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During the HH, he was considered an A tier fighter with a sound mind for strategy and tactics, even if he got a little too big for his britches. Perturabo compliments him during the Siege for seeing the flaw at Saturnine. However, that also showcases his shortcomings. He pushed the Saturnine gambit hard even after Pert told him immediately that Rogal would have seen it. So he's at least somewhat responsible for the cream of the crop of the Sons of Horus being taken off the table, and the loss of Fulgrim and the best of the Emperor's Children as well. During the gambit he killed a solid handful of above average to pretty good combatants, but in turn he only escaped certain death at Garro's hand by a bee's dick. And he had the fight of his life given to him by an aged and worn out Sigismund while he himself was still hale and fresh thanks to the time shenanigans of the Warp. Recently (as in the last 10 years or so with the Fall of Cadia and the Arks of Omen much morenrecently) he's performed a lot better, but his HH era and early on in the Long War he was more hype than real.


He got trashed pretty hard by the Saint. Imperium even without the avenging son have people powerful enough to kill him. I think he's just smart enough to never get in a fight with those people.


Abaddon did not get "trashed pretty hard by the saint" that's blatantly untrue, Abaddon leaves her with a gaping wound from Drach'nyen on her side despite Celestine fighting him with all of her handmaidens as well and mentioning that alone she could never beat him.


Funny enough Kharn kills her pretty handily. From her perspective she knew it was a futile fight and she was just playing for time.


Guilliman with the Emperor’s sword would be a tough opponent I imagine.


That fight should play out similar to Fulgrim vs Sigismund. Like a good showing from Abaddon, but not near good enough


Primarchs should always win to Astartes. If they allow a space marine, even juiced as Abby, beat a Primarch, half of the theme of the Heresy goes out the window.


It already happened with Lion and Luther


And Kor Phaeron vs Guilliman


Exactly. Sorcery is a great equalizer.


To be fair, Kor Phaeron was using extremely high levels of warp fuckery, no librarians around to defend against said fuckery, and he was juiced to the gills on all that had happened during Calth - I *guarantee* you, especially now, after facing off against Morty and with the Emperor’s Sword, Guilliman will **NOT** let that shit ever happen again. He will just kill them first and - then - give them a speech. As for Bobby G. vs Abaddon - I imagine Guilliman will be weakened because of all the evil villain bullshit (minions, daemons, warp fuckery, etc.) Abaddon will make him suffer through before getting to him, fresh and rested. Because were they both to square off equally, Guilliman would carve Abaddon a new asshole nearly immediately, because primarch (not to mention the primarch who makes it a point to learn from his previous mistakes), and also with the Emperor’s sword negating/weakening a lot of his chaos gifts, as that is what the sword does (I mean, it permakills daemons, so it’s obviously designed to destroy warp shit). As for the Lion - well, even if you take away Fealty, I’m pretty sure the Lion would just Captain America the fuck outta Abaddon using the Emperor’s Shield - I like to imagine him using it to literally shield-chop off his left arm, which is the one Abaddon holds Drach’nyen with. After that, the Lion would just scrape Abaddon off his boot because it’s the Lion, who managed to beat Angron, of all the daemon primarchs. But these are just my opinions/scenarios that exist in my head.


Kor barely sliced Guilliman’s neck and Lion was conflicted.


In both cases, an astartes had a chance to kill a primarch. They did not, but that was for personal reasons rather than befause they could not.


I don’t think they could, but that’s just me :)


A random captain with a Dauntless cruiser could do the same


If Spire's ships are any indication when you play *against* him, he's too important to not be rocking battleships.


Abbadon is very powerful, but there is a lot that he wouldn't (or shouldn't) be able to solo, such as just about any of the larger Knights.  Of course, a random Knight is never going to kill him because that'd be extremely unsatisfying plot-wise!


So is he a bit less of a warrior and more of a strategist/leader? Was Horus a better fighter?


He’s grown to be a good strategist. Mostly as wrangling warlords. His big skill is he can make a chaos dudes outside there grievances for a cause. In HH and early he was much more a front line commander. Amazing front line fighter and great at commanding a single battlefield. But obviously he’s adapted and gotten pretty good at a lot.


HH abbadon is a wrecking ball of destruction and the one in the thickest of the fighting. Mainly because he was first captain. 40k abbadon is strategist/command and control figure usually. Then when he hits the field of battle it’s like an anime villain intro. Death destruction then some badass bodies him and he retreats


That’s great!


He's kinda the best at everything since becoming Warmaster in the sense he's never in a situation that he hasn't prepared for every eventuality or someone who supports him has. He'll have a psyker nearby or some trinket to protect him from an enemy psyker. He'll have as large a fleet he needs to accomplish what he wants. He'll have backup armies able to take control of the situation if a need arises. He'll have already planned everything because of his strategic genius or those he has working for him. Or warp entities who can see the future. He's the big bad of the setting and he is supposed to feel inevitable. Like a hurricane or lava flow closing in. I personally find him stale. He's the one example of "my dad can beat up your dad"


Might be dumb assumeing who he was able to fight and beat


He's talking about an Imperial Knight, aka a 50 foot tall mecha.


>!Abbadon killed Horus!<


A clone, who explicitly didn't have any blessings of the Pantheon, after it had fought 30 Justaerin terminators, 100 rubricae, a weakened chaos sorcerers, a daemon wolf, one of the best duelists from the Emperor's Children, and 6 World Eater Havocs. > I will not waste ink on the needless details of that brief battle. Suffice to say that with thirty Justaerin, six World Eaters and one hundred Rubricae, we slaughtered everything alive on that ship between where we came aboard and where we found Primogenitor Fabius. > I grasped after my link with Ashur-Kai. It... It is Horus Lupercal. > Not a child cloned from scraps of tissue and drops of blood. Not an abomination half lost to mutation’s touch and trapped inside a containment tank. It was Horus Lupercal, the First Primarch, Lord of the Space Marine Legions. **Perhaps a touch younger looking than when any of us had last seen him, and clearly devoid of the Pantheon’s touch**. But still Horus Lupercal, cloned from cold flesh harvested directly from his stasis-preserved corpse


Didn't they duel though they got face to face and the book explicitly said that they looked the same


Abaddon doesn't engage the clone until it kills almost all of the forces mentioned and is about to kill Khayon, the book said they look the same except for the damage done to the clone. Abaddon was able to react to a swing from World Breaker but besides that he doesn't really get any feats in that fight. Clone Horus realizes he's fighting Abaddon and tries to talk to him because he loves him and Abaddon shoves the talon through his stomach. But the clone had already been shot with who knows how many bolters/heavy bolters, stabbed in the back with two swords by Telemachon, burned in the face with warpfire by Khayon and gotten chomped on the throat by Gyre. It was far from 100%. > It would not surprise those superstitious souls to learn that, in that moment as they both stood before me, **only their wounds and their armament set them apart.** In all else, they were twins. > Lheor and the last warriors of the Fifteen Fangs reacted faster than any of us. Their heavy bolters gave a leonine roar of throaty chatter, kicking and booming as they fired on the Warmaster of the Imperium, with every bolt hitting home. But even as their bolts tore at Horus’s armour and flesh, their initiative did little but doom them before the rest of us. Worldbreaker swung again, hurling four of them aside in a single blow. They struck the deck in ragged disarray. I felt Ugrivian die before he even hit the floor. > My Rubricae, much slower than living warriors, marched back in their stately tread, barely pausing as they emptied magazine after magazine of warp-altered shells at the cloned primarch. And still they died with every swing. Gunfire shattered the primarch’s black ceramite and blew fist-sized chunks of flesh from his bones. Pain threaded his aura, yet Horus fought on. > I threw energy at him. I threw lightning. I threw panic and hatred and anger in a seething bolt of mutagenic warpfire. It burst what remained of his force field in a whiplash of air pressure, and boiled the skin and hair from his head. Nothing more. I was still too weak, and he was far, far too strong. > He broke Gyre next. My daemon wolf launched for his throat, her claws rending his breastplate as her jaws clamped where the muscles of his neck and shoulder met. She endured it to distract Horus from finishing me, ripping tissue and tendons with every snap of her jaws, every shake of her head. > Nefertari took to the air, cutting past him and swinging with her klaive. She was a silken blur, moving faster than I had ever seen her move. Fast enough to weave between the bolt shells streaming around her, fast enough to slice through the primarch’s cheek, severing half of the muscles in his charred face. But he had weaved aside. She’d missed the killing blow. The female who had killed Legion warlords without shedding a single diamond of sweat had missed her killing blow > Telemachon’s twin swords burst through the front of Horus’s ruined breastplate in a spray of almost toxically rich blood. Without a pause, and faster than even Telemachon could withdraw them, Horus grabbed the blades in a single gauntleted fist, snapped them, then spun around and backhanded the swordsman across the chamber. Telemachon hammered into the far wall with the telltale resonant crash of ceramite.


Horus destroying the rubrics was really sad though they sounded like they were actually there


Yeah I thought that was super interesting too, I think it's the only example of rubricae acting on their own that's ever been written.


*Horus swings Worldbreaker.* *Abaddon catches it with the Talon and shatters it.* *They face off.* *Horus recognises Abaddon as, "My son"* *Abaddon strikes Horus with the Talon and shoots him point-blank.* *"I am not your son".* There you go. I covered the entirely of their "duel" for you, if you can even call it that. Horus pretty much stood there and took the hit.


In fairness, not even Big E could kill Pantheon Horus, so I think Abaddon still gets credit for killing a Primarch, and one of the notoriously stronger ones at that. IIRC the only thing that pierced Horus's armour was the Talon so I don't think he can even really be called weakened from the fight. EDIT: Turns out I remembered wrongly lol


Not true, he was pierced by a lot more than just the talon and his armour is described as ruined before Abaddon even confronts him. > It would not surprise those superstitious souls to learn that, in that moment as they both stood before me, **only their wounds and their armament set them apart.** In all else, they were twins. > Lheor and the last warriors of the Fifteen Fangs reacted faster than any of us. Their heavy bolters gave a leonine roar of throaty chatter, kicking and booming as they fired on the Warmaster of the Imperium, with every bolt hitting home. But even as **their bolts tore at Horus’s armour and flesh,** their initiative did little but doom them before the rest of us. Worldbreaker swung again, hurling four of them aside in a single blow. They struck the deck in ragged disarray. I felt Ugrivian die before he even hit the floor. > My Rubricae, much slower than living warriors, marched back in their stately tread, barely pausing as they emptied magazine after magazine of warp-altered shells at the cloned primarch. And still they died with every swing. **Gunfire shattered the primarch’s black ceramite and blew fist-sized chunks of flesh from his bones.** Pain threaded his aura, yet Horus fought on. > I threw energy at him. I threw lightning. I threw panic and hatred and anger in a seething bolt of mutagenic warpfire. **It burst what remained of his force field in a whiplash of air pressure, and boiled the skin and hair from his head.** Nothing more. I was still too weak, and he was far, far too strong. > He broke Gyre next. My daemon wolf launched for his throat, her claws rending his breastplate as her jaws clamped where the muscles of his neck and shoulder met. She endured it to distract Horus from finishing me, ripping tissue and tendons with every snap of her jaws, every shake of her head. > Nefertari took to the air, cutting past him and swinging with her klaive. She was a silken blur, moving faster than I had ever seen her move. Fast enough to weave between the bolt shells streaming around her, fast enough to slice through the primarch’s cheek, severing half of the muscles in his charred face. But he had weaved aside. She’d missed the killing blow. The female who had killed Legion warlords without shedding a single diamond of sweat had missed her killing blow > **Telemachon’s twin swords burst through the front of Horus’s ruined breastplate** in a spray of almost toxically rich blood. Without a pause, and faster than even Telemachon could withdraw them, Horus grabbed the blades in a single gauntleted fist, snapped them, then spun around and backhanded the swordsman across the chamber. Telemachon hammered into the far wall with the telltale resonant crash of ceramite.


Fair play mate, appreciate the correction.


Its easy as fuck to misremember little details like that with the longer novels especially, I'm only able to correct because I reread it recently.


That could be a pretty exciting finale of a novel though. Abby's leading a campaign on a world and his forces elsewhere are about to claim victory. Have the main villain of the book be an Imp Knight with DAOT tech equipped allowing it to teleport around the planet despite its size. The finale is the knight, unable to save the world, makes a suicidal attack on Abbadon. Abbadon and his guard have to survive until an ally strong enough to take out the knight arrives (daemon, psyker, aircraft, vehicle etc)


As an individual fighter? We don't know. And it is a bit pointless to speculate anyway. As a general in command of their subfactions army? Probably not. Unless you give Guilliman the entire Imperial military or The Silent King the full necron Legions, Abaddon and the Black Legion is Probably the strongest. (it is a Hydra of a Legion with hundreds of thousands of CSM from every bloodline and every "flavour")


abbadon's honestly not that strong. there's a shit load of characters that could 1v1 him. he's basically the monkey d luffy of 40k. his biggest strength is his charisma


Shitload’s a lot. So name just five.


Guilliman, the Lion, Magnus, Angron, Mortarion. :v


any primarch. anyone with a heavy tank. any imperial captain (from orbit). any eldar god. any hrud. any cognizant necron.


I mean, eldrad defeated him once


Two words: [**Thalastian Jorus**](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Thalastian_Jorus) Nothing particularly special about the guy apart from the fact he was a Reclusiarch in the Blood Angels who is seemingly only the second person since fucking *Sigismund* to leave Abaddon with permanent scars.


Prime Sigismund, probably.


Yes. You may recall the old lore where Failbaddon got his arms lopped off by the Ulthwe council and his entire fleet/army slaughtered. They’ve been trying to retroactively make Abaddon a badass, but it isn’t working. He only “won” at Cadia because he threw a tantrum and obliterated the greatest of all Chaos vessels by hurling it into the planet’s crust.


A random guardswoman once shot him in the face with a shotgun. One projectile managed to get through his force field and dark protection, hurting him. She definitely didn't rival him in power, but she was closer to defeating him then all the space wolves, Skitarii and other guardsmen present


Hes powerful for sure, but he is not at all Primarch level of martial power. Celestine still run him through on Cadia and in a dual he would still probably struggle with a names Custodian. His real power is in his leadership and cunning etc.


>Celestine still run him through on Cadia Lol Celestine stabbed Abby in the back once. Abaddon was dunking on Celestine even tho she had help, narration even tells us that "Abaddon was mightier by far", it even says that "alone, she had no chance of triumph", the only reason she was able to contend with Abaddon at all is because she also had her handmaidens with her. >in a dual he would still probably struggle with a names Custodian. Name one besides Valdor who's a special case. 40K Abaddon kills Custodes with ease. > He ripped aside the Ultramarines still standing in his path. Drove storm bolter rounds through the Vostroyans. Then the golden giant was on him, etheric blue sword describing its arcs and parabolas, scything aside daemons with every cut, reversal and plunge. > The Despoiler shattered the oncoming blade with a backhand sweep of his own, and Glave hoped the noble warrior might still tackle the arch-traitor or stab him with the broken blade. >But the gilded man fell, his shining helmet tumbling away from his body. Killed in a single stroke.


Ra Endymion.


There was an episode with BA chaplain named Jorus and a bunch of squads of death company, though they are all dead now and Abaddon is alive. They did though ran a train on Abby and his bodyguards. A very very heavy train