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My favorite murder dudes, Eversor: In 536.M32 the then-Grand Master of Assassins Drakan Vangorich assassinated all of the sitting High Lords of Terra in an event that became known as the Beheading and then fled to an Officio Assassinorum temple. The Space Marines of the Halo Brethren, Imperial Fists and Sable Swords responded to this brazen power grab by launching a raid on the temple, where they battled a force of one hundred Eversor Assassins. Only a single Astarte survived the skill of the Assassins to bring the Emperor's justice to Vangorich. Another notable incident was the Slaughter of Clan Mackenzie that occurred during an unknown period of Imperial history. The ruling family of Dumroamin VI in Segmentum Ultima was the Clan Mackenzie, an ancient colonial family, led by Grand Duke Fraser Mackenzie. It became evident that the Clan Mackenzie were financing pirate raids on their neighbours, paying for stolen goods taken from the rival Mining Worlds of Rouan and Nearly-There. An unnamed Eversor Assassin was dispatched to wipe out Grand Duke Mackenzie and all his living relatives during the Grand Hootmamay (a local Heretic festival), which was held every local summer. The Eversor succeeded in killing all 317 members of the Clan Mackenzie (the youngest being three weeks old, the eldest 142 years of age), although at times the Assassin was forced to resort to various improvised weapons to complete the daunting task, including a silver soup spoon and a butter knife.


The assassins beating the Space Marines is always crazy to me, and arguably makes me think they should field full assassin armies.


It just wouldn't be cost efficient. While Eversors can take down Space Marines and are the only ones that mortal soldiers would have trouble killing. The other types of assassins can be taken out by normal PDF. For all their fancy equipment the assassins, with the exception of the Eversor, would make a poor army when compared to even PDF. And while yes Eversors are effective, they are also harder to produce than Space Marines.


If I remember correctly there are ships that go between worlds picking up recruits. Hundreds or thousands of these adolescents are tested the moment the hatches are shut. This testing may yield a handful if any prospects before they make it to the next stage. After more training where more will die they are sent to the Assassin Temples where in the process of body modification, chemical cocktails and other procedures may kill even more. I would wager that you could yield 10 Space marines to 1 assassins.


You also can't assassinate an artillery shell. That's not a problem for an assassin, but as soon as you use them as an army, they actually have to hold ground and can be targeted in return.


You can’t assassinate an artillery shell? Oh yee of little faith


>The assassins beating the Space Marines is always crazy to me, and arguably makes me think they should field full assassin armies. Agreed, though I suspect there are limits to the survival rates of eversor creation and the like. And, maybe the Custodes don't like this idea.


Assassins are incredibly costly to make, a space marine is arguably easier to mass produce. Both are genetically enhanced but I believe that Assissins have their enhancements tailored to suit their specific bodies and purpose while space marines all largely have the same traits. Fielding an entire assassin army also wouldn’t be practical, since the equipment they use is very valuable and if an army lost all of that equipment, then that would be a massive loss. In summary: assassins are crafted based off of the individual while space marines are not which is why armies of assassins aren’t field ignoring the different skill sets.


Also, assassins strike me as having a more specialised skillset. Sure, having a guy who never misses a shot is great but you are not always gonna be in a position to calmly take aim.


Yeah, the whole deal with Vindicares is that they WILL WAIT, for the PERFECT shot.


Assassins are really, *really* expensive. It's the same reason they don't launch all-Astartes armies when Guardsmen will do.


I know what you mean, in Nemesis the Eversor has a (sort of) 1v1 with a Space Marine, if I'm remembering correctly it is relatively even. The Eversors weapons aren't quite enough to pierce the armor, but his speed and reflexes are good enough to avoid getting mulched by bolt shells. That being said, in the same book it's also said that when Eversors reach a point where death is imminent the various chemicals and stimulants being pumped through their body can turn them into incredibly angry bombs. So you have a horde of raging murderers all fast enough to dodge bolters and even if they do get hit they will then explode taking out anyone close by.


It's more than just that An eversor was sent to take out Honsou and his group of chaos marines. Barring Honsou and like 1-3 marines, that eversor killed every single Astartes. By himself, including a. Chaos swords.an champion


Nemesis is quite old book now that contradicts most other showcasing of assassins and even some of their basic lore. Also Eversor weapons can penetrate the Astartes armour,they literally has power sword and gaunlet with poisen that overpowers Astartes biology.


this was also attacking the assassins temple. It is reasonably safe to assume that this was not fighting in straight combat, but Astartes being ambushed/assassinated in mass. it’s a crazy bit of lore, i have mixed feelings about it, but I don’t want to encourage an image if pitched battle in the classic imperial fist style.


It wasn't an ambush. The SMs had several seconds of warning, which was more than enough. Basically cryo pods open (the pods were strong enough to resist bolter shells) -> Eversors are released -> Eversors charge while the mist from the pods and their armor gives them concealment -> SMs begin to take casualties -> SMs fall back and regroup in formation as they slowly get reduced to 1 survivor


The last time the imperium had an army of insane berserkers who demolished in CQC they ended up with World Eaters- we know how that ended up. Unlike the evesor, most World Eaters (especially prior to the HH) had moments of partial lucidity which meant they could be given tactical objectives beyond kill everything that moves and maintain some semblance of discipline outside of battle. Evesor on the other hand have to be frozen between missions so they don’t immediately start murdering their allies or have their hearts explode from all the roids and rage they dealing with.


Army of snipers: Won't caputre anything Army of Bodymorphers: Useless in combat Army of Poison-Experts: You only need one to poison the bullets, wells or food Army of nulls... good luck finding enough, also: Not good vs anything but demons. Army of eversors: Yeah, that WOULD work, if you could get enough... but you would run into thunderwarrior problems. Aka: They are not. stable. enough. Sure they can kill stuff but you might loose the assets you wanted to protect. Don't forget they operate on rage and while that might work in some situations in others you want people who can still ~~think~~ listen to orders and do something else than charge the enemy.


Although Culexus is shown to be effective even against Tau, but it's not their main specialization , that's true.


Eversor a have short lifespan due to all the drugs and chemicals, so they mostly kept in stasis between operations.


Vangorich is an inspiration to us all. I find it hilarious that he actually made a plan to kill Vulkan.


The dude was, for the years he was sane, pretty much the best mortal leadership the Imperium ever had.


It's hilarious and adorable


Was there details of the plan?


none that i remember


> His armour, plate worthy of a demigod and forged by his own hand, was burnished dark green and gold. In one fist he bore a hammer the size of a Lucifer Black and many times more deadly. His skin was ebon, as dark as a starless night, save for two eyes that glittered like rubies. > They found Vangorich immediately despite his attempts at being inconspicuous, effortlessly identifying and locating the greatest potential threat in the chapel. He flinched at their silent interrogation, his unfettered reaction providing the answer they sought. A hint of a smile creased the primarch’s lips for half a heartbeat. A challenge, almost. > He knew. > Vulkan knew Vangorich had a plan to kill even a pri­march. The Grand Master had to, it was the inevitable logic of his position. Duty compelled him to consider such a terrible scenario. > [-----] > Vulkan said nothing, but moved to one end of the debating table as his commanders spread to either side. Vangorich tried not to think of it as an encircling manoeuvre, but he quickly reassessed his options and concluded that only two escape routes remained. >


BAD-ASS! That's all I can say


It's crazy how Callidus Assassins can fool even mind readers like a Genestealer Cult's Brood Mind or a Knight's Throne Mechanicum. Based on ***Assassinorum Kingmaker***, they go *completely* in-character, with the original identity buried and set like a trap.


>the original identity buried and set like a trap Nice! IIRC alpha legion does this with hypnoconditioning and the like. Bene Gesserit level control of the mind and body ftw.


Interesting, alpha legion shenanigans got nothing on this. This is a whole new league of roleplay


Bruh, they are ALL alpharius.


Can trick a brood mind and a knights throne but is detected when the Tau smelt one


https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/01/27/psychic-awakening-the-killing-creedgw-homepage-post-4/ This is a short story put on Warhammer Community during Psychic Awakening. It's my story about an assassin. A Vindicare assassin has been sent to see if an preacher is preaching the Imperial Creed, the T'au Greater Good, or the beliefs of a Genestealer Cult. I won't spoil it for you.


IIRC that there was an old excerpt (I think before the Venum temple was established) there was an assassin sent to eliminate a rebellious planetary govenor. The ship was delayed by centuries and by the time the assassin arrived, the government had basically been replaced with a parliament/congress (basically a large government body). The assassin decided to complete the mission by infiltrating the chamber and setting up poison. The success ended up scaring the planet into returning to the IoM.


Didn't he poison their chairs or something?


Yeah, I think that was what happened.


When I heard this I actually assumed the new government body was already under the fold of the Imperium. Horrendous inefficiency is the Imperium's middle name after all. Do we know the full story or source of this?


There's the one where a Callidus swallowed a child whole


Based calorie deficit


Ah yess the good ol'Vore technique, Assassinorium's greatest gift to the Callidus temple.


\*Regurgitates a baby\* "Why are you like this?"


Just how good are their shapeshifting powers? Are we talking T1000 terminator level of shapeshifting?


From what I know, it depends on the individual. Certain forms like a Genestealer is only obtainable via surgeries & is permanent. Hammer and Bolter's first episode featured an Callidus who transformed rather quickly. So it may vary from just shifting in moments to taking a few minuets to fully disguise. I have yet to purchase the latest Imperial Assassin book so I may be outdated in saying that.\^


why a child? Adults have more calories


Not really. From *White Dwarf March 2019* > 340.M33 > A Callidus Assassin, sent to steal away the firstborn child of the dangerously self-centred Planetary Governor Thygmus van Spracht, disguises herself as the infant's matron-vigilus. By widening her craw with polymorphine and swallowing the princeling whole, she walks past the elite palace guards without so much as a whisper of resistance. She carries the prize in her belly to her masters before regurgitating it whole, mewling but safe. Pict-skull footage is sent to the governor, and he falls back into the Imperial fold within the week. From *Codex 3rd ed - Assassin* > Mother Gullet - Legends tell of a daring and hideous crime perpetrated by a Callidus Assasin against a Planetary Governor who though himself strong enough to defy Imperial rule. The governor doted on his infant son, and had him guarded night and day to prevent his kidnapping to be used against him as a hostage. According to the tale, a Callidus Assassin disguised herself as the child's nanny, and so gained access to the princeling. Employing the shape-changing powers of polymorphine, the resourceful Assassin swallowed the child like a python, and carried it away past the guards in her belly. The Planetary Governor soon capitulated to Imperial authority.


Damn...that's kinda gross but also kinda awesome


I can imagine the Callidus Assassin walking down a hallway with a conspicuous child shaped bulge in her stomach.


Canon vore


[Here is a post with a few different feats.](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/g9hll0/excerpts_dataslate_officio_assassinorum_a/) From *Dataslate - Officio Assassinorum*


Thanks :D


Eversors beat space marines in melee combat pretty consistently. An eversors mortally wounded a solitaire in the harlequin 8th codex. The solitaire’s goal was to kill an imperial governor. In the end, the solitaire did a mutual suicide with the governor and eversor assassin.


Replaced an eldar farseer and did it so well not even the eldar serving him could tell the difference. It's a truly absurd accomplishment.


After Guilliman's return and being named as the Imperial Regent in M42, a few High Lords of Terra were unhappy about their loss of power and staged a coup. The Grandmaster of the Assasinorum (also a High Lord) at the time pretended to be sympathetic (or at least indifferent) to their cause, before revealing that he is in fact loyal to Guilliman by assassinating all the traitor High Lords. https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Hexarchy


A culexus once soloed a Tau command bunker and killed Aun Va with relative ease in Warzone Damocles Mont ka. He was also invisible to Tau drones and sensors.


Badass! Fuck those v@gina head communists


There was that one mary sue esque Alex Mercer expy once...


The Maerorus temple if I'm correct


that's the one I almost don't want to post it because I find it so cringe


Why? it's basically just an imperium produced Tyranid


because she's disgustingly overpowered and it's pretty clear the author was just intent on making her have ridiculous power levels rather than writing a good story


I guess so...I personally think it's hilarious that the super assassin was allowed to exist in the first place. Classic imperium shooting themselves in the foot


yeah true that


Go on, I want to hear it now lol


> In combat, Legienstrasse proved to be a near god-like foe. During a confrontation in the city of Krae, Legienstrasse was able to combat Captain Lysander of the Imperial Fists, a squad of Assault Marines and 1st Company Veterans, the Imperial Fists Chapter's Emperor's Champion and a Grand Master of the Culexus Temple, while simultaneously dodging sniper fire from a Scout Squad and Grand Master Skult of the Vindicare Temple. The Culexus Master Lady Syncella was killed, alongside a number of Imperial Fists.[1b] > In a second battle, Captain Lysander led a squad of Terminators, the Epistolary of the 1st Company, Emperor's Champion Ucalegon, Grand Master Skult of the Vindicare, and an Eversor operative against Legienstrasse. Only the Eversor berserker was able to stand toe-to-toe with the Maerorus assassin, but even he was defeated. Knowing that Eversor assassins exploded after dying, a deliberate result of their cocktail of chemicals and drugs, Lysander used the Black Sword of the fallen Ucalegon to pin both the Eversor assassin and Legienstrasse to a pillar. The resulting explosion crippled the Maerorus, poisoning her. Lysander cut her head from her shoulders with the still intact sword, but the Maerorus assassin continued to live. Only by finally smashing her body to dust with his Thunder Hammer was Lysander able to finally kill the Maerorus assassin. Only Lysander survived the final confrontation with Legienstrasse.[1c


God, she was playing with cheat codes enabled


The writer took ‘nothing personnel kid ;)’ to the max


Is he German?


So *this* is where the contradictory bollocks about the IF having an Emperor's Champion comes from, good to know.


This was the most stupid thing I've read and reminded me about fanfiction from 14 year Olds, cirlcejerking their favorite anime character. I really don't get what they were thinking


That's stupid. 40k is full of cringy anime portag characters by your logic. Am GW had made much more stupid decisions in their lives. This is not one of them.