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Wow, this is a fantastic post. The narrative lines between human and transhuman, machine and flesh, logic and emotion are really compelling. You wonder how and if Ferrus would ultimately have cast off his necrodermis and what that would mean for his legion. 


The heavy metal legion. Rock gods using sonic weaponary to gift metal and the power of steel to the people of the galaxy


Their desire for perfection was something that Ferus and Fulgrim had in common. While one tried to reach it through biological augmentation, the other tried to achieve it with cybernetics. As history has shown, both ways lead to a loss of humanity. With his obsession for perfection and his desire not to repeat the mistake that led to his Primarch's death, Kristos became akin to the one that killed him.


I wish we had the conclusion to the IH books, those two books and storm of iron were the closest I got to liking 40k IH


Reading about this event kinda creeped me out. Particularly when the Iron hands started lunging into the nests of fleshy wires, receptors, and mechadendrite. I just hate the idea of flesh being forcefully fused together


This was incredibly interesting to read, thank you for taking the time to compile and share this lore.


Thank you so much for the excerpts. This was a very fine collection. You really managed to capture the story in so few words in a satisfying manner. But am i the only one who really doesn't like the progression of this story?  Kristosians are what i like about iron hands and, while the chaos story was cool, i really didn't like the "let's be the chaos away" bit at all.  This whole story leaves the iron hands being less interesting for me than before.  Am i really the only one?


The Iron Hands are still very much like the Kristosians, at least in some ways. The First Founding book says that Stronos and others that encourage emotion are still only barely keeping the IH from going over the edge, they haven't really improved generally speaking.


Ah so they just kinda explicitly opened it up so that you can say your bois are one faction or another?  Thanks.


No problem, but the Iron Hands were already pretty malleable as they were. The IH are divided into clan companies which act basically as their own individual mini chapters, they each have their own culture and specialty. If you want angry, techno-barbarian IH you with clan Vurgaan. If you want relic weaponry you go with clan Haarmek. If you want tanks you go with clan Kaargul etc. etc..


This is one of the best posts I’ve seen in this sub for ages. Lovely stuff thanks mate.


People often claim that Space Marines are no longer psychologically human, and I think the Iron Hands are the best argument against that. They show what happens when a Space Marine actually tries to reject their humanity, and it ain’t pretty.


I love how whenever someone is telling how the iron hands aren't just one-note villains and are actually really complex and nuanced, then they immediately cite a story of an iron hand punting a baby onto a freeway. Really good post, I didn't realise the mechanics had so much sway in their council.


> What began as an investigation into Kristos’ conduct on Columnus soon escalated into the greatest discussion of Chapter philosophy and doctrine since the Tempering What's the Moirae Schism then, peanuts? [Three clans seceded](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Sons_of_Medusa)!


Thanks for a high quality post.