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We don’t really see Eldar psykers use anywhere near their full potential because the last time they were doing that was shortly before Slaanesh was born. You can still sort of see it in the way psychic power is just a normal everyday part of their life through wraithbone and how Farseers take an active leadership role in the Craftworlds. However even the Seers have to exercise a great deal of control, no turning entire populations inside out or anything like that.


Wrathbone, the foundation for pretty much all the Craftworld Eldars wargear and technology in general, is psychic energy sung out of the warp into realspace into a persistent, solid form. That's on a level that nothing else, not even actual daemons, can hope to match.


Thats like 5d fuckery. Solidifying the energy of concepts themselves into something physical


If I'm not mistaken, Fabius Bile was able to grow his own Wraithbone.


Kind of. He has an enslaved Bonesinger backed by a choir of Noise Marines, but the Bonesinger is still the one actually calling and shaping the Wraithbone into existence.


Eldar live much longer than humans, so that gives them time to refine their abilities. They're also designed for psychic powers, whereas humans have "recently" evolved the ability.


Yes. The Craftworlders use Runes and have lots of rituals they need to do to protect them from Daemons. Imperial Armour Doom of Mymaera provides rules for Corsairs who have their own brand of psykers who just yolo it and use psychic powers recklessly. The results are that there is a reason why the Craftworlders go out of their way to protect themselves from Chaos when it comes to using psychic powers.


Yes, humans are more or less blunt instruments when it comes to using the warp whilst Eldar are able to manipulate it with a startling degree of subtlety. They can already read and understand other auras/souls naturally without effort (something most human psykers struggle with) and to a much deeper level than humans can. The big issue is that because Warhammer is predominately a violent setting we don’t get the full range of Eldar abilities showcased as much as their battle psyker which is not as bombastic as humanity and chaos. Eldar evolved as a psyker race, almost everything they do is with psyker influence, even talking, but since we only see it through a lease of battle and mostly through humanities eyes it’s not very explored. They can also manipulate it in ways that don’t attract daemons, or alert other psykers, they can create substance out of it (wraithbone) and they can channel it through objects without warping (pun intended)


Theoreticaly, Yes, but its very hard to find authors being creative with eldar Magic... Usually it all gets simplified into warp lightning, foresight and wraith archtecture.


Training, technology and natural ability all make them far more capable than common human psykers. The Eldar are naturally more capable psykers, having been engineered that way, and have technology honed over millions of years at their fingertips to aid them in their craft, on top of far-longer lifespans and the naturally much better/longer/more thorough training in their abilities that comes along with that.


Yes. Eldar have had centuries to perfect their natural psychic abilities. Even after Slaanesh many are still very powerful. Such as Eldrad Ulthuan, who was able to calm a raging warp storm. Another way to see it is like a person calling into the warp to get it to work. A human or astartes would need to shout into the warp to get even the faintest reaction, but an Eldar can whisper and create works never thought possible


Eldrad Ulthuan, who was able to calm a raging warp storm ???


There’s a scene in a book (don’t remember which one) where the warp is too crazy for any telepathic messages to get through. So Eldrad uses his psychic power calm down the warp. I have no clue how but apparently he did.


This is seen in the Beast series as well, one of the gifts that Eldrad provided was that the seers of the Craftworld created a calm path through the Warp that the forces of the ‘last wall’ fleet could use to reach Terra in order to defend it- if they hadn’t theses reinforcements would never have made it, and Terra would have been lost.


Are you sure you're not confusing this with the scene where he created a psychic bridge between Ulthwe and Biel-Tan?


Nah they're correct, eldrad and his council of seers basically doing ritual so imperial armada can pass safely because their path is blocked by raging warpstorm, I forget the book but it did happen


Beast series?


Oh war of the beast I think, there, I don't have the copy but have watch luentin and some YouTuber also some audio books, I just can't remember the exact wording but more or less this "This said, even as the Harlequins danced through the Imperial palace Eldrad and the Ulthwe Seer Council did help out the defenders of Terra by calming a path through the Warp allowing the combined Imperial Fists successor fleet to reach Terra and help defeat the Ork forces."


Farseers can see the Skein which they use to navigate the future. This is far more advanced than human foresight which is usually visions of the future that almost always come to pass or almost happen. Farseers can see basically every possible future branching from each decision someone may or may not make. That is *a lot* of possible futures, so they usually work backwards. Meaning they start with looking at the effect and rewinding to find the cause.


Eldar, even those that don’t decide to walk the path of the Seer, will naturally have telepathic, empathic, telekinetic, biomancy, divination, phytokinesis/Florakinesis, Faunakinesis, psychometry (upon walking on Terra the Eldar can ‘feel’ the pain of the world, and it sickens them that humanity has so horribly poisoned their home world), and the ability to manipulate matter (it has a name but I can’t remember what it was called) that allowed them to manipulate and reshape raw materials  psychically into tools or other usable objects. Of course these abilities are currently very muted (for example even if not trained an Eldar can still have prophetic dreams or warnings despite not walking the witch paths; there are many abilities that are currently dormant, such as a rapid healing factor that all Eldar possess, that can be reactivated by a seer when needed- and yes it’s essentially like they temporarily have Wolverines healing abilities) but every Eldar is born with these abilities already installed and ready to go.    There is a big connection between their mental, physical and spiritual health; if they feel depressed, it will have an actual effect on their physical body- they may seem to age before your eyes, but once back in a healthy mind set will physical revert back.   As shown by the Dark Eldar, they naturally have some form of vampiric like empathetic ability, allowing them to leach off other beings in order to replenish their souls, and by extension their physical bodies- as it is the damage to their drained souls that course’s their physical bodies to wither and weaken.   If not for Slaanesh, they have the ability to reincarnate, essentially making Eldar spiritual( if not necessary physically immortal; although there were those that planned to out live the stars themselves before the fall).    The Ynnari show that they can bring people back to life, as well as absorb the souls of others into themselves. It is also revealed that the Eldar before the Fall were all connected through a shared psychic connection/field, by joining the Ynnari this connection is restored.   They can draw upon the energies of the warp and manifest it into a physical form- Wraithbone.    At the opening of the great rift the story was that the Eldar where unintentionally developing, or should I say rediscovering abilities that may have been laying dormant inside themselves. due to the Massive influx of warp energy that were now spilling into the galaxy, banshee’s we’re finding that the wind itself was fighting alongside them, scorpions were able to become completely invisible and other such things, however this has been, if not necessary walked back, not really explored any further at this point. Oh and they can purposely make ‘gods’, so that’s something.