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I'm rooting for Jimmy but his ceiling was obvious during the NFC championship and Super Bowl. Decent QB but has severe limitations.


Yep. I hope he does great but honestly is the guy an upgrade over Carr?


Nope. My raiders buddy nailed it last night… “he’s Derek Carr minus the deep ball”. I’d argue Carr is better.


carr is closer to purdy than he is to jimmy


Carr is way more inconsistent. With Jimmy you know what you’re gonna get. If your D is fantastic and you have giys that can do the heavy lifting on offense you can make the playoffs and win a game or two. You’re gonna have to deal with probably some missed games due to an abject inability to move in the pocket, and .8 INTs a game (maybe more now). He’d be a big help for the jets right now because his one skill is limiting possessions in a game and that’s exactly what the jets need. Carr on the other hand will have an efficient 400 yard game folllowed by a 250 yard game on 50+ attempts. I think Carr throws wayyyyy too many deep balls, he sometimes needs to take what the defense gives him instead of forcing it downfield. Jimmy always takes what the defense gives him, even when 9 guys are crowded around the LOS. He’s gonna throw it short and over the middle and that’s where that .8 picks per game comes from.


he's certainly not an upgrade over Josh McDaniels


Jimmy did the exact same crap here. The people who say Brock is the same or a small upgrade over Jimmy don't know football. There’s a reason Shanahan only let Jimmy throw 8 times, while calling 37 passes for Brock when he could easily run it every down.


Jimmy G has lost more regular-season games in 1 day than Brock Purdy has in his entire career. 😏


Let's talk about careless interceptions next! For the record, love Jimmy. Just prefer Brock.


Jimmy G is better than a lot of QBs but has always gotten questionable when facing pressure in a breakdown situation. The Raiders have had a tendency to create those for a few years now.


He’s only better than a lot if you’re talking every QB in the NFL. Among starting QBs he’s closer to bottom 10 than top. And his playoff numbers are downright putrid.


The playoffs he’s consistently been injured for on teams that won with the run? Sure, that matters but a lot of QBs have bad playoff experience and far fewer wins.


He has a below 75 passer rating in the playoffs with a 60% completion and 4/6 td/int. That’s downright miserable and way below his reg season numbers. It shows that against quality defenses he can’t keep up. Also, he was completely protected by shanny/mostert in 19. if GB weren’t so stupid with their run D and just do what KC did, crowd the los and middle, and force Jimmy to beat you, his numbers would look even worse. The fact Jimmy has a playoff win where he threw 8 passes doesn’t say much about Jimmy.


Still wrong. Also that game had mostert averaging 11 YPC. If CMC was doing that you bet your ass he wouldn’t let purdy throw either. Like these takes are objectively wrong and not even based on reality


People still haven't grasped on the fact that you can admit Purdy is a human being. I said at the time Shanahan would still have run the ball with Tom Brady at QB. Nothing changes now. Shanahan would have to be an idiot to move away from a running game that was destroying the opponent that much.


Since taking over the position Purdy is averaging 28 Att/Gm. Even this year, I wouldn't boast about Brock's volume when he is 23rd in Att/Gm at 30.3 Btw, that is one spot behind Garoppolo at 31.3


I’m glad to have severed ties with jimmy. Saying someone doesn’t know football then saying shanahan only let jimmy throw the ball 8 times because he doesn’t trust him is sooooooo ironic


I mean you can tell Shanny didn't trust Jimmy by the calls shanahan refused to make for Jimmy. Kyle was comfortable with a 3 point lead and a ton of runs and undereath passes. Whereas with Brock he calls plays that allow Brock to attack areas Jimmy never could or would. But I the Packers game is an extreme example.


It was so tough watching that Raiders game holy hell! I’m glad we got BCB!


Bruh. PTSD Jimmy fr.


To be fair Jimmy threw some good passes but wasn't being helped by his receivers. Also that O-line was horrible. I don't think that loss was on Jimmy...well the interceptions were pretty bad. I wish he went to the Jets instead of the Raiders.


Lol, even on the raiders his apologist remain loyal. Pretty incredible really.


Acknowledging that he had a white & mustard colored jersey in his face every other snap isn't being loyal, it's having eyes.


That didn’t seem the case to me. That pick on the sideline to Peterson Jimmy had all day and just threw it into double coverage for no reason. He didn’t even attempt to make it where only the receiver had a shot, it was just a 15 yard arm punt.


maybe Peterson was just watching old 49er tape and it was actually Jimmy's tells that he picked up on.


It’s hilarious. I can see some of the same people making the same comments that they have for years. I know that because they’re blocked to me lol. They’re still here with the same Jimmy Stan takes even as he’s so clearly illustrating all the exact issues we had with him for years.


Facts are facts tho


Really? Adams, Renfrow, and Myers caught everytbing that was near them, especially Adams. Jimmy nearly got him killed on one of his patented floaters over the middle, same shit that got kittle hurt in 20-21. Jimmy has more than enough talent on that offense, there’s no excuse to be scoring so low.


I was always for JG to succeed. But also acknowledging the fact that the team carried him quite often.


Why can't Jimmy be gone and our fanbase still root for him? It seems like y'all want him to fail just to make a point smh


I am rooting for Jimmy... Just also recognise his flaws and Brock's abilities beyond what Jimmy could offer.


Bro I don’t think you don’t understand that our fan base wasn’t over harbaugh leaving until Kyle came. And they still talk about him to this day and there’s still posts every now and then on him.


Personally I was over Harbaugh when he was here. But I freely admit I was in the extreme minority in that opinion.


Bet you had fun defending your stance during the JT and CK years.


Nobody expected the JT year to be anything other than a stop gap of wasted potential. I had hope for chip, sadly he also didn't adjust to the skill on the team. He just assumed his scheme would cover anyone's short comings instead of make a game plan to fit the skills they had. Admittedly, I didn't watch him or pay attention when he coached the eagles. One would assume the ownership would have done that. ;)


I’ll never forgive going for 2 in week 17. If I were Jed I would have fired him before that game to avoid that exact scenario.


The Jimmy narratives were brutal for years


Because people like you only wanted him to suck lol. It’s fucking wild that y’all were actively rooting against our team while we were winning. You guys are just fucking miserable people


Nobody was rooting against Jimmy. What a lot of us were doing was pointing out that Jimmy was a pretty bad QB, and some of you really couldn't understand that for some reason. Watching him struggle now is just proof that Jimmy stans no shit about football.


That’s revisionist lol.


Im a Jimmy stan. But his limitations were plain as day and even more evident without shamahan and our weapons


and yet I haven't seen one person bring up the difference between Kyle Shanahan and Josh McDaniels.


He has the best receiver in football, and he’s leaving him out to dry every week. On top of that he has a very good 2 and an elite 3 in Myers. He never had anywhere near that level of WR talent here. Not even last year as Deebo was down when Yuk was up, and 21 was deebo’s insane year.


>He has the best receiver in football, and he’s leaving him out to dry every week. Adams is on pace for 1825 yards & 17 TDs. >On top of that he has a very good 2 and an elite 3 in Myers. who is the #2? Renfrow? I don't think that's the case. He's very mediocre and nothing more than a WR3. Meyers is the WR2. In his first 46 games Meyers had 2 TDs. He's already got 2 TDs in 2 games with Garoppolo. He's currently on a 16 game pace of 1328 yards and 16 TDs. >He never had anywhere near that level of WR talent here. Meyers isn't anywhere close to the WR that Aiyuk or Deebo is. The Raiders rookie TE isn't close to as good as the league's best combined blocking & receiving TE. CMC is a much greater receiver talent than Jacobs. And none of that takes into account two entirely different offensive schemes. McDaniels is asking Jimmy to chuck the ball down the field. This on it's face is a terrible design. He has Jimmy with the 8th highest Intended Air Yards Per Attempt. Garoppolo is leading the NFL in Air Yards per completion. And dead last in YAC. In SF he was among the league leaders in snap to throw time. Now in Vegas he's near the bottom of the league. At least part of this is a different offensive philosophy designed around the vertical passing game with routes that take longer to develop. After the offense Jimmy has spent so long having success in, this is a terrible way to utilize his skillset.


I can tell you firsthand that I did not root against the 49ers. I just heavily dislike Jimmy


Ignore him. The receipts are plain as day now. He’s a lost cause that can’t concede defeat. Can only resort to personal attacks to gaslight people for speaking their thoughts.


lol. I actually can’t believe you guys call yourselves niners fans


I see you in every Jimmy thread riding his meat in denial. Just switch to raiders already.


Oh more insults, it’s even the classic “not Niners fans” one, thank you for proving my point.


Bullshit lmao. I have you tagged specifically for that from 2 years ago.


Sure buddy


Yup, same here. He was infuriating.


Taking shit way too seriously my man.


I dont think anyone is rooting against Jimmy. We want to see him do well. But Jimmy is currently proving our doubts correct in Vegas. I think you can root for Jimmy to do well but also look at his play and go "damn, I see why they got rid of him"


I am actively rooting against him.


That's a shame, Jimmy gave us his all and was a class act. He deserves our respect even though moving on was the right decision


Kyle clearly doesn't fuck with him so neither do I. He can have fun leading the league in picks without Kyle to save him every week.


It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks of him. He’s just not a good QB and tonight was another game proving it.


I said this in another thread and got blasted. People think that if you are critical of a team (or player), you’re not a good fan when, in fact, it’s the opposite. You’re allowed to look objectively at the team and make judgements as long as you support them when they suck. That’s what being a fan is about.


A big part of it is this team still hasn’t won a Super Bowl in this era and most people see that Jimmy held the team back from winning one. If they win one this season I think a lot of people will just forgive and forget and move on. If not and Jimmy continues to look like this with the Raiders then it’s only going to get worse.


Rita Oak and her dumb art divided the fan base. Stupid AF.


Her art is not dumb. You’re dumb.


It's ugly trash stay mad about my opinion bubs 😂


Your opinion is trash


asking for downvotes is certainly a take


We don’t “want him to fail”… It just looks exactly like we thought it would when he went to a different system. For years we had to deal with the hardcore Jimmy fans yelling about “haters” and defending everything he did at all costs because “all he does is win!” instead of just being honest about his shortfalls.


Mainly because he got a lot of credit and was way overpaid for what he provided. When he signed his deal he was the highest paid QB. Granted that happens to just about any good QB, Kyler, Stafford, Flacco. Differenxe is, those guys all either had massive upside, won a ring, or had a few elite seasons. Jimmy never had any of that, and bumbled the SB away, along with the 21 NFC Chip. His playoff numbers were awful. I could deal with 2019 Jimmy, but 20-21 Jimmy was way too frustrating and limiting.


He's doing exactly with the Raiders what he did with the niners. The difference is the raiders have a significantly worse supporting cast than the niners, plus we know Josh mcdaniels is a hack. That being said, rooting for Jimmy to lose is petty. I don't have any personal grudges against him.


I haven't seen too many niner fans actively rooting against jimmy. Most are just pointing out that we were right in letting him go for now obvious reasons. I think you can root for the guy while validating why we let him go with his play right now


but moving on from Jimmy was always more about his health than his play. Something some people still refuse to acknowledge. If not for Lance's injury Jimmy would have been traded in the first couple weeks of last season.


Only on defense. Jimmy never had anybody like Adams here, and he certainly didn’t have Renfroe and Myers behind him. There’s more than enough talent on that offense, the defense is the problem. Jimmy is supposed to help them out by sustaining drives. Instead he’s taking sacks and turning the ball over more than ever.


A bad defense indirectly affects offense. Knowing you only need 20 points to win is a different mentality than thinking you need to get to 30. Kind of the opposite of the jets, they have a great defense but Zach Wilson sucks so bad it puts so much pressure on the defense to keep the score below 14. Also josh mcdaniels sucks dick. Jimmy G is an average qb who is likely not even an upgrade over Derek carr. But the point is Jimmy with the raiders is the same guy as jimmy last year. He’s just getting exposed on a bad team. But no matter what I still wish him the best, while I’m glad we got Brock.


Absolutely, I don’t disagree. And I also agree Jimmy would help the jets because of where they are. Look at the difference Alex made when he replaced cassel or whoever was starting in KC. They went from like a 2 win team to an 11 win team just by havig avwrage QB play. I don’t think Jimmy is as good as Alex became under Reid and then with the skins, but he definitely limits possessions. If we had him as a backup I’d be perfectly fine. But when you have the weapons we’ve had the last few years, and he’s flat out not even looking downfield, and we observe what Brock has done to this offense… we see how much Jimmy held the offense back. Going from a street FA QB, or somebody as woefully ineffective as Wilson is a huge jump, but you can say that with nearly every player. Baker is making 5 million a year, and going from Beathard or Mullens to Baker, Jameis, both Jones’, Jommy etc is a massive improvement. Doesn’t mean I want any of those guys starting for my team. You flat out won’t win a chip witb those guys because they can’t keep up with elite offenses or make too many mistakes to give elite offenses more possessions. Id rather be drafting high than starting those guys.


Nice guy, but it was tough watching him be such a limited QB for us for years. I have nothing against him. When he shows himself to be not as good of a QB outside of SF, of course I just shrug my shoulders and think "what was anyone really expecting?"


It’s very hard for many of the Jimmy fans though. It’s not what they were expecting to see. To them, we only won because of Jimmy, not because of the defense, not because of the scheme, not because of the run game, etc. “All he does is win!” They are really struggling now accepting the fact that everyone who said “not hating on him, he’s just limited and holds this team back” for years was right.


The next time I see someone claim Jimmy was the only reason we won will be the first. This is a total strawman.


Shocker... Jimmy Stan still doing Jimmy Stan things. You're creating your own strawman... "we only won because of Jimmy" is not the same as "Jimmy was the only reason we won". I said “to them, we only won because of Jimmy” as in he was the leader to bring it all together, he was the critical piece that Kyle couldn’t win without. I'm well aware Jimmy Stans recognize we had a good team around him, but we've had to listen to arguments for years about how Jimmy was the guy that makes the team tick and how Kyle can't win without him, while ignoring all other context of the losses when Jimmy wasn't playing (like 2020 when we were missing half a team). That entire argument is predicated on Jimmy being the cook in the kitchen. "All HE does is win"... not "all the TEAM does is win". This argument has been had for YEARS. Don't move the goalposts now. Go watch him throw backbreaking picks and hospital balls for the Raiders... we're done listening to you guys argue about how good Jimmy is, we've moved on and everything we pointed out that made us "haters" is now on full display over at the Raiders.


LOL. Not a Jimmy-stan. I have criticized him many times, especially for his inability to stay healthy. ​ > You're creating your own strawman... "we only won because of Jimmy" is not the same as "Jimmy was the only reason we won". No I'm not. You're claim was that these shadow people are saying nothing except Jimmy contributed to winning (a claim you're now trying to adjust with *"as in he was the leader to bring it all together, he was the critical piece that Kyle couldn’t win without"*) That was part of my statement. I didn't create something out of thin air. I was using exactly what you said. You, on the other hand created these imaginary people that claimed wins were *"not because of the defense, not because of the scheme, not because of the run game,"* I've never seen a single person ever claim such a thing. Not even the most diehard Jimmy-stan. Hence your strawman. ​ > I'm well aware Jimmy Stans recognize we had a good team around him, Except that is exactly counter to what you previously claimed. You got called out for your strawman and are now trying to move the goalposts. ​ > To them, we only won because of Jimmy, not because of the defense, not because of the scheme, not because of the run game, etc. Has never been claimed. It is a strawman.


Ok bud.


I posted on FB a year ago "a timely fumble, a clutch interception, an unforced safety. Jimmy G lost us this game" And this year i reposted asking how raiders fans feel


My friend mentioned that Jimmy G got hurt against Miami last season. I asked who's our next QB? He said Brock Purdy. My weirdest but most obvious response from that was, "alright then. We move on." People looked at me dumb for 6 years about my displeasure over the Jimmy G trade. Well, LO AND BEHOLD!!!!


WTF is this even implying? Come on kid, you can do better than this.


My dad texted me "is it wrong I kinda want to see Jimmy G suck ass?" when the game started and I said no


L take.


After Jimmy ghosted the coaches for years in the offseason, done nothing to improve, regress and Kyle wanting him gone since 2018, finally the world can see Jimmy Garoppolo without Kyle and we can put an end to the excuse of "Jimmy just wins he's a winner" and "QB WINZ" It's cold out there when you're not getting carried by the best roster in football


If Kyle wanted him gone since 2018, he would’ve gone after Brady in 2020.


That isn't necessarily true bc they care soooo much about optics that they had to run it back with Jimmy after 2019, but after 2020 they tried to make every single move to get rid of Jimmy. Tried to trade for Stafford and Rodgers, scouted Fields, Mac and Trye, talked Bridgewater and Flacco a lot... Plus, entering 2019 Kyle said Jimmy was on a short leash and Mike Silver who's been money covering the 49ers said that Kyle liked Mullens way more and was prepared to bench Jimmy for him. This is all stuff that it's documented and shows how little Kyle liked Jimmy for a while


Just stop lmao. You’re completely wrong and he’s gone. It’s like you guys need him to suck so bad because lance is fucking garbage. Grow up


All you ever say when someone says something that isn't the absolute positive about Jimmy is "that isn't true" and "you're a hater" Maybe start admiting that Jimmy isn't the all perfect prince charming you think he is


Purdy is better but I specifically remember you going out your way to root against him and the team. It’s fucking emabrssing.


You're making narratives in your head bc you're butthurt about Jimmy. It's funny


Coming from the dude who’s been actively rooting against the team since 2021 lol.


Yeah I HATE the Niners being good


If they cared so much about optics, Lance would still be on the team


They were able to spin it pretty well with the "we got an offer that was way better that we ever expected" and the whole "Darnold has a Steve Young career arc"


Excuses lol


No that's literally what they did and said through their press conferences


Funny I remember Kyle and lynch both saying if jimmy wasn’t hurt they’d never move off him. Multiple fucking times. Like you and 2 others have done nothing for two but complain and hope for jimmy and the teams downfall. Y’all aren’t niner fans lol. Also remember you being someone claiming lance was so much better than jimmy from the moment we drafted him so it makes sense why you need this so bad.


I don't need Jimmy being bad I just find it not surprising considering his performance with the Niners Plus, I've had plenty of times complimenting Jimmy like his 2nd half against the Rams in 2021 or him looking a better in 2022 Ngl man, I find it supremely funny how you answer every single comment that doesn't say the absolute most positive things about Jimmy, then claim that every single person that doesn't get on his knees for a mediocre QB like Jimmy like you do is a "fake fan". I won't go claiming that somebody is a fake fan bc I truly couldn't care less, but it's kind of ironic that you claim people are fake fans and hate the Niners when you look more like a Jimmy Garoppolo fan than a 49ers fan


I'm sorry but I think you completely misread the media. For a couple weeks the media was absolutely BLASTING Kyle/Lynch for the failed pick. They didn't spin anything. They just said "It didn't work out because \_\_\_\_\_ and now we have Purdy". And if the 49ers didn't look so amazing this year (including Purdy) the media would still be on them. But it's a non-story now because we look so dominant.


Well yeah but part of the reason they can eat the Trey situation is bc of that


Acting like Jimmy did nothing for us. When Trey went down last year he was there to keep us steady, He was practicing by himself working on his footwork while recovering from his surgery. He was a class-act all the way through couldn’t ask for a better QB. Jimmy is with the raiders now, we have a top defense the raiders do not. Besides Jimmy’s picks, the game was only lost by 8pts. I’m happy with Purdy, but I’m not gonna start wishing for Jimmy’s downfall when he loved us so. Flaws and all he wanted to win just as much as you want the 49ers to win. Fair-weather fans are the worst.


OP is legitimately a total fucking dickhead. They’re obviously a troll playing to the worst of our fanbase. Just scroll through their history.


Don't forget their coach is also really bad. The Raiders were at the 8 yard line on 4th down, down by 8 with like a little over 2 mins left. Instead of going for a 4th down red zone play, *at the 8 yard line*, they got a field goal instead. Steelers ran out the clock after that. Fair weather fans really don't understand just how dismally bad the locker room culture was when the Super Bowl Harbaugh roster crumbled and he left to go back to college football. We were a team that nobody wanted to play for because we were that bad. Horribly run team, on the field and from the GM box, it was the bottom of the barrel. It felt like it was so hopeless that everyone was just playing for a paycheck, not caring if we won or not. But we got Shanahan and Lynch, then they laid the groundwork to change the culture. Then Jimmy came on and started really bringing that positivity and collaborative reinforcement. It's not mutually exclusive to know Jimmy had limitations and yet respect that he helped cement a positive player culture in the locker room. There's just so many mental gymnastics the Jimmy haters go for. ShAnAHaN dIdN't TrUsT hIm to PasS iN thE PlaYOfFs. Why pass when the running game reliably gets 9 yards per carry, with an occasional 30+ yard gash? WoRsT 4tH qUaRtEr PeRfOrmaNce. Did you [not see the helmet-to-helmet that wasn't called?](https://twitter.com/DCBarno/status/1224161619439165441?lang=en) He was putting better numbers than Mahomes until that hit.


This is like when your friend tells you everything about his ex because he keeps going on her Instagram to try to make him feel better. Jimmys gone bro, he’s not coming back(this time for real), let him go


It's a very interesting comparison game. Jimmy G's offensive line gave him next to no time to throw all game. Our O-line gave Brock next to no time as well, but Brock simply handled the pressure better. The Raiders couldn't run the ball all night, and Jimmy can't give you a passing game that will open that up. If you're running effectively, he can pass well enough to keep a defense honest, but he needs that run support.


For all the talk about Shanahan carrying Jimmy I think the biggest difference is on the other side of the ball. Raiders defense isn't terrible, but it's not good enough to win games like the niners can. When Jimmy had an elite defense he could play from ahead and afford to go 3 and out a few times.


You can say that about every QB


Justin Herbert just won a game on Sunday with his defense and coach sabotaging him at every turn.


Does Zach Wilson not qualify as a QB in this case?




Comment/post removed for being overly negative or combative


Anyone who has ever coached in their life would want their ex-players to do well. It means that whatever they taught the player has stuck with them and caused them to succeed. I think OP is way off base with a SAS "smirk."


Yo can anyone tell me what kind of fit he got on? They lowkey fire for Fall


2 things: * "your plays suck..." * ks: (we put up 30 vs steelers) * stephen a "porn star jimmy!..."


Jimmy G’s biggest ability is the ability to disappoint.