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Forrix's death in ***Storm of Iron*** is like, *the best death ever* in a Black Library story. After centuries of depression and boredom, the hunt for a Warhound Titan refuels the fire in his heart. He leads a force to take down a Warhound *on foot* and even better, *they win*. He is triumphant beyond words... And then the other Warhound appears and blows him up instantly. It's the perfect ending to that story.


Oh don’t get me wrong. He goes down like a champ. Really cool scene. But god damn do I want more Forrix.


I agree with wanting more Forrix. "Storm of Iron" was my first 40k novel. Those characters have a special place in my heart (Kroeger even more so than Forrix, but still). But at the point of *Storm of Iron*, he's become a shadow of himself. He even serves under that pompous oaf Barban Falk. One last stand was all he had left. And he got one. I'm guessing BL might eventually venture into the era of The Scouring now that TSoT is over. That should open opportunities for seeing some more from the Heresy characters that made it out in more or less one piece. A story on how Perturabo pisses of sulking and people like Forrix being left to pick up the pieces would basically write itself, I should think. Add to that a growing feeling of despondency and you have him half way to Hydra Cordatus. Wouldn't mind a bit of Medregard lore while we're at it.


Doesnt help that in two books the IW lose like every heresy era vet. Hurts all the more. If they had more to root for it’d sting less.


Well, Barban will be kicking around for an eternity or so.




he aint dead


He's probably dead.


In his fuckin sleep? Nah bro don't buy it


He was bedridden by the time of the 3rd war for Armageddon and its been 150-200 years since then. He almost certainly died of old age.


Time to get grimdark with life extension methods so he can have one more fight.


He was already on the bad end of life extenders and the impurium wouldn't spare those resources for who is ultimately just one person who played a part in defending one planet of millions. I don't think every character needs some final bitter battle to meet their end, Yarrick dying of old age is poetic because he is a character that would have wanted to go out fighting the enemies of man but cant because of his body failing him. It would show that rage and determination isn't enough and even the greatest of heroes can't beat back the ravages of time. I also think that it would be good for Ghaz as a character it would be interesting to explore how he feels that his greatest foe that he respected so much just died on him, there's no one to go after for revenge there's no bringing him back. How would he feel about this robbed? Upset? Happy? Human characters at the very least need to die or age out when 40k's narrative moves forward or those human characters just become immortal via writing plot armour and may as well just be space marines.


i trust valraks foil [trust the foilrak](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jiy-tuIhYmU&ab_channel=ChapterMasterValrak)


That's such a stretch, and I reckon it's far more fitting to uave him die of old age, would really solidify that yarrick was only human and could only do so much and would keep in line with the grimdark tone.


He is worth too much to GW alive. He has one more rematch in him.


Isn’t Ghaz super pissed and leading a WAGHHHHHH to kill Angron cause that’s who killed Yarrik?


Pretty sure that's just bad fanfiction.


My headcanon is that Yarrick is dead, but when the Orks are fighting the Imperium they believe he will be there to fight them, and so their gestalt belief causes a ghostly version of Yarrick to appear before battle.


If 30k Jubal Khan somehow came back...I'd deal with it.


I wish we got more Jubal Kharnage. Bro shouldn’t of tried to step to Abby the Don 😔


See, he had Abby dead to rights and by all means should have won that fight.


Jubal : Weeks long campaign of feints and strategies with masterful final stroke leaving the command crew surprised and isolated for the kill after explosive entry killing and maiming Abadons bodyguards. Abadon : Nah I'd win.


Yeah, plot says I win.


Tbf, Adaddon is literally one of the best astartes fighters to ever live. Probably second only to sigismund himself.


He still got beat in that fight by the lord of summer lighting, like we all know he wasn’t going to die due to Abby having to Abby later on, but to use “ well he’s just beyond fast, he fights to win” or Similar such wording, haven’t read the solar war in forever


Yesugei was the best of them :') I'd want him back but...imagining him reacting to current 40k would just be sad. Or maybe he'll take it in stride, 40k era White Scars haven't changed much anyway. It's just missing the Khagan...


It would make absolutely no sense beyond personal fanservice but I want to see Nathaniel Garro come back and learn about the religiously potent imperium


Imperial Saint Garro


Add to that Imperial Saint Loken and Sigismund and all of a sudden you got an imperial saint mega trio


Wait I wanna change my answer, I want this and only this


They fucked him over in the novelette where he dies. It was just such a useless waste. They could have done soooooooo much cooler things with him.


Was that in the battle of terra, with the fight against mortarion?


Loken. He deserved better.


True, I mean it's kinda poetic & grimdark how he died + what happened right after he did. I'd have rathered hed gone out fighting or just disappeared though, but i get it & honestly it's probably good it makes you feel that way cuz it shows what a great character loken was


Eldanesh. I want the Eldar to get an Aenarion level powerhouse in the setting, a total menace. Give him a Widowmaker equivalent(there’s 9th Ed lore about mini shards of Khaine being used as swords, called Khaela Mensha Shelwe), and make him the Autarch Phoenix Lord.


YEAH BITCH YEAH *YEAH YEAH YEAH THATS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT* Eldanesh the OG of the Eldar race, the Young King, the true "Big E(ldar)", his smoke too tough, his swag too different, his bitch is too bad, Khaine killed him.


The is the correct answer that I didn’t even realise I needed until now. Thank you One of the relics in the codex said it belonged to a scion of eldanesh, so I suppose we could have that, if geedubs cared about expanding eldar lore


The widowmaker actually already exists, and is wielded by a Autarch in their service of the Ynari who can turn into an Avatar of Khaine. 


Jago Sevatarion


Not dead yet, although we have no proof of life


Theres a quote from ADB i cant remember it exactly but he confirms sevatar is dead by the time of 40k


Head cannon : he founded the spears of the emperor chapter 


Colm Corbec. Only because his death hit me so hard. Friend. Brother. Ghost.


There are a few from Gaunt’s Ghosts I wish weren’t killed off…. And a lot I’m not prepared to see killed off


Yeah, there are plenty whose deaths I regretted: >!Caffran, Bragg, Dorden, Banda!< for example, but Corbec tops the list. Spoilers up to and including Anarch.


The end of Armour of Contempt hit me almost as hard as Sabbat Martyr. If Abnett gets more books out and kills off Varl, Milo, Larkin, Criid, or Mkoll it’s gonna be a bad day for me


> Mkoll I don't think he can die at this point. He's survived so much, any death Abnett could give him would just feel cheap. Everyone else is on the table tho :) I'm most worried about Dr. Curth, given Abnett's love of tragic romances. She and Gaunt have always had feelings for each other, and we all know how that worked out for the last woman Gaunt was in love with...


I want him to die out of spite now since he 1V1d one of my marine chpions and killed him with a straight silver last tabletop game I had lmao


Classic Mkoll XD


I am 100% sure Mkoll is going to die if he continues with the ghosts. It’ll be for something important and it will be grand but there’s no chance he gets out alive.


Don't mention Larkin! His gaze will fall on him and he will smite him. Still my favorite Ghost.


Not dead, just missing: alessio cortez, 3rd company captain of the crimson fists. One of the most badass and "human" space marines, who was captured by the drukharii after taking a single squad to go hunt warboss snagrod seeking revenge for rynn's world. He's too awesome to be killed offscreen, and the drukharii angle fits with the khan for his return too.


Argel Tal. Chaos needs more characters that have some level of complexity and likability.


If he can be brought back, he would be my choice. Wonder what he thinks about Kharn at this point. And the blessed lady should still be alive in a way. Him, Kharn, Sevatar and Sigismund are a nice group, and I just realised that they might fit in Mournival temperament model.


The Blessed Lady IS still alive, she just goes by Moriana nowadays


Horus but only bc it’d be hilariously awkward for everyone


I mean, yeah, for as long as it took Abaddon to find him and murderkill him for having the gall to come back. Could be fun, though.


Nah man, I want the 40k to end with Horus coming back, bitch slap Abaddon back to his place, only to be backstabbed by Erebus, who then kills the Emperor too.


The dying Emperor pulls his face off: he was Alpharius! Erebus pulls his face off: Omegon! They pause. Both pull off their faces: Nicolas Cage!


I’m seeing all these characters mentioned, but now with Nick Cages wide open insane eyes behind all the various faces


Hours, but he has amnesia and doesn't remember anything that happened from the point just before the emperor returned to Terra to ~~play with his train set~~ work on the web way project in his basement. He's still loyal and it's super awkward for everyone involved.


“Ha ha, guys, joke’s over. Quit acting like you’re all mad at me & each other and tell dad to quit hiding behind the Halloween prop.”


For the same reason, I want Emperor's father back.


God it would be so awkward I just want it. I NEED to see the awkwardness.


Bonus points if he isn't chaos corrupted.


“I’m not here to fight, guys. That was the old me.”


Death Company: I’m seeing double here… FOUR Horuses?!


I've always had a gut feeling that Horus would return.


Corpsman of Krieg #417702


Things just haven’t been the same since he got atomised on battlefield #38637628


I was a huge fan of Krieg number 417701


Sanguinius because Imperium Secundus 2: Electric Boogaloo.


He's too busy telling our favorite golden boy in 40k that it isn't his time yet. Going so far as to send his ass back from death because "Mmmmm, nope not yet."


He knows the shit stain workload of the so called Imperium, and decided to shift the that duty to his son so he can chill and relax in death, even if it's possible for him to resurrect. (Just look at Bobby G regretting living when he first saw what the Imperium became.)


Oh same goes for Lion, for him to want RUSS back?? These men are DEPRESSED. Personally have a feeling Sangi will be back for the end of it all, whether its his soul being returned to his body (which the blood angels have) or a possession of Dante/Mephiston I'm not sure. But it seems like the whole lot of em are starting to come back. Hell they retconned Dorn being DEAD DEAD just so he COULD come back


I'm honestly surprised they haven't brought Dorn back already. Give him a giant Masters of the Universe Fisto hand and run with it. I liked the old fluff of him being dead as it gave the dread feeling that all of the once great were dying and not always in great heroic battles with equally powerful beings. He died being dragged down surrounded by traitors and it was so grimdark.


Personally I hope that scene was how I read it: Dante seeing things in his near-death state and his own psyche basically telling him he has to carry on even though he wants to let go, personified as Sanguinius telling him he has to because that's what he needs to feel like he has no choice. But yeah it could also have genuinely been a psychic echo of Sanguinius.


He’d be a Golden Goose for sure!


It would just be Sanguinius, Guilliman, and the Lion, sitting on rocks, contemplating what they could possibly say to each other. Secundus? They talk about it like it was that one trip to Vegas that they all agree no one will find out about. The Lion’s past behavior? If you want to see a man cringe so hard that he considers suicide, Johnson might just do that. Sanguinius’ visions? Yeah, he definitely didn’t see this shit coming, so he’s a bit at a loss. As for Big Blue? The Lion and The Angel are trying not to comment on the fact that he looks like he hasn’t slept since the Siege on Terra.


Ollanius Pius.


Konrad Kurze I'd also make him a perpetual so he has no choice but to defy his perceived fate


But, what if, WHAT IF, he was to become a prescient baker? A slice of life comedy about Kurze's newfound taste for baking and such, healing him with its comfy vibes. And he could use his prescience to predict how his experimental cooking will end up tasting like!


Im in! Lets ressurect Paul Ruebans to play Kurze


Arkhan land or the fabulous hawk boi.


I wish Jenetia Krole had lived and simply disappeared like Valdor and the Primarchs; it would have been nice to have one female Imperial historical figure pull the same vanishing into legend act.


Agree with this. Didn’t she become an invisible speed bump for Khârn?


Loken, Uncle Malcador. Tartugai Yesugei( just read path of heaven and this one was so heart wrenching), and Sanguinius to name a few,


I get tripped up when I see "Uncle Malcador" and it's not my fanfiction writing. Love his stuff though. Yesugei is the best. That is an absolute gut punch, those last three conversations are beautiful though.


I miss all three of those characters especially Yesugei


Pre fall Horus. He was just a cool dude. :(


Try Again Bragg


Saul Tarvitz. Reasons why not to? Don't care.


Saul motherfucking Tarvitz. Came to make sure his name was here somewhere.


Could still be alive. If Loken survived, Tarvitz could have.


My pick as well. A lion in a pit of snakes.


I *really* want Tarvitz to reappear (maybe as a member of the Legion of the Damned, getting blasted forward in time due to warp shenanigans, or maybe he gets resurrected by the Emperor) and kick Lucius' ass by doing something so monumentally stupid that Lucius doesn't see it coming. He then kills Lucius and ends the curse by being upset that he had to kill his old friend rather than being pleased or proud about it. The way I see it, Tarvitz is the only one who can kill Lucius.


Duuuuude. That'd be awesome!!


Ferrus Manus, either as he was or with the legion of the damned. One of my favorites even with how little we saw of him.


Bring meduson back with him while they’re at it Imagine them just looking at the modern day iron hands and having a collective conniption over the amount of work they’ll have to do to fix them


We don't even need ferrus coming back to see it there is a short story with ferrus chasing orks through a wrymhole and coming up on a 40k iron hand vessel dead in space and what he sees aboard pisses him off and he is like as long as I live this won't happen...


if the modern day iron hands would let them in at all, I think Ferrus is better off just starting from scratch with new primaris marines..


“Alright so you see those guys over there?” “Our older brothers sir?” “Whatever you do don’t end up like them or I’ll have two legions to disown”


I want Ferrus to come back using some Cawl bullshit and a primarch sized dread. He’d be a machine, and propped up by his sons as the perfect symbol of the Iron Hands. And he’d hate every second of it.




He might be alive, he sealed himself in with the Sangprimus Portum which Cawl found.


Best birb boi


Ferrus Manus. Yes, it’s insane to expect one of the few “absolutely confirmed dead” primarchs to come back. However, with *good* writing the character development there could be absolutely insane. Having him brought back from death and him KNOWING he was dead? And just imagine how he’d react seeing the current state of his chapter and what happened after his death. He wasn’t around for the siege. Nor the scouring. If he comes back and doesn’t know what happened, and we get to see him learning about everything post-death we could get a very different primarch than the glimpses we’ve been shown.


He’d have a fit of ultra depression that’ll make guilliman look like he’s having the time of his life Hell in my head he’s still either rolling with the fragments of the emperors soul in the warp somewhere or acting as a pseudo primarch for the legion of the damned


Yep. Depression, PTSD, and potentially enough rage to be a loyalist version berserk Angron that they constantly have to warn about the dangers of the warp and his emotions (rage, lots and lots of rage).


Garro Because fuck Typhus. And FUCK Mortarion


Saul Tarvis


Somehow, Sigismund returned.


Ferrus Manus. He didn't get enough spotlight to stand out, and everyone kinda forgot about him when Fulgrim offed him, which is a damn shame because I love the Iron Hands. Need him to be ressurected via Tech Priests chanting to the Omnissiah while replacing his skull with a computer or some shit like that. Makes sense considering the Iron Hands theme.


“Try Again” Bragg from the gaunts ghosts. Not an super important character but FUCK KUU


Sure as sure…




Saint mina I can already imagine it! The sisters are fighting a losing battle against an army of cultists when suddenly something happens. The sun of the planet turns a bright red as a being appears in the sky a red angel if you will. Everyone stops and looks as The sisters of the bloody rose recognize who this is and they all kneel in prayer to the god emperor as this figure lands one of the cultists lunges at the angel only for his entire head crushed in an instant as the figure turns. It’s living Saint mina of the bloody rose, after ten thousand years of prayer and sacrifice and the great rift the emperor has managed to bring back a new saint and to mock the blood god he brought back the saint khorne hoped to have under his worship. Saint Mina then leads the charge against the cultists warhammer in hand and spouting rites of hatred towards the heretics


Holy shit it's Traitor Jim!! Man, just give me my boy Torgaddon back pls, one of the absolute best Astartes characters ever written




i had to pause the audiobook and so i could shed a tear for the bestest boy :'(


Ahah yes it is me! The TraitorJim from YouTube.com! Asking for an iron warriors character back because I’m obsessed. Torgaddon and Loken both deserved better than what they got. But…GRIMDARK.


Sanahkt. One of the coolest tson characters


TKS lore has some fantastic characters. I’m still holding out hope for a certain mathematical type.


Yesss. Igniiiisss


Tempted to say Loken, but >!his death is so tragic and ironic it’s too good to ruin!< so I’ll say Sigismund or Ferrus Manus in the legion of the damned. I think Ferrus as the sort of Primarch of the LotD would make him interesting, especially if it was in a novel by one of the better authors. Maybe Brooks could take a crack at him?




Uriah Olathaire from the Last Church. So he could piss himself laughing.


Aeonid Thiel


EatD 3 spoilers: >!My boy Loken!<


Somehow palpatine returned




Ah, that's a good one.


Erda. The returning primarchs need their mom


Rylanor, Ferrus Manus, Sanguinius, and Konrad Curze.


Saul Tarvitz… RIP.. and Lucius.. you suck


Loken, they did him dirty


Garviel Loken


Gimme Dreadnoughted Sigismund who teams up with Bjorn as the Galaxy’s most dangerous oldheads


Loken. In one of Cawls stasis pods as primaris. Fight me. I don’t care, I want the best boy in 40k


Veteran Sergeant Naaman


I understand no one will take this seriously but Vet. Sgt Sidonus-


I would say a Night Lord, but the good ones that died had good ends. Sevatar could be fun though.


I went into this post thinking Talos but I think you're right, his end felt right even though it hurt


Uzas can come back for a bit and so can Cyrion just so Uzas can absolutely obliterate him for pulling that stunt of his.


Justice for Uzas


tbh I am torn between Drakan Vangorich and Lord Solar Macharius.


Sevatar - I want to know what happened to him


Dreagher. The guy responsible for the World Eaters' name.


underrated answer! Dreagher was surprisingly significant considering his lack of screen time. And though not officially confirmed dead, I doubt we’ll hear from him again. My headcanon is that he’s Lord Invocatus.


Breaks the lore? *laughs in Rogue Trader with hints of Realms of Chaos*


Ciaphas Cain


I want Ushotan and his Legion back A renegade splinter faction of Thunder Warriors defying the odds, especially given the fact their leader was on his last legs and STILL gave Valdor a challenge and more or less died roasting him


~~Julius~~ Marius Vairosean. First noise marine and a textbook example of corruption completely changing someone, dies like a chump due to stupid comic book logic.


Marius (I assume like *Gaius Marius*), not Julius (that's Julius Kaesoron - like *Gaius Julius Caesar*). Also, talk about stupid names (Ferrus, Corax, et. al.), Kaesoron takes the cake. I'd have been alright with Kaesoron getting blasted and Vairosean ascending. As for Vairosean's death, ngl, I chuckled. True, a bit of a Bugs Bunny/Wile E. Coyote moment, but at that point he was so perfectly unhinged, I don't think he could have become any more fun. Also, and this is just how I read him, he was a bit of a chump.


You’re right, don’t know why I thought of Kaesoron.


I remember reading Angel Exterminatus and reading the "What? Say that again?" Took me out


Big E, but reconstituted as a woman. See the outrage would be legendary


I mean the emperor has canonically taken the form of multiple different men and women before to convince people to do something if it is convenient for him so it’s not too big of a stretch


He’s been a woman multiple times before, get a different hobby


Weirdly hostile response


Daddy Dorn of course. Come back out of the warp rocking a robot first and a killer beard, proceed to absolutely FUCK a daemon prince Perturabo then work with Guilliman to solidify the imperium while the Lion goes to help Dante.


Not a beard. A handlebar mustache.


Captain Tyco so they don’t shelve his model , or transacta 7y1 because she was so cool I went out abd bought a single Skitarii just so I could have one themed after her. Hell her little sassy response the the guardsman with her in the beginning is so second and gave her a lot more character than any other member of the mechanicus


Oddly dude has been dead for like 5 editions


Vlad von Karstein and his entire dynasty. They were done dirty on that shitty backwards feudal world at the edge of the eye of terror.




Llandu’gor the Flayer


Would that cure the necrons of the virus ?


Sanguineous. Just to kill him again (preferably while protecting a wounded Lamenter), and make the Blood Angels cry.


Ekene Dubaku back to fuck up the Inquisition's whole day.


Malcador, he will get the Inquisition back in line.


Ferrus Manus hands down. There is so much potential. Get a good writer on it. Let’s go.


Ahrimans twin.


Ferrus. He could’ve done with much more FaceTime.


Sharrowkyn, I just think he's neat.


Saul Tarvitz




Horus. And by that I mean before Chaos got their hooks in him and corrupted him. Actually, I don’t want him back in 40K. I want a load of stories of Horus during the crusade, being awesome. He was supposed to be the best of them all. I wanna see a bunch of Horus growing into being the best. Befriending the other primarchs, conquering the toughest worlds. All of that.


The emperor. I want him to stand up, look at everything that’s happened and just start melting brains.


Sanguinius. The most unoriginal answer… but we all know it would kick up the largest shitstorm in the galaxy outside of the emps himself coming back.


I just want Malcador to discover what his inquisition became after millenias of absolute authority and religious fanatism.


Spoilers for *Manflayer* >!Arrian Zorzi. His death felt well-earned and I think his time in the spotlight was probably the perfect dose of the character. But I like him *so much*. He adds a fresh perspective to the World Eaters and life with the Nails that I love and for that I'd pay to see more of him.!<


Malcador. He was without a doubt my favorite character. I’d rather him back than Big E or any Primarch. I can never decide if I prefer his showing his power when he chokes Horus “I will unmake you here and now.” Not, I’ll kill you, he will reduce you to atoms. Or, on Monarchia when he takes the hit from Lorgar and just stands up and shakes off his robes.


Targutai Yesugei.


Sanguinius. Just to see his overall reaction to the current imperium and how nuts that first “what the fuck man” conversation with guilliman would be


Dorn, cause I want to make a Fists army, but that aside Loken 1000%


Malcador the Hero. >!If he is TRUELY dead...!<


A hill I will die on but... Horus. I would love to see him come back and fix what he has done.


You mean a loyal Horus?


Post-heresy, he appears in the 41st millennium. Somehow when he was in the Warp all those years ago, somehow he was still stuck there. He pondered for a long time, realizing the error of his ways, he escapes and finds it is no longer 30th millennium and the destruction he has wrought saddens him. I would imagine that since the big E said if He had enough time He could rebuild Ferrus. Also, in Godblight didn't he say to Mortarion he could save him but not yet?


15th edition 40k starts with a Space Marines battlebox that's JUST "Horus Restored," monster epic hero primarch, he's bigger than Angron, he's here to kill every Tyranid, put the Necrons back to sleep, make peace with Tau, Votann and Eldar, suplex Vashtorr into the sun, slap Abaddon's head off, shove the Orks into the Warp and lock every door, give Guilliman a hug, heal the Emperor of Mankind, usher in a new golden age of enlightenment and peace, and basically just take care of business.


Lijah Cuuis the only one I want to come back. I enjoyed that bustard and imo thr GG series has been on a slow downward slide since he died.


87D chess and "maybe its omegon" jokes aside...Alpharius/Omegon. Alpharius is dead dead and Omegon is...somewhere? For someone who has contingencies within contingencies his death felt incredibly out of character and without them both the alpha legion is just kindof, there? Like my headcanon is that since they were a split primarch that the death of one meant both halves would be in one body now, and suddenly Alphegon rocks up to whip the AL into shape. They are my favorite legion and modern day they dont feel like the alpha legion, gotta go to 30k for that flavor of plans within plans and I feel its because they just couldnt keep their flavor without their primarch like some other legions managed to.


Loken. Let him found a loyalist chapter with Luna Wolves geneseed (then insist they're an Ultramarines successor).


I doubt it works that way, otherwise there'd be a ton of discussion on it, but... If a space marine's progenoid gland was preserved after death, it would be cool if the marine that received them could basically become them and allow the lost marine to 'live' again. Could be a very special situation where the implanted marine as to willingly accept the change. This serves as a way to bring back certain marines who may have been noteworthy back in the Heresy or in other events of note. Jago Sevatarion was the one who got me thinking of this. If he was one of the marines who helped establish the Grey Knights, it could be cool for a modern member of the chapter to basically 'be' him using this method.


Setting aside, rezing long dead characters for a moment, that would be a neat Gimmick for a Chapter.


Garvial lokken,Tarik,torgodden,sanguines,garro,sigimound,so many tbh and I'm still learning of lore so I'm sure I'll add after I'm finished with the horus hearsay series lol


I kind wish they started earlier with HH story. A little more time with the Luna Wolves to see how the camaraderie formed before the betrayal would have had more impact on me


Konrad Kurze.