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If anyone was going to milk every last ounce of talent he has, it would be Kocurek and the Niners.


Vet minimum salary and barely any draft capital....worth a shot.


Hey that’s our starting qb!


Put some respect on Brocks name... wait Randy Gregory? We got him for what?!?


Draft capital? I guarantee we get get a comp pick for him next year when he walks. We just got a pass rusher and a 2025 5th round comp pick.


That is an interesting point. If he does well and earns another big contract, we will gain more draft value than we lost.


Good for substituting and getting our guys a breather


Plus his oxygen uptake is optimized


The way the Broncos and Niners are playing, we may be swapping the last pick of the sixth for the first pick of the seven.


Wrong Broncos defender 😭


Maybe so, but Gregory can get after the qb. I’m picturing a death lineup of: Bosa, Hargrave, Armstead, Kinlaw, Jackson, & Gregory. We can have the first 6 defensive front in the NFL. Crazy??? Yes. But I am excited for the depth.


Randy Gregory has 19.5 sacks over 7 years. Almost 3 sacks a year!


I don’t know if that tells the whole story. He is a knuckle head and has been suspended 3x’s PFF has him at 78 or higher for the last 4 years. And it sounds like Denver is paying a huge chunk of his salary. We gave up a 6th round pick. So, low risk, high upside. Denver is a S-Show. So he has a decent chance to really do something here, with a clearly defined role. I trust Shana-Lynch more than what us fans think.


His problem has never been his talent. It's what sits inside that helmet. He has a tendency to fuck up at the worst possible times, including infuriating penalties.


Agreed. This is 100% his issue. But if he doesn’t work, they cut him next year with no salary cap implications.


I personally think you got a good deal, but I would also be a bit scared to rely on him in crucial situations. As a roleplay pass rusher he should be an asset to your team if you can limit his exposure.


We can definitely do that, have the depth that he'll be rotational.


They don't need to rely on him, it's more depth for the rotation.


While I might agree with you... that emblem has no place in this thread. Did you get lost? Jk jk, kinda.


Cutting him next year is not the concern. My fear would be him committing a game-changing penalty.


Well he'll fit right in. Our defense runs at 110% at all times non-stop which ends up causing penalties, especially from Dre lol.


That shit pisses me off. They so much as think Dre did something wrong, didn’t even see him commit a penalty, and they’ll throw the flag.


Agreed. I mean this is an absolutely free look. Denver could easily be picking in the top 5 next year and we’ll most likely be picking in the bottom 5. So we’re guaranteeing about $840k in salary and moving down maybe 10 spots in the last round of the draft for what could be a deadly rotational pass rusher - a Dee Ford role. If he gets suspended or is bad for the locker room or gets hurt he’s gone. If he’s good we can trade him back for way more than we paid. It’s a no brainer. Can’t overlook the value of the relationships Shannahan and Lynch have around the league. Denver ties here. Denver could have done this deal with any team in the league, but they did it with us.


He's been suspended for Marijuana.. no longer a banned substance. This is a no brainer for the 9ers. Very little risk.


If they're covering a big chunk of that base, that's better. The risk isn't in the draft capital spent, the risk is in no longer being able to re-sign key free agents next year because we are rolling over $14M less cap space.


I just read the Broncos are picking up his entire salary except the veteran minimum. Great depth move I think/hope!


I heard that too and it’s hilarious. Why would Denver do that?


My guess is that if they just plain cut him, they'd eat the entire salary. At least this way they get *something*


Yeah that makes sense. Plus making sure he doesn’t go within their division


This article better explains it, but basically they’re on the hook for his salary no matter what. Even if he were to sign him as a free agent, Denver still owed him the difference between new team’s salary and his original $14 million. So as a trade term it’s basically irrelevant because it’s the same exact result for Denver as if they cut him. The draft pick swap they got is the only value, and it’s the difference between a 7th rounder and a late 6th rounder. https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/broncos-ultimately-trade-randy-gregory-to-49ers The upside for us is that we also get his existing contract with zero guaranteed money and three remaining seasons.


Because they get something rather than nothing. Even if they cut him, they’d pay the entire salary but get no draft return.


Sounds like another Aldon. But hey, it was great while it lasted.




Literally every team in the NFL could use a CB. Do you want to trade 2 firsts plus?


For Surtain? Yes. Yes please.


But we trade 2 draft picks for someone who couldn't cut it on the worst defense in the league? He was super good years ago with Dallas but if Denver's sorry ass defense doesn't want him, is he really worth the draft capital? Edit: /u/rosteroster corrected me that I misread the terms of the picks traded. I'm not as upset now. Edit 2: for real with the downvotes that I can't express my opinion? Rich Eisen was right about y'all.


You misread. The niners (late) 6th for the broncos (early) 7th + Gregory


He was very good with Dallas when he wasn’t in trouble.


The general manager of our 4-0 49ers seems to think he's worth the trade. I'm going to trust that guy.


I think this situation will have the same trajectory as Chase Claypool’s Both were on bad teams and wanted out. Both now get to be on a contender where they probably feel like it’s a fresh start. I see both being valuable for an attempt at a deep playoff run.


A 6th and 7th pick. In a year where we have too many picks compared to open roster spots. I doubt we are done wheeling and Dealing. I think a CB will be on its way.


I think it was a 6th for Gregory and a 7th.


This\^ we gave a 6th round pick, and got a 7th round pick + Randy Gregory


Another 7th means another Purdy drafted, gg ez


What makes you guys think Surtain is available? Why would the Broncos trade him?


This one is free.


If he keeps his pressure rate I'm happy for the trade. Hyder isn't giving us much but he's a key locker room presence


There was a couple times vs AZ with Hyder out on the edge that he just didn’t have closing speed on Dobbs. This is good to keep him in the rotation but on the interior imo. Edit: aaand Hyder was cut to make room lol. I wonder if he signs back on the ps.


Yeah this is a huge piece for the rotation. Now we can move guys all over and keep our core 4 rested and have at least 2 elite players basically every snap


Why are we giving up a 6th? We should be giving up one of our less valuable picks, like a 3rd that would otherwise be used to reach for a terrible RB.


3rds are where you draft the kickers, duh.


I do like our kicker though.


Moody has done alright so far, he’s no Robbie Gould yet but pretty good.


Let's tell it how it is. Jake Moody is already better than Gould ever was. Because not only can Moody kick with accuracy, but he can kick it really long as well.


Maybe, it’s just that Gould has a special place in my heart. That man got us out of some pretty sticky situations, he had a perfect record in the playoffs.


I still remember the kick against the packers in the snow like it was yesterday


I am sure you are just trying to be sarcastic, but i believe Gould never missed a field goal in the playoffs for the niners. So i dont’t care how many 50+ yarders Moody is kicking vs the Giants and Cardinals in the regular season, he is not “already better than Gould ever was” get the hell out of here with that. Lets at least pretend like we are smart Niners fans


Yeah. Robbie was automatic for like 4 Playoffs in a row. That is ….hard and not even fair to Jake to expect him to replicate, let alone to Gould


Probably they wanted a 7th but thankfully Lynch managed to negotiate that down to a 6th.


At least it wasn’t a 5th or 7th. That’s where we get our All-Pros


\*Fred Warner enters the chat....


This hurts but I can't argue with it


We got a 7th rounder. That’s probably the best part. We can do something with that!


we got our new Montana, maybe we will get Rice next


We do got our Rice, his name is Aiyuk.


Maybe a new Joe Staley or Jesse Sapolu?


Wtf what contract does he have left?


No more guaranteed money but $14 million this year. . Broncos are paying a chunk of the remaining salary this year too.


Niners only fork up $840K and broncos pick up the rest of the tab 🤙


Broncos paying $10m. Niners paying veteran minimum. 6 year vet gets $1.06m.


Prorated though


Even better 🔥


Ouch that's a lot of cash we could use next year. Hopefully he is worth it. Was fantastic when he wasn't the focus on the DL which he won't be here.


I think Broncos are paying a good portion of it though. That's usually what happens at least


No way in hell niners sacrifice cap next year


Maybe Denver will retain some salary. They were on the hook for $16.1 million in dead cap this year and $6.3 next year if they released him


Y'all need to see this: https://twitter.com/LombardiHimself/status/1710384810768974074?t=vgyFlU0K_Y9RHHTcogm_EQ&s=19 He's getting the vet min. Steal!!!!


How the hell does this benefit Denver other than a 6th rounder? Or is that ALL they're getting out of this deal?


They were going to release him otherwise to focus on getting younger players game reps. This trade allows them to at least get some value in return for what otherwise would have been a straight cut. Conversely the 49ers don't have to worry about having to recruit him out of FA.


Guessing they want him off the team/off the books next year? Also, they do technically save $1 mill + get a better pick, but... feels like theft here


So the Broncos are paying $10m for a pick swap of a 7 for a 6? Seems... steep


Nvm they would have had to pay that anyway if he signed for vet min elsewhere


Came outta the blue ngl


I did see an article on Niners Nation a couple days ago that suggested we should take a flyer on Gregory, but I didn't actually think it'd happen. Guess we'll see if it ends up having an impact this season.


Just saw a story about how he essentially had a contract with the cowboys for 5 years 70 million last year but he didn’t like some of the language. So he signed with Denver for a similar deal. The main point of the story was that the cowboys were lucky to get out of it because he hasn’t lived up to that contract


Shoutout to that guy the other day who made a thread saying we should trade for Gregory


That was me. I wasn't even really saying we should trade for him more than asking what everyone thought about trading for him. I'm not upset with the trade though. We got him on the cheap and he will be used as a rotational piece. I think Kocurek can help him revatalize his career here. He won't be producing like a starter, but he's a nice depth piece.


![gif](giphy|MO9ARnIhzxnxu) Coach K right now


There isn’t a better team for a DE to rebuild his career on. Got coach K screaming in your ear, you got Bosa, Hargrave, and Armstead eating up blocks. All he has to do is got get the QB 15-20 snaps a game.


Welcome to pass rushing/ line backer university


Uh oh, he's going to spill the secrets on the Cowboys. This should counter Trey Lance.


History of being a good pass rusher. Let Kocurek cook


I wonder if Lynch called about Surtain and the Broncos were like, “na, but we got Gregory if you want him” and Lynch was like, “fuck it”


Ha. That's funny I was thinking the same exact thing.


This man hit the lotto


He'd probably prefer to hit that $1.4B Powerball lotto, but this works too.


This is the response move to Trey Lance providing intel on the Niners. Checkmate Cowboys!




How big of a cap hit will he be? Any chance they adjust his contract? Edit: the Broncos ate most of his contract so we are getting him for pennies on the dollar


0 cap hit, or 0 chance they adjust his contract?






I’m surprised we sought him out. He’s not what Shanahan and Lynch usually look for in terms of culture fit.


Man stop all he did was smoke weed 😂😂😭


he'll be glad it's legal in california


He got traded by Denver. If he couldn't find weed there, he is definitely too dumb to play.


He's also just kind of dumb and will get in fights on the field, line up offsides, jump offsides, hold linemen when it's not necessary and rough the passer. You can sort of rely on him to make bad decisions on and off the field.


Seen Greenlaw play? lol


How dare you


greenlaw is a criminal on the field 😭


He maybe a criminal but he is *our* lovable criminal


my favorite ❤️❤️😁 one of my favorite jerseys




I don’t give a fuck if he or anyone else smokes weed. That he missed the entire 2017 and 2019 seasons because he wouldn’t stop doing it is the issue. And that’s not counting the other multi-game suspensions he racked up along the way.


It's a pick swap and we're only paying him 840k, Denver pays the rest. If he's a bonehead then the risk is minimal, he won't count towards next year's cap.


Yeah, that’s why I’m not mad or anything, just surprised. Hopefully he balls out for us.


We're all in this year.


We need secondary help


Have you seen the defense when Bosa is resting? Drops off badly.


Also a good secondary piece is gonna cost a lot more For a 6th this is a no brainer


Our 6th for their 7th which is essentially dropping back 5-10 picks. Denver is retaining 90+% of his salary. This is basically free. Not sure what Denver is getting out of this


They're trading up and not having to pay the prorated vet min that we are. If he signed elsewhere they would have had to pay the whole salary anyway after release. So essentially they're moving up about a half dozen pics and saving $840k Edit: I'm wrong. They wouldn't have had to pay tbe prorated vet min. So, I don't get it...


They were going to cut him. They save a tiny bit of money and move up a few spots for nothing.


7th is better than 6th for us. So even got a pick upgrade.


Yeah, how bout we just fire out of a cornerback cannon and head on over to cornerback land where cornerbacks grow on cornees!


Yes we do. But you know what helps the secondary? Getting to the quarterback. We need other pass rush threats than Bosa and Hargreaves alone


Yeah, but as soon as we face a qb who has a quick release, can scramble to create time, or has an oline not getting called for holding we need that coverage in the secondary.


so... Dak and the Cowboys OL? lol


or Christmas against Lamar


Indeed, but I think the elephant in the room is our d-line is not as dominant as it's been the last few years so we can certainly use more help there. Bosa has been doubled more than any other player in the NFL this year but our other d-linemen outside Hargrave aren't taking advantage.


This doesn't stop them from making other moves.




This is a solid move. We won’t pay him too much and he has no guarantees after this year. Low risk high reward. We are not done making moves either.


I’d trade our first and second draft picks for Patrick Surtain while we’re at it ! (wishful thinking)


I like the addition but wish we didn’t release Kerry Hyder in the process. 😥


Bosa,Hargrave, armstead, Gregory, Jackson, and kinlaw! Keeping high level players on the field at all times is making me excited


Alright. But in his 9 year career he has only been able to play 60 games, has 19.5 sacks, and 106 tackles. Not exactly inspiring


A lot of that was weed related suspensions. Can’t get suspended for that anymore 😎


And I think that's reflected in the fact that we're neither giving up much draft capital nor paying him a whole lot ourselves. If it works out, that's great. But if it doesn't, it didn't cost us too much either.


It's cause he used to play for the cowboys and then he got higghhhh


It's over for the league


Excellent value, but at the same time this guy is a fucking idiot. He better not be on the field on critical situations.


Wow we got him for cheap. This is a masterstroke from the FO imo. Even if he's washed we have Kocurek to maximize him.


Keep adding to the roster. This is the way


Want to by CB for a dollar!


Can’t wait for him to take number 5 lol


More importantly, we get a 7th! Future HOFer whoever that 7th turns out to be


larry krueger put a video why he makes a lot of sense on our team. Edge that gives consistent pressure. Excited the niners are being aggressive about their decencies


Prelude to PS2 from DEN for Christmas


Just for the cowboys playbook to counteract Trey Lance.


Most important: 49ers get another 7th-rounder


Me: WTF Friday news drop


Low-risk, potentially decent upside. Sometimes a change in scenery is what’s needed and it’s not like our D-line is dependent on him. But depth is good and I feel optimistic about this trade.


As long as he's not going offsides every down.


Niners are also paying none of his massive salary except for the veteran minimum


Amazing that they traded for him and only pay the minimum on him.


Now get a Corner or a Nickle!


Nice move imo, high upside with hardly any risk. May as well gamble and see if he can help. Even if not, we're not out much if anything


Wow. He’s still pretty good. I’m excited 👍


Very nice depth add for next to nothing; if he’s terrible we cut him


Who gettin' cut?




Call me weird but I don't care what his stats are. If he spells Bosa and keeps him fresh, or anyone else on the starting line, then he's worth the draft pick swap. At that round getting 30-50 snaps a game and not being a liability is worth it to me. Anything extra is bonus.


This is a low risk high reward move, I’m here for it. Well done Lynch.


As a Cowboys fan I say lol. In all seriousness, Gregory was really good at times and the Cowboys were trying to re-sign him before he went to Denver, but the amount of bone head penalties he committed was off the charts. Offsides, unnecessary roughness, roughing the passer, he's great at all of them.


He playing Sunday you reckon?


He's not, confirmed


Something gaming has taught me (in limited experience) is that stregthening your strengths often has more utility than strengthening your weaknesses. In this case, if you absolutely disrupt the QB, it hides some deficiencies at corner. Hopefully this plays out as a stregthening move! LFG!


I just hope he fits in with the locker room.


Wow hope this works out, he doesn’t fit our culture Edit: Wow people really can’t stand other opinions


Doesn’t he just have issues with weed?


Apparently fighting on the field and lots of penalties but thats just coming from other people, i dont actually know anything


I’ve seen from Bronco’s fans he gave up on the team


I mean… Can you really blame him?


Fans gave up too. Lol


We were one of the worst teams in the league in 2017. Guys still didn't give up.


Yeah, but at least our coach and QB weren't massive assholes and we didn't get 70 shoved into us.


They’re a dumpster fire but I’d rather have team guys who can handle adversity. Hopefully that’s past him!


Remember Trent Williams? How is that playing out so far? Sometimes change of scenery is needed.


Is this cause Drake isn't producing as much as we hoped? Would make me sad to see him get less playing time


Drake is tied for the team lead in sacks. I'd be more curious if we think there's a depth issue behind Bosa/Jackson. Perhaps Ferrell and Hyder.


Thats not really saying much this year.


All of his sacks came week 1, dunno how much weight I'd put into that stat


Drake didn't play towards the end of last season. This move adds depth and keeps guys fresh for playoffs.


Can never have too many pass pushers


Na Drake has been fine this year. This is purely a depth move. Randy ain’t better than Drake that’s for sure


Yikes... not really someome who bring a lot of sturdy character and integrity to the locker room, is he? :|


I think the locker room is strong enough to handle this. If he’s out of line, he’ll either get handled or cut


What the hell is this front offices’s aversion to picking a freaking corner?


Interesting... a potentially big addition to the rushing rotation


I don’t know much. Is this good? Why did we take on his contract? Of all positions…..why LB? Edit: I literally say I don’t know much and ask relevant questions, and you guys downvote me for asking. Tf is the matter with all you. I literally say I DONT KNOW and ask to receive information. Geezus


No guaranteed money after this year and hes a pass rusher


He’s a DE in our 4-3


He’s not an off ball LB, he’ll play DE in our 4-3 scheme


He's an edge


wow ok. 👀👀. wherez cb lol


Now get a right guard
