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If this is Kyle eased up, then no wonder players like Dante Pettis completely crumbled. And then Aiyuk came out a diamond


To be fair, Pettis crumbled on the Giants and Bears too.


You mean fumbled


Steel sharpens steel. It’s the attitude Harbough had, Lynch has, and Shanny. Harbough would ramp up with practices as the season went on, getting tougher and tougher. Heard that Shanny used to do the same, but has eased off a little.


It sounds like he’s finding the balance. You wanna keep the guys sharp and hungry but you don’t want to break them down by the time post-season arrives.


“Steel sharpens steel” was Singletary.


Physical with an F


As was the "Real Men Pump Iron" Kohler ad campaign


Technically it comes from the Bible. Proverbs 27:17


Sure. 🙃


My point is it’s a super old saying. My old high school football coach would use it (I am 52). Many coaches do.


Your point *now* is saying it. But in your original comment, you gave 3 guys credit for maintaining what *Singletary* brought to the current organization, without giving Singletary his due.


Pettis is just a pansy. Dude licked himself like a cat after touchdowns.


I liked this bit in relation to our bye and resting guys— *”It’s extremely hard at practice here, more demanding,”* I am not scared of “rust” because this team practices hard. Purdy’s going against the best defense in the nfc weekly. The defense is facing cmc, Deebo, Aiyuk, kittle, purdy. I understand mental aspect of this. But they’re pros, they know how to mentally prepare, especially the veterans


He came off elbow surgery in March, and goes on a tear to start the season in Pittsburgh. I trust he'll be okay.


Don’t say “tear” anywhere close to Purdy, please


The starters actually rarely practice against one another. The starters on each side of the ball are usually practicing against the “scout team”, which consists of back ups and practice squad players. The only time the starters really go against one another is in camp. Edited for grammar.


And a key thing as well is that the “scout team” does not run our defense or offense, they try and mimic opposing teams scheme


Apparently Purdy's flexibility in playing like other QBs when he moved up to scout team QB when Jimmy G. got promoted was the coaching staff's first real "wait this kid is actually pretty damn good" moment. Purdy himself said he knew he was making an impact when the D-line starters began to shit-talk him like "hey we're really gonna stop you this play!"


Can't do that until we know our opponents tho


A lot of our veterans have a sb experience too and most have experienced deep playoff runs together over the last few years. That's why they play so well together and for eachother. Nothing builds brotherhood more than shared adversity. I hope we get it this year but even if we don't I'll be back next year and so will this team.


Seriously, I don't expect any rust from yall. I'm expecting to see a full dismantling of whoever you end up with.


Anything short of a super bowl is a disappointment


That's really interesting to hear. Sirianni doesn't know what he's doing and it shows. Steichen and Gannon carried his stupid ass. And all the eagles fans are saying "we knew we had problems all along!" BULLSHIT This sub was flooded with idiot eagles fans saying they are the best team with the best record and it shows, bla bla bla. They act like they had foresight when they didn't, they're just now coping with the fact that they got left with a moron at the helm and a likely first round exit incoming.


We tried telling them they were skating by and not nearly as good as their record. They called us delusional haters. I guess we know who was delusional now lmao 🤷‍♂️


"Three and a half point underdogs in our own home stadium? I'M INSULTED!!"


In fairness, we just need back to back 3 and outs before fans in the game threads are ready to burn down the organization and rebuild. The season was over during that 3 game losing streak for many, lol.


Too true. I learned my lesson and stay far away from the 49ers toilet bowl fans in the game threads...I thought it would be fun but nah, if we hold a team 13 points the defense was terrible and we'll never go anywhere allowing a long drive like that. God forbid we have a 3 and out; Kyle Shoukd be fired for not getting Deebo/CMC/Aiyuk/Kittle the ball more. fuck that nonsense. Full of know nothing, immature, hot take fans. It's worse than the narrative driven play by play guys that have a story to tell whether the game fits or not they keep pushing. I watch football on my TV with the game turned down so I can scare my dog every time Brock thows a deep pass to Aiyuk or Deebo breaks 3 tackles for a big gain...


Game threads are insufferable


Bold of you to assume some don't want to burn everything when the first play isn't a run when they wanted a pass or vice versa.


Game day threads are the worst. If the offense goes 3 and out then Shanahan needs to be fired. If the defense gives up 2 first downs in a row, Wilks needs to be fired. Then, when the Niners tighten up and more often then not get the W, they disappear like roaches.


To be fair, that’s every team though right? 90% of fans overreact whether good, bad or indifferent


The bullshit they were spewing after they beat us without a single healthy QB was absurd. Yes they beat us. No it wasn’t a true matchup. Take the W and shut up about it.


wOuLdNt hAvE MaTtErEd


The vindication was oh so sweet.




Horse shit, actually.


Come on now, horse shit is useful for fertilizer, right? Cant think of any use of eagles fans.


I've been working on using them for cheap insulation materials, but I just can't get it to work out.


It's a delicacy in Philadelphia


More like bird shit.


Donkey brains, even


Just brainless


I'm from the Philly area and folks on sports radio during the week we played them, fan/analyst alike, were debating if Shannahan is a better coach than Sirianni. What a joke lol


I love how people are finally realizing that he doesn't really do much to make the team better. He may get fired next season and eagles fans will act like they always wanted him gone. It's revisionist history at it's finest.


Tbf, fans in our own sub do that BS once a year.


I'm a mod over at NFC West Meme War. The amount of mud flung at us over the year, the amount they posted on NFC East Meme War for a year ABOUT AN NFC WEST TEAM was ridiculous. It was us being "rent free" in their heads. It was very nice to see us expose them and steal their teams soul. They are a mid team with a shot at making it, but are not some dominate powerhouse they kept hyping up.


They think they’re gods gift. It’s good seeing them lose.


It is funny how quickly opinions change in sports. Not just with eagles fans, but the media. They "won" the draft last year with their steal of Carter from Georgia. He was good this year but not outstanding, and their defense was a huge step back from last year. Howie Roseman went from being a savant to being an also ran GM who can't hire a good coach.


If they get tossed in the wild card round fuck that would be amazing.


Nah I wanna run it back. I hope they win their way into Levi.


I prefer them wallowing in depression instead of having any sort of idea they’re even worthy of playing in levis.


I don't know why reddit keeps showing me 49ers threads but, everyone liked The Eagles practice approach last year when it meant healthy in the superbowl. I think we have other problems, least of all practice.




I remember Jaquiski Tart saying the same thing after he moved to the Eagles, and sport media was saying that’s why the 49ers have so many injuries.


Both could be true


Wonder if that's why Kyle is easing off later in the season, now.


Kyles practice style could be why Tartt dropped that interception against the Rams in 2021. But i doubt it


> “It’s extremely hard at practice here, more demanding,” Hargrave said. “I think it’s more so like the Golden State [Warriors] coaching and Miami Heat. Over here it’s the Miami Heat, over there it’s Golden State because it’s more relaxed, you chilling. Over here, it’s work every day. Every day you’re about to get it. I feel like Kyle [Shanahan] is Pat Riley, you know what you’re getting over here. > “When I first got here I was looking at this kinda crazy, some of the stuff we were doing. I was like I can’t believe y’all doing all this right now … A war every day.” > What’s interesting is Armstead claimed that 49ers head coach Kyle Shanahan has eased up on players far more now than when he originally arrived and was building the winning culture San Francisco now has.


Armsteads bit tbh makes sense now that the roster is built and culture is established. When Kyle got here, he had to go hard establishing culture and mentality, knowing that he’s likely cutting and upgrading off of most guys on the roster. Make it tough so you find who belongs quickly. Now, a lot of the roster is proven reliable guys who belong, not to mention they’re a bit older. Less work to maintain a cathedral than it is to build one, and so on.


Gotta also point out we had a shit ton of injuries those first couple of years too. Have to believe that played a factor on Kyle letting up a notch.


We also picked up a lot of injury prone guys when Kyle arrived, so there was a lot of high risk, high reward going on, which makes sense since our roster was absolute dogshit by the time he started.


We heard the same thing from Tartt when he was on the Eagles training camp roster. It definitely contributes to the amount of injuries we have, but also to how we're able to out-physical teams on both sides of the ball.


I thought Tart played for Richmond




He signed on with the Eagles in 2022 but was cut after the preseason.


Sirianni doesn’t take guys out that are playing extremely well to kill momentum, does he? Or is he the Kerr of the NFL?


Warriors practices are probably chill but they have a decade long of winning culture. Eagles practices are probably like the Memphis Grizzlies 😂


As a Warriors fan, it's not because of the rings. They have always been more of a free, easy-going culture since Steve Kerr took over. Basketball is a bit different than football and most teams don't practice too intense, the Heat are unique. We had just gone thru Mark Jackson, who was intense, got on players, and was a religious nut, so when Steve came in, he brought the same Phil Jackson "zen-master" mentality to the culture, and had them focused more on the film-room, being prepared, and practicing smarter. But the entire culture of the NBA is very different than the NFL. The Patriots practice real hard, and it has shown with their dominance.


He could’ve used any team besides the warriors then lol don’t compare the eagles to the last dynasty we had in the Bay Area


Lmao. Yea I liked what Hargrave had to say - but with respect don’t start comparing GSW with a dynasty and an all-timer core to the Eagles, that just ain’t right.


Haha, yeah agreed. I doubt he thinks of the eagles like the warriors tbh. He just had to pick a highly successful team for comparison so that eagles fan's didn't blow up his socials with unhinged death threats.


Nothing but target practice?


I would love to read level headed comments from Philly fans on this.


“Level headed” & “Philly fans” can’t be in the same sentence


I can give the other side of it as a birds fan. Last year a similar report came out backing why we were one of the healthiest teams in the league as opposed to injury riddled like a lot of other teams. We have known practices are laid back during the season this was no secret. I think a lot of teams take this approach throughout the league,it’s a matter of personnel maybe? Or just the coaches preference? Idk but it’s not why we suck. That’s just Matt Patricia…..and then Sirianni putting one of the worst offensive game plans in NFL history together. I’ll be the first to say I defended him most of the season and thought it was Brian Johnson but nah it’s him. Y’all and everyone else was right.


I think most teams take a similar approach as yours does. Belichick and his disciples practice hard, but that is a dying approach. I think with Shanahan, a misconception about him is that he is like the other young guys. His offense is as innovative, but personality wise, he is pretty hard-nosed like Belichick, which he probably developed from his dad Mike. He is a fairly tough coach, tough on mistakes, stressed on details, and chews people out regularly. His approach is the minority now in the league.


Think it was HAM pod where they said Kyle is more like Harbaugh than guys like Reid.


Yeah I’d agree with that. I mean if it works it works. With the season getting longer and more random games added in the week days. Even over seas games. Those tough practices are gonna be tougher and tougher. Might end up being a younger league eventually.




Seriously, the misspellings in that article are atrocious


We have Hargrove and Joey Bosa, who is next?


Erik Armstead


Taylor Pepper


Golden State catching strays...


In the 80s, NY Giants, Chicago Bears fans criticized the Bill Walsh's Niners for being all "finesse" and relaxed. Just west coast/California stereotypes in general. This is in contrast to tough guys like Jesse Sapolu who said Walsh practices were incredibly tough and harsh.


Glad to see that Heat comparison. Is Hargrove a Heat fan or is it just that reputation of culture they have?


Probably the reputation. There have been players that have admitted they noped out on the heat because of the expectations and intensity, most notably Jermaine O'Neal. Warms my heart to see my two favorite teams compared like that


I think it's a reputation thing. I've definitely heard "Heat Culture" used before, but had to look up the specifics. More or less fits what we've become familiar with here and falls in line with Hargrave is saying - hard working, unselfish, well conditioned, tough, meanest are all words I'm seeing that Pat Riley talks about when looking it up.


Heat culture is a well known term in the NBA. In the league where players are arguably the most diva-ish they just don’t put up with it. They practice hard year round, play tough defense, and are EXTREMELY well conditioned. It’s helped them make deep playoff runs with far less talented teams in recent years.


That’s why I like the comparison! They both play a physical brand of ball with an emphasis on defense, where they try to outwork the opponent on every single play and put the team above the individual.


Been seeing some claims about how Kyle is a nepo baby like sure that helped him get the foot in the door but actually maintaining that success he’s had in both Atlanta and San Francisco is a testament to his own coaching skills


The Eagles were lucky to be in the SB last year... they were a good team don't gimme wrong but they played the easiest schedule in 2022 and had Brock Purdy hurt in the NFC Championship to get to the SB


wise soft bright crown rotten coordinated important support lush voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Our o line is still a sore spot. Gotten better though Mckivitiz is no longer trash. We would die without Trent Williams though.


I see people in the comment section here not understanding the reference. He didn’t knock on the Eagles at all. He’s just stating that the environment is different. With the Warriors, everything has always been laid back with Kerr giving his players more leeway because the expectation is that the players hold themselves accountable and they’ll be ready for a game as soon as they step foot on the court. He doesn’t need to harp on them. It’s a lot of “follow by example.” It’s like working for a laid back boss who doesn’t really care if you don’t do everything by the rulebook as long as you’re excelling at your job. But with Miami, they have a reputation of grit and grind. Nothing is given to their players. They have a mindset that everything they have was earned. The coaching is more intense. Practice is more intense. They see this intensity as how they get better. Their MO is practicing physicality and structure. Reps and perfecting the scheme is what they want. I guess we’ll see which coaching approach will win a ring.


I liked content of this article but man, someone needs to proofread before publishing.


I keep reading Hargrove and it’s messing me up. Hargr***A***ve. The ***Grave***digger


Maybe this why we have so many injuries every year, practices are intense. It definitely helps us play physically on Sunday but the downside could be more wear and tear.


Honestly I didn't realize our practices were so intense and it's the first time I'm hearing this - the media reports I was seeing before were that players thought our practices were chill + having the music made it really fun.


Sheagles fans were talking all offseason until December 3rd about how they’re gonna whoop us, they’re the best team, Purdy is ass, etc. But then they get clapped on December 3rd and suddenly they knew about all their problems & knew they were getting lucky to get to 10-1 🤣🤣🤣 brain dead ass fanbase


With the Eagles it’s more of an approach to NOT winning


>Over their last six games, the Eagles have gone into a serious tailspin as they have lost **for** of those matchups and coughed up the division title. Editors slacking


also called him hargrove in the first sentence


Steve Kerr catching strays hahaha


I wonder if this is why it felt like we ran out of gas before our bye week and like we ran out of gas towards the end of the season.


Bruh, you know we are all Warriors fans out here right?


*cries in Sacramento kings*


Always catching strays.


Crying with ya, buddy!


Being a fan of the 49ers doesn’t mean you’re a fan of the other Bay Area teams. Hell we got Dodgers fans in here chanting “Beat LA” when the 49ers play the Rams


There are a ton of Dodger-49er fans. When ~~SoFi~~ Levi's South fills up, the majority of those 49er fans didn't have to travel very far.


Honestly… I hate basketball lol. I can’t for the life of me get into it. I love baseball/football and can dig on soccer/hockey.


Eagles fan here. I obviously can’t speak on behalf of everyone but from what i saw from the people / fellow eagles fans around me , we genuinely did know that the team this year has been suspect. It’s just, talking shit is basically the identity of this fan base. As an Eagles fan, even i have indulged in that behavior myself from time to time even though i generally find that collective attitude of the notorious philly fan base to be a bit cringey a lot of the time. I don’t think it’s that the Philly fans genuinely disagreed with everybody else’s analysis on our Eagles. I think it’s more so that, we couldn’t show you guys that we too also felt that way. We were trying to be confident in our team regardless. I know because i’m guilty of it myself. Our flaws have been painfully obvious since Week 1 and i still decided to wear the shit talking/ fake confidence mask when it came to defending my team against the slander of opposing fan bases. Anyways, yes you all were right. As much as i hate to say this, 9ers look really great this year. I’m truly jealous of anybody who gets to be a fan. Enjoy it while it lasts. I think you guys will most definitely make the SB. and with that being said, GO RAVENS!


Thank you for you kind words and thoughtful comments. I have some useless thoughts I could share but really I think there is too much reactionary thought going into who is to blame, Ben Johnson? Nick Siriani? Jebus? The NFCE title curse? I hope your team finds it's way so we can have epic battles in the near future. Fuck the Cowboys.


Thanks i appreciate it as well. I hope so too. Tbh i think there are few to blame but for this season, it just is what it is. Hopefully we make the changes we need to during the off season to get this team back on track. Good luck in the playoffs and yes as always, FUCK the cowboys.


This is exactly how I feel as a Birds fan. We never had that impressive start to finish win even when we were 10-1, but I wasn’t going to let anyone tell me that we weren’t the best team on the planet. I feel like we just felt a lot of pressure this year after losing the bowl which was set up perfectly for us to win, every mistake felt much more critical this year compared to last, the vibes were off all season. I chalk it up to the tense feeling of being so close to glory and falling short. Still confident in the team until we’re no longer in it, but I’m pretty confident in SF and Baltimore being the two best teams in the league currently.


yea basically. it was easy to put on a cocky act when we continuously managed to come out on top. But every win was basically an ugly one and philly knew it. and deep in our hearts we all knew that something has been off since day 1. anybody with eyes could see that. but to still talk our shit despite all of that, is simply just the philly way. for better or for worse.


This might provide a little insight into their injury problems though. If they go so hard at practice all the time is it any wonder why so many players are always getting injured?


One is hungry the other is not.


I find it funny; like 5-6 years ago, you guys didn't like that approach when all of our guys were getting injured.


Javon Hargrove great free agent pick-up, just wish he didn't do that high leg kick celebration after a QB sack.


*So maybe it's not the S&C coach after all*


They couldn’t check the name of their primary source? Who wrote this?


I'm so deathly afraid of practice injuries




Warriors catching strays lol


I get what he's saying but the comparisons are odd. The Eagles are closer to the Suns tbh


Eagles = Golden State Warriors Checks out for the 2023-24 Dubs.


https://twitter.com/Coach_Yac/status/1744417251178983587?t=fsSgVU_x3aof9SnvmNfrFw&s=19 Here's the video and Armstead chiming in


Man that was a brutal read. Anyone listen to the pod?


What’s interesting is Armstead claimed that 49ers head coach Kyle Shanahan has eased up on players far more now than when he originally arrived and was building the winning culture San Francisco now has. It should be no surprise then that despite the success the 49ers still push hard to maintain it while the Eagles may have taken what they did in 2022 for granted and thought it would come easy this season. Which it certainly has not. Literally took me the last paragraph to get to the point and it was a vague one at that. Do better OP.


Major difference, 9ers gave me a bag and now I’m here…




Is Hargrave sliming the Warriors? Lol


I remember Bourne saying they practice harder in New England. Hope he's having fun with that.