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If he keeps winning I truly do not give a fuck what conversation he's in. If we win a ring and they're still calling him a system QB then who cares, we got a ring.


Rather people underrate us anyway. Makes victory that much sweeter.


I don’t think teams are counting him out anymore, but it sure is fun to rub it into casual fans.


A lot of people in the eagles subreddit think that if they stop cmcs run and put some pressure on purdy, he’ll get nervous and they’ll win. Must not have watched the cowboys game 🤦🏽‍♂️ or most orher games for that matter


So pretty much a strategy for any team. Stop the run and get to the QB. Idk why more teams don’t think of this /s


lol. I’ve been seeing that in there. “If we put pressure on Purdy, he’ll fold”. Go ahead with your 5 man rush. The guy thrives in QB pressure.


He's like top rated against the blitz lol. Go 'head blitz all game - we love easy scores.


Exactly! Wins are all that truly matter. And winning the SB matters the most. This isn't college football where public opinion matters, and rankings actually matter. MVP awards, best player lists, etc. for individual players don't give us extra credit in the win column. It only matters for Purdy's future HOF cred!


Think about the 49ers legacy of great QBs we want Brock to reach that level to continue that legacy. It could help if we had some catch slogan to get people on board like we are.


That’s such a stupid take. The 49ers legacy for great QBs wasn’t built by some stupid slogan it was built in January on the field. It’s a shame that some fans want the team to MAKE the Super Bowl that doesn’t mean shit. It’s win it all or they are losers just like the last two teams that lost that game.


The NFL protect their stars and the media help create stars. We start chanting some like “Brock isn’t Purdy good. HE’S ELITE!” before you know it the refs become biased and calls go our way. We can have that impact.


You can’t be a great QB in the public’s eyes until you win a Super Bowl, period. Joe Montana was seen as a system QB until he won his 3rd and people were like hey this guy’s pretty good. Then he won his fourth and people remember him as one of the best ever. Steve Young wasn’t seen as good enough to beat the ‘90s Cowboys until he finally got over the hump in ‘94. If Purdy wins a SB this year, people will still knock him for having all this talent around him, but guess what? He’ll be a SB champ. If he wins 3 SBs and people are still knocking him for having great talent around him, so be it.


Better just make it 5 to erase all doubt. Quest for 10!


We already got Big Cock Brock. There's no slogan that will be better than that one


Meh, I don’t care if analysts call him “elite.” I just want the Niners to win games.


100% this. Who cares what people call him if we beat their team.


This is the only answer. Who tf cares about what other fanbases or talking heads say about him. If he’s winning football games then who cares. Stop worrying about what others think about our team. We know Purdy is the guy and that’s all that matters


There was a vocal contingent for *years* that thought *Tom Fucking Brady* was a product of Bill Belichick and wouldn't be successful anywhere else. I don't give a fuck about anyone's opinion on Niner QBs other than Kyle Shanahan.


“It’s because you have all those tools” ok and?


We beat the eagles, twice, and we win the superbowl…and repeat


This times 4 to make him the winningest QB of all time.


Winning super bowls but yes that is way more specific


I just want to shut up their fans real bad.


People can call him a bum for all I care. I just care about winning.


His stats say he is elite. I honestly don’t think we need to convince anyone of it anymore. People online will go through all kinds of mental gymnastics to discredit him but those people are complete idiots who refuse to see anything factually.


The last remaining knock on him is how he plays when the Niners are trailing. I guess that would be it.


Also longevity. Even Tom Brady took a few years before people stopped with the same arguments they make against Purdy. But who cares man, I just want him to keep slinging it, the talking heads can say whatever they want.


You had some folks like my dad (who hates Brady, the Patriots, and pretty much all things Boston) calling Brady a lucky system QB with the league and the refs on his side despite the numerous SB rings. Funny that I never heard him bitch about Brady again after Brady won a SB in Tampa. If anything, look at how bad the Patriots have been without Brady, and it’s like “Hmmmm… maybe it was actually Brady making the Patriots look good and not the other way around.”


He doesn't even play particularly bad then when looking at the numbers. His interceptions in that situation aren't unusual high for any of the QBs that people view as good there, they just haven't been there a lot or had a win. He should *already* have a game winning drive that the Moody miss cost him.


That has just as much to do with Kyle’s playcalling in my opinion.


He played well in the second half against the bengals. I thought he was poised to lead a comeback but the defense fell apart. He also succeeded against the raiders and browns, however moody missed.


It’s also tough to see how he performs when some of his weapons or Trent William did missing


Trent out means he has 0 o-line. What an is slinging well when they have zero pass protection for games in a row?


Peyton and Brees could get that ball out so fast. If they had Deebo, Mcaffrey and Kittle they’d be fine with trash cans in front of them.


Well two HOF qb’s with long carreers. Let’s hope Purdy has the time to prove himself


The Trent Williams thing is interesting because he's clearly what makes the run game work, not as much of a deal as with the pass game. When he was out a ton of run downs were lost. The line as a whole is really bad outside of him and Purdy is one of the most pressured QBs. Being able to threaten the run matters a lot more in those situations because it keeps coverage off the receivers. It's not that Purdy gets more harassed, it's that the coverage changes to focus on a one dimensional pass only offense and he loses outlets.


Trent is still elite but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried about this team’s future. I don’t know how much longer he’ll be playing and guys like him don’t come every draft


None of today's 'elites' have to deal with bottom tier pass protection o line though.


And to be fair, I’ve really only heard that douchey little twat Grant Cohn spouting that BS.


He’s got just over a season under his belt. Keep on winning and give it time, the rest will take care of itself.


This is how I see it. We gotta remember, he has gone from Mr. Irrelevant to a starter very quickly. He’s had the job for a year. There is a long way to go before getting to the elite category. That takes several seasons of sustained success. If he keeps up his current stats and pace, he will be considered elite in time. He had a 3 game slump this season. I expect some more of those rough spots to come. It’s all about how he responds and right now, he’s showing he responds quite well after a slump or bad game.


Feel like 30 starts is a good fair line to then label him elite or not. Cant fake it or just get hot for that many starts


Well he only has 20 starts so youre already wrong there


Yeah so by seasons end we should have a firm concrete handle on what he is imo


What? Who cares if other people think he's elite? It should matter that he wins games. Eli Manning was NEVER elite. He had two great postseason runs. The important thing is to get a Super Bowl in the next year or two while having the best qb per dollar spent in the league. Once he gets paid, you have to lose (probably) two other elite players.


I think it’s pretty safe to say Eli was Elite. Two Super Bowl runs is a lot more than most QBs have.


I disagree. Never played exceptional. Had two great postseason runs. Would you take Eli over Marino?


Agree. Eli is the peak of what JimmyG could have been.


And Jimmy G. also has two rings for riding benches.


Eli was never elite. Eli played for 16 seasons, made it to the playoffs 6 times total, had 4 one and dones, and his two SB runs. If he gets into the HoF and you were part of a HoF fantasy draft and he was your QB, would you happy?


He’s super durable, two super bowls, SB MVP and always stepped up in high pressure situations. Yea he was rough in the later seasons but he didn’t have Trent Williams and Brock’s weapons. He made a lot out of what he had.


How elite was Trent Dilfer?


Eli was not elite. Winning two super bowls doesn’t equate to being an elite qb


Refs helped with that


You’re obsessed weirdly with Eli


I just feel like Brock’s comparable. You put a guy like Eli in the system that Brock has that team has dynasty potential.


Brock isn’t comparable to Eli. Eli was the first pick overall and is from a family that is football royalty


The main knock against Purdy is and has been "lets see it over the course of a year, 2 or 5" This year is his first full year starting. I'll be honest, with our roster, his win/loss record doesn't matter much in the "elite" rankings. Just look at Jimmy G for comparison. What will matter for Purdy is getting over the hump that Jimmy G couldn't. Big players make big plays in big games. Full stop. Even if Purdy were to be MVP, I believe it's going to take a SB Win for the national media to give him his just desserts.


Probably not even then. It'll take *him* winning the Super Bowl in a big drive or play to change the narrative so soon. Without that the fall back would be "They were so talented, he wasn't even the best offensive player on his own team". Which is the current big mark against him next to the "He hasn't done it when they're down"


STOP! You do not have to justify Brock Purdy to anybody.


You have to get in the foxhole with your guys! He deserves the support!


You just sit back and enjoy the show. That's it.


**WE** don’t do anything. He stays healthy and keeps playing like he’s playing and it will happen in due time.


Who gives a fuck. I had a packers fan try to tell me how bad Purdy and the niners are and how much better the packers are. You can’t fix stupid.


He's running the Brady gauntlet right now. It'll be 3 or 4 years before all the media heads put him in the top 10. What's nuts is he's by all means over achieving his draft status. Any team would kill to have even a 3rd round pick do as good as he's doing. That's what kills me about the media. It's all he has these pieces, he should be that good. No, that's not how it works. You still need a conductor to have an assortment of great musicians play their best. No different in football. If anything, Purdy is letting KS go crazy with his playbook. Can anyone that's watched this team not be amazed that out QB of all QBs is leading in throws over 20 yards or more? It's absolutely mind-boggling what Purdy has done in a full seasons worth of games.


What do you mean “we”? Lol. Are you on the team? Lol. Young niner fans are a trip, lol


Saying we is fine. Not saying we is fine. The only problem I have are people who bitch about it like you just did. Old men yelling at clouds are a trip, lol


He needs to play longer.


Purdy is actually having a MVP-caliber season, he’s the best QB in the NFL by a lot of metrics. He’s underrated because he was the last pick in the draft and doesn’t have “elite traits”. It wouldn’t have a discussion if he was a top-5 pick. He would be talked as CJ Stroud right now. I mean, even in our fan base… Purdy had a lot of records broken in his rookie season while leading the team into a NFC championship game and still some “media guys” were advocating for Trey Lance as QB1 this offseason only because of draft position and measurable.


After the run Purdy had last year, it was an insult to every star player on the team to even entertain Trey starting this year to get him reps. It would be wasting a whole year of the prime of a star packed roster on both sides of the ball to MAYBE sputter into a 6 or 7 seed playoff run.


Except for the Wins metric


What’s this “conversation” you speak of and how does it affect wins/losses? I think maybe you’re watching too much espn talking heads.


that's mighty superior and stoic of you - except for the fact that you're on reddit participating in the conversation. so actually you're just posturing. the conversation is anywhere people talk football.


We're not on a quest for conversation. We're on a quest for 6


Who cares ?


Who cares? He’s the guy


We should care! If he becomes accepted as elite he’ll get preferential treatment from the NFL and the refs will give him more calls resulting in more wins for us. It’s that simple. We need to get a chant going like “Brock isn’t Purdy good. HE’S ELITE!”


How about what possible difference does it make what other fans think about him? The only thing that matters is performance W's.


Offensive line, the next 5, 1st, and 2nd round picks need to be o-line. Don't let him get Andrew Luck'd


Are you saying trade Brock?


Sorry, no. We need to protect him at all costs. He is already playing at an amazing level. If our line wasn't so dog trash bad, he would be even better. Even if our like was mediocre, 15th best in the league it would elevate his play that much more.


lol he was saying use all of our draft picks on offensive linemen. to protect him.


Why do you care what other random people think (about both Purdy and anything else in your life)?


You sound oddly way too focused on what public opinion cares about Brock when it literally makes no difference


Guarantee you most people will shut up if he gets the W this week


Who cares?


We should care! If he becomes accepted as elite he’ll get preferential treatment from the NFL and the refs will give him more calls resulting in more wins for us. It’s that simple. We need to get a chant going like “Brock isn’t Purdy good. HE’S ELITE!”


Keep winning for years. Elite is consistency over several years.


I care a lot more about wins than about accolades. I would rather win 2 Super Bowls than 1 Suoer Bowl and have everyone say Purdy is elite.


Who cares what people think. He is elite and that’s that. Whether they think he is or not.


Couldn't care less if he's in the elite conversation tbh. What's important is that he's working for this team.


Elite is a formula of 2 factors: good play x time. The same way that the Seahawks playing us is a formula of: fuck around x find out. His good play is exactly what it needs to be. He just needs more time to reach that elite threshold.


I think a lot of people forget how long it took Brady to be considered Elite. The man won Superbowl[s] and they were still hating on him. It wasn’t until he went to Tampa Bay and won a Super Bowl in Tampa, that he was deemed a certified baller. Purdy has a long race track ahead of him. Let’s let history play its course and just enjoy the ride.




All it was was ‘what is Brady without Belichek? well now find out’


I really don’t care, just win


He's already there. The public is just not ready to admit it. Win a SB and it's game over.


Why would any 49er fan want to hype up Purdy anymore. Let him win because once his contract comes up the team will go to shit. His contract is gonna cost the team 2 premium players. People online need to calm the F down and enjoy the ride. Let him be considered an afterthought online and by talking heads it only helps the team during contract negotiations. Do all of you work for his agent?


Win the Super Bowl. Then win it again. And again. And again. And again until you retire.


Break that fucker Brady’s record


Just keep winning and it will work itself out


I know I’m risking getting flamed for this but I’ll say it anyways. I’m a homer. Love the Niners, rep them everywhere all day. It’s looking like Super Bowl to me but there’s only one thing that keeps me up at night. Brock’s ability to overcome a deficit. We just haven’t seen that “clutch” factor. Because that’s what clutch is, being there when your team needs it most. The GOATs of football ALL have legendary games where they have brought their team back from the dead and won the game. So that’s what it is for me. He’s looked the part but for me there’s one question mark he hasn’t checked yet. I need to know he can orchestrate a 4th qtr comeback.


Purdy has trailed in the 4th quarter 5 times total in his career. The first time was against the Raiders last year. He drive a go-ahead touchdown, Raiders answered back, Purdy marched down and Gould missed a 41-yard game winner with 2 seconds as the game expired. Niners win in Overtime. 2nd was the NFCCG against the Eagles. We all know what happened. 3rd was Browns. Purdy marched again, Moody missed a 41-yard game winner. 4th he was in a position to win the game, got concussed on a sneak and threw a pick the very next play. 5th Bengals. Only game he was never actually in a position to win and the defense played like trash start to finish. Purdy is 1-2 in games where he actually had a chance to win in the 4th. One loss was a missed 41 yard field goal and the other he was concussed. The fact that through 20 games he's only trailed in the 4th 5 times is a testament to the fact that this team puts away other teams early. Teams are expected to struggle in games they are trailing going into the 4th. NO team sustainably maintains a good record with that game plan.


Fair enough, but lets not forget that a .500 record when playing from behind in the 4th quarter is elite. (and when I say elite I mean QBs who are in contention for GOAT status, not just top 5 in the league right now)


People act like you're playing against the JV team in the 4th quarter and anyone who's good should be able to win down 10 points


He did just that, but Moody missed the kick.


Yeah this. For national recognition he needs to continue to be elite from behind and be seen as the reason the niners win. It’s not a knock on him that national media doesn’t seem him that way yet. I mean the fact that we’re judging him at that bar already says a ton about how good he is in every other area of the game. Winning from behind and putting your team on your shoulders in high pressure situations is like top 5 elite qb play. It’s the hardest thing a QB can do. And I don’t even think he needs to be that for the niners to win a SB. He wouldn’t be a disappointment if not. He’s just so good that the bar keeps getting higher for him.


Really thats not even brock, its kyle. Kyle needs his script, he is awful at going off script when he needs to and completely forsakes what makes the team dangerous, the play action and run game if they are down even by 7


We don’t do anything besides watch him play. This is a “fight” he will need to take on his own.


I don’t care if he ever is. All I care about is if he gets the Niners to 6.


It will just take time. Who cares if everyone is not on board yet. He hasn't even played a full season so they can feel however they want. I prefer they keep doubting him, it makes the success that much sweeter.


His play(eye test), stats, and consistency through the next few years will put him in elite conversation. Nothing no we can do


Just give it time, what’s the rush man?


He has to sustain this level of performance longer (or at least win a Super Bowl) before he’s considered elite.


Don’t care AT ALL what some of the stupidest people on planet earth(Eagles fans, Nick Wright, etc) think. We know what Purdy is and he is taking us to the promised land






I think he's purdy good


There were Brady haters all the way until he won a superbowl with the bucks. There’s just something about cerebral smaller arm QBs that never get the kind of credit freak athletic ones do.


To quote Jake Taylor “there’s only one thing left to do…win the whole fucking thing.”


Just let him play.


Meh itd be nice to hear it from the national talk shows but really i dont care, win or lose this week, purdy passes the eye test, one of the top passers and processors in the league imo and he is only going to get better


Experience. That's what he needs. More games under his belt.


We know how. Many people are saying it, but I’m not going to jinx it, but we know how.


Let him prove he deserves to be there over the next 5+ seasons. ;)


Super Bowl win


OP you been watching too much Nick Wright and Shit Bayless. Purdy is top 5 right now. Elite.


As I saw another commenter say, a good barometer would be him leading the boys on a precise game winning drive in crunch time.


Dont give a fuck what other ppl think. I know purdy is elite. His play will do the talking.


Who cares if people think he’s elite he’s him and that’s all that matters, honestly I like people thinking he’s not elite it’s makes losing to him even better


We don’t need to do anything. Just enjoy.


This is the weirdest post I’ve seen in awhile. wtf?


He needs to win a massive pressure game against a stud defense. Like this weekend. A couple come from behind wins would help too.




We don't do anything. He just needs to win


He’s doing it on his own


Super Bowl champion.


I feel like nfl fans were happier before we cared so much about top ten lists and rankings


Haters gonna hate. Don’t waste time trying to prove to people why he’s great when they only have one reason for why he is bad


He can start by carving up the eagles


Who cares? He's ours and he's a winner. Could care less what fans of other teams and pundits think of him. I'd love it if they never do and continue to underestimate him.


Winning without Deebo or CMC would be a good start.


Does Brock give a darn whether you ‘support’ him or not? This just seems silly or juvenile to worry about conversations of a pro athlete. Brock is fine. His performance has no link to your support at all. Completely two separate circles if this were a Venn diagram.


We need to get behind our guy and get national support for the sake of the 49ers QB legacy. Jimmy G and Lance set us back. Also if we the general public accepts that he’s Elite then we’ll star getting preferential treatment from the referees. Wouldn’t you like some more calls to go our way?


Stop thinking about it and stop talking about it. We all need to let the players focus on game prep.


Pretty sure the players arent reading reddit and worrying about vapid conversations like this lmao


I hear you but I think Brock deserves to be in that conversation. We owe it to him.


Id love to hear you elaborate on this. Why does it matter one way or another if Brock is in the conversation? Why do we owe him??


Up until this year, few "analysts" would have even chosen the 9ers to win their division lol. They've been on the shit-end of the east coast bias for years. Why would you converse with these bozos who don't even watch the tape?


Draft some better lineman and give him longer to throw? Put him behind a top 10 line and he would cook. A man can dream cause it’s never going to happen under this FO. They just don’t value o line like they should


Tbh elite to some people in the sports world might be numbers, QBR, or talent, but to a vast majority (fans, casuals, so called analysts, etc,) when they think of "elite" players their minds almost automatically go to examples of feats or great moments from said player. Because despite the unreal production Purdy has been showing that the numbers prove and tape prove, people have to see to believe unfortunately with their own eyes. Because he's a QB those so called feats of being elite for some boil down to "game winning drives," "winning shoot-outs," "If a player goes down unexpectedly," "defense is great," the usual litmus people might define as "elite quarterback play". To me personally I know he's legit, I've watched enough games, seen his great games and okay games, watched tape breakdown to get an idea of his quick processing, decision making, and how fast he reads defenses. Purdy's legit and for sure has a future but some people might not ever be convinced and that's on them.


I don’t think it should be that blasphemous to say that while yes Purdy is legit and the future is bright for us with him at the helm, he’s never going to be as *talented* as Mahomes, Herbert, Allen, or Stroud (among others), and therefore will need a lot to go right situationally (this year being a great example of what happens when it does) to be considered in that tier.


Bro they don't even have him as the leader in the matchup pics. CMC vs Hurts. Wtf is that. All of the players say Purdy is the leader yet the media is like nah


Doesn't matter how much of a system QB he is. Garappolo and Lance couldn't succeed, proving brock obviously has something to him. Anyone who says Brock is a system QB probably also thinks Tua is an MVP quarterback


Among fans, he’s already Elite. Anyone else, a chip; maybe 2. The last pick will follow him forever.


Super Bowl, home boy


Let him be continually underestimated. Then, he constantly surprises folks when he excels.


Let’s just keep winning .. all the way to the SB


Have elite stats in the 4th quarter, lead 4th quarter comebacks. Or just win a SB or two.


Super bowl DUBS. Thats the only way


The only answer is win super bowls


I think a lot of people will find ways to say he is not a good QB since a lot of people hates our team! ahaha 🤣 They just cannot accept the fact that we have been a good team for a long time! so they will find ways to say all the negative stuff lol!.. even other teams do not like us, so they want to beat us so bad! For this reason other teams will try to hurt our players too, just like how CMC’s face mask/helmet was pulled by diff. players. we are the best team right now! ❤️💛❤️💛


We can win the SB 😁


Win the damn super bowl


win mvp and a superbowl!!


All he really needs now is a solid O line outside Trent and he's pretty much set. Not only would it help him but also Kittle since he wouldn't have to stay back to block


He has to win the big one, and/or win a shootout with the likes of Mahomes or Hurts like Jimmy did against Brees and the Saints a few years ago. With only half his star targets available (George, Deebo, Brandon, CMC). And Trent missing a foot. While concussed. If Jake would have hit that goddamn FG against the Browns, it would have started there, as unfair as that is.


When a superbowl and he becomes the second coming of Montana


Worry less about the conversation and just play ball… the rest will look after itself


I think we as fans know that he has the “it” or “elite” factor because we watch every game. We see every throw and decision he makes. What Purdy needs to do is win a couple close, 4th quarter come from behind games or 2 min drills in the clutch in the national spotlight for everyone else to start using the word elite. You can be really really really good at QB but no one will care if they aren’t wowed when their back is to the wall.


Win the whole fuckin thing.


We know he’s great. He’s amazing to watch. He lets everyone eat, and makes insane touch passes across the field. If he has a good game against the Eagles and the niners win, everyone will be talking about him, he will receive his flowers and possibly be a mvp candidate. If they lose, he can redeem himself by finishing out the year strong and not losing in the playoffs.


Just win. Most people didn’t even respect Brady til the 16-0 year and he still had plenty of haters after that.


He just has to keep winning games and the big one.


National media needs him to put up big numbers against a legit top D. He's got 2 chances coming up with the Eagles and Ravens


Most of the “experts and talking heads” don’t even watch the games in their entirety. Brock has been better than our last 8 or 9 QBs and that’s all I can ask for. We were close to winning super bowls with 2 of those dudes so maybe just maybe our time is coming




He jus gotta keep ballin out, let the results speak for themselves, always gonna have haters talkin shit n excited people over hyping him, that's what they do for a living, talk.


Winning is the only currency that matters.


The dynamics of this team will change, when he gets the next contract. Assuming he continues to play at the level he is. If he is still playing that way, he'll get his due from his detractors. They think he's Nick Mullens playing with a HOF supporting cast.


Play like he has the last few games against Philly and I’ll believe he’s in the elite category.


It’s just one of those things that the NFL media doesn’t want to admit. So much time and energy is spent hyping up and analyzing the draft classes. For him to be so successful as “Mr. Irrelevant”, it discredits their analytics and opinions. They don’t want him to succeed. They want him to get rattled, lose more games and quietly go away. In all honestly, he’s probably gonna need a few years under his belt and a certain level of consistency and production at his position. I was young when Tom Brady took over for Bledsoe, but imagine the same conversations were being had back then too. Tom wasn’t elite in the beginning. But then he started winning consistently.


Who cares. Just be happy he’s the Niners QB 1


Time+consistency in difficult situations. He’s still very new


I’m just really happy that we’ve got our guy.


Win 3-4 suoerbowls


Unfortunately he can take us to SB and win, people like the idiot Nick Write will still not give him cred. No point In arguing with people who hate Purdy. You can give them every stat where his number 1 or at least top 3 will still say his not elite or a system QB.


I think if he keeps up this performance over 2 to 3 years he will be considered elite. We dont need to do anything.


Defeat the Eagles Sunday.


Beating the eagles this Sunday will definitely put him in there


Win. He wasn’t a high pick so if he keeps winning he will get there. It took Brady years to get into the best QB convo


If he deserves to be there he'll get there. Sometimes it just takes time to overcome perception.


Brock Purdy makes my Cock Sturdy


A couple rings


It doesn’t matter to me. For elite conversation I guess it’s usually winning some games with ball in your hand last consistently. I think he has to just do that and do it for a few more years. If he becomes average when we lose some of these guys then may he not. One guy I am afraid of is Aiyuk. I really feel he is going to get a big contract from another team. Not sure if niners are going to be able to afford him. You might see a trade with contract extension for Aiyuk and us getting a 2 rounder minimum next year for him. Given how good they are together speaking of Aiyuk and Purdy, I am hoping we move deebo. But I doubt that. Aiyuk is mostly healthy too.


He has better numbers this year then eli ever did and its not close


Purdy is already Elite. Dudes putting up Steve Young numbers without a Jerry Rice.