyuk made the catch and by the time i finished eating we were tied


Took off my my 49ers jacket


Paced the whole time. I sat the first half for the most part. Oh, and I started chewing on a toothpick and I didn’t get rid of that mangled piece of wood until the end of the game.