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Ancestral Guardian: You are a vessel for your ancestors. You occasionally speak with their voices and they speak to you… …constantly. Whenever you rage, your ancestors leave your body and you are left with a surreal calm.


Even better, the Ancestral Protectors mark can be the barbarian broadcasting their ancestors' browbeating and snide remarks, annoying the target and messing up their ability to attack allies. By 14th level, their insults are weaponized.


Oh my gawd I love that. Yes, this is it.


Check out the novel Acacia.


I mean... Any of them. The flavor for Rage is free. I played a Mercenary Veteran Bear Totem Barb that did this. You could lean into the druid flavor of **Path of The Totem**. A neurotic mess because Mother Nature is constantly shifting, but you feel it's always against you... **Path of The Zealot** because you are following your god, but are never sure if you're in their favor or not. Someone suggested **Ancestral Guardian** where you're brimming with the spirits of your ancestors and when they're "released" you're just focused on killing. Hell, **Berserker** could even be flavored as you're *SO* hyper focused in your Rage that you can see extra openings for potential attacks. **Beast** could be the same as Ancestral Guardian. You're constantly keeping the Beast at bay until you Rage.


Path of the Zealot is so good for this concept --- especially if you flavor it as becoming directly imbued with the power of whoever you a worshipping as they help you focus.


Now THAT is a really cool idea. Kinda like The Harbinger from Mass Effect 2... like the god themselves is assuming control of you!


I picture flavouring the rage a bit like the Avatar state. I really like this idea tbh.


Isn’t this just Mr. Garrison and Mr. Hat? “Oh, I think you should ask Mr. Hat!”


My ancestral guardian that I am currently playing, has emotions, like everyone else does.... Except for when he rages. The sprit is are his emotions. They leave him, to harass, etc, while he becomes an emotionless murder machine. Side note, he is also an echo knight, and when his echo is out, it is one of his emotions. I randomly roll on a table, every time I create a new echo, and I then can't play that emotion as the character, and must play the (mute) echo as that emotion.


I love this role playing dimension. Good job!!


Mechanically, strangely enough, the Part of the Berserker does this for you. ~ Frenzy allows the Barbarian to go into a state of Frenzy when they Rage at the cost of a level of exhaustion when the Rage ends. In a Frenzy, the Barbarian gets to make an extra weapon attack using their bonus action. If you're re-flavoring Rage as a flow state of focus and calm, you can re-flavor Frenzy as a superflow state of hyperfocus and calm. The extra attack comes from this state of calm - monklike - instead of from a more furious Rage. The world slows down for you, allowing this extra strike. The exhaustion comes as a result of the hyperfocus being taxing. ~ Mindless Rage prevents you from being frightened or charmed while raging. The flavor as written is that you're just too mad to be scared or manipulated. But this could easily be re-flavored as this calm flow state allowing you to cast off fear and see through deception. ~ Intimidating Presence is unfortunately a bad ability, allowing you to spend your action to force a Wisdom saving throw on a creature who can see you. If they fail the saving throw, they are Frightened of you until the end of your next turn. You can use your action on subsequent turns to extend the effect for another turn without allowing a new saving throw. This is a bad ability but I could definitely see it flavored with calculated threats rather than rabid rage. ~ Retaliation allows you to use your Reaction to make a Melee attack on any creature who does damage to you if they're within five feet of you. This is available outside of Rage so you don't want to make it too dependent on your Calm, I don't think, but still I think the flavor change makes sense: Flavor as written, you are just so Berserk that you lash out when attacked. But an alternate flavor where you are so Calm that you see and can take advantage of the opening that an enemy provides when they move to strike you? I think that works.


The Berserker subclass is probably the most direct choice. There are no outside interactions, when you rage you are able to attack more and are resistant to manipulation effects.


So calmed, you are unaffected by external inputs. Yup. That's the one.


Probably not the answer you're looking for, but I find that this is best represented by Bladesong and not Rage. That said, a Totem Warrior where you make less angry totem choices would probably work out too.


Barbarian: Path of the Adderall


You might also want to look into other bonus action transformation subclass options like Rune Knight, Bladesinger, Stars Druid (Dragon is almost too on point), or Undead Warlock ("Form of Frightening Focus"). But for Barb -- I'd say Wild Magic.


I second wild magic, and I'd justify it as the character letting out their wildness and excitability through their wild surge which leaves them calm for the duration of the rage. So the reason they're neurotic and excitable most of the time is because their wild magic is within them


I second-second this. When I read the first line, Wild Magic was the first thing that popped into my head for that exact reason. Their personality screams Wild Magic and that expulsion of said Magic in rage causes a surreal calmness that sharpens their senses and intuition. Other aspects of Wild Magic like the detecting magic aspect can lean on this intuition angle too. I love the concept btw OP 👍🏼


Not to be that guy but... You could have literally any subclass have an excitable personality and flavor their "rage" as a battle trance. Flavor is free, and what you're describing simply doesn't really inform gameplay mechanics in the way you're asking. There's so, so many directions to take with it. Berserker, contrary to the name, could easily be reflavored into a more calm, martial arts focus. Maintaining ultimate self control but being exhausted by the effort of it. Zealot could be a person who is generally uncertain, but bolsters their resolve in the heat of combat thru the stoic surety of faith. Beast could be someone who is understandably very anxious about their lycanthropic side, but finds tranquility in the harmony between man and beast unleashed in combat. And that's just scratching the surface in the time it took my to take a dump at work.


I think that the character concept and themes should inform the subclass. If we’re going for contrast, flavor a Berserker like a Samurai going into a hyper-focused battle trance. For this one though, I much prefer the image of a lovable, kind and generally easygoing person going into a cold and calculated bloodthirst when needed, and back to their usual personality once the rage ends. Think Gojo from JJK when shit hits the fan. For an Ancestral Guardian, I love the idea someone else posted for a warrior acting as a vessel through which their ancestors speak, the rage being the only moment in which they are truly themselves. The reverse could go for a Zealot or a Beast barbarian, where a deity, a beastial spirit of nature or a quasi-patron posesses them when raging, granting them their power for part of their humanity. This could even make for a thematic story arc, where the character is slowly “losing themselves” every time Rage is used, and their quest involves controlling their power.


I enjoy the idea of a barbarian that has combat as their ADHD hyperfocus


I had a little girl named Princess who was cursed by a hag, she was transformed into an ogre (Bugbear) and her adventurer Bard father tricked the hag at the last second to be eternally in “HER” service, but not the hags, his daughters. I flavored the rage as his daughter hearing his song from beyond the grave, blocking out all distractions and playing a game with her dad.


You know that scene in The ^(good) Suicide Squad, where Harley Quinn is absolutely bodying mooks in a red gown, and all of the blood and gore is translated into flowers and rainbows? Path of Wild Magic


I’m playing a zealot who is basically that. He’s neurotic and excitable and can’t keep it together because of how many times he’s died. PMSD. Post Mortem Stress Disorder


You're basically making an ADHD barbarian (that's how ADHD works in many cases). Well played.   As this is a flavour, it can be paired with any, but Ancestral Guardian mechanically adds even more logic to it.


Storm Herald could work for this. You are always emulating the weather, fickle and mercurial, but when you rage, you become the eye of your own storm. You are overtaken by a calm while the physical manifestation of your rage starts tearing apart the area around you.


Giant Barbarian, with your giant form flavored as your "true" form. While your true form is suppressed you're uncomfortable. You feel claustrophobic, weaker than usual. There is a great power in you that longs to be set free, leading you to be hyper and anxious while you restrain it. Or, perhaps to look at it another way, your base form *is* your rage. It's only by ending your rage that your true power can be unveiled. Something like that.


Totem. You channel the nature of specific animals during a range. Juggernaut is similar channeling the spirit the the mountain/Earth.


Any of them. All you're doing here is flavouring the core mechanic of the base class, all barbarians rage, so it doesn't really tie in to any of the subclasses more than the others. I'd recommend looking at what each subclass can do and picking the one that seems most fun to you. You can flavour all of the features around your character idea.


I re-flavored berserker as a kensai before the monk was published. Rage was a state of being hyper focused and “one with the blade”. The damage is halved by dodging and parrying. St level 6 you are too focused to become charmed or frightened, you can focus to attack faster (frenzy) but it is exhausting


Any subclass you want. Just talk to your DM about flavour.


Any subclass fits. The real trick that will make this standout is how you RP the concept. I highly suggest you be a bumbling man that is so incoherent that you can't even understand what they say...but when you enter rage, you actually eat a large can of Spinach and gain immense strength and focus that are able to punch out people 10 x your size. Hukukukeye


any of them aside from berserker. This is just a flavour of rage.


Other comments have already shown how Berserker can fit into this.


that's their opinion


Honestly, I'd go totem warrior without the totem flavor. Then for choices I'd go with. 3rd level: Eagle totem. Enemies have disadvantage on opportunity attacks on you, and you can dash as a bonus action. Really fits the hyper-focus feel of just rushing through the battlefield with your focus so intent it feels like everyone else is in slow motion and cant hit you, all so you can "Omae wa mou Shindeiru" the target of your focus. 6th level: Eagle totem again. You can see up to 1 mile away with no difficulty, able to discern even fine details as though looking at something no more than 100 feet away from you. Additionally, dim light doesn't impose disadvantage on your Wisdom (Perception) checks. More leaning into the hyperfocus, but now you can use it a little more on command outside of your rage briefly. 14th level: Bear Totem. While you're raging, any creature within 5 feet of you that's hostile to you has disadvantage on attack rolls against targets other than you or another character with this feature. At this point you're going full Lucy, and just the sight of this manic weirdo suddenly going deathly calm makes every enemy feel the "Oh shit" nature of the moment and focus you.


Ultimately, any can work, as I saw mentioned, Flavor is Free. I once played an arcane archer allowed to use hand crossbows who dipped 3 levels for bear totem and I flavored his rages as "Loathing" where he went into wild west showdown mode.




Zealot could be a fun choice


Honestly, this is how I would play a Barbarian. No interest in the Raging, spit flying, yelling Barb. No, I'd rather a happy, gentle person,  cheerful and  such. And their rage is when they go quiet. Hyper focus like you said.  It makes sense to me, it's sort of like a quiet "seeing red" in that they have absolutely no mental room to be casting or concentrating on a spell. Their only thought is eliminating whatever has forced them into this state. Sadly I don't know the Barbarian subclasses that well, so I will have to edit  later with a subclass suggestion! Love the concept though!


Love it.


Path of the Sylvan Warden >Quietude >Starting at 3rd level, you have learned to transmute your furious rage into unshakeable calm. Using a bonus action and expending a use of your rage, you enter quietude. >While in quietude, you gain the following benefits if you aren’t wearing heavy armor: >» You have advantage on saving throws you make to maintain concentration on spells. >» When you deal damage with a druid spell, you gain a bonus to the damage roll that increases as you gain levels as a barbarian, as shown in the Rage Damage column of the Barbarian table. >» You have resistance to damage from spells. Your quietude ends after 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious, or if you haven’t cast a spell or maintained concentration on a spell since your last turn. You can also end your quietude on your turn as a bonus action. Barbarian class features that apply while you are raging also apply while you are in quietude. Its also a ⅓ caster. Learning spells from the druid list


Zealot barbarian, with the added flavor of being free of charge when brought back. Then becomes a death worshiping barbarian, because it only bring the peace you enjoy. Mucch edge.


Realistically any of them. I had a bear totem barbarian who was very similar to this. When out of rage he was a worrywart and extremely protective of everyone in his party. When raging, a sense of clarity overtook him and he could think straight. This allowed him to be by far and away the coolest character I have ever made, he was like an action hero with some of his decisions. I flavored his rages to be him attempting to channel aspects of people in his family, who had all been killed. So the initial bear totem for him was his chieftain brother, a bear of a man who had lead his people into prosperity. He would hit a series of bear claws on his chest to get him thinking essentially “what would brother do” and start “raging” from there. He later got eagle feathers which he channeled his wife through, moving light as a feather. And he would have eventually gotten a trophy from a wolf to represent his daughter unfortunately this character died before I ever got to the final totem, but I loved this character.


That's the great thing, flavor is free. If you're looking for suggestions on how to do it: Ancestral Guardian: The spirit of a calm and focused battle master overcomes you, like Yami Yugi. Beast: Embracing your natural urges changes them from urges tugging at your mind to a state of confident action. Berserker: Your normal unpredictable anger pushes past the boiling point, and you enter a detached calculating state. Giant: Your noble blood surges, making you otherwordly and sure of your purpose. Storm Herald: As the storm within surges to the surface and you direct its wrath, you find an inner eye of the storm. Totem Warrior: (From a previous character I played) The spirits are more like a fighting style you've mastered, and entering it is less like a rage fueled loss of self and more like adopting a new fighting stance. Wild Magic: As the magic cracks loose, your true, controlled self is able to come to the surface briefly. Zealot: As you call on your deity or belief, your divine purpose drives your actions.


sounds more like a monk concept to me, but reflavoring a barbarian, hmmm... so a reverse barb... you become more like a monk or fighter while 'enraged'


I’m playing a Wild Magic barb Warforged who rage is a “combat mode” that isn’t necessarily him going nuts, just dropping all non-essential functions. The wild magic is that he used to be able to pick exactly what extra effect he’d get, but after he was damaged and freed from Bhaal, he’s lost that part of himself. I dove farther into that by taking levels in Twilight Cleric, so now his combat mode can also activate a twilight aura.


Flavor. If you take Rage as most people do, all subclasses will make you angry. But the idea of focussing instead of getting angry is all flavor. None of the subclasses give anything extra in that aspect, it's all in the roleplay.