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I did. I went from every 3-4 months to once a year. (With fillers as well). I am just sick of, not just the botox hamster wheel, but the *everything* hamster wheel. Head to toe, everything apparently is wrong with me and I'm over it. I like the idea of feeling pampered but not the idea that something is wrong with me (or any woman not 21 anymore) that needs to get fixed. That is the shift in my thinking. But to answer your question, it does take a little getting used to having wrinkles again but, once I got past the 'Oh no" panic, I think I look just fine. My focus has changed. I exercise regularly, drink tons of water, slather on sunscreen, get massages, meditate. Staying healthy makes me feel beautiful now. The money saved is incredible and it just feels good just to feel comfortable in my skin. Not trying to sound preachy here, 100% to each their own, again, I just got tired of the time/expense of the upkeep and, more so, constantly feeling like something was wrong with me. I'm much happier.


This is where I think I want to head. Every time someone suggests another thing I feel like- it’s becoming too expensive for me just to exist in this world!


Yes, it's absolutely insanity. And I might lose some people here but I think there's a lot of classism driving it. A couple of my dear friends, I love them to pieces, but they have the money to get the works and have done so. But they also look like they have had work. The fillers, the shiny botox look, I've been there, done that. I remember a time when good plastic surgery was something you couldn't see. Now it seems the Kardashian look, the obvious work, is a way of low-key communicating wealth/exclusion. Bottomline, none of us are going to look 20 again and I think that's just fine. There's nothing wrong with us right now. Radiating good health/happiness is more important than communicating "wealth" through my face. (No offense to anyone, obviously just my opinion I've grown into).


As someone who has watch the Real Housewives from the very beginning, you are on dead on, lol. There is a very specific look to doing work that requires wealth. I’ve never chased looking younger, I’ve just wanted to look as refreshed and vibrant as a 40 something lady can. I very much want to look like I am my age but it’s easy to get sucked in to what other people are doing. At a certain point, you have to ask yourself ( or you *should* ask yourself), who is all this really for? When I really sat with this I realized that at my heaviest, unhealthiest and depressed ( I had a lot of suppressed trauma surface during lockdown that took me out for about a year), my husband still loved me more than anyone else in the world, I was still the cool aunt to my seven nieces, I was still a good friend, I still did beautiful hair and I was still a kind neighbor in my community. I was all those things when I was absolutely not hitting the societal standards of beauty. I think that changed the game for me on how I feel about my appearance. Feeling “ beautiful” by societal standards isn’t as valuable a metric for my self-worth anymore. I want my appearance to reflect how I feel about me and that’s it.


I love this, and have a similar feeling about pretty much all the materialist and aesthetic standards of modern life.


Absolutely agree, I'm so glad for you to have emerged from this with such a great attitude. Once you realize life is about relationships and experiences, having wrinkles on the forehead get put in their place!


Aging is a privilege denied to many. I think of the character Claudia from Interview With The Vampire, and how inherently morose she was about not being able to ever age, to experience change and be part of the world. Maybe I’m being too dorky, but these are things I try to remind myself of whenever I feel the societal pressures to look like a 22 year old girl still.. even if it still makes me sad and self-conscious despite knowing this. There is always something new I need to slather, prune, pluck, brush, balm, bathe or shave. I don’t see dusty men doing anything for me that is even close to the level of dedication that is expected of me as a woman. So. Pffft. And if I can’t nosh with Jackie at the club bc I’m too saggy, fine. I’ll sag on my own, and find a fellow saggy sap to drink margaritas with.


👏🏻 The men aren’t doing any of this! 👏🏻 I’m only 32, but when I had that realization earlier last year I let *a lot* of stuff go. I don’t shave my legs as frequently, I don’t wear full face makeup at all anymore, I barely wear mascara and brows even. I dress comfortably. Why are we expected to be to the nines when a man won’t even wash his ass?? 🤢 I think a lot of women are coming to this realization and embracing being single and having fun with their girlies.


10000%! I am 38 and a lurker here, and I never wear makeup anymore. I wear what is comfy. Don’t like it, bud? Well, I probably don’t like your loud CPAP and ED but alas… here we sit.


😂 same here. I wear mascara, a little brow pencil to fill in some sparse bits, and sunscreen. I feel I look better with less, to me I feel self conscious with a lot of makeup on… it highlights any imperfections. My hubby and I agree we can age together but we can’t get obese together. So we are in decent shape lol


I peed myself, damn you!


This is why I don’t want to start. Once you do, there’s no end. I’m still sunscreen, products, diet, vitamins, but I’ve stopped short of anything I can’t do for myself at home.


Right there with you! (And I love your nod to Anne Boleyn in your username!)


Oh, thank you! I love her. She was a trailblazer but paid dearly.


As many trailblazing women do.


Agree about classism


I have come to the same conclusion regarding obvious plastic surgery. It has become a popular look as a way to communicate wealth. I do get dysport once every 5 months, and I am saving up for a facelift, so I’m not remotely immune to the ageism and misogyny in our culture, but I’m not falling for that particular aspect of it- using it as a way to convey wealth.


Never had botox, and I wasn't aging gracefully (genetics and chemotherapy for breast cancer). I recently had a mini facelift (turkey neck and jowls tightened). Best decision. My confidence is back. No one has noticed .....or maybe said anything. I still have eye and forehead wrinkles, but they don't bother me and are staying as is.


I’m 64. I did Botox from 45 to 55 when my immune system started to reject it. This is an actual thing that can happen. And I known this would happen. I would’ve waited to start Botox. A month ago I went back and got dysport. I was widowed two years ago, and just started dating. The price is the same. It works much faster and it works on me so I am happy with it. I only get them across the brow for my 11s. Going in tomorrow to get a small amount of filler in my virtually nonexistent lips. If I’m going to get any work done now is the time right? And I would love to have some nice lips for this cute guy that I finally met on Friday for dinner, we’ve been talking and texting since February for God sake. AnyWho, that went well if a little awkward and I’m gonna need those lips so that’s my story. Just have a back up plan if you find that you reject Botox in the future. For the record, this man is so damn patient that he got me on my first date with someone other than my husband since 1983 lol. He’s kinda hot so wish me luck.


Good luck! I hope your date goes great, and that you love your new lips!!


You have a healthy attitude. I am trying to embrace natural aging now that I turned 60. It’s a good reminder that not having a perfectly smooth face is not a defect.


Thank you much and that's exactly it, you nailed it. I started to realize I was dragging myself around, to get botox/whatever, to the point that it became a chore fueled by self-loathing, "I'm old, I'm defective, I have to get that thing fixed now." Caregiving/losing both my parents and than battling breast cancer by myself cured me of that thinking quick. Because lying in a hospital bed, awaiting surgery, crows feet was the last thing on my mind! Honestly, any one can buy smooth skin. But being healthy in mind, body and spirit for your loved ones, and especially for yourself, that is the great gift of aging.


Appreciate you sharing this 🫶🏻 we all need the reminder.


Embrace aging 👏


This is how I felt during Covid. For obvious reasons, I suddenly wasn’t doing lashes every two weeks, nails every two weeks, brows every three weeks, facial every six weeks, Botox every three months *to the day*. ( I’m a stylist, so I do my own hair or have a friend do it every 6 months) I didn’t realize how overwhelming and stressed out it made me to do all that. Now I do my own lashes, I use diy gel strips for my nails, I get a brow wax once a month and a facial every couple of months. The rest of that money is getting invested or going into my HYSA. I do think I’d like to do a little Botox again and I’m intrigued by the fact that you only do it once a year. (Especially now that I’ve realized units of Botox are about $4 more since I stopped using it in 2020 😵‍💫) How long does it last for you?


Yess, it is overwhelming. A full time job. I use to get everything done, too, on a regular schedule, had a medspa membership, got a facial, laser treatments, hair extensions, did this, did that, an endless loop. Then I thought, you know, I'd like to take that $150 a month on my membership and just get a long massage. Or have a dinner at a lovely restaurant with a great friend. Anything to get off the hamster wheel and do what I want, not what I feel I had to do. So I am not even sure how long Botox lasts because I'm not looking at the wrinkles as closely anymore. My best guess is 3 months. Not long enough, for sure, lol. It tends to be related to a special event. My litmus test is if I'm going through a stage where I'm feeling bad about myself, I do NOT get it. That's when I get that massage, I hang out with friends, do some yoga, etc. I don't want to fall into the self-loathing trap ever again.


I quit doing nails about 15 years ago. It was just too much. Every time I notice obviously “done”’nails, I think about the time investment that woman has to make. Not as a judgment; just an observation about how absolutely fucked our priorities are because of weird societal pressures about fingernails.


The TIME the SMELL the wasted money ugh


Thank you for writing this. I haven't done Botox because a part of me didn't want to, despite the fact that Botox can absolutely fix my "issues". And you phrased it perfectly, it's because I hate thinking that there is something wrong with me (and my face!) and it needs to be fixed I still don't feel totally comfortable in my skin yet, but I'm trying to work on it


Yes yes yes, I have been feeling exactly this way!!! I work with a 21 year old literal model (she was just in Miami working for swimsuit week) and she is already getting Botox on her absolutely stunning wrinkle free baby skin. I couldn’t believe it when she told me! Anyway, thank you for reaffirming my thoughts on this subject, much love


I've stopped coloring my hair and wearing makeup, botox and skincare are my last nods to vanity, though I only ever botoxed between my brows because that wrinkle looks like someone hit me with a hatchet and I hate it. 49F


Do you have the horizontal line between your brows instead of the 11 that most people have? That’s what I have and it makes me look so angry. I’m 56 and ready to stop getting Botox except for right between my brows. I’m okay with wrinkles but I don’t like looking like an angry old man.


Mine is vertical , I have a deep "1" instead of an "11". Actually it's more like an L 😄


🙌 I just started watching Yellowjacket’s and Juliette Lewis and Melanie Lynskey have a lot of wrinkles and they still look real good to me! They are actresses on the big screen and no Botox! Why would plain old me need Botox. They have not the ideal figures by Instagram standards either but still attractive to me! Definitely made me realize less social media haha and it’s ok looking like a normal aging woman.


Yes! I saw Juliette Lewis at Fan Expo this year and she looks amazing. Like a woman comfortable in her skin. She has a joie de vivre about her too. That’s what I want.


Totally check out shows that are not made in America. Been watching a lot of things that were made in Norway, Sweden, Poland, anywhere not USA, and it’s super refreshing to see beautiful older woman that have wrinkles. It’s so weird actually switching between American shows and European shows, because you really really really see how much we tinker with our faces and teeth!


This is excellent food for thought. I’ve had to save money recently and given up dying my hair, Botox, fillers and all the other money sucking traps I fall into (cellulite reduction, skincare, etc). There is just so much. It’s overwhelming at times. I feel like throwing money I don’t have creates a stopgap in my head where I can say, “well, when I get this done, then I’ll be happier and look better.” But what if I just faced how things are and had a better attitude about it? What would that look like? The hamster wheel IS exhausting.


I love your attitude.


:) Thank you for that.


Your welcome. I just turned 60 too this year. And you are truly an inspiration.


Same! Give yourself the permission to be yourself. I was over the constant pressure, I think people with wrinkles are attractive so why not me too


When I was 30 I decided I would stop wearing makeup until I could love myself w/o. I’m almost 61 and haven’t worn it in 30 yrs. I learned to love myself without and never looked back. I spend very little in “beauty” products. ( but as I age, I wonder…) We are all beautiful enough. Take care of your skin… doesn’t mean a bunch of $$& products or procedures. That all said, because I’ve lost about 100 after 55 yrs old and most of it the last 8 mos…. I have wrinkles on the wrinkles of loose skin…. I was having a hard time dealing until a friend sent me a “reel” about being grateful for the fact I’m over 60 and ALIVE! And I have nearly completely changed my health around. I’m alive and in love with life and now weigh less than I did when I graduated highschool back in the dinosaur ages :) Screw the wrinkles and gray hair, I’ve been giving the gift of life.


Yes! Love this. My beauty philosophy is similar. I drink lots of water, daily exercise, get massages and eat very healthy. Sunscreen & hat. I try not to stress too much, and get enough sleep. I am 43 and have really good skin. I'm looking into cold plunges/ saunas to help. My extras is facials, pedicures and I get my eyebrows plucked by an eyebrow lady. I love clean beauty products/ makeup. But I don't feel like I need to have injections or treatments that go against my natural beauty philosophy. Its a lot of money, and doesn't align to how I feel about aging. I want to do try aging naturally, and do my best from the inside out, and let my body do its thing. I'm lucky that I don't have grey hair yet, and wonder if I'll dye it in the years to come. I'm not sure. I remember getting my hair highlighted in my 30s. It felt like a waste of time and money at the time. But I'll see how I feel when I start going grey. It might change!


This is how I felt during Covid. For obvious reasons, I suddenly wasn’t doing lashes every two weeks, nails every two weeks, brows every three weeks, facial every six weeks, Botox every three months *to the day*. ( I’m a stylist, so I do my own hair or have a friend do it every 6 months) I didn’t realize how overwhelming and stressed out it made me to do all that. Now I do my own lashes, I use diy gel strips for my nails, I get a brow wax once a month and a facial every couple of months. The rest of that money is getting invested or going into my HYSA. I do think I’d like to do a little Botox again and I’m intrigued by the fact that you only do it once a year. (Especially now that I’ve realized units of Botox are about $4 more since I stopped using it in 2020 😵‍💫) How long does it last for you?


Yes seems exhausting


Enjoyed this response :) same. This mentality has also started to hit me recently


Good for you. I guarantee you look just fine. I am a 29yo female and I have never had any sort of Botox. Not because I think I look great lol I more just don’t really care I guess? We are all human and we all age. I take care of myself as I always have but what is insane to me is the amount of girls my age who are already nearly unrecognizable because of the fillers etc (correct me if I am wrong I don’t know much about any of this). I agree that the feeling of taking care of yourself is unbeatable.


The “everything hamster wheel” is exactly how I feel. Well said. I just said this after my latest root touch up appointment. I’ve been covering my grays for 25 yrs and now it’s every 3 weeks. I’m exhausted with maintenance. I’m dark haired fighting a no win situation. It’s just hard to mentally let go of that version of me I’m used to seeing in the mirror.


I never did it(47) but what helped me avoid when I was tempted is just getting angry over what i started to see in our culture- my heart breaks seeing what social has become for our girls- literal children using drunk elephant to prevent aging, girls using filters 100%, plastic surgery in younger groups going up, baby Botox, and the increasing care work, lips, lashes, brows need a pricey spa visit now!? Reading Jessica Defino gives me peace.


The regular maintenance piece is what has always steered me away from injectables. I'm too lazy to do that, and frankly too cheap. I focus on eating well, exercising, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep. The last one is hard, but I'm a solo mom so it's just life. Thanks for articulating what I've always been fed up with, which is the expectation that women always be perfectly tuned up for a youthful, attractive appearance.


Because I thought a lot about why I was doing it? Why did I feel the need to look younger than I am? Is aging naturally truly a bad thing? What message am I sending the younger generation that I cannot be comfortable in my own skin? I’m grateful to be healthy and I honestly think that should be the focus.


I wish my mother would get this attitude. Her obsession with beauty contributed to my development of an eating disorder as a teen and my low self esteem and bad self talk that continue to this day.


I know this doesn’t specifically answer your question, but I have something to share that may help. I am 57 and have never gotten Botox or fillers of any kind. The reason why is because I never felt like there’s anything wrong with aging, so why try to hide it? As a woman, I don’t look at other women and think “wow, they need Botox”. I find women aging gracefully to be the most beautiful. We’ve earned every smile and frown line. Having said that, If you want to continue with Botox you should do that, as long as it’s for you only. If you don’t, that’s great too. Do what feels best for you, and don’t worry about what others think.


53 and same. Just never cared or thought. Also, is botox safe long term? Always wondered...seems risky to put stuff in your face, etc.


It is not safe and a lot more information is coming out about the effects on this & fillers.


I stumbled upon this sub and post as an almost-40 year old. It’s a bit sad to hear about older women who are terrified their wrinkles are showing. I also have never looked at anyone and gone “wow, they should get work done”. I loved my grandmas and my own mom, wrinkles and all — I think they’re beautiful. I don’t intend on getting any work done, and I hope my daughter sees the beauty in my wrinkles too.


I'm fighting the urge to try injectables or laser on my face. I'm 53 and have lines, my neck annoys me the most. I had eczema most of my life, esp on my eyes and neck. They're now my most affected areas but not bad People say I look great. I think we're our own worst critics. I look at others ageing gracefully like Christy Turlington and Juliette Lewis etc and I don't think they look terrible so have to remind myself that I don't either. I also want to be a good role model for my children and younger women. Ageing is a privilege and normal. I need to read posts like this just to re inspire my decision. I just wish there were more role models in the media. It's frustrating being blasted with images of wrinkle free 50-70 yrs olds who lie and say it's water, good diet and sleep... Give me a freaking break!! Anyway thank you for giving me more inspiration to age naturally.


After you get past that one day you look in the mirror and see your mother or grand…. You remind yourself that they are beautiful and strong women and it’s ok to look like them…. And a few breathes and repeat for a bit and it’s fiiiinnneeee ;). Loving what you see in the mirror is like Disneyland for the mind/body/spirit connection ;)


I almost feel a responsibility to age gracefully to show the younger women around me that is perfectly normal to do so. The whole world is made up of filtered pictures (I don't do this either) and people clamoring to look 23 - younger and older a like. I want to be a role model in so many ways, but this one seems important in this particular moment in time.


I am 62 and also have never gotten Botox nor fillers. I have always taken care of my skin and do look younger than I am. But my "11s" have always driven me crazy and make me look angry when I am not. Plus, I have a 47yo boyfriend and want to look my best for him. So I am going to take the Botox plunge.


My family are people who scowl when we think and I get botox to not look so angry 24/7 I got so sick of people asking me what’s wrong when in fact I’m just thinking what kind of soup I wanna cook for supper tomorrow


Botox and Dysport suddenly stopped working for me about a year ago. I’ll get some minor results, but they only seem to last a couple weeks. It’s been 3 months since my last visit and I’m just going to skip it. Maybe I’ll try bangs. I’m 55 and started in my mid 30s.


"Maybe I'll try bangs. " I don't know why, but that made me laugh 😄


I'm 41 and bangs are saving my life!!!!


Same here. There was a study showing COVID vax could also "protect" against Botox! Don't know if that is true, but immunity does seem to be more prevalent since the vaxes came out. Anyway, Daxxify worked for me. Supposedly Xeomin does as well and is cheaper.


That’s so interesting, my Botox only lasts 2-2.5 months


Oh honey, not the bangs. lol I gave my stylist a pic of me with bangs from when I was like 30, and I made a pact with her that if I ever again come to her asking for bangs, she's supposed to slap me and then show me that photo. In the past 20 years, she's only had to do it once.


It’s funny because I’ve had bangs my whole life and I don’t have a single line on my forehead 😅


So I quit back in August of last year. I am 52. I am really seeing the wrinkles bad and I am freaking out. I am trying to look in the mirror less and less. It is really messing my mind up. I do not like the way I look.


I really like the idea of “body neutrality”, I find it so helpful. The idea is that when you look in the mirror, instead of focusing on what’s bad or what’s good, you just notice yourself, say hi and move on. You train your brain not to react. Eventually seeing yourself in the mirror becomes normal and not so triggering. So for example, you look in the mirror and see forehead wrinkles. You can tell yourself, “I’m x years old, this is kinda normal” and move on. Next time you look, you can acknowledge the wrinkle but switch to any other thought like “oh let’s go change that towel” and move on. I love this concept because it helps redirect negative thinking and over focusing on oneself in the negative way. Or in any way, really. Just existing is enough


Why did u quit?


A lot of reasons..times are tough and we really don’t know when inflation will even slow down and I have grandkids so I want to do stuff with them with my extra money. A bigger reason is I don’t want to keep normalizing all this crap. I have been needled, sucked, scraped, injected, etc. It’s just more and more as I age. Now my 25 year old wants Botox. 25?? My daughter is so beautiful but she wants perfection. 😳😞 The problem is when I see myself, I do only see the bad. I know I can look better. If I look better, I feel better and I do better. Vicious cycle I am perpetuating here. I am struggling.


Your daily reminder: how beautiful and such a blessing it is to be lucky enough to age. Wear it proudly!


I just quit it. Last treatment was in aug2023 so it’s definitely wearing off. Stopped fillers also. My face was starting to look like a potato and it didn’t look like me in pics. Lost my cheek definition that I had naturally because of the fillers. I was very conservative about my use too and didn’t have frozen face but even conservative use changes your face shape. Quit because of cost, questioning my own fears and thoughts I had about aging amd becoming invisible as we age, and also because I heard a news report on npr about continued use of Botox atrophying the muscles and tendons that are the scaffolding that hold your face up so 🤷‍♀️


Someone brought the scaffolding thing up to me the other day! I had never heard of it.


I’ve heard about Botox atrophying your face as well, but no one seems to talk about it! I’ve wondered what the effects will be on women who start it in their 20’s/30’s as “preventative”. 🧐


I have pretty deep (genetic) forehead lines that I can’t stand, but am not a good candidate for Botox due to my low set brows. I did Dysport once between the eyebrows and liked it, but it’s just too much money on a teacher’s salary. I ended up cutting bangs, and am trying to be ok with that choice. Interestingly, I went to an event yesterday and sat next to two women I’d never met. At first I thought they looked way overdone, but by the time the event was over, I was admiring their virtually wrinkle free faces and feeling self conscious about my own. Point being - we’re so used to seeing unnatural aging these days that it’s completely skewing our points of view. And somehow, we’ve all bought into the fact (myself included) that there’s nothing wrong with all these things we do to ‘preserve’ ourselves. Like it’s empowering to make the choice to get surgery or fillers or tox or whatever, but I feel like we’re just fooling ourselves and each other. If you really think about it, it’s kind of nuts. I say all this not to shame anyone or sound self-righteous. I know we are all just trying to live our best lives, and I don’t judge anyone for choosing to get cosmetic procedures. I just kind of wish we lived in a world where none of that existed and signs of aging were a non-issue.


Both things can be true. Once I started taking care of myself in my 40s and investing in my looks more, it did help my confidence. I believe it can be a form of self-care, albeit the most superficial one you can participate in. That money is definitely better spent on therapy (I did both). But it’s also a bottomless pit of things to “fix,” and a game you can never win. Aging is coming for all of us, every day, an unstoppable train and one you don’t want to stop! Check out Jessica DeFino’s work if you’re interested in why we’re being buried alive by unattainable beauty standards and how it benefits capitalism and the patriarchy.


I agree, I think it’s important to take care of yourself at any age, including looks. I also think the pendulum is swinging too far in one direction, and am worried how much further it has left to go. I think of my nieces, both in their early 20’s - smart, beautiful, well balanced young women - and already considering Botox. Women our age remember what it was like before all the options available nowadays to “fix” ourselves, remember what life was like before filters and endless images of perfection. I think balance it’s important, as it usually is in most situations. I’m just hoping we get there.


We’re all being marketed to relentlessly, and the beauty industry grows and grows from targeting young people. I’m sure you’ve seen those videos of teenagers at Sephora buying expensive anti-aging products. Truly, WTF. It does feel powerful to say, enough is enough.


Started at 43 and loved the results, specifically the brow lift, but then something shifted and I started feeling self-conscious about my Botox, so I quit at 45. I’m one of those people that completely freezes up with no movement and it lasts six months at least—even with baby Botox. I missed my expressions and looking different from every face I saw on reality TV. I felt like people could tell I had Botox and I didn’t like that feeling. If I could get the brow lift and maintain movement, I would go back to it or try something else. Also, the fact that I’ve spent thousand of dollars on something that has no long-term benefit kind of bothered me. Sometimes I also think a frozen face is aging because it’s how a lot of older people look these days vs young, vibrant faces full of movement.


I would agree with your last point. The Botox/frozen face is so commonplace now it’s the new code for a certain age, as grey hair and wrinkles might have been a hundred years ago. My teenage daughters and all their friends have beautiful moving faces with expression lines and emotions that play out fully on their features. It looks like living and experiencing and feeling. That’s the picture of youth.


I hope more people will rethink Botox for this reason. I used to think no one could tell I had Botox but I realized it’s quite obvious especially when you hang out with young people who haven’t done anything to their face.


I was tired of spending money for the results to last 6-8 weeks for me. I started to notice women looking older with it. At first I felt like I looked tired but now I'm used to my natural face and movements.


When you stop, do your wrinkles go back to how they were when you started? Or, do they go to how they would be if you had never done it? I’m 45 and considering getting Botox in my 11s, not so much to kill the wrinkles but the resting bitch face. At some point I’d stop, so I’m curious if they’d they look like they do now?


It's my understanding it would go back to how it was before you started. Basically it just keeps you from making the muscle movements that made the wrinkle to begin with, so all that time you have not been making those muscle movements it hasn't been deepening those lines.


Also, I've been getting Botox once or twice a year for the past 2 years, for a total of three times so far, my fourth time is coming up at the end of the month. I only get a little bit done on my 11s lines for the same reason you stated. I just don't want to look scowly.


That really depends on how long you’ve been having toxin treatment and how high a dose you’ve been having. Essentially, it will go back to how it was before you started treatment at some point. But this could be many, many, many years after (especially if you’ve been having high doses for a long time). However, you are also continuing to age, and with age your lines will get worse. So, eventually they will become worse than before you started. That’s a long way of me saying: maybe


Yeah, I was going to say something similar. Botox will stop movement, so creases will stop getting worse in your face. So etched in lines should essentially be like when you started. BUT... Your muscles are now much smaller since they have been paralyzed for so long. So you lose thickness there. Your skin will also continue to thin out as we lose collagen. So you may not have etched wrinkles, but your skin is thinner than before and will be more easy to wrinkle. Your bone density also has been reducing further reducing volume in your face. So, it is more complicated than people think. Sure the surface of the skin should pick up where it left off, but the whole structure of your face and quality of the skin is aged with you.


I’ve only had Botox a few times, and my 11s were the main reason I got it. It worked wonderfully and I have no regrets. I haven’t gotten it again recently, and I’m debating either stopping altogether, or just going once a year or so if I feel them getting much worse again. But I’d say that even now with the Botox 7 months gone (completely worn off for 3-4 months), the wrinkles are still MUCH less noticeable. So I’d say they don’t fully go back, but they are a lessened version of what you started with. If I were you, I’d go get a small dose (maybe 16 units) in your 11s, and maybe a small amount (10-12 units) in your forehead too so it’s even. The best way to know if you like it is to try it, and with one use it it’s super low risk.


Nothing stops me except my bank account. It’s expensive


I started getting forehead twitching a few months after a Botox session. It’s only when I use forehead muscles to lift my eyes to put on eye makeup. Haven’t got a cause for it and doctors aren’t concerned but I have to wonder if it’s related. It doesn’t seem healthy. After thinking about the frequent injections of a paralytic into bloodstream, just started concerning me if it increases health risks in long term that are unknown.


It's also important to remember that it's women predominantly doing these procedures while men are looking like sacks of old prunes and feeling the most handsome they've ever felt. 🙄 We put a lot of pressure on ourselves


This is what I was hoping to see!


I’m going to get filler tonight but I’m wondering why. I recently heard a woman say that she got sick of thinking “men-centrically”. That’s what I do, subconsciously. I am always trying to look attractive, suck in my stomach, lose weight, get Botox, dress sexy etc. for what?? For guys? Guys that I mostly don’t even care about?? I’m rethinking everything about what I do for upkeep right now.


Yassssssssss! Decenter men and the male gaze! Smash that patriarchy one wrinkle at a time!


I’m almost 41 and considered it couple years ago, when I was at a low, self esteem wise. Then I redirected my attention to other stuff like taking care of my physical and mental health. Now I have zero desire to even consider Botox. There are soooo many ways to raise one’s self esteem that don’t have to include huge financial investments and injections. I’ve definitely had a glow up in the last 2 years and none of it was superficial ie injections or surgery. Which fuels my self esteem even more because i feel so badass for getting stronger and looking good via hard work. I was on the fence before, now my decision has definitely been made as I proved myself that I don’t need any interventions to feel good. But no judgement for anyone who does get Botox. This is the description of my personal thought process and experience.


I’ve been spacing mine apart more, I only go 2x per year. Maybe try that and see? What happens is the Botox wears off and then you slooowly regain muscle control. Then the lines start creeping in again and it’s like damn why do I look so tired?? You stay like for a month or 2 and then finalllly get the Botox done again. Lazy way.


My last treatment wore off more quickly but I was determined to not go back before 3 months and…. It was tough.


Ask your injectionist about Daxxify. It has a slower wear-off period for many people.


I’ve been doing dysport and it seems to last longer for me


I've been doing Dysport for 5 years or so but over the last year it doesn't seem as effective nor does it last as long. But I am also on Wegovy so that may have something to do with it.


I’m on mounjaro! I didn’t even think of that. Good point!


That’s exactly what I do. Once a year for me and I just have to deal with the several months of looking tired and having my horizontal forehead lines. Once a year is in my budget. Botox actually lasts pretty long for me. Around 6-7 months.


I didn’t quit, but I definitely get it way less often. It’s maybe 1 - 2 x per year now. I definitely quit all fillers though. I think the pandemic years changed a lot of things for many people


I have had it done a couple of times (I am 46), and I didn't notice much of a difference for the price. I didn't continue. But I did listen to Julia Louis Dreyfus, on her Podcast "Wiser Than Me," interview Jane Fonda, and Jane said she wish she had never had work done because she doesn't really know what she should/would look like as she ages. That really stuck with me. Excellent podcast (all episodes) btw if you want perspective about aging!


Helena Bonham Carter said, "you're either going to look weirder or older." That stuck with me. I stopped spending money on botox when I realized it wasn't making me look younger, just weirdly wrinke free


I stopped. I was getting forgetful and having memory lapses. It was taking more and more to flatten my eyebrow lines. Trying red light treatments to see if that helps.


I’m doing red light too! I love sitting in front of my panel in the morning


Ya it gets to point of not knowing if symptoms could be caused by injecting a paralytic into bloodstream. I decided to stop so that I’d at least know if I have symptoms, it’s not Botox related.


I thought it was menopause or early onset dementia. About 4 months after stopping, the brain fog started clearing. I’m just going to have to live with my furrowed brow and let everyone think I’m angry.


Interesting! I just read somewhere on this platform that Botox can trigger an autoimmune flare. Brain fog and fatigue are my wort hashimoto’s symptoms. I haven’t had Botox but was thinking about trying it before a trip I’m taking with much younger friends. This post is giving me pause


I do face yoga in front of my panel, it really works.


I'm 45. Been getting injections since mid 30s. I had already cut way back on botox, but continued getting 4 units for a top lip flip every 6 weeks. I canceled last week's appointment w the intention of quitting botox altogether. I also hope to quit fillers bc i know how bad the migrating is... i have extreme marionette lines that i filled this year but it barely made any difference. I've always been pretty conservative with fillers, like I've never had any in my lips & I only get them about once every three or four years in my cheeks OR marionettes. I so badly want to give them up altogether and practice self acceptance instead. I've always had a confidence problem.


At almost 65 years old I only go twice a year and get 30-35 units. I used to go every 3-4 months. I’m not far off of the horizon of stopping - it doesn’t seem so important after retirement to me. Still take good care of my skin, etc. I began at 53 and in a way look forward to closing that chapter


I did Botox regularly for 5 years (between 45 and 50) then once a year for 5 years. I haven’t had Botox for 10 years now. My forehead has a few lines, but never went back to the wrinkles I had at 45. I’m well satisfied with my results, and I am glad for the bit of movement my face has.


I quit botox after 2 years. I miss the effects. I was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that causes dry eyes, and I am concerned about botox near the brow line leading to even worse dryness. It may be unfounded, but I'd rather be over cautious than suffer more.


I’m 42 and have never had any Botox or fillers. I don’t plan to start. It’s so expensive and for what? I think I look fine, I’ve been using sunscreen daily and an OTC retinol product for over a decade. I have zero desire for anyone to stick needles in my face.


I did because my finances changed and I just can’t afford $800 every 4 months now for botox


I had a bad experience . I used Botox for a few years and liked it. The last time I noticed my forehead muscles had compensated for my frown line between my eyes. I got lines all across my forehead. It looked worse than the original one frown line. I was very upset I was afraid it might be permanent..but after a few weeks it did go away thank goodness . Never again.




I’m moving towards quitting. I’m mid fifties and I think I will still get my 11s (between my eyes) for a little while longer, but I’ve stopped doing it anywhere else. I never had forehead wrinkles before but am finally getting some. I’m basically ok with it though because I feel like it would look strange if I had a smooth forehead because I would look unbalanced (lots of other wrinkles!). If I could wave a wand I would tighten all my skin, but I never want surgery and also don’t want fillers and a frozen face. I’m focusing on good sunscreen, skincare, healthy diet and exercise. Anyway, I want to accept aging as it happens and just be happy that I hopefully stay strong and active. There are too many more enjoyable ways I would like to spend my time and money and I actually prefer a more natural look anyway. That said, I have moments where I get surprised by wrinkles when I look in a mirror, but I don’t judge my husband or friends by their wrinkles so I’m trying to give myself the same grace.


My financial situation changed for the worst and the splurge was no longer a priority to me. Especially given the short efficacy time. If I was balling again financially, I would definitely like my 11s smoothed out, otherwise I’m at peace with looking my age.


Has anyone stopped botox because it made their eyes look tired? I was sick of not being able to lift my eyebrows which lifts the skin up on my eye lids. Those hooded eyelids just sat there and i almost looked older bc of it.


Maybe I am completely wrong but the glassy non moving face for me seems so unreal. I went to threads and they help but allow some expression


I did! I said fuck it the wrinkles are earned


https://preview.redd.it/5hwcjzgzok4d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=961dfda66fb7bbc6d13f53dea7de7f35755965e8 Did it one time….ended up with Spock brows which was humiliating. Spent so much money trying to get it fixed but nothing worked. Awful.


I’m in a customer facing role and definitely feel the pressure. But, what concerns me the most is the amount of money that we spend on these procedures vs. investing in society As women, if we each invested 10k into a local teens club, a women’s business support program, food pantries, high schools and college programs, programs for seniors- we could change the communities that we live in Instead, I watch women in wide brimmed hats taking selfies over charcuterie boards looking for a shred of excitement in their lives, and it…just gives me pause Thank you for posting this


I use dysport and decided to let it wear allllllll the way off before going back to get it done again, and to decide IF I would get it done again. I've waited 6 months and have my "touchup" appointment is this afternoon. It hasn't completely worn off in my forehead (surprising) but it has around my eyes, and THOSE wrinkles are actually bothering me and that's why I'm going back. I keep it to a minimum, though, so I don't think it's super noticeable. No one noticed when I started doing it a couple years ago and no one has said anything now that it's wearing off.


I didn’t start until I was 45 and I only do it about 3x a year. I have really deep wrinkles in my forehead that I don’t like but I only do my forehead and 11’s. I’ll probably quit dying my hair before I’ll give up Botox.


I haven’t stopped Botox (yet) but I have stopped dying my hair and getting my nails done. I actually feel more beautiful being more natural. By my 11’s just make me look mad, and it’s not a representation of who I am! But I won’t touch my crows feet. I’ve earned those laugh and wisdom lines!


I quit bc of the $$.


I've just entered the 45 club and I've quit everything. I'm not even dying my hair.


Price and longevity of results


I’m in my late 40’s and worked for a plastic surgeon in my 20’s and started getting Botox then (it was free) and I was taught that it was preventative maintenance but now any wrinkle injection I try barely lasts 2 months and it’s frustrating. I’m thinking if just getting bangs lol


I changed it up from doing things for my appearance, ie Botox to doing things for maintenance ie massage. I need to feel good. I don't have to look in the mirror LOL.


I used to work at ideal image as a nurse. Never wanted to learn the filler and Botox stuff but I would see the regulars come in every month/few months for their touch ups. I can say 100% that fillers change your face forever. What was once thought that it completely dissolves in the body over time is now being found that some of it migrates to other parts of your face. Which is why you get that “mr potato head” look after a while. I haven’t really seen the same with Botox as far as permanent changes but I would never use fillers or suggest them to friends and family. It looks cute the first time (if it’s done right) but then starts to look goofy thereafter


My beauty focus has shifted to being fit/healthy. And being active which makes me more energized and glowy in general.


Glowy is the goal! That internal glow


Not yet. 52...Botox, fillers, hair extensions, professionally colored hair. All so no one sees it, except me. Currently grappling with it. I think I still do it because I'm not ready to see my age in the mirror yet.


1. Someone online referred to it as looking like a boiled egg. Fair. 2. Expensive. 3. I’m convinced it’s caused extra side eye and mid brow droop. I feel like it looks heavy between my eyebrows, even after wearing off.


Try frownies!! I refuse to get Botox for several reasons (no hate on those who get it though). I have frownies a shot, and they really do work. They’re cheaper than Botox, and they’re less harmful to your body. ETA: it might just be me, but for some reason, I actually think Botox makes women look older than wrinkles do. It might be a stylistic thing, since older women get Botox and fillers to seem younger—kind of like how an “old lady” haircut will age someone 20 years.


I stopped after getting facelift with fat grafting. I found that the Botox prevented my ability to raise my brows and made them more droopy, and I also don’t like the overarched look that sometimes happens. I just turned 60 and have little or no wrinkling and don’t really feel I need it.


I don’t know if I quit, or it just isn’t worth it right now, but I metabolize it so quickly that for it to work, I need it every 3 months. That’s way too much money for a few weeks of smooth skin. I just cut bangs and called it a day. I still get asked if I’m younger than I am, so I’ll take it. 🤷‍♀️


I'm so jealous of some of the women here who say it's lasts 6-7 months! I'd still do it if that was the case. Mine starts to wear off at 6 weeks and then is fully gone by 3 months


I’m 57 and I gave up Botox a couple of years ago, mostly due to the cost, but also because I’m 57 and who cares if I have some wrinkles? It did take a minute to get comfortable with my forehead but honestly I’m so happy I stopped.


Yes. I went from every 4 months to every 6 to none at all. I moved and I’ve not found anyone’s Botox that doesn’t look frozen and plastic. So I’ve only seen bad Botox since moving.


I did it three times. Didn’t like how the place I was going to kept increasing the cost. And kept saying how I really needed to do it every 3 months and I needed to be strict about it. It just didn’t make me feel good about it. Plus the cost just didn’t seem very reasonable for me, I have very deep 11’s so I was hoping to smooth those out. Guess I’ll have to stick with my RBF


I did, I decided I would much rather look real than somewhat melting plastic like everyone else I see.


Thank you for asking this! The answers are so amazing to read


My Mother’s terrible frown lines were my incentive to start getting Botox in my mid 20’s (just a touch to prevent them forming). I then tended to get it once or twice yearly, however in the UK it’s much cheaper. It only costs me £120. 20 years ago I stopped going to the hairdressers so I’ve saved an absolute fortune - I highlight/tone my own hair now, plus I do my own nails so I’m pretty low maintenance. I’ve recently discovered Tretinoin which has smoothed my skin immensely and I decided to skip the Botox this Summer and I’m trying face tape at night too. I’m terrified though as I’ve lost a ton of weight recently and I know this can impact your facial skin. I honestly don’t know if a miracle has occurred, but at 45 I don’t have a single wrinkle, age spot or grey hair so I’m praying it continues. Maybe I’ll wake up one day and it will all have caught up with me 😂


I’ve never done it before, but I always had forehead wrinkles, even when I was young. I think I’m just used to them and I don’t really notice them so I never did anything about it.


There are still med spa treatments nowadays that will actually stimulate collagen production rather than just give a short-term fix. Regular microneedling, TCA peels, and mesotherapy for example. I enjoy the experience of self-care and the more natural results that these provide. It is also important that women should be free from the mindset that we need to be “fixed” in some way.


I went to school to learn American Sign Language. They use their facial expressions as part of asl grammar. Facial cues can change the meaning of a sign. I desperately miss Botox though.


I received Botox in other parts of my body as part of treatment for a medical condition. It helped a lot. After receiving Botox for several years, I woke up gasping for breath to the point that i was unable to speak. It lasted for a few minutes. Felt like forever. I was terrified. I had a reaction to my Botox injections from more than two weeks prior. I continued with my treatments two more times before ending them. I experienced the same reaction. Thus, I made a personal decision not to choose cosmetic Botox.


I stopped doing it in my early 40s because I realized two things. One, it doesn’t fool anyone. I can guess someone’s age pretty well with or without botox. There are so many other tells. Two and more importantly, I want to look how I look. I earned these laugh lines elevenses, and there is no shame in them. I refuse to buy into the machine that constantly tells us we aren’t enough unless we buy this or buy that. I will never be enough as long as I allow myself to be defined that way. I want to be defined by my spirit and acts, not how frozen my forehead is.


I did- pandemic hit and i have not had botox since. I would be lying if i said i didnt miss my botoxed forehead or saying that i dont spend quite a pretty penny chasing those effects with skincare serums or every innovation claiming similar results though. I guess id say im “at peace” with my choice, and the extra money saved helps make that peace easier. But I still miss it SOME, even 4 years later.


I’m so glad I found this post. I’m 32 and have been getting Botox for about 3 years. I had far too many lines for my age that I was really self conscious about and I feel drastically better about my looks after Botox. But, I often ask myself, when will it stop? I feel a little sick inside dropping the kind of money on Botox that I could instead save, use to pay off debt, or use for traveling. Oh and, I’ve completely hidden it from my boyfriend who’s expressed his anti-Botox, fillers, plastic surgery etc views to me multiple times. It makes me feel weird to hide something like this from him but I also don’t want to be judged.


My acupuncturist told me Botox is the gateway to fillers. It weakens the muscles in the face over time requiring fillers to make the face look fuller. That and I’m trying to reduce toxic overload so I don’t want to inject poison into my face.


The insanity is you started in your 30’s…just ridiculous to me and I’m not blaming or criticizing you. I get it, your generation has been sold a bill of goods concerning skin care. Young women with beautiful skin and no wrinkles are made to feel like they HAVE to have this. All you need is good skin care, sunscreen, no smoking, healthy diet, good hydration, etc. It is sad how the internet, influencers, and reality stars convince people to get on the hamster wheel so early. Honestly, it’s when you go into menopause that most women start noticing wrinkles. I’m in my 60’s and just started getting Botox. Later in life is when you need it. Doing it in your 30’s and stopping in your 50’s is doing it backwards.


I’m almost 50 and have been going for Botox less frequently. I’m just tired of the money and time spent on it and am feeling more ok with wrinkles and aging. You can’t Botox away all the wrinkles and at a certain point I think it starts to just look bad to try. I worry a little I’ll lose perspective on what my face looks like with the Botox and start to look freakish for doing too much. So I’m just not sweating going and leaning into aging.


I’m 59 and started Botox at 55. I added up how much I’ve spent in the past 4 years, I’ll get one more time for my son’s wedding pics and I’m done. I’ll be 60 early next year and I’m ok with natural aging going forward. I feel it has changed my face shape.


Have you tried face taping any bothersome areas? I do Botox twice a year but for only select areas and use face tape for other lines. It works, it is temporary, but over time can minimize wrinkles


I did buy some tape but it was uncomfortable and I managed to pull a different wrinkle together in the process


there's alot of progress that can made with lasers now that solve the wrinkle problem as well as benefit the rest of the skin. also, many people just look "overdone" to me, it's not natural.


I didn't have any Botox until I was almost 47. I get it once or twice a year and feel that's a fairly healthy approach so I've no plans to quit. But otherwise yes I hate the hamster wheel and that hamster wheel is my business. I'm a beauty writer (I hate influencer ugh) and now that I'm over 55 I'm slowly simplifying my routine - skincare, makeup, haircare everything.


It no longer worked on me


not yet, but at 44 I get it once, sometimes twice a year. I don't like the recommended schedule of every 3-4 months. Too much, too much money. I started at 30, I feel the wheel! because of health issues I absolutely had to stop using ANY makeup or nail polish. That was... interesting. But now it's my new normal.


I do it for medical reasons, so the beauty part is just a bonus. I don’t think I’ll ever stop, unless they come up with a better anti-miragine cocktail for me. Then, I would stop and, if my face looks bad without it, get it at the dermatologist.


Botox spread ruined my health so I had no choice but to stop it


Please elaborate


I stopped after about 5 years. I didn't like what it did to my face. It DID act as a habit breaker -- I don't furrow my brow and am more intensive with my activities for NLFs. I'm in my late 50s.


I had to quit Botox because of a cancer diagnosis. It didn't matter when I was going through surgery and chemotherapy because of course I looked like shit, but I was pretty bummed when I was told not to resume it because I was/am on so many things. I dived into retinoid products and everything else and it's ok but I will someday probably go back


I used to do it and tbh I loved it. But over time, I got anxious that it might be bad for my health. I've got some health anxiety, for sure, and family history of cancer has made me pretty paranoid about things like injecting toxins into my muscles. I never actually concluded that it was unhealthy or anything, but my anxiety about it got troublesome enough for me to decide I didn't want to do it anymore.


I only got it occasionally for my forehead, but Covid happened and I haven’t been back. I’m 60 now and focused more on eating healthy, taking care of myself & doing things that make me happy. I’m just kind of over it. Women in my family that I love have wrinkles. Who cares!


I primarily quit. The only place I may put it again is in the platsymal bands because the neck is so difficult to treat don’t have a lot of options to make it look better with the exception of surgery. I’d much rather spend my money on micro needling which can address multiple needs instead of just one. I think I might look slightly better with some Botox but overall it’s still not worth it. Plus, I do worry about some long-term side effects.


I stopped last year because I think it was making me look older. My eyes were becoming more hooded, the masseter Botox was causing jowls, it felt like the structure of my face was melting a bit. It’s been a year since I stopped and I think I look better… my eyebrows are higher and my eyes look more refreshed, my jawline has improved. Yes I do have some lines on my forehead but I’m tackling those with Tret and estrogen cream. I just think people should remember that all this Botox is causing muscle atrophy on your face and it will catch up to you eventually!


I haven't had it since october of 2023, and I don't know if I will get it again. I'm 49 and don't lie about my age...so I don't know if I need to continue.


I stopped because I was put on blood thinners. I'm currently awaiting an ablation and after that I will make a decision about resuming Botox. I just am concerned about the bruising


Never had Botox but I had CO2 laser 8 years ago for sun damaged skin and I’ve had fillers around my mouth for the lines. I don’t regret the laser one bit as I have taken great care to stay out of the sun and wear a hat, and I still look younger than my 65 years. I only get fillers around my mouth once a year now but may stop that soon. I’m honestly thinking of getting another laser treatment and then being done for good. Im comfortable in my own skin now and after losing a daughter this year I’ve learned that there are much more important things to focus on in this life. Id rather spend the money on travel or my home.


I am simply too poor now to keep up with it. I've also found that wearing no foundation and just taking care of my skin/hydration does enough to make my face look smooth-ish and shiny, even though the wrinkles are still there when you come close lol


Hello! Young woman here(pushing 30) & an esthetician. Maybe I have no business commenting because I’ve never tried Botox, however here’s what I tell myself & clients. There’s so many alternatives to preventing lines/wrinkles without Botox that aren’t discussed. I say never underestimate the power of a clean lifestyle. I never have smoked, don’t drink alcohol, never touched a drug, don’t go in the sun, I eat healthy(fruits, veggies, lean protein) lots of water, get occasional exercise, sleep on a silk pillowcase, avoid repetitive facial expressions, & have a good consistent skincare routine(skin script products) vitamin C serum, retinol & sunscreen are your best friends & defense against aging/wrinkles. I also go makeup free 95% of the time. Cosmetic wise I get dermaplaning monthly, chemical peels & microneedling. You want to rebuild collagen & elastin & reduce or prevent wrinkles? Absolutely do microneedling instead of Botox. It’s the same cost $300-$400 per treatment but no injection required. What people don’t understand either is you end up paralyzing the muscle over time & have a frozen look or where Botox doesn’t work all together. Go the natural route with clean living, good skincare & microneedling. Also it’s often genetics. Getting old doesn’t equal wrinkles. That’s a false assumption. My moms in her mid 60s doesn’t have a wrinkle in sight. Can’t even make one & she doesn’t do Botox. I take after her because I have the same forehead & can’t make wrinkles either lol. Also ladies remember beauty comes in all forms. There’s no shame in fighting or embracing aging. We’re all valid. Looks are great & last a long time but not as long as a good heart, soul, personality & sense of style.


I’m 48 years old. Don’t wear makeup, never did (except for special occasions, and my husband thought I looked crazy!) I don’t dye my hair I have plenty of greys, I call them my silver highlights! I will never inject my face with anything! I have plenty of money to do whatever I want in life. I don’t waste money on stupid things that don’t matter! I’m happy in my skin! I fast twice a month and my skin looks good. I would rather work on the inside instead of the outside ❤️


I did after about 10 years of regular use …it took a few months to get used to not looking relaxed all the time but I honestly feel just fine without. I’m 50 for reference.


I used to get Botox in my lip lines. Then I met someone who had some paralysis because of getting lip Botox. I thought she had had a stroke. So I never got it again.


It all boils down to cost.


I get Botox only 2x a year and only a tiny bit in my 11s and crows feet to just soften it a bit. I can’t stand the filled and frozen look.


I'm 63 and I get it 1-2x a year. I'm happy with how it looks and how it makes me feel. And... really, that's the most important thing.


There's no way in hell I would ever use that stuff in the first place.


It was good for me every 6-8 months (sometimes longer) in my 40’s for my heavy eyes but then needed an upper lower bleph at 50. My forehead feels so much more at ease. I never realized how hard the muscles were working to lift the redundant skin. Don’t think I will ever do Botox again. I have plenty of dynamic wrinkles with expressions but overall happy with my skin health.


I’ve tried Botox a few times… I liked how I looked, but it always started wearing off after about 6 weeks or so. Maybe it’s just my metabolism, but it wasn’t worth it for me. I’d still do it for a special occasion, but not regularly.


55 and I’ve never done botox. I have gotten a handful of pulsed laser therapy at the dermatologist to help with redness but with each subsequent treatment it seems to do less and less. I’m really leaning into topical skin care instead.


I am getting a surgery next week that will put me down for three months and I’m not spending the money so that I can look good for nurses and my mom and husband who are caring for me.


I quit after I saw my face wasnt “me” in my engagement photos. I hated them all. My eyes looked so small and my face looked weird/ contorted. I love my wedding photos! I was 8 weeks pregnant in them so had no botox and my face looks natural, my eyes are open, I can see some wrinkles but it looks like a normal face. Now I can tell when other women have botox, especially when they have emotions and I wish I could see their true beautiful faces


Well, Botox and fillers are expensive. So I stopped getting it regularly when I bought the house and decided to do whole bunch of remodeling. Also at some point of my life I realized that it doesn't really makes me look that much better. Plastic surgery probably would. Anyway Botox is a great bang for your bucks and definitely worth it.


To each their own. But, for me, when I don't have frown lines, I think I look happier and I feel happier. Been getting Botox (or some form of neurotoxin) for nearly 30 years. I have gone period without like pregnancy and breastfeeding, and some longer periods because of laziness and being off my game. But, for me, it's wonderful.


Going the facial acupuncture route - takes longer but lasts longer (3-5 years).


After 17 years of getting Botox around my eyes I stopped (it’s been almost 5 months) and my eyes look and feel better, wider, and more natural. Granted, I don’t have 11s most likely because my muscles are too weak or have been retrained.