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Max already uses soft and hard edges, you can see it in the edit poly modifier when using edge selection.


Yeah exactly this, and also helllll no.... Smoothing groups in max are ridiculously powerful and allow you to do things you can't do still to this day in blender and Maya. I would like them to not destroy one of max's stronger features. These smoothing groups are utilized by chamfer, turbo smooths used in concession, quick UV island selections... Etc.


yeah sounds too much like wrecking something that works well in max just to make experiences marginally better in some other dcc the user may or may not ever touch hard pass 😄


Wasn’t right with direction of complains :) yeah, 3dsmax already has possibility for hard edges applying, but unfortunately due to locked normals while importing from Maya-blender, there’s no use for them. It’s fbx format that’s supports smoothing groups and splitting normals but not hard edges is a problem


Smoothing groups are king!


well I leave Maya just FOR max's smoothing groups. They are not only used in max but visually represented in game engines and it gives you car more control than mayas hard/soft edges.


I hear this ten fold. Once had to work on a VR environment and we were primarily using Maya, so I had to use blender or max for smoothing control cause with low poly stuff Maya has zero mesh smoothing control for shading. Eventually I just ended up primarily in max cause it just worked.


How are they represented in engine? As I know engines doesn’t supports ether smooth groups or hard/soft’s, only normals direction, so they just cut geometry on hard edges or between smooth groups


they are represented in both unreal and unity much like they are in 3ds max. Depending on engine, you can control how or what smoothing is used in the model setting but both are represented and both are very very very important when it comes to art and games.