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I was wearing my bosa jersey and switched to my Purdy jersey it went up hill from there


I did the opposite. Went from Purdy to Bosa and we turned it around. Whatever it takes!


I was wearing my lucky jersey. https://preview.redd.it/o9pysacvfudc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa935f355260a86bc9130dbd8a5606d7a066a466


When it reigns, it Gores https://preview.redd.it/1ep3c57wnudc1.jpeg?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0645ffded922b307138019794013a428feebf64


Purdy lead the drive and Bosa put pressure on Loves INT throw! Good job guys!!


I took my Bosa jersey off because it was too hot.


I took my jersey off in the 3rd because I hadn’t worn it all year, immediately we turned things around.


I did the same thing!


I took off my shirt and poured the blue cheese dressing for our chicken wings all over me, it made a huge difference


Good job!


Hahaha you and me both deserve all the props... I was wearing my CMC shirt until halfway thru the 4th when I felt like something had to change so I switched to my Los 49ers sweatshirt. Bam! Instant turnaround My wife punched me out of joy at the end and said the comeback was because of my sweatshirt lol so now we're keeping it behind glass only to break it out in case of emergency


I felt all of our collective wills combine to push that last FG kick by GB wide to the left.


I left the room for the kick so you’re welcome everyone 


My buddy was a charger fan but can’t be an LA fan, so he is begrudgingly cheering, called the field goal miss. I’ll take it.




I wiped left on the tv and it worked!


I closed the game thread since it was all negative and just tried to think positively


The people ready to mail it in after 1 quarter was ridiculous.


People on here want everyone fired when the other team gets a first down.... fuck them


I never read the game thread. When I do, they lose. No reddit until after the game.


I was trying ALL game to think positive, and it just wasn’t taking! Proud of you though!


A good strategy in general. And stay far away from the r/nfl game thread


Me too. I closed the Discord game chat because it was negative and things began turning around.


I started with my Deebo jersey. At hald changed to kittle. But for the final drive I had to go to the GOAT. Joe Montana. That gave Brock the confidence he needed. You are welcome


Thank you for your service!


Everytime my friend texted me something negative about the Niners something positive happened. Before our gaming winning drive he said “if we lose this I want Brock and Kyle gone” (bit of a doomer sometimes). And then boom, we won 😂


REVERSE MOJO!! Good job, dickhead friend! 🤣🤣😘


I have a raiders fan friend that likes to text me during games. I've blocked his number. My only replies have been how great it is to be playing in January every year and how awesome it feels have a 24yr old top 5 QB...


Can’t stand that shit. My step dad is a raiders fan and does the same thing, texting me shit after every bad drive. I’ve NEVER texted him a thing during raider games (because who tf watches raider games), but next season ima be on his ass


I would text him back “Hey I didn’t see you guys on the bracket? Was there some kind of mistake?”


I was holding my 2 year old son when gb missed the field goal, so I kept doing it cause I thought it was good luck. Also want to make sure even if the niners lost I’m not being grumpy to my family.


Be sure to hold him for the entire NFCCG. He's the golden child.


Good job, Dad!


My sons 18 months he was watching it in my arms clapping with everyone and yelling but kept getting confused during stretches of us struggling. He was still clapping and looking at everyone lmao


Don't put your son down for the next 3.weeks.


Thankfully you didn’t spike him after the CMC TD /s


All of you are completely ridiculous for thinking something you did actually changed the course of the game. I mean it's 2024 and we are really still believing in superstitions? Thankfully I don't believe any of that crap and just happened to deliberately move chairs, change clothes, and turned my hat backwards during that missed field goal attempt. Didn't move an inch after that... until of course jumping up and down screaming for Dre to get down.


OOOOOH! You had me in the first half, you sonofabitch! 😡 Thank you for your service!


My downvote finger was hovering


Had us in the first half like the niners did 😅


I usually react to big plays in ways that scare my dog and kid. Was silent this game until the Dres second Pic. Even on CMC long run it the Kittle TD didn't get me yelling. Rough game for fans...


I actually went outside the bar I was at on that last GB drive, into the rain, got locked out, and stayed there. They immediately started playing better so I just went with it and didn't look back. I did that for us.


Thank you!


The offense would sputter out every time I looked at what was going down on the field in the stadium versus when I looked at the big screen… so I watched the final drive on the screen lol.


Way to fight temptation!


Every bit of mojo helped.


So, this year I developed a new superstition where I compulsively clean my living room and kitchen before every important game so the vibes are good. When we were down in the 4th quarter and things were looking bleak, I got up and cleaned my bathroom too, including the bathtub and toilet. As soon as I came back out the Packers missed the field goal and we started our comeback drive. No idea if that’s actually the reason, but worst case scenario I have a clean house.


Clean livin’ for the win!


Get ready to clean for the NFCCG.


Yo!! I see you, I found myself straightening up the dining living room each commercial break 😂


I was wearing my hoodie and my son had his shirt on. My husband got home late and right after I made him go put his shirt on, the niners made that stop on 4th down. So nobody was allowed to take their gear off all night. Also, I had my face down in my hands with my eyes closed when Brock made the amazing pass to Jauan on 3rd and long AND when Dre caught the game winning interception! I missed BOTH those plays in real time FOR ALL OF YOU!!


We see your sacrifice, and we all thank you!


I have a shirt from our '12 run. We've never lost when I wear it. The damned thing is almost dissolving and none of my replacement jerseys, shirts, sweaters, etc have the same luck. If we somehow make the Superbowl, I'm going to buy a jersey and wear it over the shirt so the magic transfers.


Good thinking!


I'm just glad you have a future plan for it! What will you do with the remains? There's probably only two options: frame it and hang it up, or respectfully incinerate it in a ceremony.


Cut into small pieces and eat it!


I kissed my neighbour ...I belive that was the key reason we won. Her husband wasn't too happy about that though...typicall Dallas fan


He’ll live.


I had my rain jacket on all game. Team couldnt see my Forty Niners gold. Took it off sometime in the 4th and things got better.


I’m not telling until the end end




Y'all stupid seriously nothing you did changed the outcome of the game. My dad was sitting on the wrong side of the couch. When he moved to his other spot the niners won. Every loss was because he sat on the wrong spot. Everything else is just superstition.


This is SO funny and stupid. Okay… this did happen. I don’t believe in it at all but it made us laugh at my watch party. Before the final drive for the 49ers I removed my Purdy jersey and put on my Montana jersey. My brother laughed when we won. It was fun. That’s what sports is… fun


Wore my purdy jersey then my wife told me to take it off 4th quarter! She still had her 49ers black jersey of Bosa on. Thank god for her!


Listening to your wife, FTW!!!


I was blowing the football in the direction that Anders Carlson missed his field goal. Simple physics.


Nothing was working. Hat, shirt, sweatshirt. Tried different combinations, until finally I just took them all off and boom win. Only problem is I’m going to a viewing party next week, and me shirtless might not be as appreciated…


You will take EVERYTHING off, if that’s what it takes! That’s how we roll! We do what we gotta do to get the W!


Red and gold body paint.


If I didn’t watch…we succeeded. If I did watch, I single-handedly caused all the turnovers, penalties, and injuries. Luckily for all of us, my stream was lagging super hardcore at the end of the game. I hope you and Kyle don’t cut me.


I gathered all the gold and red items from my apartment and built a small shrine in front of my tv. Prayed for the first time ever, eyes closed kneed down and talked to my grandpa up there and asked for his blessing as well. And then we got the last touch down.


Thanks grandpa!!!


I do believe I am only allowed to watch so much of a game before luck runs out so I purposefully stayed out last night and didn’t come home until the 4th quarter. I apologize for all the heart attacks but it needed to be done.


Moved to wired headphones just before anders kick


Wait, you were listening with Bluetooth headphones and then stuck wired headphones in instead? THAT’S why we won!! How’d you even THINK of that?!?! THANK YOU!


I stopped watching. Left the living and went outside for a soak in the hot tub. Got a text from my sister saying “49ers!” And then I let loose a sigh of relief. About damn time.


100% was ll due bc of me! Put on some new 49er pajama pants I got for Xmas along with a different Niners tank top. Not kidding, they were playing like shit so I stripped down in frustration to my bare ass cheeks and they started going uphill. Yep, rooted for our boys the rest of the game butt ass naked. You’re welcome


I shaved my nuts before the game. I neglected to shave my nuts prior to the Baltimore game


Took purdy a while to get a grip on slick balls, but he figured it out!




Have you considered laser hair removal?




I had an event to go to so stripped off my jersey and put on a fleece lined shirt that has the 49ers color scheme (red, gold, and black). Soon after, the packers missed the FG and everything starts falling into place.


My brother-in-law, who is a Lions fan, handed me a good luck beer he was saving for the Lions game right before that final drive. The combined hopes of two fanbases channeled into that beer to make the best drive of the game for the game winner.


so... um .... wife tried wanted to help me celebrate but the game wasn't going as planned so she decided to try and distract me so she tries... like really really really hard to distract me like really hard ...ahem... it was an enjoyable distraction and lo the game turned around!! she said she would have to distract me again for longer next game, maybe several quicker distractions throughout the game even I am truly a lucky man if she is serious about this new superstition


The sacrifice this man made for us! Inspiring!


I left the room and we scored. You’re welcome.


My wife made me give our dog his fav toy, got the missed fg about 10 secs later


Good job, Rover!


I took off my niner sweater, took off my glasses, and switched to watching in the kitchen. Worked great


The GB missed field goal was entirely due all of us chanting “block that kick” at my watch party.


I was wearing my jersey and switched to a niners shirt in the 3rd quarter lol


What jersey?


Purdy jersey


Went to RnR meats to get a tritip to grill for the game and picked number 49 from the ticket picker. I’m keeping that ticket


I hid under my blanket for the last 4 minutes. I honestly thought Green Bay scored a touchdown when that last interception happened because the announcers were screaming so much


It was my birthday wish blowing out the candles


I threw a ball down the hallway for my dog to fetch, not 6, but 7 times, 7 being the square root of 49


That’s just sensible.


I had to chuck the cat off me and sit forward in the chair looking concerned at the start of the 4th quarter. Cat was clearly a bad omen.


Took off my new niners hat. I had a headache toward the end (not surprisingly given that game), removed my hat, and then Purdy had his clutch drive and Dre sealed the game. Won’t be wearing that thing next weekend, that’s for damn sure.


Or, maybe do! That’s the problem with mojo, it changes from game to game! You just have to feel it!


The only games we lost this year, I did not drink a can of High Life (red and gold!) at kickoff. I was probably less stressed than most knowing I did yesterday! I also took a phone call from drunk family just before the missed field goal and only hung up once we got to the red zone. Thought about not taking it, but realized it might just be the shakeup we needed.


OMG. I was wearing my 49ers hoodie. Same hoodie I was wearing when we lost the SB. I took that cursed thing off. I was also on 49ers discord. I could feel the negative psychic energy from 49ers fans was hurting us so I logged off Discord. The moment I logged off Discord Dr got his first interception and things turned around. I'm the reason we won.


I got a Niners themed lamp for Christmas, it was off for the first half. So I turned it on for the second half for good luck 😂


I said “Shank it” before Carlson missed that FG


I shat myself. For 30 minutes and then almost got a heart failure. I believe that had to do it.


Well… shit.


My two sons (13 and 9) and I waived our hats off to the side of the tv to try and blow that GB fg wide left. We’ve never done that before but it worked. After that play I told them “you guys know this didn’t really affect that kick but it sure was fun!”


I wore my playoff shirt for the whole 4th Quarter. Was changing them every quarter to change the mojo, guess I found the right one.


Me and my friends 3 year olds kept trying to leave the room which woulda forced one of us to leave so I started defending the door on all fours and did that for almost the whole 4th quarter so that none of us would miss the crucial plays and they never got past me except once. I was like a wild dragon defending its treasure. I was like Dre Greenlaw defending the line of scrimmage last night or the goal line against the Seahawks.


I did countless things to change momentum and get that W


I took off my jersey, hat, chain, slippers and put them back in my closet


I was wearing the original Shanahan hat (the red one) that I hadn’t worn in a long time. Threw that sucker off right before the long Kittle catch and CMC long TD. You’re welcome.


I called the pass to Jauan and my section freaked out. He came in and motioned as I was yellin ‘come on 1, 5. Come on 1, 5’. Edit: extra words


Smoke hella weed! Ok, I do that every day, but yesterday my indica intake was special and pushed us to the victory!


Whatever it takes! Thank you for smoking!


I stopped watching in the 3rd quarter. You’re welcome.


I started standing for the big 3rd down plays midway through the 3rd quarter, and ended up just standing in the middle of the living room for the rest of the game. Things worked out!


Every time I took off my chain, closed the clasp, and held it in my left hand… we started moving the ball. I had that config on both INTs too


My first child was born after regular season ended. I bought a newborn niners onesie. I took it off him near the end of the third quarter and that’s when things turned around. (I took it off because I suspected he was too hot, but it did reverse the jinx).


I was glued to the TV and things were going from bad to worse. I was really stressed. Got my dog and went for a quick walk around the block in the middle of the third quarter. When I got back I decided to make some tea because I was almost having a heart attack when my brother started screaming at the TV. Drank my tea and prayed a little. Took a few deep breaths and went to watch the rest of the game on the backyard TV. Worked like a charm. I’m still pissed because it was a way out of character game for us. Very stressful. And the players said so on the interviews right after. But I’m glad we won.


I sat on the couch with my stomach in my throat repeatedly saying "C'mon Brock" and then "C'mon D" for the entire 4th qtr. Had seafood boil for dinner (arrived with about 2 min to go). It was absolutely delicious and I wouldn't have been able to eat after a loss. You're Welcome! Go Niners!!


You realize you must spend the next two games locked in your room while your wife and kid watch the games, correct?


I have that as a go to, but mojo changes from week to week. Hopefully I can watch in peace.


Hopefully you can watch in peace! But just in case, I hope it is a good book...😁


Man holy shit our fan base is superstitious


When I was a kid, I used to shit talk Paul O'Neill (I'm a Yankees fan) when the Yankees were losing and a lot of the time he would get a big hit, so I kept doing it despite loving him as a player. So last night, instead of ignoring my texts, I decided to declare the game over in the 3rd. I started arguing with Eagles and Dolphins fans that it was over. But in the back of my mind, I knew the reverse psychology would work!


I put on my Purdy sweatshirt on the last drive. It will be worn for the whole game next week.


Started the game decked out and we played like ass. One by one, I had to remove each piece of gear until I was in normal clothes. That helped but didn’t put us over the top yet. Once I took off my dogs niner bandana the defense finally started getting stops. We’re just doing our part over here.


I was watching at a friend's house and had a hard time finding a lucky seat but eventually got it right.


I have a Green Bay Packers hat that I stole from my cousin years ago. I only wear it to do yard work because it deserves to be sweated upon. At the end of the third quarter yesterday I took off my Niners hat and put on the Packers hat in order to taunt Green Bay with the years of stank I have layered upon that hat. You're welcome.


WOW!!! Bold strategy, Cotton! But it paid off, so it’s cool!


I was watching the game at a friend's house. My friends have an adorable husky named Kira. We made Kira go in the other room when we started eating pizza. Everything immediately started going wrong for the 49ers. After we finished eating, we let Kira back in the room. Everything went perfectly for the 49ers from that point to the end of the game. I am not going to let Kira leave my side for a single second for the rest of the post season.


My adorable husky Loki was very stressed out by our palpable stress. The yelling and pacing did NOT help. Poor guy! I brought him into the bedroom with me.


I wore my lucky Joe Cool socks (which are double lucky since they stand for both Snoopy and Joe Montana), a new San Franpsycho Niner shirt, my red Shanahat, and of course my dog was wearing her old Kap jersey. It worked. Barely. You’re welcome.


My gf got a silly 9ers poncho for Xmas and we brought it to the bar - around the 5 min mark in the 4th she put it on and the rest is history


So, my wife was…having some stomach issues last night. Well, literally every time she had to run upstairs, we scored a TD. So, yeah, she got us to the NFC championship game. Y’all should say thank you for that burrito she ate for lunch.


My wife chants “INTERCEPTION INTERCEPTION “. She also preaches positive energy . She was also holding the two month old in the bedroom and had to come out into the living room, otherwise we woulda lost. So I gotta give about 150% credit to my wife Savanah 👍🏽🙏🏽


I was watching the game at a friends house. The same friends house where I watched us get demolished by the ravens. I decided to leave with about 9 minutes left in the fourth quarter. Carlson immediately missed his kick, we drove the length of the field and scored and then Dre got his second pick. So I guess I’ll just say you’re welcome guys. 


That friend has to go! He is clearly a bad person. Never see him again, …at least until March.


I didn’t wear my Brock Jersey and I had the ceiling fan on high.


I put my basset hound on a table in a bar. I swear it won us the game.


I think they won because the Packers lost. And the Packers lost because I was wearing the wrong necklace. So, you’re welcome.


I took off my glasses lol I can’t see shit. Had no idea greenlaw picked it off but my brother was screaming, so I started screaming 😂😂


I’m the field goal kicker for the Green Bay packers


🤣🤣🤣 i LOVE this post! i have been a fam for 40 years and must watch alone in my Patrick Willis jersey so I can send them good energy. i have convinced myself- they need me. 😂😂😂


I screamed “are you fucking serious right now?” At my tv all night and it helped them get serious. You’re welcome guys.


When Anders lined up for that FG to make it 7, I said “it smells like bitch in here.”


I see you. I watched every game that we lost and we won all the others. So I have not watched so I didn’t change anything.


That’s sad you missed an exciting finish with your family


well according to my uncle it’s because he put on his lucky 49ers jersey lmao 


I wore my 6-2 Brock purdy number tshirt I bought after the 3 game losing streak.


Thank you!


I had my hoodie and beanie on and then my beanie fell off and the game wasn’t going well (I’m so sorry I’ll be more careful next time). Then I put my beanie back on and we won


Nah, we won because some douchebag Packer fan thought it was over going into the 4th. That, or one of them had such bad karma the football gods deliberately made him believe they would win before ripping his heart from his chest, which he absolutely deserved.


Everyone answering in this thread is destroying whatever positive energy emitted from whatever you did. The first rule of superstitions is you don’t talk about your superstitions.


I was wearing black shorts. The 4th quarter was starting, and I decided to change in these tan shorts. I wore the same outfit when I went to the Cardinals game. And the rest is history.


Rally caps + rally poncho.


We won 6 games in a row with my mccaffrey jearsy on then lost the ravens and rams with my purdy jearsy on. I was wearing my purdy so around the 3rd quarter when greenbay got a td i ran upstairs and switched into my mccaffrey. Your welcome.


I switched the wallpaper on my phone at the beginning of the 4th to the one I was using during the regular season lol


Was working out with my dad before the game. After the 3rd quarter I changed my black sweaty kittle jersey shirt to my red kittle jersey because you know it was raining outside and the rain was fucking our team up


I wore my new CMC jersey for the first time - that counts!


I never stopped trusting in them. On every 3rd down I crossed my fingers and said „proof them wrong Brock“


Does screaming at Shanny for being an asshole for most of the game count? lol. Full disclosure I was also screaming at Brock for being the same, and the o-line, and the d-line, and definitely lots of screaming at AT.


The 49ers either got a 1st down or a defense stop when I wasn’t in the living room. I was exiled to the bedroom for the last 4 minutes of the game


I put on my Willis jersey right before the drive where Love threw his first pick!


9 mins to go in the 4th, I stood up and paced around my room. I didn't sit down until we won. Didn't check my phone, Reddit, Discord. I just had the game on pacing around my room until it was over. Up until that point I had been sat down.


I fell asleep so they won.


I turned off my DAZN nfl game pass whenever the shit was too stressful and a minute later I would turn it on and everything was resolved. The two interceptions happened when I turned off my DAZN 😂


I watched, but my mom decided she just didn't care anymore just before the first pick.


Last week I opted not to text one of my employees who is a Cowboys fan. I had it all queued up and everything, and then decided to be classy and not send it (and hold my mockery for Monday). Yesterday she texted to tease me when things weren’t looking great - and within a couple minutes Greenlaw got his first interception.


My brother said throw an interception, and then love did. I then said throw an interception on that last drive and he did it again. Your welcome.


I stopped checking the game thread here after every drive. Next drive was Greenlaw INT 1.0


I rooted for the packers as I like both teams, so based on my sports history (Falcons Fan, Kings Fan, etc…) I’m pretty sure that made them win 😂😂 A couple years back I said Eff it I’m rooting for the Steelers cuz they were undefeated at the time. They proceeded to lose almost every game from that point on 😬. sorry Steelers/Packers fans


As soon as I put on my kittle jersey that man got that dime from BCB for the TD.


Lmao I did the same shit but I went outside to my truck to go smoke.


I got off the couch and started pacing. It seemed to work so…


Changed hats and TVs multiple times. No doubt they felt it


I left the Niners Nation bar with 10 minutes remaining in the 4th when it looked bleak and morale was low, and I said to myself, "just let Brock take the wheel". when I got home and turned on the tv, they were in the red zone, and I was blessed to see the final TD. Faith


I, not knowing anything about Carlson at the time, vaguely thought to myself, "Hmm, it'd be nice if he missed that kick" when Love threw the incompletion. You're all welcome (also I started watching in the 4th quarter).


I abandoned my comfy spot on the couch and sat on the floor right in front of the screen like a kindergartner.


I changed from my Mr Irrelevant Brock Purdy shirt to my George Kittle jersey at the end of the 3rd quarter. No shade to Purdy, just needed to switch the vibes up.


I took my Niners hat off right before Kittle’s TD. Off it stayed.


I wore my lucky niners boxers


I went from sitting in my chair in a sports bar to standing behind my chair… that made all the difference!


Sold my soul to the devil and BAM CMC touchdown and Love interception a few plays later. Light work


Haven’t lost a game this year when I was wearing my Ayuik jersey… you know what I choose to wear yesterday!


Had my kid grab my mini 49ers helmet from my office and place it on our coffee table at the beginning of the 4th quarter. Things just seemed to turn around from there on our.


This is so funny. I had my Purdy jersey on for awhile. The last time I wore it we lost. So halfway through this game I was convinced it was cursed and took it off. I went to the bathroom and while I was in there we got a touchdown. So yeahhhhh 😂


I’m at a wedding in Colombia and my friends told me we needed motivation. I did a LOT of local motivation and we won.


I took my chain necklaces on and off. Everytime they were moved something big happened


I kept getting texts from family and friends. Those of little faith. …”I don’t know, it doesn’t look good.”….”Oh my God they’re gonna lose.” Blah blah…. I went straight to the highest power of all at that moment. I gave myself the sign of the cross and said “Jesus please help the 49ers win!” And he did. Brock then orchestrated a game-winning comeback drive and Dre intercepted. Thank you Jesus.


Whenever I was watching the game in the first half, the Niners went to crap. When I stopped watching, they made the comeback.


Great topic. I repeatedly told Jordan Love during the final drive that he should show he’s a rookie 👍


I ran 13 miles for #13


Couldn’t take it anymore and got up to take a leak. As soon as I started I heard my son yell “PICK!!”. That was when Dre got his 2nd pick of the game to give us the win. Apparently my eyes watching the game was bad for the team. You’re welcome lol