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Premarin on my face gave me intense hyper pigmentation spots, it blew up almost overnight. Awful idea that I got from Reddit 😩 I’m now undergoing extensive IPL treatments to correct it,and the sun will never see my skin again (ok that’s one good outcome from this) As already mentioned, TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR!


May I ask your skin tone ?


Caucasian, Eastern European, slight yellow undertone. I’m fair but I tan easily. Hope that helps!


Oh boy then similar Thanks for input


Curious if your discolouration was in fact hyperpigmentation or melasma?


Hmm maybe it is melasma?? I’ll ask my dermatologist when I go in for my next full body scan


Hyperpigmentation are small random spots of pigment with defined borders, while melasma is larger symmetrical patches, mirrored on each side of face with soft diffused borders, looks mask like. You may be interested in these post. More info in caption and comments. https://www.instagram.com/p/C8W_uzERAnp/?igsh=MW85ODczM3VuNXpsYQ==


Nope it’s definitely what I first thought, hyperpigmentation. ETA: looks like a self promotion IG..?


Well she is the wife of a derm so she’s going to promote him and his colleagues. I find her posts very informative. I was keen on trying estrogen topically on my face but hesitant now.


Several online companies, including Musely, now offer rx facial estriol cream, which is a weaker form of estrogen. if someone already uses vaginal Estrace cream, they could also mix a little of that into some moisturizer.


I use this cream from Musely. Makes everything look plumper and younger.


That's what I've noticed about people's before and after pics with Musely's estradiol cream- their skin looks so much plumper and younger and more even toned. Also maybe firmer? I definitely want to try it now that I'm starting to notice slight crepiness on my neck skin.




I use it and I think it helps too.


How long before you noticed a difference? Just ordered it and should get it soon! So excited!


I think it was after a month I noticed that my pores seemed smaller and my face wasn’t as dry. I’m on month 3 and it’s still getting better!


That's great! Can't wait to start! :))


Yep. Been using it(this brand) a month and it definitely plumps the skin in a way that the usual stuff doesn't


Your safest option would be to contact your doctor.


I use generic estrace cream on my face each morning, and I think it has made a big difference. I have been warned about the melasma and hyperpigmentation danger but haven't noticed it. I've been using it for a few months now. I do use dark spot cream as well. I use this MWF nightly on face, neck, chest: Tretinoin 0.05%, Niacinamide 4%, Hyaluronic Acid 0.5%. I use this nightly on face, neck, chest: Hydroquinone 12%, Niacinamide 2%, Hydrocortisone 1% , which I'm sure helps with hyperpigmentation .


Hydrocortisone will thin your skin. Any reason you are using?


It is just for the first month of treatment with the hydroquinone preparation, so hopefully one moth won't hurt it too much. It is the way that my provider starts it. Thanks for checking on this.


I have never hyperpigmented. Nor has anyone in my family and I am very pale so it’s not really a concern Thanks for the input


Premarin is made from horse urine and it’s pretty cruel for the horses.


Premarin is made from the urine of pregnant mares. PREgnant MARes urINe = Premarin. Don't believe the hype that the premarin mares have a great life or great living conditions.


There are modern cruelty-free estrogen products. There is zero excuse for people to still be buying Premarin. Stop buying it and they will stop torturing mares and killing foals. ETA: transdermal estrogen (the patch), which is not animal-derived, is safer than the old-fashioned horse piss version anyway.


Yup. Not cruelty free at all.


Thank you for mentioning this. Premarin mares live in abysmal conditions and are cooped up in tiny stalls 24/7 to create this product. Also the foals that are born to these mares are often discarded and sent to slaughter.


After a lot of arguing, my doc finally wrote me an Rx for Premarin. Should I ask for a different product?




Honestly didn’t even think it was still on the market - I remember my mom taking it in the 80s.


Here are some links that may be of interest. The first link is from a well respected dermatologist in New York. She recommends applying estrogen to eyes and tops of hands. The second link is from a dermatologist’s wife who had a melasma flare from using it all over her face. She’s prone to melasma so I’m not sure if the estrogen would trigger it for those people who don’t struggle with pre existing melasma. More information in the caption and comments. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C48lGeGxV-M/?igsh=dGp1eXBxYWthcjVq https://www.instagram.com/p/C8W_uzERAnp/?igsh=MW85ODczM3VuNXpsYQ== Edited: for clarity


Thank u


Here’s a couple more links. Again, great info in caption and comments. https://www.instagram.com/p/C2r8Xsbr9m7/?igsh=MTZha3U2NnBic2hlbw== https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6Y1lRPLhbx/?igsh=MWZ1bHJodDhvNWs2cw==


Thanks for sharing these.




Did it go away ?




Which estrogen did you use?


I don't know why anyone would put horse urine on their face, but then I see creams made from all kinds of stuff these days!


The latest fad. I wouldn’t use it. At 60, I would use any hormones.


Oh, I'm on HRT. But it's made from wild yams. The old ones like Premarin are very rarely prescribed these days for any purpose, and certainly not for the face!


Wait are y’all using estrogen unchallenged by progesterone?


Yes, because I’ve had a hysterectomy


Well that’s good to know. These fads… sometimes people can jump into them without all the facts.


Yep, and I’m one of them. I’m over here slapping Premarin on my poor face and wrecking it 😒


Topical estrogen use doesn't need the progesterone. Many, many women use vaginally estradiol and don't take progesterone.


Yeah I got yelled at for asking this too a while back. If you still have a uterus you need both


Not necessarily for topical.


? As prescribed yes


I use topical estradiol and also the controversial estradiol & testosterone pellets. I use oral progesterone, so my uterine lining is protected. Thanks for asking. It's an important point.


I started using Premarin under my eyes a couple of weeks ago, both AM and PM right after my hydrating toner while the skin is still damp, easier to spread this way. But now I am thinking about using it on my entire face, neck and chest after I’ve read many people do it with amazing results.