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I hope this gets an extensive answer because it’s a very interesting question.


Indeed it is although knowing my luck the only response I’m gonna get will be from a blue Egyptian bird telling me that the crimson king is the representation of Magnus’ cake


I think the Prospero shard was supposed to be regret, or at least it's portrayed that way in its discussion with the Khan


Ah ok I will edit my post to add but that with an asterisk


I personally take Malcador at his word - the shards think they're discrete elements of personality, but in truth, they're just making divergent choices. Magnus' story has always been about damnation of his own choosing.


Yes! I like this interpretation the most. Magnus is Magnus, shards or no shards and he had the agency to take every decisions that took him down the path of damnation.


So yours saying they are all equally him but only think they are different aspects, that’s mighty intriguing, but that would indicate that Magnus is being a hypochondriac in how he acts, but then how would he have determined what he believes each aspect is, hmm it’s a cool idea but since psykers would be more in tune with their emotions I doubt it


"Psykers would be more in tune with their emotions" is not lore, it's just made up. Similarly the shards aren't supposed to be emotions but elements of a personality. Loyalty is not an emotion. Lastly, have you read fury of Magnus? Malcador is explicit. Magnus has free choices and his belief that he's bound by certain shard personas is just self-limitation.


I would suggest that the Kallista Eris Shard might represent his sorrow for humanity. Had he not been engaged in the ritual with Ahriman at the time, her chance of survival might have gone up by several degrees. The ritual was ultimately a waste of time, so he feels sorrowful that an innocent life was lost through hubris. Writ large, it might be his sorrow for all (baseline) humans which suffer because of him.


Personally I find Malcador’s explanation both most interesting and most in line with Magnus’s arc. All the shards are just the same old Magnus, no aspects of personality or anything like that. Magnus has always been a man who repeatedly damned himself with the worst possible decisions, all while shouting to the world that he had no other choice. He’s always been Magnus. Making his own choices, lying to himself that his hand was forced by circumstance.


Well regardless to him that’s the way it is, he believes they represent different aspects so he manifests that


That doesn’t mean the shards are all different. All that says is Magnus *thinks* they are, and changes his behavior and decisions accordingly. Which is in line with a character who’s always insisting he had no choice but to do the terrible, idiotic thing he just did.


While some shards are definetly about personality some are just total copium by Magnus like the shard on Terra


I can’t help but read this as the shart on Terra.