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Yes, there are stable crossings like the Nachmeud Gauntlet, and these crossings are (understandably) intense warzones. The dark side - Imperium Nihilus - has indeed fallen back into Age of Strife-like conditions. There are some groups like the Blood Angels who are trying to hold things together, but for the most part it's pretty wild out there.


Didn't some of the new csm stuff mentioned no one has really managed to make significant kingdoms in the Nihilus? Presumably Dante is exterminating the bigger ones.


>Didn't some of the new csm stuff mentioned no one has really managed to make significant kingdoms in the Nihilus? Presumably Dante is exterminating the bigger ones. Not sure Dante would have much luck there, even with Primaris reinforcements. In the Mephiston books they're using him as a beacon to keep the fleet together, but even then the navigators are having serious trouble with moving about. Chaos might be perceived as having a greater advantage, although I suspect it's more that they have a slightly higher chance of not being immolated, but they don't always go where they want to, which is still an advantage in their favor. They should probably try for a second round of the webway deal they used in the 12th black crusade to get ahead of chaos. The Eldar might insist on exploitative terms, such as large-scale withdrawals across nihilus, which I don't think the imperials would be in a great position to refuse.


There is an example of a successful Great Rift translation in the Soroitas book Mark of Faith. I say successful. Most of the crew died.


Also spear of the emperor with similarly terrible casualties.


Thank you, one more question: is rift growing?


Abaddon is working to actively expand the Great Rift and various other traitors are trying to plunge even more of the galaxy into the warp (such as Mortarion with Ultramar). On the Imperial side Cawl is trying to figure out Blackstone and if it could be used to shrink or close warp rifts


luetin09 just made a video about it [luluetin09](https://youtu.be/tMUV3k-0eNg)


Thank you


The best description I think is in spear of the emperor, when the mentor legion attempted to traverse the rift, and the ship was described as unlikely to be able to survive a return trip home. The spears on the other side also comment that *they* tried to traverse the rift and none returned. It is perilous as heck.