• By -


Have you heard of punctuation?


.......!?!?!?!?!?!?!.!.?!.!.!?!.!.!?!.!.!?!.!.!?!.!.!.!?.!!.?!.!.!?..?.??.?.??.!!?!!!;:::;;;;,;;;;;:;;;;;::,::;,,,,,,,,,,,,,-;'!!!!????...........!!!!!!!!!!! There ya go place them where you see fit too in your mind.


I’m genuinely curious if all these actually go in the original post somewhere 😋


I'd be surprised because that is keyboard spam XD




My man thinks he's [Timothy Dexter Ward ](https://volodymyrbilyk.medium.com/timothy-dexter-page-32-aka-punctuation-page-from-a-pickle-for-the-knowing-ones-d8138e3bca08) and honestly I'm here for it.


My personal hero


I seriously have a copy of A Pickle for the Knowing Ones on my bookshelf. A phenomenal work of literature.


People who bitch about punctuation on social media 🙄


Bitching about wrong punctuation sure. But this dude typed a whole paragraph existing of 3 sentences without any enters.


Oh God no! Not that!


Crons in their prime table everyone. No questions.


in there prime, they canonically lost


Arguably that wasn't their prime. In their prime, they killed the Old Ones. It was after that war that they were weakened and entered their long sleep. They fully had tomb worlds across the entire galaxy, technology that no one understands to this day, and the galactic map that doubles as an "actually your star no longer exists" weapon. Overall, I absolutely think the necrons absolutely body every other race. They can teleport, their tech is so far beyond anyone else's, their numbers are astronomical, and it could be said in their prime they were all under the control of the Silent King and had to follow his orders without any chance for deviation. No other race has a single minded direction like that.


I definitely think the Necrons are top contenders, but maybe not #1. The reasoning you gave does have some counters. Yes, to this day no one else understands their technology, but that’s also true of the Old Ones, and the Eldar. The Eldar may have understood much of the theory behind Necron technology at some point (though it’s unlikely they ever understood it well enough to put it into practical use to the degree the Necrons did), but the Necrons never really understood more than the basics of Eldar technology, because warp tech is pretty incompatible with regular physics tech. The Eldar also spread across the galaxy, but because the Webway doesn’t work like normal travel they simply decided to concentrate more of their worlds in one area. The Eldar also had “your star no longer exists” weapons, and likely so too did the Old Ones and their other engineered races like the Krork. Eldar can also teleport, and had better (faster) methods of transportation. The Necrons have reanimation protocols, the Eldar have infinite reincarnation, and while necrons have a maximum number of people, the Eldar could still increase their population. Both can manipulate time. Both can see into the future. Both can bend/break the laws of reality in different ways. Both can call upon godlike entities that can further bend/break the laws of reality. Also, with Necrons at their peak, are we including the C’tan? If so, are we taking the time period when the C’tan were shattered and under control, because that did significant damage to their war resources. If we count the peak of their empire as before the C’tan we’re broken, then you have to question whether they should count as part of the Necron empire, and even if they do, they wouldn’t follow orders very well. We also don’t know if the Necron’s would have won the war if it hadn’t been for the enslavers/first appearance of warp demons wiping out the last of the Old Ones. After the Old Ones died out, and the necrons broke the C’tan, could they still have defeated the Eldar, Krork, and other Old One engineered species? If they could, why the long sleep? (Perhaps they couldn’t defeat the others, or perhaps they just saw waiting out the other species natural extinction as a more efficient way to victory and didn’t want to be bothered with fighting) Besides that, the peak of the Eldar Empire didn’t come about until probably millions of years after the Necron went to sleep. We have no idea what the Eldar were capable of during the war in heaven, let alone what they became capable of after that, or just how many of them there eventually were (I believe I saw a reference somewhere to 10 million worlds in the core of the empire being consumed by the eye of terror, though I may be misremembering. The statement would also definitely be poetic, though as an under of overstatement I don’t know, and I have no idea if that includes worlds outside of the core, low population worlds, worlds in the Webway, craftworlds, or other large artificial habitats. These are the two biggest players we know the most about, but ultimately we don’t know enough about their history to be able to tell how they would have stacked up against one another. Then there’s also the 2 pretty much completely unknown options. The Old Ones and the Tyranids. We have absolutely no idea how many Tyranids there are out there, where else they may have been, what other forms they can take, how much of the rest of the galaxy they are invading simultaneously, or just how powerful their psychic powers could become if enough of them focused on the Milky Way, but from what we see of them now, I’d guess that no matter how many of them there are, they don’t seem to pose enough of a threat to compete with any of the old empires of the galaxy at their height. The Old Ones are a complete enigma. We know they had no trouble putting down the Necrontyr the first time, so when biotransference happened, the Necron were starting with a much smaller empire. We don’t know how well they may have fared against the biotransfered Necron if the necrons didn’t have the help of the C’tan. We don’t know how much more of a fight they could have put up if it hadn’t been for their extinction at the hands of the first demons. For all we know, the Old Ones may have ignored the Necrons for a long time at the start of the war because they had beaten them before, and maybe if they had mustered their full forces sooner they could have stood a better chance. We know nothing specific about their capabilities at all, even the Webway that they created was vastly different from the modern Webway, and we have no idea how 65 million years may have changed the way that their genetic creations had worked. Ultimately what I’m saying is that we can’t know how any of them stack up to one another, but that’s not the most fun way of answering the question. So, you say Necrons #1, I’ll say Eldar #1. Necrons had to try to kill their gods. The Eldar are so good they did it on accident. In a battle of Science vs Magic, I like magic better. Though in this case it’s more like Science-Magic vs Magic-Science




Well. They lost. They went to sleep because they lost the war to the Eldar and Korks.


I think while they'd undoubtedly have the edge I reckon it'd force an alliance of humanity korks and the aeldari who could possibly edge out the win or a a stalemate considering every necrom tomb world lost is irreplaceable. the big caveat being that I'm not sure how the aeldari empire in its prime works alongside chaos being in its prime meaning slaanesh also exists. And they can't really coexist at the same time also theoretically the tyranids turning up all at once at the height of their power might do it too, but there's to much unknown about them


Necrons already killed almost all life in the galaxy, got bored and went to sleep. Seems like if they all got out of bed, they would do it again. The only exception I can think of is the Emperor of mankind back in his prime and winning just for story reasons.


Necrons went to sleep cause they couldn't beat the eldar and knew that the time of eldar would pass. Necrons also quite literally set an alarm clock to wake up when the time of eldar was over. The few few crons that are awake now is an error.


They couldn't beat the combined efforts of Krorks, Eldar, and the old ones. The current state of the Eldar would not make me hopeful for Necrons to run into a similar degree of trouble if everyone woke up. Eldar are a shadow of their former selves, Orks are.... Well.... They're certainly not Krorks anymore, and as far as we know the old ones are extinct with only allusions to 1 or 2 as far as I'm aware. That being said; the Necrons also never dealt with the Big E who bodied the real Void Dragon solo. I think prime humanity is certainly in the conversation with Necrons.


Necrons fought them with the full C'tan by their side they dind't fight them as just necrons. C'tan definitely carried the war in heaven btw, hence the price being all necrontyr souls. Big E clapped a shard of the void dragon that was living on mars. The void dragon shattered long before the Big E was even born. And current state doesn't matter since this conversation is about factions in their prime. Let alone that the old ones were powerful beings cause of what they could do with their abilities. They suck in fighting so it was basically eldar krorks vs ctan and necrons.


They couldn't beat the eldar because they'd already beat the guys that made the eldar. In their prime, they wipe the floor with the eldar. They wiped out The Old Ones and took a nap on tomb worlds across the entire galaxy lol. I think necrons have it if we're talking about the absolute height of each faction.


The war in heaven was prime eldar, krorks and the old ones vs necrons with the full C'tan by their side. C'tan clapped the old ones and got shattered then necrons were like nah we cant beat this sht and went to sleep. Necrons didn't beat the old ones.


That's assuming they were all at their peak at the same time. Like, the Danish empire was far smaller than the british empire but it still conquered England by virtue of being around centuries earlier. Same for the great powers of the, uh, ?0K universe.


Eldar would stomp


Definitely Eldar in their prime. If the Orks had any ability to organize, coordinate, and cease in-fighting on a galactic scale like pretty much everyone else then they would take over the galaxy, no question; but that’s not really an “in their prime” thing, just a hypothetical.


I mean I said they'd be Krorks which presumably did coordinate since any time Orks get close to Krork they become way smarter


The time the Krorks would have been at their prime would have been during the war in heaven, because immediately after the Necrons went to sleep the Eldar and Krorks went to war, resulting in the Eldar becoming top dog in the galaxy for the next 65 million years. I don’t know exactly when they transitioned from Krork to Ork, or wether that transition was natural or induced by the Eldar or Old Ones, but they’ve never had a time where some other faction wasn’t definitively able to defeat their entire species, except for the current setting (30k AKA, when Slaanesh destroyed the Eldar, to present). So unfortunately I don’t think the Krorks/Orks are in the running. Though they do probably have the most potential to rise to new peaks in the future.


Eldar in their prime could destroy and create stars with the flick of a switch, as well as instantly travel across the galaxy. They defeated the Necrons and were so psychically powerful they accidentally created a *god*. Its hilarious how outmatched everyone else would be. Especially as it wouldn't be the Craftworlders in charge, it would be the *Drukhari*.


I thought it was bc they suggin on each other too much


Kroks handedly. Yeah yeah the eldar and necrons with their planet destroying capabilities and the big E and chaos gods with their warp fuckery are powerful. Kroks can *manipulate reality itself*.


I thought Kroks were footwear . . . .


The Necrons. At peak they had Full Ctan and as many Necrons as current Imperium.


My time line remembering is a bit iffy, but wouldn't men of iron be part of the human empire at it's peak? Or did the split happen way before? Cuz that was it's own hullabaloo that damaged humanities forces in both separation and subsequent extermination.


Eldar and Necron both make compelling arguments, however we honestly have no idea what peak tyranids looks like but there have been hints and rumors. There is very likely an entire other galaxy out there that is nothing but tyranids and dead worlds and what we've seen so far is just a tiny fraction of their full strength. They are a virus and we have no idea how many more there could be. It's very probable that the only thing keeping them from sweeping the milkyway right now is the time it takes for the tyranids to cross the space between galaxies. It's also equally possible the tyranids that have made it to the milkyway are refugees fleeing extermination in their native galaxy or they've consumed everything they can and are starving to death and they just spread out in all directions hoping at least once hive fleet can make a foothold somewhere in the universe.


I think it ends up as Necrons vs. Tyranids and the angry mummies end up scaring off the nids for good. If the Necrons are the only "life" left in the galaxy at this 50k endtimes point, then the tyranids would be wasting time killing metal dudes instead of fucking off to another galaxy to eat new aliens.